Page 13 of Lullaby

Gemma tossed the half-eaten apple in the garbage can. “I’m not hungry. ”

  “Oh, hey, Gemma,” Penn said as Gemma was about to leave the kitchen. She paused in the doorway and glanced back over her shoulder at Penn. “I heard about your little rendezvous with Sawyer yesterday. ”

  When Gemma didn’t say anything, Penn turned to look back at her.

  “He told me,” Penn explained, as if Gemma had asked how she had found out. “He has no secrets from me. He can’t have secrets. ”

  “That’s the basis for a really healthy relationship,” Gemma said dryly.

  “He’s an attractive guy, isn’t he?” Penn went on as if Gemma hadn’t said anything. “He’s downright gorgeous. He’d have to be, right? Otherwise you wouldn’t have cheated on your beloved Alex. ”

  Gemma chewed the inside of her cheek and looked away from Penn. “Yep. He’s a very foxy guy. You’re one lucky lady, Penn. ”

  “You know luck has nothing to do with it,” Penn said, and slipped off the stool. “I make my own luck. I create my own destiny. ”

  She walked over to Gemma and stood right in front of her, but Gemma refused to look at her. She just stared down at Penn’s pedicured toes.

  “If you ever want to join Sawyer and me, I understand,” Penn said, her voice turning low and sultry. “As a siren, you have all sorts of new urges, and they’re hard to contain. Sawyer would be happy to show you how to handle them, as long as I’m there to guide you. ”

  “What?” Gemma wrinkled her nose in disgust when she realized what Penn was talking about. “That’s a really weird offer, and also gross. Seriously. Ew, no. ”

  “You’re a prude now, and I don’t care,” Penn said, waving it off. “But the point is that if you ever touch Sawyer again when I’m not around, I’ll rip off your filthy little hands. ”

  Gemma looked up at her then, and saw that, though Penn had kept her tone sexy and almost cheerful, her eyes had shifted. They were no longer her usual black eyes but the odd yellow eyes of an eagle.

  “You can’t have what isn’t yours,” Penn said, and Gemma could hear the monster under her words, the beast inside her growling. “Don’t touch things without my permission. ”

  Before, Gemma would’ve been afraid of this, and part of her knew she should be intimidated by Penn. She’d killed her own sister, so she would obviously think nothing of tearing off Gemma’s head. But Gemma didn’t care anymore. If she was going to live with Penn forever, she wasn’t going to kowtow to her. She’d rather end up dead than as Penn’s slave.

  “Sawyer’s not yours, and he’s not a thing,” Gemma said. “Just because you have a spell over him doesn’t mean he’s not still a human being with feelings and thoughts of his own. You just won’t let him use them. ”

  Gemma had expected Penn to yell at her, but instead Penn threw back her head and laughed. When she’d finished, her eyes had gone back to normal.

  “Oh, Gemma, that just shows how little you know about humans. ” Penn turned back and walked toward the kitchen island, still giggling to herself.



  They’d picked up Alex on their way out of town, not just because he would kill Harper if she went after Gemma without him, but because he might be useful.

  Harper called her dad, leaving a message on his cell phone letting him know that she wouldn’t be home that night. She thought about telling him that she was going after Gemma, but if Harper wasn’t successful in finding her, that would only break Brian’s heart more.

  They took Harper’s car on the road trip because Daniel didn’t have one and Alex’s car was so small. He sat in the backseat while Harper drove, and Daniel gave him the newspaper to read.

  Both Alex and Harper couldn’t believe that they’d missed the article in the first place. Alex especially had been scouring the Internet for clues on Gemma, but he’d gotten bogged down with pointless e-mails. He felt obligated to follow every “lead” he got, but they all led nowhere.

  Harper had probably missed it because she’d been out of sorts. After she’d woken up from that dream about Daniel that ended with Gemma saying, “Wake up,” she hadn’t been able to get into any kind of routine. Everything felt off, and she hadn’t done her usual search on the computer for the sirens.

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  Fortunately, while Harper and Alex had been relying on technology, Daniel had been looking the good old-fashioned way. He’d been going to Pearl’s every morning and buying a copy of each paper she had. And eventually it had paid off.

  Unfortunately, the article hadn’t been very specific. The only real information they’d gotten from it was that a body had been found near a restaurant. Daniel had figured out what town it was, but that was still a fairly large area to search.

