The many expressions of Doctor Theodore Nathaniel Hayes. Jerry was always practicing his skills with drawing this character, and wanted to storyboard him with a wide range of emotions, so he tried some different things with him to demonstrate that. I really loved the idea of the arching eyebrow, there was a lot that the character could do with that, but it would have made casting him much more interesting, as we would have had to find a guy with the correct features and the ability to emote using an eyebrow. Jerry Clement is a fantastic artist, and has gone on to become a tattoo artist, whose work is just incredible. Many of my friends have ink done by him, and nobody has any complaints whatsoever.
This is the first drawing my friend Erika Radcliffe (Now Ankenman) did for the project. She was enamored with the character and felt herself drawn to Tuesday in a lot of different ways. This drawing is part of the original nightmare I had that inspired Dreaming god, which is retold in chapter one of the book. Erika was very inspired by anime art, and read many manga books, particularly Chobits, which her art style in her drawings for Dreaming god is very reminiscent of.