Page 10 of Cathian

  Cathian grinned. “Romantic?”

  “Very. Thank you.” She blinked back tears. “This was to celebrate my pregnancy though, wasn’t it? I’m so sorry.”

  “I called York while you were being operated on to bring us food. Don’t apologize again for that, Nara. Never. The more I think of it, I’m glad we get to wait three years. Babies are a wonderful thing, but they put a strain on romance and bonding. Especially since there would be at least two to five of them. Caring for that many infants would tire us out.” He smiled. “Now we can concentrate on each other. Not a bad thing.”

  She nodded. “I agree.”

  He took her hand and led her to the bed. She went to sit but he suddenly pulled her close, staring into her eyes. “Before we dig in, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”


  He took a deep breath and lowered his head, his face inches from hers. “I’d like to life-lock to you. Would you agree to that?”

  “Yes!” She didn’t even have to think about it.

  He smiled wide and hugged her. “Good.”

  “What do we need to do?”

  “It’s what you would consider a medical procedure.”


  He waited.

  She just stared back at him. Finally, he frowned.

  “Aren’t you going to ask what kind? What is involved?”

  “I don’t care. I’m willing to do it. It doesn’t matter.”

  He smiled again. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Male Tryleskians have a secondary small heart in our chests. When we life-lock to a female, it is implanted in her chest. It links us by scent. The android feels it would be safe for humans. It’s never been done before.” He lifted his hand, curving his finger to his thumb, demonstrating a small round shape the size of a small coin. “It’s about this size.”

  She let that information settle. “Okay.”

  “That doesn’t frighten you?”

  “No. I was willing to have your litters. What’s a tiny piece of you inside my body?” She smiled. “I like that. I’ll be the keeper of your other heart. That’s romantic.”

  He chuckled. “Humans are strange but I’m grateful.”

  “You should have asked me while we were with the medical android. Can he do it for us now?”

  “Tomorrow. Now, we eat and celebrate. We are to be life-locked. I’m glad you came into my life, Nara.”

  “Me too.” She already couldn’t imagine life without him.

  Chapter Ten

  Nara took a seat on the bridge, mindful of Dovis watching her. He wasn’t her biggest fan but they had a sort of truce going since Cathian was someone they both loved.

  She reached up and touched her chest. The spot where Cathian’s secondary heart had been transplanted was warmer to the touch than the skin around it, as if it were a mini radiator.

  Two weeks had passed since they’d done the surgery. He’d worried about there being a chance of rejection, since they were two different races. It hadn’t happened though.

  The android had told her privately that it wasn’t technically a heart but Tryleskians preferred that term. It was more like a small organ that produced a chemical to make her smell exactly like the male the female had received it from. Dobs—what she’d named the android—had tested her many times. It was working correctly. Her body produced the scent that assured Cathian she belonged to him, thus locking them together. She was the only woman he’d want and be drawn to. She’d effectively become an extension of Cathian.

  She checked her messages again, hoping this time there would be a response.

  One showed—and her heart pounded as she tapped on the video message.

  Belinda’s face came into view, and she smiled. “Hey! We got your message. Derrick is with me.”

  He leaned into view and gave her a goofy grin. “You fell in love with the dick that bought you, huh? Not surprised. That happens when you never get laid.”

  Belinda elbowed him hard in the gut and he jerked away, out of sight. “Ignore him. We’re happy for you. Really. And no worries. When I got to the shuttle, Derrick was already there with the part. He even installed it without bitching and moaning. We’re at Rogerville right now. We came hoping to find you, since we had to fly out of the storage yard. We didn’t want to get caught stealing the shuttle; they’ve increased patrols. Imagine our surprise when we had a message waiting here from you.”

  Derrick leaned back into view. “I can’t believe you’re giving us your baby. That’s so cool of you.”

  Belinda nodded. “Fifty-fifty owners. Thank you, Nara.” She teared up. “You know if it doesn’t work out with your guy, though, that you’re always our captain. We’ll give it back.”

