Page 3 of Cathian

  “But we just—”

  He pushed up, his chest sliding across her stomach as he lowered himself down her body. “Don’t fight me. I become violent, in case they didn’t warn you. Females from my planet are traveling to meet us. They will arrive in time for me to pick one of them with whom to complete the heat cycle. You’re lucky for that.”

  Nara didn’t fight as he spread her thighs wider when he stretched out on his belly, his face inches from her pussy again. One of his hands adjusted her until his mouth and her clit lined up. She still didn’t protest, the current conversation distracting her.

  “Why am I lucky?”

  Their gazes met and held. “I’ll have ingested enough hormones from feeding off you to need to release my seed at the end of my heat cycle.” He darted a glance at her pussy then looked at her again. “You’re small, and I’m afraid you couldn’t take the rough mating that will result during my release.”

  “What does that mean?”

  His fingers spread her labia open, exposing her to him again. “It means after feeding on your hormones, I’ll be ready to spill my seed for hours to complete the cycle when I’ve had my fill. You don’t want to know what that entails.”

  She swallowed down a little fear. “What if that ship doesn’t reach us before you, um, need to do that? I want to know.”

  He tilted his head, watching her. “My crew will do what needs done. You will be secured face down and bent forward for easier penetration, and I’ll take you for hours, unable to stop until all the hormones are released with my seed. It is a bit barbaric, but the females from my planet enjoy it, from what they’ve assured me. I’m not certain it would have the same effect on a human. But I’m afraid with your smaller, weaker form, I’d harm you.” He growled. “Hungry…”

  Nara’s mouth opened to ask him the dozens of questions that filled her mind, but he buried his face, his tongue aiming straight for her clit.

  Pleasure gripped her and moans tore from her parted lips instead. The drug obviously helped her recover faster, and she ached for release almost the second he started. She shifted her legs and rested her heels on his shoulders. He didn’t seem to care that her thighs pillowed each side of his face in that position.

  She came a second time. Cathian pulled her thighs apart and drove his tongue inside her pussy, fucking her with it. She didn’t mean to move, but her hips rocked hard against his tongue. The sensation made her ache for more.

  He pinned her again until she couldn’t move from the waist down. When he was done, he used his forearms to brace his weight, climbing higher up her body until he collapsed over her, his head between her breasts and his chest against her stomach.

  Nara caught her breath and looked down. She realized his eyes were closed—and then he started to lightly snore.

  Stunned, she just gaped at him. He might be an alien but he’s still a male, passing out after getting what he wants from me. She resisted the snort that nearly surfaced at that thought. Her body actually ached for more after being tongue screwed enough that she was turned-on all over again, and her clit throbbed uncomfortably as she lay there.

  She hoped the drugs were the cause.

  She wiggled around in an attempt to shift his heavy body off hers, wanting to get out from under him. He growled in his sleep, a mean sound, and his legs shifted to the outside of her thighs, pinning her down more firmly. He continued to lightly snore when she ceased her movements.

  Breathing became tough as he relaxed further in his slumber, crushing her into the thick carpet. He had to weigh well over two hundred and fifty pounds. Nara hesitated and then touched his hair. The soft, thick texture curled slightly around her shaking fingers. Next, she touched his broad shoulders, trying to push him to one side and move him enough to wiggle out from under his dead weight.

  He growled again and his arms and legs tightened around her body, clinging.

  He wasn’t going to let her go in his sleep. Nara took a shallow breath, guessing it was some weird alien instinct to keep her close. She closed her eyes, concentrated, and thought of the three Pod guys. Could they hear her thoughts still?

  Help! Can you hear me? Can you still read my mind? Your captain is on top of me, passed out, and I can’t move him. Please send that wolfman in here to lift him off.

