Page 15 of The Playbook

  “Chip, I’d like you to meet Aubrey Cain.”

  Chip’s face lit up. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Cain.”

  “Please, call me Aubrey.”

  He nodded and gave me a once over before turning back to Brett and slapping him on the back. I had no idea what that exchange was all about, but I let it go. I was giving myself one day of not worrying about what people thought, what my boss would say, or even that stupid ass article. Today was about me getting to know the real Brett and having a bit of fun.

  Guiding me over to the bar, I glanced around. It was your typical country bar. Old, smelled like saw dust and beer, and brought a huge smile to my face. I could imagine all the hell Brett caused at this place.

  Two beers were set in front of us. I picked mine up and took a drink. It was then I noticed a small handful of women in the corner staring at me.

  Oh, great. I’m going to guess an old girlfriend was probably mixed into the group. Maybe a wanna-be girlfriend? Jesus, did no one leave this town after high school?

  “So, is that your fan club in the corner shooting me daggers?” I asked as I leaned in to talk to Brett. The music was pretty loud so I had to put my mouth almost up to his ear.

  His gaze lifted and searched quickly before he spotted the women. With a chuckle, he shook his head but didn’t answer me.

  For the next thirty minutes, I found myself glancing over to the women, wondering how many of them Brett actually slept with. I found my mood slipping further and further. Brett was lost in a conversation with Chip and another guy. From the bits and pieces I got from them, almost everyone left for college, but a lot came back to work in their community or on their parents’ ranches. I also figured out it was Chip’s birthday today and that was why the place was already packed in the middle of the afternoon.

  His warm breath on my neck instantly made my insides quiver. “Why do you keep looking over there, Bree?”

  Nonchalantly, I shrugged. “Just trying to figure out how many of them slept with you and which one took your virginity.”

  He looked over my shoulder and his face constricted. “None to both.”

  My lips cracked into a slight grin as I looked down, not wanting him to see I was pleased with his answer.

  “I only slept with one girl before I left for college.”

  My brows pinched together. “One?”

  “Does that surprise you?”

  “Honestly, yes it does. Is she the one who took your virginity?”

  He took my hand and pulled me off the bar stool, leading me to where everyone was dancing. “Yes, she was. Up in the hayloft of her father’s barn with a chicken watching the whole time. Talk about performance anxiety.”

  I scrunched up my nose and giggled. “That doesn’t sound like a great first time.”

  Pulling me close to him, I felt him pressing against my stomach. “It was forgettable to say the least. No offense to her, it’s just, I don’t think I’ve truly experienced my first time making love … yet.”

  My mouth went dry and my breathing stalled. I forced out the name I was trying to say. “Nicole?”

  His eyes softened and he slowly shook his head. “No, not even with Nicole. Maybe I’m not meant to find love.”

  An ache grew in the back of my throat as I got lost in his eyes. Not knowing what to say, I buried my face into his chest and let him lead me slowly around the dance floor.

  The song changed and “Flatliner” started playing. I wasn’t surprised how well of a dancer Brett was. He twirled me around that dance floor like we’d been dancing together for years. It seemed to me there wasn’t anything this man didn’t excel at. When someone walked up and asked to cut in, Brett hesitated, but then dropped his hold on me and motioned for the guy to take over. I stared at him as he walked toward the bar. One spin around the floor and I got another look at Brett only to see two girls standing there talking to him. I couldn’t pull my stare off of them.

  “So where you from, sweet thing?” Breaking my spell, I looked up at the cowboy. Geesh, they breed them good here in Marfa.


  “How did you meet Brett?”

  The last thing I wanted to do was tell people who I was. “We met at a restaurant in Austin.” It was kind of the truth.

  The guy glanced up. “Looks like Brett hasn’t lost his touch with the ladies.”

  My gaze followed his. Brett was smiling at the two girls as one of them had her hand resting on his leg.

  “What a bitch!” I hissed.

  The guy looked at me with a surprised expression. “Did you say something?”

  “I’m thirsty, would you mind if we stopped?”

