Page 27 of The Playbook

  Slipping my fingers inside of her, she lifted her hips and mumbled something I couldn’t make out.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet. Do you want me?” I asked as I ran my lips across her neck.

  “More than you know.”

  With a smile, I nipped at her earlobe. “Tell me what you want.”

  Her head thrashed back and forth. Her desire growing by the second as I pumped my fingers in and out of her.

  “You. Brett, I want you! It’s always been you.”

  Pulling my fingers out, I said, “Look at me, Bree.”

  Her eyes snapped open and her lips parted as I pushed my fingers into my mouth and moaned. Taking them out, I slipped them back inside as she gasped. “You taste so sweet.”

  Licking her lips, her gaze fell to my mouth. Leaning in, I kissed her hard and fast as I worked her with my fingers.

  I could feel her pussy pulsing as I built up her orgasm.

  “So close,” she whispered. “Brett … I’m almost … oh God.”

  My first instinct was to grab a condom and put it on. But I wanted to feel all of her. I wanted to pour myself into her. Leaning over, I whispered against her ear as I stopped moving my hand, “Condom?”

  Her eyes opened and she wore a look of horror. “He wore a condom, I swear.”

  Fuck. That wasn’t what I was asking and for a moment, my cock felt like it went down some.

  With grin, I whispered, “No baby, do you want me to wear one?”

  “Oh,” she softly mumbled. She chewed on her lower lip and slowly shook her head.

  “Good, because neither do I.”

  Aubrey smiled and my heart melted.

  Moving my fingers again, she was even more wet as she continued to stare into my eyes. Her body was getting close so I pulled my fingers out of her and moved over her.

  “Brett,” she gasped as I teased her with the head of my cock.

  “I don’t want you coming unless I’m balls deep inside of you,” I whispered, pushing into her hard and fast.

  “That’s it,” she cried out, her nails digging into my back while she wrapped her legs around me. “Changed. My. Mind. Don’t go slow. I don’t want slow right now.”

  With a grin, I grabbed her ass with both hands and gave her what she wanted.

  “Fucking hell, you’re so tight. Baby, you feel so damn good.”

  “So. Close. Oh, God.”

  “Tell. Me. What. You. Want,” I panted as I fucked her harder, hitting the spot I knew would push her over the edge.

  Even though I knew my parents were clear across the house, we both whispered. I wanted to scream out, though. It felt so damn good being inside of her.

  Pushing in harder, I demanded, “Tell. Me.”

  “You. Harder. Oh, God, Brett!”

  Covering her mouth with her hand to drown out her moans, she arched her back and pulsed around my cock as she came. It didn’t take long before my own orgasm built. I poured myself into her as I dropped my face into her neck and whispered her name off my lips. I came so hard and for so long I swore I saw fucking stars. There was only one Christmas present I wanted to give to Aubrey. The one thing I knew she longed for. The one thing I longed for, but was too afraid to admit to until this very moment.

  When I finally stopped moving, she wrapped her arms around me tighter. I wanted to stay deep inside of her. The two of us connected as one. Even when I thought I was fucking her, I was making love to her. What we shared was amazing. It was rare and I knew it.

  After a few minutes, I pulled out of her and rolled onto my back and reached for my T-shirt. Quickly cleaning myself off and then moving to clean Aubrey.

  Gazing into her eyes, I smiled. “I missed you … so much.”

  Her hand caressed the side of my face. “I missed you too.”

  After folding up the T-shirt, I set it to the side and laid back down. Pulling Aubrey closer to me. She rolled on her side with her left leg thrown over my body and her head on my chest.

  We laid there in silence for a few more minutes, neither one of us saying a word.

  “I needed a few weeks to take care of things before I came out here. The one thing that was most important to me was for you to know how much I wanted to be with you. When I called your mother and spoke with her, I realized why you pushed me away.”

  Closing my eyes, I felt the heat from her stare.