  Minutes passed without the door opening to the private cabin. Frustration and irritation battled inside Nara. She softly cursed, trying again to find the strength in her arms to push the captain’s shoulders up. If she could just move him a few inches, she might be able to twist her upper body enough to make him slide off her. Obviously, the Pod guys were either not listening to her thoughts or they were ignoring her plea for help. She assumed the latter. They had tossed her into Cathian’s cabin, after all, regardless of her safety.

  Her arms strained, but she couldn’t lift him. Tryleskian alien men were huge. She wiggled her ass, trying to at least separate them that way—but halted that action when hot, thick flesh pressed against her thigh.

  Cathian might be passed out, but part of him was still awake and hard.

  She tried to move the other way, but that didn’t work either. If anything, his cock seemed to press more firmly against her thigh. She froze, realizing she wasn’t imagining it. His cock had definitely grown stiffer.

  A soft growl came from his lips and his body tensed.

  Nara looked down to stare at his face and watched his eyes open slowly. He stared back, their gazes meeting.

  “Please get off me.”

  He moved his hips, pressing his erection harder against her inner thigh.

  Alarm tore through her. She shook her head. “You said you couldn’t have sex until you had all the hormones you needed.”

  His mouth opened and his tongue slid out, wetting his lower lip. Passion flared in his eyes as he braced his arms, lifted off her a little, until some of his weight eased from her. She adjusted her arms to push herself up but he lowered his body again.

  “I can have sex, but I can’t find release until all the hormones I need trigger that part of my heat.” He rubbed against her thigh, moaning. “It is still pleasurable.”

  “I didn’t sign up for that. I was told no penetration, just oral, and you already broke that promise with your tongue.”

  He growled, a flash of irritation on his handsome features. “It’s how I feed.” He eased down her body, shoving at her thighs. “I’m hungry again.”

  “No way. You just―”

  A snarl tore from him before he buried his face, spreading her open for his tongue, and started to lap at her clit again.

  Nara moaned. She was in a world of trouble if this was an indication of the next six days. He’d kill her. No one could survive climaxing over and over for days. He hadn’t even slept for more than fifteen minutes.

  It took longer, but she came, and Nara knew what would happen next. He entered her pussy with his tongue, lapping up her release, growling softly all the while. When he’d had enough, he rose up and collapsed on top of her again, pinning her under his massive body.

  The snoring didn’t bother her this time, She yawned, exhausted from the stress of being a prisoner, of being sold at auction, and the multiple orgasms.

  Chapter Three

  Nara woke when a pair of strong arms slid between her and the carpet. She opened her eyes as Cathian stood, holding her against his chest. He turned, walked to the big bed, and gently eased her down.

  He backed away, strode across the room to the door, and bent forward. It gave her an excellent view of his muscular ass. He had a nice one. He turned holding a tray and approached the bed.

  “They delivered food.”

  She sat up, feeling self-conscious since she was naked. He didn’t seem to have a problem with being in that state, as he sat on the bed a few feet away, placing the tray between them. She stared at the two plates and cups on the blue surface. It looked as if they were being served a form of thick meat jerky bars.

  “What are they?”

  He picked one up off a plate and lifted it to her mouth. “Open.”

  It had to beat the slop they’d served her at the auction house. It had been like watery oatmeal that tasted moldy. She parted her lips and he pushed the tip inside.

  “Bite. They’re soft. Your teeth should work.”

  She bit down and discovered he was right. She chewed, the flavor of beef and maybe broccoli bursting across her taste buds. He took a much larger bite than she had, watching her closely.

  She swallowed. “That’s pretty tasty.”

  He motioned with his free hand for her to eat. She didn’t hesitate to take a bar and bite into it. He got about three bites from each one, while she took six. Two bars later, she felt full. Cathian ate all the ones on his plate and frowned at her leftovers.

  “I’m good. Eat them if you can.”

  He polished off her remaining two bars and sipped from his cup. She decided to test the drink. It wasn’t bad either, reminding her of very weak black tea.

  He downed his drink and stood, entering the bathroom and leaving her alone in the bedroom. She glanced around his cabin. It was three times the size of the one she lived in on her shuttle.

