'How much?'

  'Three crones'.

  Jacob couldn’t help but smirk as he handed over three square metal coins. Mark had told him the locals called the coins crones because the late Queen's portrait was stamped on them. It seems she was not loved by many within the walls; in fact not many loved the current Queen either. Jacob tucked the colourful scarf in his belt – he hoped Chev would like it. He looked around at all the stalls and people going about their business – Teanne would love this place.

  Teanne. Jacob wished she would just reappear, he needed her guidance, her strength and of course he needed her. So much was changing. He pushed the painful thoughts aside and thought about the night before.

  Matthew had tried to explain the secret treaty that existed between Aelia and Luia, but it made no sense – why would they risk everything by going against the ancient law – all for the Estrus, a stone. Sure it was thought to be the embodiment of life itself, but it was a stone – a fairy tale, and Teanne had risked her life for that stone. Jacob angrily quickened his pace as he approached the gateway to the plains. Elder Lin – did she know what she had asked Teanne to do.

  'Jacob. What a great surprise!' Jacob's bad mood faded as soon as she smiled,

  'Chev, you look a lot better.' Chev smiled and looked to the corner of her tent shyly, Jacob followed her gaze and stood shocked as Prince Daon rose from a chair.

  'It seems visiting time is over, Chev. Commander' Jacob caught the wink from the prince to Chev as he left the tent, and turned sharply to Chev, who he noticed had red cheeks,

  'What was he doing here?'

  'Visiting, it’s not against the law is it?'

  'Not yet!' Jacob replied scornfully, Chev attempted to conceal a laugh. Jacob removed the scarf from his belt and handed it to Chev and she squealed with pleasure. 'Glad you like it.' Jacob finally found a smile.

  'You look a little distracted Commander'

  'Please don't call me that! It’s an ill deserved title'

  'Pfft, you're turning into your father' Jacob raised an eyebrow in question 'Grumpy!' Chev concluded.

  'How are your dreams?' Jacob saw Chev shudder. She didn’t need to answer.

  'I went to see the Queen yesterday'

  Chev sat up and looked at Jacob questionably, 'your boyfriend’s suggestion - that I go and seek advice on your dreams was pointless' Chev did not react, but simply replied,

  'He mentioned that it might be'.

  'Did he mention the fact that his mothers dreams were the result of being near the Estrus?!' Jacob could hear the hardness of his voice, but he didn't care – he was tired.

  'No.' Chev replied lowering her gaze.

  'And then, I spent an interesting evening with a scholar and Wilfred – you remember him?' she nodded then motioned Jacob to continue.

  'Do you know of a secret treaty between Aelia and Luia?'


  Jacob ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, 'You are a Sister Elite, surely you would know of such a treaty?'

  'No Jacob, I don't. Alliva is the first sister – if anyone would know it would be her'

  'She is the last person I want to speak to' Jacob replied. Chev smiled, then slowly stood, and made her way across the tent to a small bowl of water, Jacob could see that she had yet to recover fully from her ordeal, and seemed a lot older than her years,

  'What were you told about this treaty?' she finally asked

  'Only that if either land were to discover the existence of the Estrus, they were to return it to the Order Lords or be deemed treasonous' Chev turned and looked at Jacob, she started shaking,

  'Do you think that is why they attacked, because Elder Lin had the Estrus and they discovered it somehow?' Jacob nodded 'but why now? Surely, Elder Lin would not risk Luia?'

  'Maybe someone betrayed her?' Jacob recalled Elder Lin saying that she thought there was a traitor amongst them. 'I'm not sure of anything anymore Chev, apart from the fact I am growing a hatred for that stone.'

  'Did you discuss Teanne with this scholar?' Jacob was surprised by the sudden change in topic, but nodded, 'and what did he say?'

  'That she is more than likely dead.' The matter of fact way Jacob had said the last statement made him shake his head, numb – that was the only way he could explain it.

  'What does your heart tell you?'