  “No, not at all. Thank you for the dance.”

  I nodded and replied, “Thank you.”

  Trying to keep these crazy feelings in check, I calmly walked over and stopped in front of the girls. “Excuse me, you’re blocking my chair.”

  The redhead looked me up and down. “There’s another seat on the other side of him.”

  I was positive I had a what-the-hell look on my face. My head turned to see Brett smiling.


  Reaching around the girl, I picked up my drink and downed it.

  Pushing the girl to the side, I set my bottle on the bar.

  Another song played and the dark-haired girl grabbed Brett and yelled out, “Dance with me, Brett!”

  Before I knew what was going on, they were both out on the dance floor dancing with him to Iggy Azalea’s “Team.”

  The way they were all over him made me sick. Flagging Chip down, I held up my empty bottle of beer. Peeking over to them again, I noticed Brett wasn’t touching either one of them, he actually looked pained to be out there. I turned away and grinned. I caught the eye of cowboy sitting at the end of the bar who winked. With a polite smile back at him, I looked at Chip and thanked him for the drink.

  “So, I see the beauty, but I’m really itching to know what it is beyond that.”

  Wrinkling my brows, I asked, “Excuse me?”

  Chip jerked his chin out toward Brett. “I’ve never, since I’ve known Brett Owens, seen him walk into any place with his arm wrapped around the waist of a girl with the clear intent on letting everyone know he was with you. I’m trying to figure out what makes you the one, Aubrey.”

  My stomach flipped. “The one?”

  “Sweetheart, if you can’t see the way that man looks at you like you’re his everything, you need to open your eyes.”

  I let out a nervous laugh. “No, I think you’re mistaken.”

  Chip slowly shook his head and replied, “If you say so.” He turned and headed to the other end of the bar.

  The one?


  Brett vowed to keep his hands off of me, and as of yet, he really hadn’t made any type of play toward me. No, if Brett really wanted me, he’d make the first move. Until then, I was going to keep things the way they were between us. Of course, a few kisses here and there would be nice.

  Heat hit my body as two arms came on either side of me and gripped the bar. Brett had me pinned while his mouth brushed across my neck and up to my ear. “Save me, sweetheart.”

  Turning slightly to look into his eyes, I asked, “From?”

  “The two vultures who are trying to get into my pants. What’s wrong with women these days?”

  Spinning around to face him, I smirked. “I thought that was something you liked, Mr. Owens.”

  He leaned closer, his lips inches from mine. “The only woman I want trying to get into my pants is the one I’m about to kiss.”

  When his lips touched mine, my heart dropped in my chest. If I didn’t know better, I would think I was on a thrill ride. I forced myself not to moan into his mouth. “Locked Away” by R. City started and Brett took my hands, not breaking our kiss, and led me to the dance floor. When he finally tore his mouth from mine, I had to get my scattered thoughts together.

  “Can you salsa?”

  I laughed. “Yes. Can you?”

  “Hell yes, I can.”

  The moment the beat started he moved his body in ways that should be illegal. We weren’t really salsa dancing, but we certainly fell into a version of dirty dancing.

  Each movement pushed my libido even higher as I rubbed my body against Brett. Just when I didn’t think I could take any more, he would do a series of spins. Giving my aching body a break from the heat of his. I’d never had so much fun dancing in my entire life. Brett brought something out in me that I loved. It was easy with him.

  I was positive my cheeks would freeze in the position of my smile. Leaning in closer, I shouted, “Where in the hell did you learn to dance?”

  With a wink, he asked, “Where did you?”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I answered, “My father!”

  Brett laughed. “I need to meet this man. He teaches his daughter to barrel ride, two-step, and salsa dance? Tell me he likes football!”

  With a huge grin, I answered, “Loves football!”

  The song ended and immediately a slow country song started. Brett drew me against his body and we eased back into two-stepping to Chris Janson’s “Holding Her.”

  My heart was racing and I wasn’t sure if it was from all the dancing, or the way Brett was holding me in his arms.

