Page 13 of Lost Love

“Steed, wait.” Her chest rose and fell as she labored for each breath.

  “Jesus Christ, Pax. It’s killing me with my cock up against you. I only have so much strength, ya know.”

  Her cheeks had already flushed pink, now they were a beautiful red. “You’re so crude, Steed Parker.”

  Pulling her to me, I adjusted her against my body. Her back to my front. “And you love it.”

  Paxton let out a contented sigh. “I do love it. And I love you.”

  Reaching for the covers, I pulled them over us. Was I fucking dreaming? Or did I really have Paxton in my arms? Her naked body against mine?

  I placed a soft kiss on her back as she snuggled against me more. “I love you too, pumpkin. So much.”

  Cord and Trevor both stood there, their mouths dropped open with stunned looks on their faces.

  Wrapping the wire around the post and fence, I asked, “What?”

  “You can’t just blurt out you stayed the night at Paxton’s and then say nothing after that,” Cord said.

  “Did you fuck her?” Trevor asked with a wicked grin on his face.

  “Don’t talk about Paxton that way,” I said, shooting him a dirty look. He laughed and picked up the fence pullers.

  “Okay, let me reword it. Did you sleep with her? No, wait. Did you make love to her? Better?”

  I frowned. “Yes, better. And no. She wants to take things slowly.”

  Trevor lost it laughing, and soon Cord was bent over laughing as well.

  “Pricks,” I mumbled as I went back to tying on the fence ties for the new fence.

  Cord slapped me on the back. “Jesus, I bet that was the biggest case of blue balls if there ever was one.”

  I groaned. “You have no fucking idea. I had to wake up early to get back before Chloe got up. Talk about the walk of shame. Mom only smiled when I got home, but she knew I was with Paxton. I had texted to ask her if she wouldn’t mind spending the night.”

  “Damn,” Trevor said. “I don’t know what’s worse. Mom thinking you got laid, or the fact that you didn’t get laid.”

  “Trust me, they’re both bad,” I said.

  Cord lifted the roll of fencing and started to roll it out some. “How do you think Chloe is going to feel about you seeing someone?”

  My chest squeezed a little. The memory of last night and seeing my first child’s picture on the sonogram hit me again for about the tenth time. I had broken down big time in front of Paxton, but somehow I think my falling apart was a part of her healing.

  “She already loves Paxton, and our noisy sister has already informed Chloe that Paxton and I like each other. I don’t think it will be too hard on her. At least I hope it’s not.”

  Trevor stopped working and wiped his brow. Even though it was October, it was still fucking hot as hell today. He sighed and walked over to the cooler. Lifting the lid, he grabbed three beers.

  “This is why I will never settle down with one woman. Too much fucking drama to deal with.”

  I laughed. “Well, with Paxton and me, it’s a little different. We have a history, and I have a daughter.”

  Trevor popped the tab on his beer. “Still. Women bring problems.”

  “A-fucking-men,” Cord added.

  I leaned against the tailgate of my truck and glanced between my two younger brothers. “Seriously, neither of you have ever met a woman who didn’t make you want more than a hookup?”

  They both shrugged, looked at each other, then focused back on me.

  “Nope,” they said together.

  I actually felt sorry for my brothers. Damn. They were in for a ride when it did finally happen. And it would happen whether they liked it or not.

  Trevor pointed to me, as if he could read my thoughts. “Trust me when I say there will never be a woman who will make me want to only settle down with one pussy. No, thank you.”

  “I’ve got to agree with Trevor,” Cord added. “The thought of not being able to fuck someone any time I want or anywhere I want.” He shuddered. “God, the thought alone hurts my dick.”

  Laughing, I finished off my beer and tossed the can into the back of ranch truck Trevor drove.

  Walking up to each of them, I gave them each a hit on the arm. “I can’t wait to see y’all eat crow.”

  Corina knocked on my classroom door Monday morning and strolled in whistling. Glancing up, I grinned.

  “You’re in a good mood for a Monday morning.”

