Page 9 of The Playbook

  “And?” I questioned, sitting on the edge of my seat.

  “She is for sure pregnant. I watched them do the sonogram.”

  My jaw fell open. “How… how far along is she?”

  Brett looked like he was about to get sick. “The doctor said four months.”

  Standing, I covered my mouth. Brett was going to have a baby with this girl Emily and it actually turned my stomach. For some reason, I was more upset than I should have been.

  “Excuse me,” I mumbled as I rushed past him and ran to the restroom.

  I barely had time to make it to the toilet before I threw up.

  What in the hell is wrong with me? Why did that news hit me like that?

  A light tap on my shoulder caused me to look up. Brett stood there with a wet towel. Reaching for it, I wiped my mouth and walked out of the stall and to the sink.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled. “I’m not sure what happened? I must have eaten something bad.”

  Brett barely grinned. “You did the same thing I did. I practically ran over pregnant women to get out of the office to get sick.”

  Brett leaned against the sink. “I know the baby isn’t mine, Aubrey. I had a condom on and it didn’t break.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “Because I know. Fuck. I’m going to lose my job over this. She’s talking about going to the media.”

  Turning to face him, I took his hand in mine. The instant rush I felt from his touch caused me to take a few extra seconds to focus on what I was going to say.

  “You won’t lose your job because we’re going to find out if this girl was with another guy. Did you get her last name?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I’ve already looked it up. Looks like she registered last fall. She is only taking one class.”

  Pinching my eyebrows together, I asked, “Which class?”

  “A history class. It says she’s pre-law.”

  The door to the bathroom opened and a lady walked in but quickly came to a stop when she saw Brett.

  “So sorry,” Brett said as he rushed out of the bathroom. The lady grinned at me as I returned the gesture.

  “I got sick and he came in to make sure I was okay.”

  She smiled big. “Sounds like Brett Owens. He is so good to everyone around here. Such a nice guy. Cute too!”

  I nodded my head and gave her a polite chuckle. I’d been interviewing a lot of the staff that worked for Brett and Pat. Everyone said the same thing when it came to Brett. He was a nice guy and would do anything for anyone.

  My heart ached in my chest for Brett. I may be struggling with my feelings for him, but I knew he didn’t deserve this hand that was being dealt to him.

  I was going to find out what in the hell was going on. Even if that meant Joe finding out I was digging into something I shouldn’t have been.

  MY THOUGHTS WERE scattered while I tried to pay attention to the video of last year’s opening game.

  Tossing the remote on the coffee table, I scrubbed my hands down my face and stood. “Fucking hell, just go out, Owens,” I mumbled to myself.

  I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed the third beer I’d had since getting home. Between the bullshit accusations from Emily and Aubrey out with dickhead Ryan, I didn’t know whether I was coming or going. I hadn’t dealt with these feelings in a while, and I wasn’t so sure about anything anymore.

  The cell phone on the counter caught my eye. Picking it up, I hit the number to the one person I know would understand. He was also the one who could change my entire life with what I was about to tell him.

  The cab pulled up to The Backspace and parked out front. Handing over a few twenty dollar bills, I said, “Keep the change, buddy.”

  “Thanks, dude!” the driver called out with a huge grin.

  It didn’t take long to locate Pat and his wife, Sharron. With a nod directed to both of them, I headed to the table.

  Pat stood and shook my hand. Leaning over, I kissed Sharron on the cheek. “You look beautiful as always, Sharron.”

  “Charmer,” she replied with a warm smile.

  I took a seat and ordered a beer. Pat lifted an eyebrow, but I choose to ignore it.

  “Looks like you have something heavy on your mind, son.”

  Pat was like a second father to me when I played football at the University of Austin. Anytime we were away from work, he treated me like a son instead of acting like my boss.

  With a curt laugh, I replied, “You could say that.”

  Leaning back in his chair, Pat cleared his throat. “Aubrey was asking about your NFL career.”

