Page 13 of The Winged Fae

  “You have changed your mind about the dragon fae?” he asked curiously.

  She cleared her throat, hating to have to admit it, but not about to lie to Niall, knowing how much her saying she was going to marry the dragon fae bothered him. “I do not intend to marry the knight. Which is another reason I misspoke at the meal. You have no reason to train or fight the knight.”

  “Which is not going to happen, Serena. You know very well once a challenge is offered and accepted there is no backing down from it.”

  “I don’t want you hurt,” Serena said simply, banishing the tears forming behind her eyes from making an appearance.

  He drew close and knelt before her, taking her hand in his, his thumb gently caressing the top of her fingers. “If Micala should joust instead of me…”

  “No!” she cried out, then quickly cleared her throat again. “I mean, it wouldn’t work, would it?”

  “He is a better jouster than me.”

  Her heart pounding with fervor, she didn’t say anything. Deep down, she knew she should say, “Yes, Micala should fight for the honor.” He was her betrothed after all. But even deeper down, she knew Niall had to do it. Had to as the challenge had been issued to him, not to Micala. But even more important than that, in her heart she knew he had to fight the knight because it was Niall, not Micala, who wanted her.

  The tears sprang to her eyes this time, and she squeezed Niall’s hand and bleakly said, “I don’t want you hurt.”

  “Oh, Serena, that’s all I have to know.” And with that, he kissed her so passionately, she felt as though she had fae transported to the moon and back, her thoughts centered on his warm mouth on hers, then deepening the expressive kiss.

  Several times she thought she heard someone making small noises at the entry to the guest chambers, but it wasn’t until Niall broke the kiss and cast a glance over his shoulder that she realized that they had been discovered.

  Lady Sessily smiled a little tightly and said, “Come, Niall, we must talk. I haven’t seen you in ages. And, Princess, do get your rest. The joust practice will begin right after morning meal.”

  Serena was pretty sure the discussion between Niall and Sessily was not going to be about the past, but about the present and future, and that whatever they discussed would all have to do with one winged fae.


  After Serena went to bed, Sessily took Niall for a midnight walk in the gardens, and he was pretty sure he knew what she wished to discuss—Princess Serena and his involvement with her.

  “What do you know about the princess?” she asked.

  He glanced at Sessily, having expected her to ask something about the reason for the joust, but not thinking her questions would be concerning what he knew of Serena.

  “She loves chocolate,” he said, not feeling he owed his cousin any further explanation. “I took her to an ice cream shop.”

  Sessily slipped her arm through his as they strolled in the fragrant gardens. “How does she feel about the knight? Does she love him?”

  Niall snorted. “No more than a rose loves a turnip.”

  Sessily laughed, then her expression turned serious. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “That’s why you kissed her.”

  He almost didn’t say it, but what the heck. “She kissed me first. It was a…payback, of sorts.”

  Sessily laughed again. “And you have feelings for her?”

  “She’s betrothed to Micala,” Niall said dryly.

  Sessily pulled him to a stop and gazed into his eyes. ‘You have feelings for the winged fae, Niall. Don’t deny it. I saw the way you kissed her. You joust against the knight because of a sense of honor. But anyone can see the way you tended to Serena, you’re much more intrigued with her than you’d like to let on. There’s camaraderie between the two of you. Feelings. Caring. Your concern for her twisted ankle, getting her here to safety, even concern that she’d get enough to eat when the topic of discussion unsettled her. Your rescuing her from the Denkar dungeon at risking your own imprisonment, and the same with freeing her from her mother’s tower.”

  “So she’d give me the antidote for the sleeping potion,” he explained.

  “You brought her here, fearing for her safety with Duke Tully roaming the woods. Why not return her home? You don’t want to give her up. And at dinner tonight, she said you took her swimming. And parasailing also?” Sessily arched her brows.