  Her smile grew big. “I had sex this weekend.”

  Dropping back in my seat, I gasped. “What? With who?”

  She covered her mouth like a schoolgirl about to tell the biggest secret ever. “Mitchell.”

  My pen dropped out of my hand while my eyes widened in surprise. “Mitchell Parker?”

  She nodded then giggled. “Jesus, he was huge. I had to soak in a bath all day yesterday I was so sore.”

  I covered my mouth and gagged.

  Corina lifted a brow. “Too much information?”

  I leaned over my desk. “You slept with Mitchell? Like as in…” I glanced around as if someone was in the room. “As in sex? His junk in your…” I pointed.

  She laughed. “Oh my gosh, I know! So unlike me to do something like that. But yes. I had sex with Mitchell. Actually, we fucked. Like rabbits. On my sofa, on the kitchen island, the kitchen floor, in the shower, in my bed.” She lifted her eyes as if she was trying to remember if there were more spots she might have missed.

  “Oh, and up against my front door when he was trying to leave, but something came over us again. He has a magical dick. I’m not kidding. His stamina. I’ve never had so many orgasms in my entire life. Six. I had S.I.X. orgasms, Paxton.”

  I sat there with my mouth open. Not only did my best friend just tell me she fucked a guy, but she proceeded to tell me all the places they did it and how many times she came. And it was with Steed’s brother. His twin brother!

  The silly dreamy look in her eyes should have caused me to freak out. After all, she’d slept with a Parker brother. Not exactly the type of guys who are rushing to get into relationships. And what about the brother code? I seemed to remember Tripp calling dibs on Corina.

  Oh for Christ’s sake. Listen to me!

  “Okay, I need a moment, or a few days, to process this. Corina, you do know Mitchell probably assumed it was only a one-night stand kind of thing. Right?”

  Her smile faded. “I didn’t get that impression. Not with the sweet things he said. The way he made me feel. I’ve never had a guy worship me and love on me like Mitchell did. It was amazing.”

  “And how much had y’all had to drink?”

  My question must have felt like a slap in the face. She turned away. What started out as excitement in her eyes now turned to shame.

  I sighed. “Wait, let me try this again.”

  She stared back, her chin quivering. “Do you think it was a one-night stand? He was so sweet to me. The things he said…”

  There was no way I was going to tell her how the Parker boys were known for being smooth talkers. They were romantics by nature, and if they wanted to show a girl a good time I had no doubt in my mind they couldn’t swoon the pants off any woman they wanted to. But more than one night? No. I didn’t think any of them had ever been in a serious relationship. Well, besides Steed and Tripp. His long-time girlfriend from high school, Harley, was the only woman he’d ever dated long term. Mitchell, he dated, but if I remembered right, as soon as things turned serious, he was gone.

  Reaching for her hand, I smiled. “Don’t listen to me. It really has been a long time since I’ve been around Mitchell. Maybe his player days are over.”

  Corina shrugged. “There was something there, Paxton. I felt it, and I’ve never felt that way about a guy. Our chemistry was crazy and it was like we couldn’t get enough of each other.” She frowned and focused on the floor. “Maybe I just thought all of that because I needed an excuse to justify sleeping with him.”

  I felt like an ass. Here she
was so happy and I ruined it for her. “No! It sounds like y’all had an amazing night. Has he called you?”

  By the look on her face, I knew I had asked the wrong thing.

  Slowly, she shook her head then buried her face in her hands. “Oh God! What did I do? I slept with a guy who’s a player! I’m so freaking stupid!”

  I jumped up. “No! You don’t know that! You had chemistry! You even said it.”

  I started to hear laughing and yelling down the hall. Students were starting to show up.

  Corina stood. She straightened out her skirt, dabbed at the corner of her eyes, and stood taller. “No. You’re right. I let myself think it was something more than what it was. He didn’t even ask for my number and that should have been my first clue. I let my normal good sense down for a night and let my libido run the show. So I fucked a guy.”