  Then the words to the song started and my breath hitched. We slowly moved across the floor as if it were just the two of us. The chorus started and Brett pulled me tighter to him. My eyes squeezed shut as I let the moment settle into my chest.

  I was falling for Brett and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. Not that I even wanted to.

  I BURIED MY face in her hair and inhaled deeply, taking in her scent. Two months ago, I’d pick up a girl in a bar and fuck her just because I could. Now I was holding the most precious thing I’d ever held in my arms. I’d never felt such peace in my life. Everything was at a standstill, everything but my heart, which was falling more and more for Aubrey.

  The song changed to a faster one but we continued dancing slowly. I’d have given anything to be alone with her. It was getting harder and harder to resist her pull.

  Pulling back, she searched my face. “So where to next?”

  Lifting my hand, I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Ice cream?”

  Her smile grew wide. “Ice cream?”

  Sliding my hand around her neck, I pulled her closer to me. Before I kissed her, I whispered, “Not just any ice cream, Nancy’s ice cream.”

  Aubrey giggled as I pressed my lips to hers. It was a short fast kiss. Taking her hand in mine, I guided her back to the bar. Tapping on it, I got Chip’s attention.


  He rolled his eyes. “Dude, your tab is like six years old!”

  “I’ll settle it before I leave,” I said, giving him a wink.

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”

  “It was great meeting you, Chip,” Aubrey said as she leaned over the bar to shake Chip’s hand.

  “Trust me, the pleasure was all mine. Where y’all headed off to?”

  “Murphy Street Raspa. Taking Aubrey to meet Nancy and get some ice cream.”

  Chip looked at me like I had grown two heads. “Who the hell are you and what have you done with Brett Owens?”

  “Fuck you, asshole.”

  Pointing at me, Chip laughed. “There he is.”

  Walking out of Chip’s place, I took Aubrey’s hand in mine as we walked along the street.

  “So what is this Murphy Street Raspa of which you speak? You mentioned ice cream.”

  With a chuckle, I turned to her. “Nancy owns the place. It’s a gift store mixed with an ice cream place. She’s owned it for years. She also has a limited lunch menu. We hung out there a lot when we were in high school.”

  “What was it like growing up in a town like Marfa?”

  I shrugged. “Boring. I spent a lot of time at the ranch, but when I did come in to town, we’d almost always hit Nancy’s place, and then Sonic.” Letting out a laugh, I let some of the memories come back.

  “It must have been hard having Ryan betray you like he did.”

  I couldn’t even stand hearing his name. “Yeah well, life moves on and everything worked out for the best. I have a job I like, a life I’m happy with. I couldn’t ask for more.”

  We stopped in front of Murphy’s. Aubrey turned and looked at me. “What about a family? Kids? Don’t you want those things?”

  “They’re not on my list of high priorities.”

  Her face fell and my chest tightened knowing what she was asking, and the answers I was giving her clearly weren’t what she wanted to hear. “What about you?”

  With a weak grin, she answered, “I do want to get married, and if I’m blessed with a baby that would be amazing. Truth be told, I thought I’d at least be half way there by now.”

  My heart leapt to my throat as fear gripped my chest and squeezed it.

  “Is that Brett I see standing out here?”

  For a moment, I couldn’t pull my gaze away from Aubrey’s. She was the one who broke the contact when she turned and looked at Nancy.

  My eyes closed briefly before turning and smiling at the older lady coming out to greet us. I wasn’t sure if I was glad she interrupted our conversation or not.

  “Hey there, good looking,” I uttered as I gathered her in a gentle hug.

  Nancy slapped me lightly on the chest. “Oh, stop flirting with me, you handsome boy, you.”

  Aubrey laughed and watched the exchange between Nancy and myself. “Nancy, I’d like you to meet Aubrey Cain.”

  Standing back, Nancy looked every inch of Aubrey over. “Well aren’t you a pretty thing.” Peeking back at me, Nancy winked before wrapping her arm with Aubrey’s and dragging her into the store.