  “Hey!” Derrick scowled. “We’ll give her a third. I’ve never owned a shuttle before. Don’t be giving it all away when we just found out we have one.”

  Belinda rolled her eyes. “I’m stuck with him forever now. Couldn’t you have made me owner and kept him my mechanic? That way I could fire him when he’s annoying me to death.”

  “She loves me.”

  Belinda elbowed him again. “You wish. I put up with you because you’re good at fixing shit. And Nara felt sorry for you, bonehead. Maybe she just thinks you’ll get repairs done if you’re half owner, instead of thinking with your dick.”

  Derrick hesitated. “Fair enough. And true.”

  Nara grinned.

  Belinda lifted a hand and blew her a kiss. “We got a job hauling mining equipment to Cornel Moon. We leave in two hours. It’s good money, and no one should want to shoot us for it.”

  “Besides the people we got away from. Some scary woman with bone jewelry bought me.” He shuddered. “I told her I was shy and needed some alone time before she could ride my dick. I fled and stole a transport. She might be looking for me, so I don’t want to stay in one place for long.” He pointed at Belinda. “Her blue guy might be looking for her too, but of course she did him first before getting away. He might be in a mellower mood.”

  Belinda rolled her eyes. “As if anyone would want you enough to go to extreme lengths to try to find you. Bone-alien lady is probably relieved. She probably saw your little dick and had buyer’s remorse.”

  “It’s hardly little. Want me to show you?”


  Derrick looked bummed and stared at the screen, mouthing she does want it. “Sorry we couldn’t wait around to talk to you for real, Nara,” Derrick said aloud. “We need the money from this job. But leave us messages and we should be at a port soon. Thank you for the shuttle.”

  “Yeah. Thank you, Nara. Be happy.” Belinda ended the message.

  “Your friends are strange.”

  She turned her head, staring at Dovis. “I know.”

  “You gave them your shuttle? Why? You could have sold it.”

  “Trading is what they do for a living. They’d have had to find new jobs, and trust me, it’s best if they stick together. Humans aren’t well liked by some races. I know those two will watch out for each other.”

  “The female wasn’t full human.”

  “And she gets a lot of shit for it. Not from Derrick, though. I think he’s secretly in love with her. He’s always flirting. Now they can stay together.”

  “You could have earned a lot of money for the sale.”

  “Money doesn’t matter. Knowing the two of them have a secure future does.”

  Dovis stared at her and finally nodded. “You are a good person.”

  She stood up. “Thanks, Dovis. I’m going to hunt down Cathian.”

  “He’s exercising.”

  She left the bridge and found the gym. The sight of Cathian hanging from bars on the ceiling and doing pull-ups instantly made her girl parts warm. He was beautiful and she loved seeing all those muscles bulging and flexing with every move.

  He saw her and dropped to the floor. A big grin spread across his lips. “My Nara.??

  “I heard from my crew. They got the shuttle, and even have their first job.”

  He grabbed hold of her in a bear hug, lifting her from her feet. “I knew it would turn out well. You’ve been too worried.”

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and planted a kiss on his lips. “I’m just glad they were able to escape, and the shuttle was still there for them to take.”

  “Me too. I would have routed us that way, but we have to prove to my father that I can still do this job with you at my side. I have Glaxions to impress and open trade negotiations with. He’s looking for any reason to make Dax as my replacement.”

  Guilt surfaced. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “I feel as if it is.”

  “It’s not, Nara. My father is a shaft-head.”

  She chuckled. “You mean a dickhead?”

  He nodded. “Same thing. I don’t care what he thinks as long as he leaves us alone. He will. I’ll get the Glaxions signed, and then after a few station stops, we’ll visit the Teki station in about ten months for our annual repairs and upgrades on The Vorge.” He paused. “I plan to have them do a little remodeling while we’re there.”