  'My heart is numb, Chev. I don't know anything anymore.’ Chev lowered her head at the thought and then moved back to join Jacob. She gently placed a hand on his knee.

  'Tell me what else you learned from the scholar, Jacob'

  Jacob pushed away a tear from his eye and smiled softly at Chev.

  ‘There is so much of what he said that I do not understand. It only proves that I am not ready to take command.’ Chev slapped Jacob behind the head. The exasperated look from Jacob made her laugh.

  ‘What was that for?’ he asked angrily.

  ‘Enough of this I can’t command. I’m not ready. You are the Commander of Luia, and you need to accept it! So please tell me, Commander, what else did you and this scholar discuss?’ Jacob smiled at Chev and took a deep breath.

  Luia –Night

  Teanne watched as Empe slowly opened one box and unfolded a piece of red velvet. She looked over to Alexander who smiled, and then looked at Lin who simply shrugged her shoulders. Teanne looked down at the small pouch in her hand. It was burning her palm, and the heat emanating almost glowed through. She looked back to the box and saw four stones with markings on each, sitting in little moulds within the box. The old woman gently lifted each stone and placed them on her lap. Pulling the velvet cloth out she closed the box and placed the material over the box, covering it.

  Taking the four stones, Empe threw them onto the cloth. They moved into a diamond shape. She sighed and picked them up again throwing them down once more, and again they moved into a diamond shape. Empe looked up at Robert, and then lowered her gaze to Teanne.

  ‘The alignment has begun. Lin failed to hide the Estrus. They know it has returned.’ Empe said softly ‘I am sorry for your lose child’.

  Teanne lowered her gaze, trying not to think of the attack on Luia.

  'What did your Head Elder ask of you exactly?'

  Teanne's throat was dry. 'She asked me to retrieve some stones in a below world and use them to guide me in returning the Estrus'. Teanne trusted Empe. She did not know why, but the Estrus remained warm, 'are these like the ones she sent me to retrieve?' Teanne finally added.

  Empe nodded, 'She must have left them in haste.'

  'How do you know so much of what is going on?' Lin asked. Empe simply smiled and returned her gaze to the four stones,

  'These are known as message runes. One set of four that were given to elders from the old times. They were used to communicate between each land by moving them in certain ways – you could ask questions, give answers, or warn another land of any imposing danger'.

  Teanne scratched her head confused. 'Were you communicating with Elder Lin?'

  Empe chuckled at the look on Teannes face, 'yes child'.

  'But how? You are from different times?'

  'All time exists at once.'

  Teanne turned to look at Alexander who simply laughed out loud,

  'Don't look at me for an answer to that. It hurts my head just thinking about that statement'.

  Teanne smiled and looked at the stones again, 'they have similar markings to the carvings I saw in the below world.'

  Empe smiled and picked up one of the runes, and carefully placed it in Teannes hand,

  'These runes represent the four corners of our world. The four roots.' she pointed to the stone in Teannes hand, ‘that rune represents the South – or Luia. The creator of Life,’ Teanne rubbed the smooth stone, turning it over to look if it had any markings, it was bare. She carefully handed it back to Empe who lowered the stone back onto the velvet. It moved quickly back to the bottom of the diamond shape. She pointed to the one on the left,

  ‘This represe
nts the West, or Kale – the soul.’ A single dot in the centre of the stone.

  Empe then pointed to the rune on the right. ‘This one. East, or Mesi – the passion and emotion.’ A simple straight line.

  Empe slowly picked up the rune toward the top of the diamond. Her smile faded.

  ‘This one is the north, or Aelia. The cycle of life and death.’

  Empe handed the stone to Teanne, who traced the crossed lines with her fingertips. Teanne felt a tinge of panic. Jacob was in Aelia. She looked closer at the runes and then looked to Empe.

  'How is it possible that Kera was in my time in Luia?'

  'She would have only been a trace of her human self in your time child. It is believed that there is a way that allows a meeting of that sort to happen. But I doubt it was actually her in her true physical form.'