  What could he say? It seemed a good idea at the time. The water had always drawn him in. And he thought she’d enjoy it also. He’d just believed that flying would appeal to her as well. As to all the rest, anyone in his boots would have done the same for Serena.

  “The princess tells me Micala acts as though he despises that she is a winged fae.”

  “I wouldn’t say he despises her kind in as much as I believe he was shocked that Queen Irenis would make the marriage arrangement for him without telling him. Then here he is with the human girl and Serena comes along, demanding he ditch the girl.”

  “I don’t blame the princess. If I had been her, I would have felt similarly. So, had Micala come to grips with the marriage contract before you left him?”


  “What about you? You do not seem to mind that she is a winged fae.”

  “She’s beautiful. Inside and out. What can I say? I don’t see her in any other way.”


  “She is Micala’s betrothed.”

  “That shouldn’t stop you if you’re interested in the lady. Maybe you ought to change Queen Irenis’s mind. Seems to me you and Serena have a fondness for one another already and would make a better match. You are the same rank as our cousin Micala so that shouldn’t be an issue. And as far as the dragon fae knight…”

  “He’s a non–issue,” Niall said at once.

  Sessily smiled and pulled Niall along the path again. “That means only you and Micala will have to fight over the girl.”

  That’s what Niall feared. He had always been close to his cousin. He didn’t want to ruin their friendship, but what if Micala realized his folly and learned all there was about Serena and he fell in love with her? And what if she returned the feelings if she was given half the chance to get to know Micala? Where would that leave Niall?

  Wanting to joust his cousin next!

  Chapter 14

  First thing in the morning, Master Travis readied the horses for Niall and Creshion for the practice joust, while the guards cleared the outer bailey. Venetia had servants carry benches to the makeshift arena so that Serena and Sessily could view the proceedings under the shade of the armorer’s workshop.

  And Mistress Teramond served wind and cheese while other servants gathered to watch a spectacle none of them had witnessed before as Sessily had all given them leave of their duties during the practice.

  Serena wasn’t certain Niall wanted all the fanfare, and she worried, too, that if he did poorly, he might be embarrassed. But what if he did really well and Prince Creshion took offense? As good as he was with Serena and her servants, a competition of skills could show a different side of a man. And he was a cobra fae.

  Not that a dark fae couldn’t be dangerous if he was angry enough.

  So though Selena meant to sit and observe and attempt to enjoy the practice, she felt horribly tense, every fiber of her being taut with dreadful anticipation.

  Sessily smiled at the two men and seemed at ease. But then she turned to Serena. “Does Micala know you are his betrothed?”

  “Certainly,” Serena scoffed. “Niall told him so in South Padre Island.”

  Creshion and Niall took their places at either end of the bailey, Creshion riding his own fine steed, and Niall on Sessily’s borrowed horse, just as noble as Creshion’s horse.

  As the men rode forth, lances held, the men’s anticipation of knocking opponents from their mounts no doubt as high as Serena’s, she held her breath. Wood smacked wood as the lances struck and cheers went up, bu
t both men remained seated. Both paused at their respective end posts before riding forth and trying again.

  “But Micala didn’t give you any indication he wanted to marry you?” Sessily asked Serena as they watched the joust.

  “Absolutely not.” Serena had tried to control the way her wings would react when she was in an emotional state, sad, aggravated, happy—well, happy was okay. But she still hadn’t managed to control that aspect of herself like she could school her facial expressions. Which meant her wings flapped slightly in annoyance, catching Sessily’s attention.

  “He was having too much fun with that human girl,” Serena further explained.

  “What did he say about you being with Niall? Was he jealous or anything?”

  Serena watched the men tear across the bailey to prove their jousting skills again. “I don’t think he was pleased.” She thought about his demanding words that she tell him where she was going and smiled a little evilly. He wasn’t interested in her, so what difference should it make if he didn’t have a clue? He hadn’t known where she was before that, so why afterward?