  My head pulled back some, as if I should really be surprised by that. I’d been redirecting her questions anytime she asked me about my few years of pro football.

  With a hard look, I asked, “What did you tell her?”

  “That it was your story to tell … not mine.”

  The waitress set the beer down and I ignored her fuck-me eyes she was flashing at me. “Thanks,” I mumbled.

  “Would you like something to eat?” she inquired while batting her long eyelashes at me. Any other time, I’d probably flirt with her. I wasn’t in the mood, and I sure as hell wasn’t doing it in front of Pat and Sharron.

  “No thank you.”

  Glancing back up, I observed Pat and Sharron holding hands. I couldn’t help but grin. They reminded me of my own parents who were still madly in love after thirty-five years of marriage. If I could ever find a love like that I vowed I would never let it go. It didn’t look like it was in the game plan for me though.

  “I appreciate that. I’m sure the best thing to do would be to tell her. I’ve come to know Aubrey, and there is no way she would print it.

  Pat nodded in agreement. “She’s a sweet girl. Smart too.”

  My brows lifted and a crooked smile grew over my face. “You’re surely not suggesting anything there are you, Pat? You of all people.”

  He held up his hands and chuckled. “I wouldn’t think of it. But since we aren’t wearing I’m-your-boss-and-you-work-for-me hats, let me ask you something.”

  “Ask away.”

  “You’re not the least bit interested in her?”

  With a fixed looked at Pat, I answered. “I wouldn’t put her job on the line.”

  “There isn’t anything that says you can’t date an ESPN reporter.”

  I let out a gruff laugh. “Even one doing a full spread on me and the university I work for? That might make her a little biased don’t you think?”

  “Not if she is good at what she does and she writes a fair and truthful article,” Sharron said. “Your eyes light up when she’s mentioned, Brett.”

  Grabbing my beer, I took a long drink and shook my head. “I’ve got bigger problems than my so-called feelings for Aubrey Cain.”

  “How big?” Pat questioned with a trouble looked on his face.

  Glancing down at the table, I inhaled a deep breath and held it in for a few moments before slowly letting it out before speaking.

  “I met a girl about four months ago at a dinner I was speaking at. We hooked up twice, and now she says she’s pregnant and the baby is mine.”

  Sharron’s expression turned grim. “Oh, Brett.”

  The disappointment in her voice was almost more than I could take. It was a prequel to what my own mother would say.

  Pat cleared his throat. “Okay, I’m sure you’ll do the right thing here, Brett.”

  I laughed. “I don’t think the baby is mine. I always use protection and nothing was wrong with the condom both times.” Turning to Sharron, I mumbled, “Sorry, Sharron.”

  She held up her hands as if to say she wasn’t bothered by my words.

  “That’s not the worse of it, Pat.”

  Closing his eyes, he blew out a deep breath. “Please tell me she’s not a student.”

  My throat felt as if it was closing in on me as I fought for air. “Looks like she just transferred here and is only signed up for a history class.”
r />   “Damn it, Brett!” Pat grumbled.

  “In my defense, there is no way a student would have been at that dinner. None. I swear I would never put my job or the university at risk if I had any indication she was a student.”

  “What’s her name? I’ll look into her records.”

  “I’ve already given it to Aubrey. She said the office can’t find her transcripts. They haven’t even been scanned into the system.”

  Sharron leaned forward with a confused look. “Well they must have had them for her to register for classes. How would she be able to do that with no transcripts?”

  I pointed toward her. “That’s the million-dollar question. Aubrey said she would dig a little more tomorrow, but so far she can’t find anything on Emily Claire.

  “How did Aubrey get dragged into this?”

  I glared at Pat. “Well, considering the woman is with me practically twenty-four-seven.”

  “Speaking of, where is she?” Sharron probed.

  Bile moved up to my throat. Taking another drink of my beer, I replied, “She’s out on a date.”

  Pat’s brow furrowed. “A date? With who?”