  “What kind?”

  He hesitated. “There are some empty visitors’ quarters behind mine. I thought I’d add two of them to our cabin for when I go into heat next time. We’ll have bedrooms for our children.”

  She was touched. “That’s a few years from now.”

  “I like to plan things in advance, and that way, the space is already allotted to us in case my father does send my brother—or brothers—to The Vorge. It’s also better we have them remodeled now than while you’re pregnant. It’s a nice station for having repairs done. They have a lot of entertainment venues to amuse crews stuck there during repairs. I thought it would make for a nice honeymoon. I apologize it’s such a long wait.”

  “Don’t be. That’s so sweet.”

  “I told you I did my research on humans.” He grinned. “I also sent a message to Earth.”

  She was surprised. “You did? Why? Are you planning to open trade negotiations with them?”

  “No. I have the only thing I want from that planet right here in my arms. I sent a message to your ex-husband.”

  Stunned, she gaped at him. “Why?”

  “To tell him you belong to me now, and that he’d better never dare think about harassing you again. I flashed teeth and snarled a lot. I imagine he pissed his pants if he’s intelligent.”

  She laughed, picturing her ex’s reaction to an angry Cathian staking his claim. “I love you.”

  “You aren’t mad?”

  “No. I wish I could have seen his face though. He probably did wet his pants.”

  “I wanted to make sure he knew you were off-limits and I’d defend you with my life.”

  “Thank you.”

  The doors opened and Marrow came in. “Geez. Not again. You two are always kissing and touching. Give it a rest. Some of us come in here to exercise.”

  Cathian lowered Nara and put her down. “We’re leaving. The space is all yours.” He took her hand. “Nara and I will be in our cabin.”

  Marrow snorted. “Of course you will. You’re making me want a mate.”

  The doors opened again and York came in. “Who wants to spar?”

  “Nobody,” Marrow muttered. “Those two are about to go have sex. I came to work up a sweat.”

  “Sex sweat?” York rubbed his hands together. “I can help you with that.”

  Cathian walked toward the door, taking Nara with him. “I don’t want to know if you two are doing the wild thing, but take it to one of your cabins. Dovis gets pissed if you use one of the general areas. He’s due for rounds soon. You don’t want him to catch you bare.”

  They returned to their cabin, and Cathian drew a bath. Nara loved taking one with him. He settled into the warm water first, and she climbed in and leaned against his chest. “This is so nice.”

  “It is.”

  “This is the life.”

  He chuckled. “True. My crew is even happy. I’m not spending my time looking over their shoulders. Instead, I’m relaxing in baths with you.”

  “I have no complaints if you want to look over my shoulder.”

  He leaned forward a little, staring down. “I love your breasts.”

  She chuckled. “I love when you touch them.”

  He slid his hands up her body. “Me too.”


  A hand rubbed Nara’s ass, a big warm one, and a firm male body rested against her back. She turned her head to peer at Cathian curled around her back, his hand propping his head up. His sexy golden gaze met hers.

  “How are you?”

  She grinned. “Today is the day, isn’t it?”

  “We’ve reached the Teki station and have two weeks of lavish hotel accommodations and entertainment. Our honeymoon begins.”

  She couldn’t wait. The last ten months had been busy. First, they’d gone to see the Glaxions. They were a race that reminded her of dog people, almost like Dovis, but they made him seem friendly. That was saying a lot, since Cathian’s best friend could be grumpy and growly. Her life-lock had won them over though, and opened trade negotiators for his planet.

  It seemed Glaxions were incredibly advanced in medical technology. To prove how much, they’d offered to run some tests on Nara and Cathian. She’d been leery, but he’d encouraged it, since they were known as the leading experts when it came to breeding with other races.

  The doctor had assured that when Cathian went into heat, Nara shouldn’t have any problems getting pregnant, now that the implant was long gone. They’d even established that she’d have two to three babies, instead of five; that her pregnancy would last five months instead of nine; and their infants should be born at around six pounds each.