  Harper didn’t even know where the sirens had been living when they were in Capri. She’d heard something once about them staying in a beach house that used to belong to the mayor, but she wasn’t sure if that was true.

  Her worst fear wasn’t that they wouldn’t find Gemma. Or that the sirens would try to stop Harper from taking her. She would figure out how to fight them if she needed to. No, her biggest worry was that they would find Gemma, and she wouldn’t want to come back with them.

  What would she do then? Gemma was sixteen and had new mythical powers. It wasn’t exactly like Harper could drag her home and force her to stay in her room. If Gemma wouldn’t come back with them on her own … then she wouldn’t come back.

  As they drove on, Harper didn’t voice any of these fears, though. Alex probably shared some of her concerns, but he wasn’t talking about them, so she didn’t think she should, either.

  Besides that, she had more important things to focus on—like figuring out exactly where they were going. The drive started out okay, but things quickly went downhill.

  Before they’d even made it past the state line, they got stuck in traffic for nearly an hour because of an accident ahead of them on the highway.

  Daniel tried to keep things upbeat, but Alex and Harper were too nerved up for it to really work. After several failed attempts at making conversation, he settled for tuning the radio to a classic rock station and air-drumming along to “Immigrant Song” by Led Zeppelin.

  Once the car got moving again, things went smoothly for a while, and then they were off course again. Harper’s ’96 Sable lacked any kind of GPS, so they were relying on the maps app on Alex’s phone.

  It would’ve been a straight shot down the coast, but after getting stuck in traffic, Alex tried to find an alternate route that would get them there more quickly. Unfortunately, it only succeeded in leading them to a dead end, but not until they’d been driving off course for fifty miles.

  That led them to stop at a gas station, where Daniel got an atlas and mapped out the route. Harper fumed quietly about the unnecessary detour for a few hours, while Alex sulked.

  According to Daniel’s earlier calculations, they should’ve reached Myrtle Beach around midnight. Thanks to all the stops and starts, it was almost twelve and they were still over two hours away.

  That was when the length of the trip started wearing on Harper. She would’ve thought that her excitement and nerves would’ve kept her awake, but she’d slept terribly the night before, and the whole situation simply exhausted her.

  In the backseat, Alex snored fitfully. He’d nod off, but almost as soon as he did, he seemed to become aware of it and would wake himself up again.

  “He should’ve gotten a Red Bull at the gas station,” Daniel said, referring to their pit stop about an hour before.

  “What?” Harper blinked. She’d been spacing out and had barely heard him.

  “Alex. ” He gestured to the backseat, and Harper glanced behind her.

  Alex’s chin had fallen to his chest, and he swayed slightly in motion with the car. He snorted loudly, but didn’t wake up this time.

  “Yeah, I guess, h
e’s really out,” Harper said, stifling a yawn, and turned her attention back to the road.

  “How are you holding up?” Daniel asked.

  He sat next to her, appearing surprisingly chipper. The map was on his lap, folded in just the right way so their path was sitting faceup, and he had a can of Red Bull in his hand. So far on the trip, he had yet to yawn or sleep or even complain of being tired.

  “Great,” Harper said, but that was at least partially a lie. She was fading, and the highway seemed to stretch on in an eternal blackness that made her eyelids heavy.

  “You sure?” Daniel asked. “Because I can take the wheel. You’ve been driving this entire time, and it wouldn’t hurt to trade off. ”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. ”

  There was no real reason not to let Daniel drive, except that it made her feel a bit more in control of the situation. She wasn’t, really. Gemma had run off and turned into a monster, and there was nothing Harper could do about it.

  But she could drive the car. She could keep them moving in the direction of her sister, and that was the best she could do right now.

  “Let me know if you do get too tired,” Daniel said. “I’ll be happy to take over. ”

  “I’m fine,” Harper repeated.

  There were hardly any cars on the road. It was a completely open stretch of highway, devoid of streetlights or houses. The car window was down, and Harper could smell the nearby ocean.

  The moonlight shone down on them, and the yellow lines in the middle of the road began to blur.

  “Whoa!” Daniel said loudly. The car suddenly jerked to the side, and Harper’s eyes flew open. His hand was on the steering wheel, guiding it so they didn’t drive off the road.