  “I know what I did by pressuring you was wrong.”

  I shook my head and she placed her finger over my lips. “We were both stupid. But I’ve always known what I wanted.”

  Peeking at her, I asked, “What did you want?”

  “You. This. Waking up and falling asleep every single day next to the man I loved. Feeling your hand on my stomach as our child grew inside of me.”

  My eyes burned as I held my tears back and placed my hand over her stomach.

  “Your career, Bree. Wyoming isn’t really the easiest place to fly in and out of.”

  She giggled and moved to where she was looking right at me. “No, it’s not, but you should have let me decide that, Brett. We have to promise each other that we’ll be honest with one another. If something scares us or bothers us, we have to communicate it.”

  “I’m scared of you being gone. Of us living two separate lives, but I realized I’d rather have that over a life of living without you.”

  Aubrey sat up and smiled. “The last few weeks I’ve been taking care of some things I needed to deal with before I made the long hike up here to the mountains.”

  My heart was racing. I had no idea what she was about to say, but I had a feeling everything was going to change.

  “I spent some much needed time with my sisters. Nelly’s getting married.”

  With wide eyes, I replied, “No shit?”

  “Yep. Marie found out she’s pregnant, and Christine found out she no longer wants three kids and told Ralph he needed to fix that situation.”

  Screwing my face, I whispered, “Ouch.”

  “There were a few other things I did.”

  I forced myself to swallow. “What were they?”

  “I put my condo up for sale, gave my two week notice to ESPN, and loaded all my favorite eighties songs onto an iPod for you.”

  Sitting up, I looked at her with a stunned expression. “Bree, you quit your job?”

  She nodded her head. “Just like you discovered this is where you belonged, I discovered this was where I belonged.” Placing her hand over my heart, she pressed her lips together as I let her words sink in. “What I thought I wanted, wasn’t at all what I wanted. Even if you hadn’t asked me to marry you, Brett, I would have followed you to the ends of the earth. All that I need is your love. Forever and always.”

  Pulling her onto my lap, she straddled me. Her warm pussy pressed against my cock as it stirred back to life.

  “Aubrey, you have my heart, always and forever. I swear to you. I’m going to make all of your dreams come true.”

  Kissing her gently on the lips, I rested my forehead to hers. “I hope one of them starts tonight,” I whispered.

  “Me, too,” she replied with a giggle.

  “God, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Brett.”

  Her fingers twirled around in my hair as she leaned against me. My dick jumped each time she moved.

  “He’s ready,” I said, laying her back onto the carpet.

  “For?” she inquired with a smile so breathtaking I found it hard to breathe.

  “To hopefully keep trying to give you your first Christmas present.”

  Pushing slowly into her, I never took my eyes off of hers as we made love.

  I knew this night would be a night we would never forget. I might not get her pregnant tonight, but hell if I wouldn’t try every single night until I did.

  Everything in my life was exactly how it was supposed to be.

  Well, almost everything.

  “BRETT! WE’RE GOING to be late,” I called out.

  Rushing into the
kitchen, he came to a stop and smiled. “Looking at the two of you, I can’t seem to catch my breath. So beautiful.”

  Smiling, I shook my head and whispered, “Charmer.”

  Charlotte squealed in delight at the sight of her father. She had Brett wrapped around her little finger and, at fifteen months old, she already knew how to toy with his emotions.

  “Oh, baby girl! Daddy is so happy to see you too.” Scooping her from her high chair, he kissed her all over her cheeks and neck, causing her to giggle even more. Spinning her around, Brett told her a story.

  “Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who got dressed in the most beautiful white wedding gown the prince had ever seen.”

  I stood and brought the plate of food to the sink while I listened to Brett tell our daughter about our wedding day while he spun her around again.

  “She just ate, Prince Owens. If you make her sick, I’ll smack you.”

  Charlotte and Brett laughed as he tossed her around with ease.

