* * *

  Asotos was livid. He had been toasting his officers, celebrating his nearing victory against Gabrielle’s MueoPoros Fleet, and with good reason. After all, he had already destroyed TaqaEsem’s Crimson Fleet, emptying this quadrant of any enemy except some strange little nuisance ships. In his arrogance, he had not only ordered the majority of his fighters away, including the new Endikos 23’s. His support armada to Q-north did the same.

  Just as they finished downing the first glass of victory brandy, an excited bridge officer burst into the hall. “Glorious II is under attack!” The officer halted, making a formal salute. “Admiral AuThades reports that a large force of fighters and heavies has overrun his outer defenses, taking out several of his patrol ships! He adds that what appears to be a Crimson Fleet battle group is closing just behind the fighters!”

  Asotos dumbly stared at the officer, brandy dribbling from the corner of his mouth. “Impossible!” He snorted, and then angrily accused, “What kind of a fool are you?! Such a practical joke warrants death!”

  “No joke! No joke, my Lord!” The nervous officer answered. “Communications requested a repeat of the admiral’s message. He personally replied, adding that his flagship was already engaged with little ships that look like heavies but carry the punch of small barkentines. The admiral said the situation is tenuous!”

  Asotos went into a rage, whipping his half-empty glass at Captain Ilaniya, smashing her in the face just below her right eye. “Get your ass busy and clean up this mess!” He reached for a brandy bottle, taking it by the neck and smashing it on the table. He shook the jagged edges at her. “When you’re done here, report to the bridge! And don’t dawdle!”

  Blood was already streaming down Ilaniya’s face and her eye was quickly swelling shut. She dared not make comment. “Yes. Yes, my Lord. I’m sorry, my Lord.”

  “You’re damn right you’re sorry, you little shit worm! Now get your ass busy or I’ll give you a night with the dogs!” Asotos turned to his officers and politely told them to go to the bridge.

  He led the group from the hall, still carrying the broken brandy bottle. Ilaniya hurried with the cleanup, quickly dressed her wound and left for the bridge. Asotos called his violent attacks on the captain his ‘venting games’, explaining that it would not be conducive for morale to treat his men this way. Later, when they were alone, if she had been silent and well behaved, he might apologize for hurting her.

  Ilaniya reached the bridge just as reports of another large battle group off to Asotos’ west reached his ears. “Impossible!” Asotos shouted. “Impossible!”

  The navigation officer confirmed it to be so, pointing to the viewing screen. “These bogies appear to be several squadrons of fighters, spread out in a five-finger formation. These are heavies...or what look like heavies. They may be the same kind of ships Admiral AuThades has reported.” He pointed to another location not far from the fighters. “Those are big ships - cruisers, frigates and brigs or cutters. They’re not slowing down, but are coming right in behind the fighters.”

  “Scramble the fighters!” Asotos shouted.

  “We already have, my Lord.” The bridge officer replied. “They’re on the flight deck, waiting your orders.”

  Asotos patted the officer on the shoulder. “You’re a good man…a good man. You deserve a reward.” He pointed toward Captain Ilaniya. “She will serve you tonight.”

  The officer blushed with gratitude for Asotos’ recognition. Ilaniya showed no emotion. She bowed, somewhat relieved with the knowledge she would not be serving the dogs that night. Asotos would not renege on a promise announced in public. The captain was sure of that.

  Asotos ordered the fighters off then pulled several of his smaller taskforce ships out of line, having them add support. About five minutes later, the navigation officer cried out, “Bogies! We have bogies to the east!”