  “What’s going on?” Alex asked, sounding panicked in the backseat. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, Harper’s just pulling over now,” Daniel said, his hand still on the wheel.

  “I’m fine,” Harper repeated, now wide awake after nearly crashing the car.

  “Nope, you’re falling asleep at the wheel,” Daniel said. “Pull over. ” He wasn’t demanding, exactly, but there was a forcefulness to his tone, and Harper was too tired to argue with him. Besides, he was right.

  “Who will check the map?” Harper asked as she parked the car on the side of the road. “I don’t want to get lost again. ”

  “Alex can handle it,” Daniel said. “He’s had a nap, and I have an extra can of Red Bull he can drink. ”

  “What’s going on?” Alex asked, still groggy and confused.

  Daniel had opened the passenger door to get out, but he turned back to Alex. “Hop out. You’re up. It’s your turn as navigator. Harper’s gonna sleep in the backseat for a while. ”

  Reluctantly, Harper got out of the driver’s seat, and before she slid in the back, she warned Alex that if he got them lost again, she would literally kill him. She sprawled out in the backseat, expecting sleep to come slowly, but she was out within minutes.

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  Up front, Daniel and Alex started talking, and Harper would drift in and out of sleep, catching bits of their conversation. Most of it was mundane, and there was a bit where Daniel was apparently attempting to explain some kind of sporting event to Alex, and then Harper was asleep again.

  She woke up again, and would’ve fallen right back to sleep like she had before, but then she heard her name, and she opened her eyes.

  “Harper’s just that way,” Alex was saying. “You can’t take it personally. ”

  “I’m not,” Daniel said, but he sounded a bit defensive. “Well. I don’t know. I try not to. ”

  “She’s just a control freak,” Alex said. “And I mean that in the nicest way possible. ”

  “Is she sleeping?” Daniel asked.

  Alex turned to look in the backseat, and Harper closed her eyes quickly before he could see that she was awake. If they were talking about her, she wanted to hear what they had to say.

  “Yeah, she’s out,” Alex said. “I kinda can’t believe she’s sleeping. The last week must’ve been really hard on her. ”

  “It definitely has,” Daniel agreed. “Every time I see her, she just seems so exhausted and sad. ”

  “Hopefully, when Gemma comes home she’ll feel better,” Alex said.

  “Yeah, I hope so. ”

  The boys lapsed into a silence, and Harper decided to try to sleep again. If they weren’t saying anything interesting, it would be better for her to get some rest. She wanted to be wide awake when they found Gemma.

  “How long have you known Harper?” Daniel asked, and the sound of her name perked her up again.

  “Um, I don’t know exactly,” Alex answered. “I think, like, ten years or so. Why?”

  “I don’t know,” Daniel replied quickly. “No reason. I was just curious. ”

  “Oh,” Alex said. “How long have you known her?”

  “A few months,” Daniel said, then fell silent for a minute before asking, “So … you and Harper have been friends that whole time?”

  “Pretty much,” Alex said. “We haven’t been talking as much since I started dating Gemma. ”

  “How come, do you think?” Daniel asked. “Is Harper sorta jealous?”

  “Nah, I don’t think so,” Alex said. “Harper isn’t a very jealous person. I think she’s just kinda weirded out because Gemma’s her kid sister and me and Harper have been friends for so long. ”

  “But you guys were just friends, right?” Daniel asked. “I mean, it was never…” He trailed off.

  “Are you asking me if Harper and I ever dated?” Alex asked.

  “Yeah, I guess,” Daniel said, sounding uncomfortable. “Or, you know, if you ever hooked up or anything. ”

  “No, never,” Alex said.

  “Why not?” Daniel asked.

  “I don’t know. ” Alex sighed. “We just didn’t. It never occurred to us. It’s like asking why you never hooked up with your sister or something. ”

  “I don’t have a sister. ”

  “You know what I mean,” Alex said.

  “I do, but that’s so … strange,” Daniel said.

  “Why is that so strange?” Alex asked.

  “I don’t know. She’s a pretty girl, you’re a teenage boy. I guess I just don’t understand how you could just be friends for so long without anything happening. ”

  “Guys and girls can be friends. It happens. I mean, you and Harper are friends. ” Then it finally seemed to dawn on Alex what they were talking about. “Oh. You and Harper aren’t just friends. ”

  “No, we are,” Daniel replied quickly. “I mean … we … I … It’s complicated. ”

  “How is it complicated?” Alex asked.