  Finally holding her to the side, he kissed her nose and said, “My girl doesn’t get sick with a little bit of playing, do you, Char?”

  Again, she gave him a huge smile and giggled. Oh, she was as much of a charmer as her daddy.

  “The prince had never seen a princess so beautiful. She was the fairest in the land. And trust Daddy when I say I searched the land over and over.”

  Glaring at him, I folded my arms over my chest.

  Brett gave me a wink and kept talking.

  “The prince …”

  “Handsome prince,” I injected.

  “The handsome prince waited outside for his beautiful princess to walk down the aisle to him with all of their family and friends surrounding them. He was afraid she would trip because she kept looking at the mountains behind the handsome prince.”

  “The sun was making them glitter, you have to tell her that part,” I giggled.

  Looking at me, he shook his head. “This is my story, you tell it your way, I’ll tell it mine.”

  Charlotte laughed again and I couldn’t help but shake my head at the sight of my husband holding our daughter and talking about our wedding day. My heart was overflowing with love.

  “Well, you’ll be happy to know, Princess Bree didn’t trip, Charlotte. It was a good thing, too, since you were growing in her belly at the time.”

  My hand covered my mouth and I was suddenly overcome with emotion.

  “She made it to her prince, they exchanged vows that she forced the prince to write…”

  I reached over and slapped him, making Charlotte laugh again.

  “They kissed and lived happily ever after.”

  Charlotte only heard kiss and grabbed Brett’s face and planted a wet sloppy kiss right on his lips.

  “Oh, how I love your slobbery kisses,” Brett stated as he curled his lip up at me and wiped his mouth off. “She gets her kissing from you.”

  Birdy walked into the kitchen carrying a giant basket. “I’ve got snacks in here in case you want some, Aubrey. I know how your cravings have been lately.”

  Setting the basket down, Birdy took Charlotte from Brett’s arms. “I’ll get her coat on, we don’t want to be late.”

  A warm feeling settled into my chest as I watched my mother-in-law whisk my daughter off to get her dressed to go.

  My body trembled as Brett wrapped his arms around me and rubbed his hands softly over my very swollen nine-month pregnant belly.

  Pressing his hard dick into my back side, I dropped my head to his chest. “Yes. Please. Make this baby come out,” I begged.

  His hand somehow masterfully found its way under my dress, into my panties, and to my clit where he softly massaged it. I was so horny during this pregnancy all he had to do was look at me and I’d come.

  “Brett, we can’t.”

  “We can.” His hot breath against my neck as he whispered in my ear, “Do you want my cock?”

  “Yes,” I gasped.

  “We’ll be late for the play and my mother is going to walk back in any second.”

  My head rocked back and forth against his chest. “I don’t care.”

  “Do you need to be satisfied, baby?”

  “Yes, but we … we have to … go … the kids.”

  Brett had been asked to coach a special league football team for boys in fourth and fifth grade and he loved it. I don’t think I’d ever seen him so happy as when he was on that field with those boys. Not even when he was coaching for the University of Austin. And he looked hot as hell out there coaching. Something about it turned me on. I was pretty sure that’s how I got pregnant this time around. The back seat of his truck after a spring practice.

  Lust was beginning to cloud my good judgement. We needed to get to the play. Half of the boys who played on the football team Brett coached were in the Christmas play at the elementary school.

  “Ah, the kids. Can’t let the kids down,” Brett whispered.

  Of course, Brett wasn’t the only one who had found something he was passionate about. After I had Charlotte, I quickly fell in love with making her outfits. My hobby soon turned into other moms asking for outfits, and now Birdy and I owned a small little children’s boutique in downtown Thayne. It was perfect for me. I could bring Charlotte into the shop since we had a small nursery area set up in the office. Working alongside Birdy was also a dream come true. She pretty much ran the store while I kept up with inventory. It gave her something to do, and allowed me to do something I loved.