  Just the idea of Aubrey with Ryan boiled my blood. With a scowl, I answered. “Ryan Dryer.”

  “Oh, hell,” Pat whispered while running his hand across his chin. “Did you warn her about him?”

  With a shrug, I shook my head. “She wouldn’t believe anything I said even if I tried. In her eyes, he is a great guy even though she’s only been around him for two minutes. I think because he’s a senator, and her mom feels like she can trust the guy. Little does she know what a downright dirty rotten rat he is.”

  “Jealousy does not become you, Brett Owens,” Sharron said with a chuckle.

  Letting out a frustrated grunt, I shook my head.

  Pat folded his arms on the table. “I want you to take some time off.”

  With a huff, I asked, “What? Time off? I can’t take time off. I’ve got commitments and bullshit speeches to make. Off is not an option, and you know that, Pat. Besides, we’re still in spring training. Plus, I need to make sure we get the kid from Marfa to commit.”

  “Exactly. This kid should be in the bag with him attending your high school alma mater. Head there, show him how bad we want him, and visit your parents. It gets you away from this girl and gives me time to look into a few things.”

  I sighed. “What about Aubrey?”

  I’d never seen Pat with an evil smile like the one he was wearing now. “There are plenty of rooms at your folk’s ranch. Take her with you so she can see the other side of Brett Owens.”

  My jaw dropped. “You cannot be serious.”

  Glancing at Sharron and then back to me, he replied, “Oh, I’ve never been more serious.”

  THE MOMENT WE pulled up to the restaurant, I knew this was going to be an interesting dinner. Stepping out of the limo, my eyes glanced up at the historical building.

  Ryan walked up and placed his mouth close to my ear. “The Austin Club. They have amazing food.”

  I nodded my head. “Why do I have a feeling I’m underdressed?”

  He laughed. “Nonsense. No one will be able to look past your beauty to even notice how you’re dressed.”

  I felt my cheeks heat up as I quickly glanced away from Ryan. Any decent man would tell me I looked good.

  With a slight sigh, I said, “I’m really a simple girl, Ryan. I don’t need to be impressed with fancy restaurants.”

  When he slipped his arm around my waist, I waited for it to make me feel something. Anything. It didn’t. His smile though, I had to admit there was something about it. I’d give him one thing; he could probably charm the panties off any girl if he wanted to. Just not this girl.

  The second we entered, everyone jumped into action. I’d never seen so many people fall over one man in my entire life. Jesus, you’d think the president had walked in. I wasn’t used to this kind of behavior, not even with my own mother, who was also a senator.

  “Mr. Dryer, good evening, sir. Would you like to dine privately this evening?”

  With a wink to the young blonde, he answered her. “No. I want to show off the beautiful woman on my arm.”

  My face screwed up at his comment. “I’m not an ornament, senator,” I softly stated. He tossed his head back like I had told him a joke.

  “No, that you are not, Ms. Cain, and forgive me for trying to pay you a compliment. It was in rather poor taste. I’m not really used to taking women out on dates.”

  My brows lifted. “Really? I find that hard to believe.”

  His hand moved to the small of my back. It felt nothing like when Brett touched me. He brought my body to life and made me feel things I’d never felt before.

  Lust. That was all that was with Brett.

  “Why do you find it hard to believe I don’t date? Unlike Mr. Owens, I don’t sleep with every woman I talk to.”

  I underestimated his dislike of Brett. “Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately, senator? I’m sure you have women falling at your feet.”

  “Call me Ryan, please.”

  With a nod, I replied, “Ryan it is.”

  We climbed a set of stairs and made our way to a large room. I gasped when I took it all in. It was beautiful with all of the old ornate décor. The building itself was breathtaking. I could only imagine the weddings that had been held here in this room.

  “It’s so beautiful,” I whispered.

  A single rose appeared before me. Smiling, I looked at Ryan. “For you. An early birthday present.”