  “Well, for starters … I think she hates me,” Daniel said.

  “She does not hate you,” Alex assured him.

  “Yeah?” Daniel sounded hopeful. “How do you know?”

  “You wouldn’t be in this car,” Alex said. “She wouldn’t even let you near her car if she hated you. And you’d know. Harper can be a bitch when she wants to. ”

  “So, then … what’s the deal?” Daniel asked.

  “I have no clue,” Alex said. “I don’t know anything about your ‘complicated’ relationship. But Harper’s not that big into dating. ”

  Daniel sighed loudly at that. “Yeah, I got that from her. ” He turned to Alex. “Was she burned by a past boyfriend or something?”

  “No, I don’t think so. She just…” Alex paused, thinking. “You know how nuts she’s going over Gemma missing?”


  “Well, she’d be like that if I went missing or Marcy or her dad,” Alex said. “Well, probably not quite as bad for me or Marcy, but she’d still do everything she could to find us. She feels like she needs to take care of everybody. And as much as she loves Gemma and her friends, I think she just looks at a boyfriend as anot
her person she’d have to take care of, and she doesn’t feel like she has time for that. ”

  “But I don’t want her to take care of me,” Daniel said. “If anything, I want to take care of her. ”

  “That’s not how Harper works,” Alex said. “If she wasn’t worrying about everyone and trying to make sure everything was all right, she wouldn’t know what to do with herself. ”

  “So what you’re saying is that I can’t change her mind?” Daniel asked.

  “It is incredibly difficult to change Harper’s mind,” Alex allowed. “But what I’m saying is that I’ve never dated her, and I have no idea how one would go about doing that. ” He let out a deep breath. “Hell, I don’t even know how to date my own girlfriend. ”

  “I don’t know,” Daniel said. “I thought you were doing pretty good. Gemma seemed super into you. If she hadn’t gotten turned into some bizarre mythical creature, I’m sure the two of you would be doing just fine. ”

  “This is just how my life goes,” Alex said. “I have enough trouble dating girls, and now I have to figure out how to date a mermaid. ”

  “Sorry, man,” Daniel said, laughing a little. “But if anybody can handle it, I’m sure you can. ”

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  “Thanks for the pep talk,” Alex said, laughing himself.

  “Anytime,” Daniel said. “How far away are we anyway?”

  “Um…” Alex rustled the map. “I think we’re almost to Myrtle Beach now, and then it’s roughly forty-five miles after that. So we’re getting close. ”

  Things were quiet after that, and Harper felt guilty about the way she treated Daniel. She didn’t want to stop hanging out with him, but she wondered if she was being fair to him.

  Eventually she fell back to sleep while debating what she should do about Daniel. Alex woke her up when they finally reached the town. The sky was just beginning to lighten with very early morning sun, and Harper stretched in the backseat.

  “Stay close to the beach,” she directed Daniel. She let him continue driving, preferring to look around and scope out the area. “They’re probably staying in a house by the ocean. ”

  “How will we know when we find it?” Daniel asked.

  “I don’t know. ” Harper shook her head. “We’ll have to keep a lookout for the girls themselves. We probably won’t be able to find their house, but we’ll be able to see them on the beach or in the water. ”

  “They have that song, too,” Alex pointed out. “We should listen for that. ”

  They drove around for a long time, with all three of them growing frustrated the longer the search went on. They ended up driving out of town, hugging the coast as the sun rose higher in the sky.

  “Stop!” Harper shouted abruptly, and Daniel put on the brakes.

  “Do you see them?” Alex asked, craning in his seat.

  “No, but that’s the house,” Harper said, pointing to a massive white mansion. It was surrounded by huge rocks, so they couldn’t even see the ocean from the road. The house was set back at the end of a long driveway, partially hidden by trees that filled the yard.

  “What house?” Daniel asked, confused.

  “The house from my dream,” Harper said, and she didn’t even know how she knew it. In her dream, all she’d been able to see was the room where she and Daniel had been lying together. It didn’t make any sense, but somehow, deep inside, she knew it. “That’s the house that Gemma is in. ”