  Niall and Creshion clashed again and both remained seated. Again, everyone cheered the two men on.

  “They appear to be well–matched,” Sessily remarked, a smile in her voice.

  But would it be enough? Sir Reginald jousted constantly. If Creshion hadn’t, just like Niall hadn’t, then he might be at the same practice level as Niall.

  “But you did tell Micala where you would be in case he wanted to check on you?” Sessily finally asked, returning to the previous topic.


  Sessily turned her full attention on Serena. “Since he is your betrothed and not Niall…”

  Serena waved away the notion. “Only momentarily. Micala is not interested in me. He’s much too in love or infatuation or something with the human girl.”

  “Hmm,” Sessily said.


  “If Queen Irenis learns of this, all of us will be in trouble.”

  Serena took her eyes off the men racing to unseat each other and saw the smile on Sessily’s face. So the lady wasn’t concerned about the queen’s wrath should she learn that Lady Sessily herself was harboring a wayward bride–to–be. Good. Serena didn’t know where they could have stayed if not here.

  Sessily shrugged. “Niall is a handful,” she said as if warning Serena not to get her hopes up about him.

  Instantly wary, though not able to see that he would be, Serena asked, “How?”

  Sessily smiled and leaned over to whisper in her ear.


  The joust ended at a draw, neither man unseating the other. But they were of good spirits and both would practice that evening and again in the morning. For now, the servants hurried to do their chores. Sessily had a contract to fulfill and Creshion was worried about her safety enough that he went along with her.

  Which left Serena and Niall alone to walk in the gardens covered in a light mist that afternoon.

  “I am curious, Niall. Other than rescuing me from towers and dungeons, what do you normally do?”

  “The most arduous of tasks, and I’m afraid I’m not very good at it.”

  “At what?”

  “I am to keep Prince Deveron out of too much trouble. As his cousin, I serve as his friend, companion, and bodyguard. So does Micala. But lately, the prince has had less time for us and spends more time with Alicia, which means—”

  “I am the lucky one. What exactly did you intend to do with me when you found me painting on that wall?”

  “My duty as a dark fae. Stop you, question you, and—”

  “But you didn’t plan to put me in the dungeon, did you?”

  He shook his head. “I would never have put one as delightful as you in such a place.” Though after she had knocked him out with the sleeping potion, he’d had second thoughts.

  “Even if I had deserved it?”

  He gave her a small smile.

  She smiled back at him. “Will your queen be very angry with you for stealing me from the dungeon?”

  “Most likely. But I wouldn’t have done it any other way.”

  She nodded, satisfied. “What’s your favorite color?”


  “I know nothing about you. Your cousin said you were a handful. What did she mean by that?”



  “You asked my favorite color. I love the sparkling blue waters of the Gulf and the brilliant blue sky. It’s cool and soothing and expansive.”


  “And yours?”

  “Hot pink.”

  He raised his brows. She smiled. “My mother wouldn’t allow me to wear such a color. So yes, I’d very much love to wear it. So what did Sessily mean about your being a handful?”

  “I dumped her out of a boat once.”

  “On purpose?” Serena asked.

  “Is there any other way?” he asked with a dark twinkle in his blue eyes. “You know what the dark fae’s motto is? We don’t get angry, we get even.”

  Chapter 15

  All week long, Niall and Creshion practiced their heart out at jousting. And every evening after the last practice, Serena and Sessily with her ghostly father making mental notes and suggesting them, shared poisons and sleeping draughts with each other. Serena was delighted to learn about love potions also.

  By week’s end, Serena had made a true friend in Sessily, and Creshion and Niall had become like brothers. Sessily’s staff seemed to adore Serena and her winged uniqueness, and she delighted in the time she’d spent at the castle with Sessily and her people.

  But the dreaded day of reckoning had arrived. Serena gave Sessily a heartfelt hug and said goodbye to Creshion and Sessily’s staff, who had made her part of the family. But would Niall’s practices have given him enough of an edge to work a miracle against the Black Knight?

