Page 7 of Willow

  Chapter Seven

  My First Boyfriend

  I picked my way slowly through the woods back to the cabin. It would have been faster to morph but it still felt weird to morph in front of the guys. Not to mention I would end up half naked. Gage stayed close to my side, in wolf form, even though I was sure it was painfully slow for him.

  Blake had left us at the farmhouse but it was too disgusting to stay there. The boys stayed close to me as well. "You guys should clean that place up," I commented.

  "We don't usually get guests."

  "Yeah but … was that blood on the ceiling?"

  "Colby and Tyson."

  "They were fighting over a rabbit."

  "You eat in the house?"

  Jed and Rueben both looked away. At least they were still human enough to know that was gross. "Can we talk to you at school?" Tyson asked from behind me. Jed and Rueben both looked at me expectantly.

  After everything that had happened that day I still thought of the conversation with Carlie from that afternoon. It seemed like a different lifetime ago. "No," I answered quickly. "We need to keep everything the same at school."

  "I don't think we should go to school," came Steven's thoughts on the matter.

  "We have to. We're only seventeen." I looked back to offer a smile. "I'm only a junior."

  "Maybe in human years. Isn't it seven for every one?"

  "That's for dogs, idiot."

  "Jed, don't call him an idiot." I took a deep breath. "We're going to school. We're keeping everything the same." I ran my hand along Gage's neck; it was so much easier to like him as a wolf. "I'm right, huh?" I muttered to him. I didn't really expect an answer.

  "Today was only your first day here," Rueben argued.

  "You can still be anything you want," Jed seconded.

  "Anything?" My smile might have been sad but the boys were mostly behind me so they didn't notice.


  "I would like to be," I smiled as wide as I could manage, "a cheerleader." I giggled happily. I knew Bella's boys always reflected her mood so I needed to stay positive.

  "You'll need a quarterback boyfriend." I looked back in time to catch Rueben's grin before he was tackled by Colby.

  "You already have a girlfriend," he grunted.

  "She's not going to be your girlfriend. She just needs a jock boyfriend," Steven commented quietly.

  "Boys." I rolled my eyes. I hoped this wasn't an indication of how things were going to be.

  "Which one of us is going to be your boyfriend?"

  "No one. I'm not picking a boyfriend."

  "Rueben has a girlfriend," Jed continued as if I hadn't said anything, "so you can be my girlfriend."

  "You don't even play football."

  "I play baseball."

  "She wants a popular boyfriend."

  "She said she wants to be a cheerleader."

  "Cheerleaders date football players."

  "And baseball players."

  I rolled my eyes again. Rueben and Jed were inches away from each other, both screaming and shaking. "Calm down." I didn't even stop to wait for them.

  Night seemed to fall more quickly in the woods. I could still see well enough but I shivered despite myself. Where was Bella's pack tonight? Were they watching us? I should have just morphed, then I'd already be inside my bizarrely pink room. I was going to have to learn how to morph quicker so my clothes wouldn't tear.

  We came to the cabin unexpectedly. The trees just stopped abruptly to display the cabin. Rueben and Jed had disappeared into the woods already but I turned to the others who watched me eagerly. "You guys need to go home. Get some rest." No one moved. "I'll uh … I'll see you tomorrow at school." Still they stood. I wondered if there was a special command to dismiss them. Even Gage watched me expectantly. I spun quickly away from them and ran inside the cabin.

  I leaned heavily against the wall by the front door. This had to have been the longest day of my life. Even longer than the first time I'd morphed and been stuck as a wolf for hours. I shivered at the memory. Okay, maybe that had been worse.

  The front door opened, startling me upright. Gage smiled slightly and nodded. "You did good," he commented in his gruff voice.

  "Thanks," I tucked my hair behind my ears. He smiled tightly and disappeared back through the door. "That was weird," I whispered.

  With a final huff I pushed myself away from the wall. I really needed a shower, and some sleep would be nice.

  The curtains were still pulled open in my room when I went to get clothes to change into. Sitting outside my window, almost blending in with the night, was a huge black wolf. Although I couldn't see him well enough through my window, I was sure he had grey patches along his back.


  The next morning I half expected to see one of the boys in my driveway, but I made it all the way to school without running into any of them. Of course my locker wouldn't open and of course I was late for English, but at least the boys were keeping their distance.

  By fourth period I started to relax some. Everything was going to be fine. They would be easy to train and then Ivy would take over and everyone would be happy. I was half a second from singing show tunes when a huge fist slammed into my locker above my head.

  "Hey, newbie," Jed grinned.

  "I thought we discussed this." I glared up at him but he still grinned.

  "I just wanted to see how you were doing."