  The bathroom door opened moments later and Cathian walked right over to her, took the cup from her hand, and replaced it on the tray. He returned it to the floor near the door before facing her.

  “Use the bathroom. My hunger for food has been appeased. I need you.”

  She felt a blush heat her cheeks, not needing him to spell out what he meant. She rose and hurried into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. The bathroom was way nicer and larger than hers too. He had a shower, and a huge tub that reminded her of a four-person Jacuzzi on Earth.

  The door opened behind her and she startled, spinning around. Cathian strode in as if he had every right—which he did, since they were his cabin. “Shower. I laid out a towel and a toothbrush for you. Don’t delay.” His voice deepened. “I need you.”

  She got it. “Are you going to stay in here?”

  He growled, anger flashing in his eyes, but he left. The door slammed, his message clear. He didn’t like to be kept waiting.

  She quickly stepped into the shower. Water automatically came on. It was hot but not overly so. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, just enjoying the feel of water sluicing down her body. Even over the shower, she heard a loud snarl.

  Nara made a low growl of her own before she opened her eyes, reaching for hair cleaner. It had to be the fastest she’d ever attended to her body. She got out, wrapped the towel around her middle, and brushed her teeth. Right as she rinsed her mouth and bent over to spit, two big arms wrapped around her body.

  She gasped, dropping the toothbrush as Cathian hauled her off her feet. He carried her in front of his body to the edge of the bed, set her on her feet, and ripped the towel off. He pushed her lightly and she landed face down on the bed. He gripped her ankles, forcing her to roll onto her back. Then the big guy let her go, hooked her knees, and jerked them up and apart.

  Before she could even recover from being manhandled, he had his face pressed against her pussy. His mouth latched onto her clit, licking and sucking.

  “Fuck,” she moaned, clawing the bedding.

  His mattress was a lot softer than the carpet had been. She adjusted her legs, placing her feet on his back. He slid his hands up to her ass, cupping each cheek to hold her in place against his mouth. She threw her head back, closing her eyes. Pleasure tore through her, building until every muscle in her body tensed, and then the climax had her calling out his name.

  He eased off her clit, released her ass with his big hands, and gripped her thighs. He shoved them a little higher and wider apart. She moaned as he drove his tongue inside her, fucking her with it as he fed. She arched her back, crying out. He had a thick tongue. It felt incredible.

  He withdrew after a few minutes and zeroed back in on her clit. She felt oversensitive but he pinned her, not giving her a chance to wiggle away. Cathian had no mercy. He forced her to come again. Nara panted, trying to recover, but he fed off her, his tongue fucking her hard. Then again.

  He was going to kill her by getting her off too many times in row! Though there were worse ways to go.

  She smiled. It amazed her that the man gave her the best sex she’d ever had despite never actually putting his cock inside her. Even more amazing…the desire was there. Sometimes she wished he wouldn’t use just his tongue to fuck her.

  The human female cried out his name. Cathian eased his mouth off that little swollen bud that made her flood with the hormones he desperately needed. He lowered his mouth to her slit and pushed his tongue inside. She tasted sweet. His hunger began to abate, at least for now. He didn’t want to stop though.

  His dick ached, trapped between his belly and the bedding. But it wasn’t time to purge. His balls felt heavy but he knew his seed wouldn’t release yet. Going into heat had effectively stunned them into a state where sperm wouldn’t leave until the hormone levels in his body reached peak breeding conditions. It didn’t mean his dick didn’t become painfully engorged.

  The desire to fuck Nara was fierce, but he knew it would frustrate him and cause him more pain than pleasure. He’d never fed from someone from Earth, but if Nara was anything to judge by, humans were even more potent than Tryleskian women. The fact that he had the urge to drive his dick inside her even while starving for hormones was testament to that.

  It also worried him.