  “No, we can’t let them down,” I uttered, turning to face him. My pregnant stomach separating us.

  Brett flashed me a sexy smile. “I can go fast.”

  Hitting him on the chest, I said, “Stop it before your mother hears you.”

  Wiggling his eyebrows, he leaned in and sucked my lip into his mouth and moaned.

  I could hear Charlotte giggling as Birdy walked into the kitchen.

  “Do you kids want to meet me at the play?”

  Brett and I both looked at her. She slung the diaper bag over her shoulder and stopped. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Did you offer to meet us there?” Brett asked.

  Birdy nodded. “Yeah, you still have to load those gifts into the car to drop off at the shelter. You better get a move on, though. Your father and I will take Charlotte, get there early and get settled into our seats.”

  God, how I loved having my in-laws right here. My parents came to visit as much as they could. They even talked about buying a place outside of Jackson Hole. I really hoped they did. My whole family was set to come and spend a week with us after we had the baby.

  “Sounds good, Mom. We’re right behind you.”

  Trying to keep a straight face, I smiled as she brought Charlotte over to us. “Give Mommy and Daddy kisses bye-bye.”

  After kissing our daughter, we watched as Birdy headed out the door.

  With a low growl from the back of his throat, Brett took my hand and led me to the master bedroom. After Brett and his father bought the adjacent ranch, Birdy and Joseph moved into that house, leaving us with this beautiful log home that Brett had spent so many summers and holiday’s making memories. I loved that we continued to make new memories.

  Shutting the door to our bedroom, he led me to the bed.

  “I’ve got something new for you today.”

  Laughing, I stripped out of my clothes, the anticipation of Brett filling me causing my heart to race.

  “Ah, a new play from the playbook huh?” I asked, attempting to lay down and not feel like a whale.

  He crawled over me and rolled me on to my side.

  Moving his mouth to my ear, he said in a sexy voice, “And this one is guaranteed to score a touchdown.”

  Laughing, I glanced up at him. “By touchdown you mean put me into labor … right?”

  I was two days past my due date and so ready to have this baby.

  Before Brett even had time to do anything, I felt a warm wetness between my legs.

nbsp; “Damn baby, you that horny?”

  Oh. My. God.

  Trying to sit up, I struggled for a few seconds before Brett realized what I was doing and helped me up into a sitting position.

  My breathing picked up as I let out a nervous chuckle.

  “You’ll have to tuck that play away for another day, baby.”

  His eyes widened as he jumped up. “What? Are you? Are we? Holy shit!”

  Laughing, I placed my hand on my stomach while Brett did the same. His eyes filling with tears as he whispered, “Our baby boy.”

  With a smile, I nodded.

  “He’s on his way.”

  Darrin and Lauren – For your patience with me as I wrote this book and finished it up. Thank you for always standing by me and supporting me in all I do. I love you both to the moon and back.

  Danielle – For giving me the idea to write this book!

  Laura and Kristin – Thank you for always beta reading for me. I love that you two are the first set of eyes on my babies!

  Erin – Thank you for doing such a great job editing this book. You made some great suggestions. You are the best! Are you ready for the next one?!

  Holly – Thank you for proofing! I have loved working with you and can’t wait to work with you again!

  Julie – Thank you for always making the inside of my book so beautiful. You’re the best!

  Sara – Your covers are amazing. Thank you for bringing Brett Aubrey to life with this amazing cover.

  Everyone who picks ups and reads this book, shares it, tells a friend about it … THANK YOU! Your support means the world to me!

  Kelly Elliott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author. Since finishing her bestselling Wanted series, Kelly continues to spread her wings while remaining true to her roots and giving readers stories rich with hot protective men, strong women and beautiful surroundings.

  Kelly lives in central Texas with her husband, daughter, and two pups. When she’s not writing, Kelly enjoys reading and spending time with her family.

  To find out more about Kelly and her books, you can find her through her website.