  "Fine." I gathered my Algebra book in my arms and spun away from Jed. He caught my hand before I could get far enough away though.

  "Can I walk you to class?" It didn't look like he was breathing as he watched the indecision on my face.

  "Ok." My sigh turned into a groan.

  "It's hard for us to stay away from you," he proclaimed way too loudly.

  "Shh," I hissed.

  He turned a sudden corner and pulled me along with him. He had a death grip on my hand so I didn't have a choice but to follow him or live a life with only one hand. He set a quick pace to the end of the hall where we ducked into a small room marked "supplies".

  "Now we can talk." My eyes adjusted quickly to the dark, but I still couldn't see very much. I could tell that he was way too close to me though.

  "What are we doing?"

  "Rueben and I had a talk last night."

  "And he told you to bring me into the supply closet?"

  "He suggested the boys' bathroom. I improvised."

  I was silent for a heartbeat, trying to decide if he was kidding or being serious. Probably joking. "What did you two talk about?"

  "Mostly you."

  There was a big surprise. "And?"

  "We've decided that we aren't staying away from you."

  "Well, you have to."

  "We toyed with the idea that maybe you could have a different boyfriend, one outside of the pack." He growled low and shook his head, as if I had suggested it.

  "I don't need you two playing matchmaker for me."

  "The whole pack agreed."

  "So?" I didn't like having this conversation with Jed, especially not in such close quarters.

  "Rueben might be your first choice, but he has a girlfriend. If he broke up with Carlie to go out with you that would be the end for you." He didn't give me a chance to comment. "I would be a good boyfriend for you Willow." His hand slid along my side, causing me to jump backwards and slam my head into a shelf.

  "Ow." I touched my head to check for blood. Jed chuckled softly.

  He leaned his face close to mine so that our lips were almost touching. "You don't have to be so jumpy," he whispered. "I won't bite unless you want me to."

  My stomach dropped to my knees. All my life I'd only ever wanted to be a normal teenage girl, but now I was cursing my teenage hormones to the pits of Hades. I had no experience with boys - whether they turned into wolves or not. "I don't really care about being a cheerleader," I whispered stupidly. He made it even more difficult to think when his thumb began to caress the ski
n at the small of my back.

  "Will you be my girlfriend, Willow?" he spoke low in my ear.

  I sucked in a mouthful of air. "All right." I nodded in case he didn't understand the strangled words.

  I saw his teeth flash briefly before I felt his lips softly on mine. It wasn't a passionate kiss, more just a seal to our deal. It was disappointing really.

  In all the books I'd read and movies I'd watched, a girl's first kiss was a big deal. My first kiss was in a supply closet with my pack member. The only reason Jed wanted me to be his girlfriend was so that I wouldn't date anyone else. The pack's mind was so close that I was basically just dating the pack. Jed was only the spokesman. If I had said I wanted to wear leather pants and dye my hair purple I would have been in the supply closet with Rodney.

  "We better get to class," I told Jed.

  "Yep," his lips popped. "We wouldn't want to miss Mr. Cl-cl-cluck."

  "You're so mean." He laughed and pushed open the door. There was no one to see us, but Jed still held my hand down the hall to our class.

  Mr. Cruff glared at us when we entered and wordlessly handed us our tests that the others were already taking. Only after I had taken my seat and begun my test did I notice that the seat next to me was empty.


  When the lunch bell rang, Carlie rushed up to me as if we'd always been friends. My eyes narrowed when she wrapped her arm around my waist. Rueben must have talked to her. I really needed to have a talk with these boys. "I talked to Coach Clinger," she gushed, "she's agreed to let you try out next week. It's the middle of the season, but …" She winked dramatically at me. "Oh, and I heard about you and Jed Flannigan." She kept her arm attached to my waist even as we walked down the hall. I didn't consider myself clumsy but I found it difficult to keep my balance with another person attached to my side. "He's a good choice, believe me." Giggles erupted around us. What was that supposed to mean?

  I felt my teeth grinding in the back of my mouth. I'd never had a friend, in fact I'd always wanted one, but as Carlie's voice faded to just background noise I found myself wishing to just be invisible again. Jed dared to enter the pack of girls wearing too tight clothes that were surrounding me so that he could hold my hand to the cafeteria.

  Carlie and her gang stayed close to our heels, talking nonstop about things I knew nothing about. Rueben slid in and wrapped his arm around Carlie. She clung to him confidently, knowing everyone was watching us, wanting to be us. All around me things seemed to be moving in slow motion.

  We passed Colby and Tyson, who gave me a thumbs up and a grin; and Rodney, who just stared. Rueben leaned forward to whisper in my ear, "I told you we could make this happen for you."