All the night I could not sleep, and I did not even take off my clothes.I had meant in the early morning to gain the gate of the fort, by whichMarya Ivanofna was to leave, to bid her a last good-bye. I felt that acomplete change had come over me. The agitation of my mind seemed lesshard to bear than the dark melancholy in which I had been previouslyplunged. Blended with the sorrow of parting, I felt within me vague, butsweet, hopes, an eager expectation of coming dangers, and a feeling ofnoble ambition.

  The night passed quickly. I was going out, when my door opened and thecorporal came in to tell me that our Cossacks had left the fort duringthe night, taking away with them by force Joulai, and that around ourramparts unknown people were galloping. The thought that Marya Ivanofnahad not been able to get away terrified me to death. I hastily gave someorders to the corporal, and I ran to the Commandant's house.

  Day was breaking. I was hurrying down the street when I heard myselfcalled by someone. I stopped.

  "Where are you going, if I may presume to ask you?" said IwanIgnatiitch, catching me up. "Ivan Kouzmitch is on the ramparts, and hassent me to seek you. The '_pugatch_'[52] has come."

  "Is Marya Ivanofna gone?" I asked, with an inward trembling.

  "She hasn't had time," rejoined Iwan Ignatiitch. "The road to Orenburgis blocked, the fort surrounded, and it's a bad look-out, Petr'Andrejitch."

  We went to the ramparts, a little natural height, and fortified by apalisade. We found the garrison here under arms. The cannon had beendragged hither the preceding evening. The Commandant was walking up anddown before his little party; the approach of danger had given the oldwarrior wonderful activity. Out on the steppe, and not very far from thefort, could be seen about twenty horsemen, who appeared to be Cossacks;but amongst them were some Bashkirs, easily distinguished by their highcaps and their quivers. The Commandant passed down the ranks of thelittle army, saying to the soldiers--

  "Now, children, let us do well to-day for our mother, the Empress, andlet us show all the world that we are brave men, and true to ouroaths."

  The soldiers by loud shouts expressed their goodwill and assent.Chvabrine remained near me, attentively watching the enemy. The peoplewhom we could see on the steppe, noticing doubtless some stir in thefort, gathered into parties, and consulted together. The Commandantordered Iwan Ignatiitch to point the cannon at them, and himself appliedthe match. The ball passed whistling over their heads without doing themany harm. The horsemen at once dispersed at a gallop, and the steppe wasdeserted.

  At this moment Vassilissa Igorofna appeared on the ramparts, followed byMarya, who had not wished to leave her.

  "Well," said the Commandant's wife, "how goes the battle? Where is theenemy?"

  "The enemy is not far," replied Ivan Kouzmitch; "but if God wills allwill be well. And you, Masha, are you afraid?"

  "No, papa," replied Marya, "I am more frightened alone in the house."

  She glanced at me, trying to smile. I squeezed the hilt of my sword,remembering that I had received it the eve from her hand, as if for herdefence. My heart burnt within my breast; I felt as if I were herknight; I thirsted to prove to her that I was worthy of her trust, and Iimpatiently expected the decisive moment.

  All at once, coming from a height about eight versts from the fort,appeared fresh parties of horsemen, and soon the whole steppe becamecovered with people, armed with arrows and lances. Amongst them, dressedin a red caftan, sword in hand, might be seen a man mounted on a whitehorse, a conspicuous figure. This was Pugatchef himself.

  He stopped, and they closed round him, and soon afterwards, probably byhis orders, four men came out of the crowd, and approached our rampartsat full gallop. We recognized in them some of our traitors. One of themwaved a sheet of paper above his head; another bore on the point of hispike the head of Joulai, which he cast to us over the palisade. The headof the poor Kalmuck rolled to the feet of the Commandant.

  The traitors shouted to us--

  "Don't fire. Come out to receive the Tzar; the Tzar is here."

  "Children, fire!" cried the Commandant for all answer.

  The soldiers fired a volley. The Cossack who had the letter quivered andfell from his horse; the others fled at full speed. I glanced at MaryaIvanofna. Spellbound with horror at the sight of Joulai's head, stunnedby the noise of the volley, she seemed unconscious. The Commandantcalled the corporal, and bid him go and take the paper from the fallenCossack. The corporal went out into the open, and came back leading byits bridle the dead man's horse. He gave the letter to the Commandant.