  “This building is over a hundred years old. It helps that we’re next door to the famous Hotel Paisano. Now, you know, James Dean stayed at that hotel.”

  “No, I didn’t know that. I love James Dean!” Aubrey exclaimed, glancing back over her shoulder at me.

  “Oh, yes! Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor also stayed there. But eventually they stayed at some fancier houses in town.”

  Aubrey sat at the counter while Nancy made her way to the other side. Sitting next to her, I couldn’t shake the conversation we were just having.

  “How exciting!” Aubrey exclaimed and I was starting to realize she really did think that was exciting.

  “Your usual, Brett?”

  With a nod, I replied, “Yes ma’am. Extra chocolate syrup.”

  Pulling her head back, Aubrey dropped her mouth in surprise. “I’ve yet to see you eat something unhealthy.”

  With a wink, I replied, “We’re on vacation. Make it two, Nancy. Aubrey here needs to broaden her horizons.”

  While Nancy got busy making up the chocolate milkshakes, Aubrey glanced around the store. It was an eclectic store to say the least. One side was clothes, both men and women, the other more of a crafty home store, and in the middle sat a small nineteen-fifties-style counter.

  Nancy set a large shake in front of me and grinned. “Now I’ll make the other one.”

  Aubrey’s eyes widened. “Wait! There is no way I can drink a whole shake like that.” Her gaze lifted to mine. “Can we share?”

  With a downward gaze to my shake, I looked back at her. “You want me to share this with you?”

  With a chuckle, she nodded. “Yes! Brett, there is no way you can drink that whole shake.” Reaching over, she grabbed a straw, opened it, dunked it in my beloved shake and went to town.

  Sitting back, I watched her with agitation. Her gaze lifted to mine and I couldn’t help but zero in how she was sucking on the straw. Nancy wandered off to help another customer. I leaned closer to Aubrey and said, “You have no idea how turned on I am right now. I’m not even mad you stole my shake.”

  Laughing, she pushed my shoulder back. “You’re turned on watching me drink your shake
, which by the way is amazing.”

  Dropping my mouth open, I exclaimed, “I know! That’s why I wanted my own. And it was the sucking of the straw that got me.”

  Aubrey went back to drink the shake, but rolled her eyes at me. “Just drink it before I drink all of it!”

  “You said you couldn’t drink a whole one.”


  “Fine,” I said as I took a long drink. We soon found ourselves trying to race, sucking the thick milkshake through the straw.

  Just when I was about to tap out from the worse ice cream headache of my life, Aubrey jumped back.

  “Ice cream headache!” she gasped. “Oh. God. It’s. Bad!”

  Smiling, I took a quick break and watched as she stuck her thumb in her mouth and bent over.

  “What in the hell are you doing?”

  “Pwesthing my fumb to the woof of my mouwth.”

  By now, people were staring. Including Nancy who gave me a befuddled look. I shrugged and said, “She’s had too much to drink.”

  Lifting her head, Aubrey shouted, “Bwett!”

  “Oh, dear, Brett. Does she have a drinking problem?” Nancy questioned.

  Aubrey and I both answered at once.


  “Yes,” I said with a pout.

  “Oh, you poor thing. Maybe you should take her next door so she can rest?”

  I looked back at Aubrey who was now crossing her eyes and massaging her temples.

  “I’m fine, I got an ice cream headache.”

  I slipped a twenty on the counter and kissed Nancy on the cheek. “See ya around, Nancy.”

  “Don’t stay away so long, Brett Owens!”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I replied with a wink.

  Reaching for Aubrey’s hand, we walked out of the store and headed over to the hotel.

  The second we stepped outside, she hit me on the arm. “I can’t believe you told them I was drunk.”

  Laughing, I looked at her. “You sounded drunk. What in the hell where you even doing?”

  “Haven’t you ever heard of sticking your thumb to the roof of your mouth and pressing it there to stop an ice cream headache?”

  I stared at her with a stony expression. “No. No I haven’t.”

  She huffed and looked away. “You need a life, Brett Owens.”