  What if he needed to purge his seed before the shuttle from his home world arrived? He knew the tight confines of Nara’s pussy well, thanks to his tongue. His shaft was a lot thicker and would go far deeper inside her. He also had no idea how her body would react to his sperm when he released at the end of his heat cycle.

  Tryleskian sperm during the heat could not only impregnate a female, but it also acted as a strong aphrodisiac. It sent females into instant heat, in order to withstand the hours it took to release all his stored seed into their bodies. He’d also become very aggressive. And she looked so frail to him.

  He eased his tongue out and backed away from Nara. She seemed close to falling asleep. He’d exhausted her. Her chest rose and fell quickly, a fine sheen of sweat covering her pale skin. He gazed over her form. Her breasts looked delicate, and he knew they were soft globes. He’d explored them while feeding from her, enjoying the feel of them in his hands. She had very responsive nipples.

  He turned away and walked to his desk, bringing up the computer screen from a hidden compartment. He listened to Nara’s breathing slow, realizing when she fell asleep. He moved his fingers over the top of the desk once the keypad lit up. It didn’t take long to log into the data they had on aliens, cross-referencing humans with Tryleskian.

  There wasn’t much to read.

  Frustration had him biting back a snarl. According to the records, none of his kind had ever fed from or spent their heat with a woman from Earth. The lab reports stated they were compatible for feeding from, but it hadn’t ever been tested on live subjects. He was the first to actually spend any part of his heat with a human.

  A window popped up on his screen and he glanced at the message. Dovis wanted to speak to him. He agreed to meet his second-in-command outside his cabin in two minutes and shut off the monitor. It slid into the flat surface, the keypad fading from sight, and he quietly put on exercise pants. He didn’t bother with a shirt or shoes.

  Dovis paced in the corridor. His friend scowled. “I told Midgel and the Pods that the Earth woman wasn’t good enough for you. I’m sorry they could only find you that one. I’ll make this up to you somehow.”

  Cathian crossed his arms over his chest. “Make what up to me?”

  “The woman isn’t worthy of you. She’s a criminal.”

  “I appreciate you looking out for me, but the auction house was the closest way to find a woman who couldn’t refuse my need. Her crime was smuggling medical drugs. Not recreational ones that do harm. I believe her. Recrea
tional sellers use their products. None are in her body, or I’d taste them.”

  “That still doesn’t excuse Midgel and the Pods from buying you an unattractive alien. I don’t know how you can stand to look at her.”

  He sighed. They had been friends for three years. He had grown to know everything about his second-in-command. Even his deepest secrets. “Stop. You only say that because of your people’s history of hating those born in skin. Nara isn’t unattractive. Don’t project your issues on me—or her.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing.”

  Cathian cocked his head, holding his gaze and refusing to blink.

  Dovis looked away first. His shoulders drooped.

  Cathian let it go. He’d made his point. “Anything to report? Any problems? Did anyone try to follow us when we left the auction? It’s known for attracting all kinds, and some would love to attempt to steal this vessel.”

  Dovis held his gaze again. “It’s all handled and running smoothly. The crew can survive without you while you suffer your heat. York has been very helpful and putting in extra shifts. Raff has as well. Your Pods are keeping to their cabin, occasionally monitoring your mental state. Marrow and Midgel are both fine. And Harver is keeping everything running. There’s no need to worry. Just get through this ordeal.”

  “It’s only a problem when I don’t have a source to feed from.” He smiled. “Now I do.”

  “We’re right on schedule to meet up with the Tryleskian shuttle carrying the women from your planet.”


  “Your father’s assistant has assured me that he’s bringing a prime selection for you to choose from. I’m sorry this happened. I should have paid more attention to your scent and noticed when it began to change.”

  “It’s not your fault. Your job doesn’t entail keeping track of my body.”

  “My sense of smell is keener.”

  “True, but I’m an adult. I know the signs. I ignored them when I stared to get irritable and distracted.”

  “This human is sufficient? You’re getting what you need from her?”