  Ivan Kouzmitch read it in a low voice, and tore it into bits. We now sawthat the rebels were making ready to attack. Soon the bullets whistledabout our ears, and some arrows came quivering around us in the earthand in the posts of the palisade.

  "Vassilissa Igorofna," said the Commandant, "this is not a place forwomen. Take away Masha; you see very well that the girl is more deadthan alive."

  Vassilissa Igorofna, whom the sound of the bullets had somewhat subdued,glanced towards the steppe, where a great stir was visible in the crowd,and said to her husband--

  "Ivan Kouzmitch, life and death are in God's hands; bless Masha. Masha,go to your father."

  Pale and trembling, Marya approached Ivan Kouzmitch and dropped on herknees, bending before him with reverence.

  The old Commandant made the sign of the cross three times over her, thenraised her up, kissed her, and said to her, in a voice husky withemotion--

  "Well, Masha, may you be happy. Pray to God, and He will not forsakeyou. If an honest man come forward, may God grant you both love andwisdom. Live together as we have lived, my wife and I. And now farewell,Masha. Vassilissa Igorofna, take her away quickly."

  Marya threw herself upon his neck and began sobbing.

  "Kiss me, too," said the Commandant's wife, weeping. "Good-bye, my IvanKouzmitch. Forgive me if I have ever vexed you."

  "Good-bye, good-bye, little mother," said the Commandant, embracing hisold companion. "There, now, enough; go away home, and if you have timeput Masha on a '_sarafan_.'"[53]

  The Commandant's wife went away with her daughter. I followed Marya withmy eyes; she turned round and made me a last sign.

  Ivan Kouzmitch came back to us, and turned his whole attention to theenemy. The rebels gathered round their leader, and all at oncedismounted hastily.

  "Be ready," the Commandant said to us, "the assault is about to begin."

  At the same moment resounded wild war cries. The rebels were racing downon the fort. Our cannon was loaded with grape. The Commandant allowedthem to approach within a very short distance, and again applied amatch to the touch-hole. The grape struck in the midst of the crowd, anddispersed it in every direction. The leader alone remained to the fore,brandishing his sword; he appeared to be exhorting them hotly. The yellswhich had ceased for a moment were redoubled anew.

  "Now, children," cried the Commandant, "open the door, beat the drum,and forward! Follow me for a sally!"

  The Commandant, Iwan Ignatiitch, and I found ourselves in a momentbeyond the parapet. But the garrison, afraid, had not stirred.

  "What are you doing, my children?" shouted Ivan Kouzmitch. "If we mustdie, let us die; it is our duty."

  At this moment the rebels fell upon us and forced the entrance of thecitadel. The drum ceased, the garrison threw down its arms. I had beenthrown down, but I got up and passed helter-skelter with the crowd intothe fort. I saw the Commandant wounded in the head, and hard pressed bya little band of robbers clamouring for the keys. I was running to helphim, when several strong Cossacks seized me, and bound me with their"_kuchaks_,"[54] shouting--

  "Wait a bit, you will see what will become of you traitors to the Tzar!"

  We were dragged along the streets. The inhabitants came out of theirhouses, offering bread and salt. The bells were rung. All at once shoutsannounced that the Tzar was in the square waiting to receive the oathsof the prisoners. All the crowd diverged in
that direction, and ourkeepers dragged us thither.

  Pugatchef was seated in an armchair on the threshold of the Commandant'shouse. He wore an elegant Cossack caftan, embroidered down the seams. Ahigh cap of marten sable, ornamented with gold tassels, came closelydown over his flashing eyes. His face did not seem unknown to me. TheCossack chiefs surrounded him. Father Garasim, pale and trembling, wasstanding, cross in hand, at the foot of the steps, and seemed to besilently praying for the victims brought before him. In the square agallows was being hastily erected. When we came near, some Bashkirsdrove back the crowd, and we were presented to Pugatchef.

  The bells ceased clanging, and the deepest silence reigned again.

  "Where is the Commandant?" asked the usurper. Our "_ouriadnik_" cameforward and pointed out Ivan Kouzmitch. Pugatchef looked fiercely uponthe old man and said to him, "How was it you dared to oppose me, yourrightful Emperor?"