  Teanne shook her head, 'No she was there. I swear it!'

  'I do not know the full extent of these stones. Anything is possible... I suppose' Empe replied gently rubbing the rune of Luia. Teanne moved closer and put her hand on Empes,

  'I need to send word to my time, to Aelia, Empe. I need to tell my friends that I am still alive.' Teannes plea made Empe sigh and squeeze Teanne's hand in return,

  'I am sorry my child, but as far as I know there are only two sets left in existence. I cannot know if anyone in Aelia has a set, let alone knows how to use them, and...' Teanne sat back dejected and waited,

  '… to contact another land, you can only use a set that belongs to that land, and only then inside the below world.'

  'Then how were you able to communicate with Elder Lin. Me?' Lin asked, smiling to herself.

  'She contacted me' Empe replied 'these runes are not of Luia, they were given to me by the elders of Kale... before it vanished from our world'

  Teanne stood and moved toward the door,

  'Where are you going?' Lin asked standing to join her,

  'I am stuck here, with no way of getting home. I may as well go and get settled in.'

  Alexander moved in front of Teanne blocking her path to the door,

  'We will find a way Teanne. The Estrus brought you here for a reason and it will return you when it is ready.' Teanne laughed, and pushed Alexander aside,

  'You need to allow the stone to guide you child!' Empe said sternly, Teanne ignored her and looked up at Alexander,

  'Get out of my way!' Alexander stood fast. 'Now!' Teanne screamed. She flinched as a sharp pain went up her arm. Looking down at the stone, she saw a red glow emanating. Calming herself, the stone returned to black. Sighing deeply, Teanne turned back to Empe,

  ‘What does the alignment mean?’

  Empe smiled her soft smile, then looked down at the pouch in Teannes hand.

  ‘It means the Estrus wants to return home. It calls for the roots to join.'

  Teanne looked at Alexander angrily and moved across the room to a chair and seated herself. She then looked around at the others and smiled sheepishly, 'and the alignment predicts the return of an old one who will return the Estrus to its rightful owner?'

  Empe looked at Teanne surprised, 'how do you know this?'

  Teanne smiled, 'Kera has, or rather had, been researching this stone for a long time. She has notes about the alignment scattered throughout her room.'

  'What else did she discover?' Empe asked.

  'So was she right? Will an old one return, to return the Estrus to its rightful owner?' Teanne asked ignoring Empes question.

  Empe smiled, 'that is what is believed.'

  'What do you believe?' Lin asked crossing the room to join Teanne.

  'I believe there is more to know than what is simply believed' Empe replied curtly,

  Teanne laughed out loud, 'in other words, you have no idea?'

  Empe rose and crossed the room toward Teanne. She stopped and looking over her, smiled wickedly. Teanne lowered her gaze, and waited for Empe to say something. Instead Empe moved toward the bookshelves and ran her fingers along the spines of books stopping at a black book and pulling it out. Alexander joined her and took the book. Following Empe back across the room he looked at Empe who nodded, and then handed the book to Teanne.

  'Elder Lin believed you to be the Carrier of the Estrus. She risked everything in order for the alignment to begin. If you are who she believes you to be then we must make sure. Otherwise the sacrifice of Luia was for naught.' The tone in Empes voice made Teanne feel ashamed. She was only thinking of her wants and her wishes, when there was so much more at stake. She looked at Lin who had her head lowered deep in thought, she wondered what was going through her thoughts.

  'What is this?' Teanne asked after Empe returned to her seat.

  'That is for the carrier to know.' Empe replied mockingly.

  With a grim look on her face, Teanne ran her fingers across the cover – it was so smooth and for a brief moment she swore she felt warmth emanating from the book. Almost on instinct, Teanne pulled the Estrus from its pouch. Her fingers were now shaking and she heard the gasps from the others as they looked on. She ignored them as she smiled at the stone.

  Why am I so attached to this stone?

  A bright glow filled the room and blinded Teanne for a moment as she laid the stone on the book, and waited.