  I took the flower and thanked him. It was clear he was trying to impress me. I’ll admit it was a sweet gesture.

  As we walked up to the table, my eyes widened in surprise.

  Ryan took the rose from me and pushed it into the huge bouquet of roses. “The rest of your flowers.”

  Swallowing, I glanced around. What did these people think? The stares from everyone in the room made me uncomfortable. Not to mention the guy standing in the corner with a camera in his hand. “Um… how many flowers are in that thing?” I asked.

  “Three dozen,” Ryan replied with a proud look on his face.

  The gesture might have seemed romantic for most women, but the cocky look on his face and the way he peered around the room had the complete opposite effect on me.

  “Goodness,” I barely said as I sank into the chair Ryan was holding out for me.

  “I hope you like roses.”

  Trying to be polite, I forced a smile. “I do, they’re not my favorite flower though. Tulips are.”

  Ryan frowned. “Tulips? Huh. What a strange flower to like.”

  A weak grin played across my lips as I tried not to let his words bother me.

  Half of the dinner Ryan talked about everything him or the great state of Texas. At one point, I swore my head dropped as I fought to keep from falling asleep.

  With a laugh, Ryan shook his head. “I’m boring you. I told you I wasn’t good at this dating thing.”

  I brushed off his comment with a wave of my hand. “No, you’re fine. I have to admit, I hear all of this with my mother as well, so it tends to be tedious.”

  He smiled but something moved across his face. I couldn’t really figure Ryan out. He seemed genuine and nice at the gala. Now, I got a totally different vibe from him. One I didn’t like at all.

  “So, how are things going with the piece you’re writing on Mr. Owens?”

  With a nod, I replied, “Good. But I’m not just writing about him. The article itself focuses on college football, the University of Austin, and Brett.”

  He lifted his brows. “Just good? Is he being a jerk to you? He’s known for being a bit of an asshole. I should know.” Grabbing his drink, he took a shallow sip.

  His voice turned tight when he started talking about Brett, and I was caught off guard by the total turnaround of his tune. He had been proper the entire evening, not uttering a single curse word.

  “I haven’t exp
erienced that side of Brett. He can be a bit outspoken on things, but he has never been rude to me. He’s actually been very accommodating, if I do say so.”

  Ryan downed the rest of the alcohol and motioned for another. The muscles in his neck seemed to tighten, but that could have been my imagination. “Well, I knew a different side of Brett at one time, so please forgive me for my short outburst. I mean, he was my best friend once.”

  I nodded. The rest of dinner was spent almost in silence. Something happened between Ryan and Brett and I was bound and determined to find out what. First I had to help Brett with this Emily problem.

  “You suddenly seem like you’re miles away, Aubrey.”

  I grinned. “Sorry. My mind was drifting to a problem I’m helping Brett with.

  Ryan leaned forward. “Really? Is everything okay? I may have my differences with Brett, but like I said, we were like brothers at one time.”

  The moment the words were out of my mouth I wanted to hit myself. Why I had blurted that out I had no idea. Ryan had caught me off guard when I was in the middle of thinking about Emily. Trying to cover for the stupid slip on my part, I grinned and answered him. “It’s really nothing big, a hiccup I’m trying to help him with.”

  Reaching across the table, Ryan took my hand in his. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  I looked deep into his eyes. He was being sincere. “Thank you, but really, it’s nothing.”

  He squeezed my hand. “Of course. But please know if you need any help with anything, I have connections and resources I’m sure you don’t have.”

  Wanting to change the subject, I nodded. “Thank you, Ryan. I appreciate the offer.”

  He dropped my hand and took another sip of his wine. “Anything to help a beautiful woman.”

  The rest of the evening seemed to flow a bit better. Ryan relaxed a bit more. It was almost as if he was suddenly in the best mood ever. He cracked a few jokes, we laughed, drank probably a little too much, danced a few times, and finally called it a night when I saw it was so late.