  My eyes snapped over her shoulder to the door. Thank God there were no kids coming in. Corina rarely swore and the way she stressed the word fuck told me she was now feeling ashamed.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “So what. I’m young and other women my age are out doing guys left and right. One hookup after another. I’m fine. It is what it is. It’s all good.” She forced a fake smile, but all I saw was humiliation and it was all my fault.

  I didn’t know what to say, and I hated that I had made her feel this way. But I knew that there was no way Mitchell Parker hadn’t thought of last night as some random hook up. He wanted Corina and charmed her until he got what he wanted. Even after he had agreed to step aside for Tripp.

  “Corina, I’m so sorry I even said anything. I feel like this is all my fault.”

  She shrugged. “You were being honest. Friends need to be honest with each other.”

  I reached for her hand as I walked around my desk. “Hey, maybe Mitchell will surprise me, and he’ll call you for dinner or something.”

  Chewing on her lip, she forced a smile. “Well, considering he never asked me for my phone number, that might be hard to do right?” Corina turned on her heels and walked out of my classroom.

  “Damn it!” I mumbled.

  I made a mental note to talk to Steed about this. If anyone knew what would be going through his brother’s mind it would be Steed.

  With another quick glance in the mirror, I beamed. The black Capri jeans and light blue shirt should be casual enough for my date with Steed. My stomach fluttered as I thought back to Saturday night. I hadn’t been that turned on since the last time Steed had touched me, over ten years ago. Sure, Joe used to turn me on, but it was never anything like what Steed could do. All Joe and I ever did was have make out sessions. He’d made me come a few times with his fingers, but nothing beyond that.

  My fingers came up to my mouth as I let a soft chuckle slip from my lips. I swear they still tingled. I closed my eyes and let the memory of being wrapped up in Steed’s strong arms engulf me. What a crazy night of emotions. I was so exhausted I immediately fell asleep. At one point he got up and told me he had to text his mother. All I could do was mumble under my breath before I was lulled right back to sleep when he climbed back into bed.

  I jumped when my phone buzzed and vibrated on the end table next to my bed. Reaching for it, I smiled when I saw his name.

  Steed: Almost there. I hope you’re in the mood for pizza. I let Chloe pick where to eat.

  Smiling, I typed back my reply.

  Me: Pizza sounds amazing!

  Small waves of nervousness rolled over my body.

  Pushing down the nauseous feeling in my stomach, I headed downstairs. I opened a bottle of red wine and poured a small glass. The need to curb these nerves was real.

  “What is the matter with me? It’s Steed. Why am I so nervous?”

  Then it hit me. I wasn’t nervous about Steed, I was terrified about Chloe. It was my idea to invite Chloe along for our first official date, and I had to admit, I was scared to death of what she was going to think about us dating. Oh sure, she adored me as her kindergarten teacher and she knew we liked each other, but I was bidding for a place in their world. Would she be willing to share her Daddy with me?

  My finger and thumb pinched the bridge of my nose while I took in a few deep breaths. Not being able to take it anymore, I texted the only person I thought would be able to help: Amelia.

  Me: Did Steed tell you what was going on?

  She responded almost instantly.

  Amelia: OMG Yes! I’m totally writing a book about y’alls story.

  I rolled my eyes.

  Me: What if she hates me?

  Amelia: Who?

  Me: Chloe!

  Seconds ticked off while I waited for her reply. When my phone rang in my hand I nearly threw it across the room it scared me so bad.


  “Why would Chloe hate you, Paxton? She already adores you. When Steed told her the three of you were going on a date, you should have seen the way her eyes lit up. Mom of course started crying, which made Chloe ask why she was sad. She had to explain to her that they were happy tears!”

  Smiling, I inhaled a deep breath to shake away the jitters. My mother had almost the same reaction when I told her earlier the three of us were heading out for a date.

  “I would never want her to think I was trying to take her father away from her.”

  Amelia sighed on the other end of the line. “Oh, Paxton. She won’t feel that way. I think you inviting her on the first date was the absolute right thing to do. It’s making her feel like she is a part of this. It’s going to be a change, but if I know one thing for sure, it’s Chloe is desperate for a mommy and you are all she talks about. Stop worrying.”