  Serena feared it would not.


  When Serena and Niall arrived at the jousting arena at the fair in Texas, they expected the only spectators to be there that of the dragon fae, and maybe a few bolder humans. But the area around the jousting field began to fill up with the dark fae—the Denkar, having gotten word, stood beside the fence—barrier to the west. A few of the turtle fae cousins of the Denkar were also in attendance.

  Shocked and overwhelmed to see those present, Niall stared at the assembled courtiers who included Queen Irenis herself, her ladies–in–waiting, her advisor, Prince Deveron, Princess Ritasia, Lady Sessily, and Prince Creshion. Micala hurried to tell him he would serve as his squire, which pleased Niall no end.

  Most of all, Niall’s grandmother, Anna, gave him a cheery smile and a thumbs up as Micala brought her a chair to sit on.

  Who had told all of the kingdoms that Niall would be jousting against the dragon fae knight? His cousin Sessily had to have sent word.

  The Denkar women dressed in garments of emerald green, sapphire blue, ruby red, and a smattering of gold satins and silk gowns, and the men in their tunics and breeches of the same vibrant colors filled the area in rampant support.

  To the east of the jousting arena, the Mabara were gathered, wearing spring colors of peaches and soft yellows, robin egg blues, and mint greens. Their costumes were made in elegant silky fabrics, rippling in the gentle hot breeze.

  Queen Verbenia was flanked by both her daughter, Princess Serena, and Magdana, the witch. It didn’t seem to Niall that the Mabara treated her with anything but respect. Instead, a man hurried to bring her a chair to sit in, and she was given the utmost reverence.

  To the south, dragon fae filled the area, dressed in red and black satins and velvets. To the north where the human King Henry VIII and his queen would normally preside over the joust, King Tibero, his daughter, Princess Viviana, and his granddaughter, Princess Alicia, and a number of other notable courtiers filled the dais a story–and–a–half above the proceedings.

  Minor scuffles ensued wherever human
s attempted to slip in front of some of the fae to watch the unscheduled tourney. No doubt the unusual costuming of the courtiers, the fact no one wore human civilian clothing, and that the joust was not one of the typical performances attracted human interest.

  Even King Henry, the pompous human who thought to defy the proceedings before the joust began as only he would normally sit over the regularly scheduled events, while no others could be performed, was led away by an officious–looking dragon fae, who no doubt wiped the king’s mind of what was going on. A female dragon fae shoved a mug of ale into his hand, and that was the end of the faux king’s interference in fae affairs.

  The event began with Niall riding a palomino into the arena. The Denkar, having learned somehow of the impending joust in ample time, had ensured the horse wore the symbol of the golden lion on his red cloth caparison, the fabric covering the horse’s back.

  And Niall was outfitted in the same colored tunic with the bold print of the lion over his chainmail, the gold veil that Magdana had given him to wear, proudly tucked in his belt for all to see.

  Reginald wore a black tunic with a silver dragon shooting golden flames from his mouth. The knight rode a beautiful black horse as his mount pranced around the arena.

  More minor squabbles broke out between dragon fae and the turtle and lion fae at the corners of the arena where west and south converged. The same happened on the southeast corner of the ring where the Mabara and the dragon fae had words.

  Niall was surprised to see the Mabara royalty with their wings fully on display, not hidden as he would have expected when in the presence of humans.

  A few fake human fairies had gravitated to the site, looking as though they wished to join the real winged fairies, but the Mabara would have nothing to do with them.

  As soon as Niall and Reginald rode in front of their respective courts, cheers went up, but as they cantered past their enemies’ temporary claimed spot of territory, jeers echoed across the field. Niall imagined the fae crowds and their enthusiasm for the sport as deafening as the fae’s response was put the humans to shame when the humans half–heartedly rallied for their pretend favorites.