  Teanne watched as it lay there. Nothing happened. She sighed, and covered the stone with her han. She could feel the warmth coming from it. Suddenly memories of Chev and Jacob began to fill her mind. She prayed to the mother that they were safe. She remembered the shrouded figure that stood next to her on the hillside overlooking the remains of Luia. His piercing blue eyes were so seductive, so soft and peaceful, yet so dangerous. They reminded her so much of Alexander’s.

  As she moved to look at him Teanne stopped and rubbed her eyes. Every movement seemed delayed as if time itself was moving in slow motion, she could sense it. Moving to look at Lin, she could see a trail of the movement following shortly after she moved. It was if she could see the air around her.

  Lin sat looking at her, her eyes wide. Teanne could see her mouth move but the words were slow to come. Teanne almost laughed at how funny Lin looked mouthing the words.

  Teanne slowly looked down at the book and watched her hand move towards the corner of the cover. The trail left behind looked like little lines of sparkles. She giggled. Turning the cover, she looked down at the blank page, and slowly a handwritten scrawl began appearing, moving across the page.

  Look to the map.

  A sudden pain to her forehead began pressing in. Teanne pinched the bridge of her nose trying to cease the soaring pain. She recognised the pain – it was the same suffocating feeling she had felt when facing Kera in the below world. Panic rose as Teanne tried to stand, but her body was heavy, she seemed glued to the floor. A crackling sound echoed in her head – she tried to scream, nothing came – suddenly the room came crashing in on her.

  An echo of a voice was calling to her and she tried to move her head. The voice came again and she struggled to catch her breath. Teanne looked around, but there was nothing but white, there was nothing for her to get her bearings. She looked down at her feet and saw nothing but white again, she tried to scream, but no sound came. She moved her arms out, but felt nothing.

  Was she dead?

  She turned quickly as she heard another echo of a voice, 'Who's there?'

  She wasn't even sure if she had said those words aloud,

  'Relax child, let it come home' that voice, it sounded so familiar, but where did it come from?

  'Relax my daughter.'

  'Where are you?' Teanne asked. She could hear her heart thumping in her ears.

  The voices screamed in her mind, she felt the electricity begin to fill her. She was dying, she knew it. Turning around, she tried to see something, anything – was she even turning? And then she felt herself lift into the air, if that was at all possible. She felt the pull to look down.

  Teanne saw everything and everywhere in the same moment. It was if she
were one of the moons looking down over the entire world. It was beautiful. She began falling, faster and faster – she could hear the voice drift away, its final words echoing


  Screaming, Teanne slammed the book shut. Panting heavily, she looked around the room. Confusion filled each set of eyes as they looked at her, except Empe who sat calmly looking at her. Teanne felt her throat constrict, and she quickly stood up and ran for the door.

  Outside she tried desperately to pull as much air as she could into her lungs. The coolness of the night made the tears in her eyes sting and she jumped as she felt a hand grab her shoulder,

  ‘Are you all right?’ Teanne looked up into piercing blue eyes and fell into his arms sobbing uncontrollably.

  ‘What happened in there?’ Alexander asked. Teanne couldn’t answer.

  'Sssh, Teanne it's over' Teanne could hear Alexanders racing heart, even he was frightened, and then a sudden realisation filled her. She felt for the stone. Angrily pushing Alexander aside she ran back inside the house and stood glaring at Empe.

  ‘Where is it. Where is the Estrus?’

  Empe slowly rose from her chair and moved towards her. Teanne stepped back defensively as she approached. Empe gently took her right hand and turned it over. Teanne looked down at the glow coming from her palm. Empe lovingly rubbed her hand and looked up into Teannes eyes.

  ‘The Carrier has been found’

  Teanne felt her knees buckle as she collapsed to the ground.

  The man in black opened his eyes and smiled wickedly,

  'The time has come.'

  Pulling his cloak tight around his head, he breathed deeply and disappeared.

  To be continued

  Episode Four – Coming in November 2013

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