  The Commandant, enfeebled by his wound, collected his remainingstrength, and replied, in a resolute tone--

  "You are not my Emperor; you are a usurper and a robber!"

  Pugatchef frowned and waved his white handkerchief. Several Cossacksimmediately seized the old Commandant and dragged him away to thegallows. Astride on the crossbeam, sat the disfigured Bashkir who hadbeen cross-examined on the preceding evening; he held a rope in hishand, and I saw the next moment poor Ivan Kouzmitch swinging in the air.Then Iwan Ignatiitch was brought before Pugatchef.

  "Swear fidelity," Pugatchef said to him, "to the Emperor, Petr'Fedorovitch!"[55]

  "You are not our Emperor!" replied the lieutenant, repeating hisCommandant's words; "you are a robber, my uncle, and a usurper."

  Pugatchef again gave the handkerchief signal, and good Iwan Ignatiitchswung beside his old chief. It was my turn. Boldly I looked on Pugatchefand made ready to echo the answer of my outspoken comrades.

  Then, to my inexpressible surprise, I saw among the rebels Chvabrine,who had found time to cut his hair short and to put on a Cossack caftan.He approached Pugatchef, and whispered a few words in his ear.

  "Hang him!" said Pugatchef, without deigning to throw me a look. Therope was passed about my neck. I began saying a prayer in a low voice,offering up to God a sincere repentance for all my sins, imploring Himto save all those who were dear to my heart. I was already at the footof the gallows.

  "Fear nothing! Fear nothing!" the assassins said to me, perhaps to giveme courage, when all at once a shout was heard--

  "Stop, accursed ones!"

  The executioners stayed their hand. I looked up. Saveliitch layprostrate at the feet of Pugatchef.

  "Oh! my own father!" my poor follower was saying. "What need have you ofthe death of this noble child? Let him go free, and you will get a goodransom; but for an example and to frighten the rest, let them hang me,an old man!"

  Pugatchef gave a signal; I was immediately unbound.

  "Our father shows you mercy," they said to me. At this moment I cannotsay that I was much overjoyed at my deliverance, but I cannot say eitherthat I regretted it, for my feelings were too upset. I was again broughtbefore the usurper and forced to kneel at his feet. Pugatchef held outto me his muscular hand. "Kiss his hand! kiss his hand!" was shoutedaround me. But rather would I have preferred the most cruel torture tosuch an abasement.

  "My father, Petr' Andrejitch," whispered Saveliitch to me, and nudged mewith his elbow, "don't be obstinate. What does it matter? Spit and kissthe hand of the rob--, kiss his hand!"

  I did not stir. Pugatchef withdrew his hand and said, smiling--

  "Apparently his lordship is quite idiotic with joy; raise him."

  I was helped up and left free. The infamous drama drew to a close.

  The villagers began to swear fidelity. One after another they came near,kissed the cross, and saluted the usurper. Then it came to the turn ofthe soldiers of the garrison. The tailor of the company, armed with hisbig blunt scissors, cut off their queues. They shook their heads andtouched their lips to Pugatchef's hand; the latter told them they werepardoned and enrolled amongst his troops.

  All this lasted about three hours. At last Pugatchef rose from hisarmchair and went down the steps, followed by his chiefs. There wasbrought for him a white horse, richly caparisoned. Two Cossacks held hisarms and helped him into the saddle.

  He announced to Father Garasim that he would dine at his house. At thismoment arose a woman's heartrending shrieks. Some robbers were draggingto the steps Vassilissa Igorofna, with dishevelled hair andhalf-dressed. One of them had already appropriated her cloak; the otherswere carrying off the mattresses, boxes, linen, tea sets, and all mannerof things.

  "Oh, my fathers!" cried the poor old woman. "Let me alone, I pray you;my fathers, my fathers, bring me to Ivan Kouzmitch." All of a suddenshe perceived the gallows and recognized her husband. "Villains!" sheexclaimed, beside herself; "what have you done? Oh, my light, my IvanKouzmitch! Bold soldier heart, neither Prussian bayonets nor Turkishbullets ever harmed you; and you have died before a vile runaway felon."

  "Silence the old witch," said Pugatchef.

  A young Cossack struck her with his sword on the head, and she fell deadat the foot of the steps. Pugatchef went away, all the people crowdingin his train.