  I nodded, even though I knew she couldn’t see me. “You’re right. I’m just nervous.”

  “Don’t be. Y’all will have fun.”

  A strange sense of confidence came rushing over me. “You’re right! We will have fun! Thanks, Amelia!”

  She chuckled. “Sure. Anytime!”

  The doorbell rang.

  “They’re here!”

  “Bye! Kiss my brother and niece for me!”

  “I will. Bye!”

  Hitting End, I rushed to the front door. After taking a few deep breaths, I opened it to find the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen.

  I gasped and then smiled. Tears pricked the back of my eyes as I looked at Steed standing there, holding Chloe in his arm, while they both held bouquets of my favorite flower. Pink Peonies.

  “Paxton! Daddy and I got you flowers. They’re your favorites.”

  Reaching for both bouquets, I kissed Steed on the cheek and then Chloe. “They are beautiful! I love peonies!”

  “See, Daddy? I told you the flowers were a good plan.”

  Steed laughed. “You sure did, pumpkin.”

  Chloe was for sure her father’s daughter. Gesturing for them to come in, Steed put Chloe down, and she bounced into the house. When he walked in, he stopped and pulled me in for a kiss on the lips. It was quick, but it left me dizzy all the same.

  “Paxton, do you have any animals?” Chloe asked.

  I laughed. “No. I’ve been thinking about getting a cat, though.”

  Chloe shrieked in excitement as Steed groaned. I reached for a vase and looked at him. “I take it Chloe wants a cat, and you don’t.”

  “No cats.”

  “Aw, but Daddy!” Chloe said, a small pout forming on her face.

  “Pout all you want, Chloe. No cat. Granddaddy and Grammy have five cats.”

  “But they all live outside. I want one to snuggle with.”

  “My mommy and daddy have a cat. I’ll take you over there some time to meet him. His name is Milo.”

  Chloe’s eyes lit up. “Milo! I love that name!”

  After filling up the vase with water, I put the flowers in and set it in the middle of my kitchen island. “There. They look beautiful.”

  Chloe climbed up onto one of the stools and admired the flowers. Her dark blonde hair was pulled up into pigtails with
a small yellow bow on each side. I couldn’t help but wonder if Steed had done her hair or if Amelia or Melanie had.

  “I like these flowers,” Chloe stated.

  My eyes met Steed’s and I could feel the crackle of desire in the air. “I do too,” I softly replied.

  I was positive if we were to have a repeat of the other night, I would not be telling Steed to go slow. The ache in my lower stomach grew more and more, and my own hand wasn’t going to make it stop.

  It was like Steed knew where my thoughts were taking me. He walked around the island and stopped in front of me, his hand lacing into my hair. “You’re so beautiful, Paxton.”

  The heat on my cheeks told me I was blushing. He didn’t seem to mind saying that in front of Chloe so I didn’t mind hearing it.

  “May I kiss you?”

  My eyes darted over to Chloe who was watching our every move, her smile wide. She nodded as if giving me permission, or at the very least, urging me to let her father kiss me.

  Focusing my attention back on Steed, I replied, “Yes.”

  He leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine. Then he pulled my body up against his. My hands landed on his chest, making sure we kept a safe distance from each other for the sake of Chloe.

  Leaning his forehead against mine, he let out a contented breath. As if that simple kiss and me in his arms had just solved all his worries.

  “I love you, Paxton,” he whispered. I was stunned he would say that in front of his daughter. She was going to get confused.

  Drawing back, he saw my confusion. With a wink and a crooked grin that nearly had my legs going out from under me, he said, “I talked to Chloe this afternoon. I told her how you and I used to date and how we both still love each other, but that something bad happened, and we were separated from each other.”

  My heart ached. I peeked back at Chloe, who was sitting with her chin resting on her hands, almost like it was story time, totally entranced by the prince and princess who found love again.

  “I told her we were going to start dating again.”