  Cathian had sent that information to his father, to prove it was possible for him to breed with her. She knew his father gave him headaches about that, since she hadn’t conceived during the first heat. The testing alone was worth getting him off her life-lock’s ass. He had enough stress to deal with being an ambassador.

  After that, they’d traveled to at least five stations for what Cathian called “boring meetings” to keep his relationships steady with other races. She’d stayed aboard The Vorge for most of them, since they were on pretty rough stations. Dovis had claimed she was a high-priority target to slavers, safer onboard. She was fine with that.

  Now they could finally relax for a couple weeks.

  They showered, grabbed their bags, and met the rest of the crew near the airlock to the station. Everyone looked excited except Dovis. He was there without a bag.

  Cathian scowled. “Every member of the crew gets a two-week vacation. That includes you.”

  “No. One of us needs to remain onboard and protect this vessel from theft.” Dovis crossed his arms over his hairy chest. “I don’t want or need a vacation.”

  He spat that last word like it was an insult.

  Nara watched both men, identifying the signs of an upcoming fight. She still didn’t know Dovis well but, over the months, she’d learned that he wasn’t a social creature. “Baby, if he wants to stay, let him.”

  Cathian growled. “He needs to take time off.”

  “He’ll be alone. That’s probably restful for him,” she pointed out, and then lowered her voice. “He doesn’t seem to like people. This probably is his version of vacation.”

  York laughed. “Nara’s got a point there, Cap. We’re all leaving. Dovis is happier than shit.”

  “Fine,” Cathian sighed. “Don’t terrorize the repair crews. No snarling, no watching them while they work and making them so nervous they flee. You already scared off our engineer, making Harver quit three months ago.”

  Nara hid a grin. She could see that Dovis looked disappointed with that order, but he gave a sharp nod.

  Cathian put his arm around her. “Ready for some fun, li

  “Sure am!” She waved at Dovis. “Enjoy the peace and quiet.”

  “I will.”

  They left the ship and entered the station. It was massive for a repair place. The Teki were known for owning a chain of them. It was busy when they reached one of the main arteries of the station, various alien races strolling by.

  “Cross your fingers for me. I’m searching for a mate,” Marrow whispered. “See you around the station.”

  “Two weeks,” Cathian reminded her. “Don’t make me hunt you down.”

  York frowned. “I thought maybe we could spend the time together, Marrow.”

  She glanced at him. “Sorry. You’re a great lover, York. It’s just that we wouldn’t make good mates.” She stalked off without another word.

  York watched her go and sighed.

  Cathian reached over and squeezed his arm. “Easy, big guy. There are lots of females on the station.”

  Midgel cleared her throat lightly. “You could be my escort, York. I’m afraid to go anywhere by myself.”

  York was definitely the protective type. “Okay. Let’s go, Midgel. I’ll keep you safe.”

  The Pods stood with the last silent member of their crew. The Tryleskian male never spoke. One did all the talking for him. “Raff wants to watch shows with us. We’ll be fine, Captain. He’s scary enough that no one will mess with us.”

  Nara glanced at Raff. She wasn’t sure what he did on The Vorge, rarely saw him actually, and Cathian avoided answering questions about him. He was young and handsome. All she knew for sure was that he was a Vellar, a cousin or some other distant relative of Cathian’s.

  “Have fun.”

  That left Nara and Cathian alone. He grinned down at her. “It’s just us. You ready to check into that nice hotel suite I told you about? I went with a jungle theme.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “You, me, and a bed in a tree.”

  She laughed. “Sounds fun, unless I fall out and it’s a big drop.”

  His arm around her tightened. “I’d never allow you to get hurt.”

  She believed that. “Let the honeymoon begin.”

  He led her to the left, where there was a sign with the universal symbol for accommodations. “It also has a waterfall shower.”