Chapter 20

  A few years later….

  “The Department of Homeland Security announces today that the Transportation Security Administration is expanding its mission to include protecting not just airports, but the interstates and railroads of the United States. As Americans travel, they’ll start noticing checkpoints along the interstates where the TSA and DHS will randomly stop travelers so we can protect the United States from terrorist attacks. With the help of the new national identification cards we’re now issuing, the TSA will be able to keep track of where Americans are going. If you’re traveling from your home, in say, Philadelphia, and you tell the TSA you’re going to Toledo, the TSA’s computer will follow that up by examining the checkpoints in Ohio that lead to Toledo. Tracking chips in these new ID’s, which will only be active when you travel, will ping your ID to see if you arrived at your location. Once the TSA is satisfied, your ID will be no longer pinged.

  “At railroad and bus stations across the country, which includes subways, checkpoints are set-up as you come into the station. Like the airports, the TSA will screen all travelers, and if necessary, frisk a traveler if TSA finds anything suspicious. Train and bus schedules, like airline schedules, will necessarily be delayed as travelers are screened. Remember, your safety is of paramount importance to your government as we do not want to see our fellow Americans killed by more random acts of terrorism. We thank you for your cooperation.” replied the DHS Secretary, Adam Foster as he stepped away from his podium, ignoring the requests by the media for him to answer their questions.

  Michael was waiting for him, “Why didn’t you just come out and say that all Americans will have to apply for a travel permit if they go further than five hundred miles or leave their state?”

  “And have protests all over the place? No thank you,”

  “When’s the last time we had a protest over anything?”

  “I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?”

  “The last time Americans protested anything the government did was that Tea Party nonsense before the Republican Party collapsed a few years ago. The vast majority of Americans will meekly accept anything you tell them now, so don’t expect anyone to complain. At least not publicly and not online, but there are a few nut jobs out there, I’m sure. Your department will issue a correction in a few days, and it will be under-reported by the media. Your people will send out flyers informing the people about needing travel permits. With a few more actions, the United States of America and its people will be compliant completely to whatever I and the government want. Then, we can have the United Nations do whatever it wants without any resistance from this country. Overall, you’re doing a heck-of-a-job, Foster, keep up the good work.”

  Michael called up David Collins to see how he was doing now. He had graduated from Harvard six years earlier, became the Mayor of Miami the previous four years to now being a Florida State Senator representing that district. “Hey David, this is Michael Evans, how’s the new job going?”

  “Great, Mr. Evans, although being a State Senator is not very fulfilling and much less exiting than being a Mayor, but I have a career path that you want me on, so I’ll do this for eight years before I go on to the U.S. Senate, and then the Presidency. I so look forward to that and what we’ll accomplish together,”

  “I too look forward to that day in a little under thirteen years from now. So far, everything is falling into place perfectly, so what you and I do together will be the final act. Just remember to publicly stay above it all while you’re on this path so your enemies can’t target you with all those skeletons you have in your closet. Remember the old saying that you keep your enemies closer to you than your friends. The media will protect you, as long as you treat them with a modicum of respect, and as long as you act like they’re important in the grand scheme of things. Keep a smile on that face while stabbing people in the back and most of the sheep won’t even know what happened,”

  “I enjoy your attitude, Mr. Evans, and I hope I can emulate it,”

  “To get anywhere, you have to be ruthless, David, remember that,”

  “Oh, I will. Thank you, sir. I’d love to talk some more, but we’re being called back. Talk to you later, Mr. Evans.”

  Michael’s next project was called Order 21 and he had been putting the pieces together for a very long time. His grandfather saw the potential during the Branch Davidian raid in the early 1990’s, and Michael saw it himself when Hurricane Katrina wiped out New Orleans and FEMA had to get involved by housing uprooted people. Order 21 was an offshoot of the United Nations’ Agenda 21, but Order 21 itself really wouldn’t have anything to do with turning everything back into desolate wilderness after stuffing people back into the cities because the environmentalists wanted Earth almost completely free of humans. While Michael would build up everything associated with Order 21, it wouldn’t be implemented until after David Collins became President, in fifteen years or less. If Order 21 proved to be successful in the United States, the United Nations would implement it across the world.

  Michael had the best minds working for him come up with the plans for Order 21. Order 21 would include the design plans for FEMA Camps, how they would be supplied, loyalty oaths for everyone who worked under Order 21, how the TSA and EPA would assist the United Nations with Agenda 21, and even how they would disband Congress and the Supreme Court. Order 21 would enable Martial Law and make it known that the United Nations had established a military presence throughout the borders of the United States since the early 2010’s.

  The tracking ID’s would also be used to target everyone they were going to round up, depending on whether or not those people would keep the ID’s on them and not throw them away, like all those survivalists around the country were wont to do when the government wanted anything from them. Michael preferred that humans be implanted with tracking chips, so nobody could mess with it, other than attempting to short out the chip, but even the Democrats balked at that. When the time came, Michael would ask the United Nations to begin implanting everyone on Earth so food and other purchases could be tracked, along with tracking where people were at any given time, and without the chip, a person would not be allowed to buy or sell anything.

  “Mr. Evans, here are the design plans for the Camps. What do you think?” asked the lead architect, Doyle Reid.

  Evans sat down at the computer and began clicking through the floor plans and the general blueprint for the design of the Camps. He was impressed, since the software was also able to make a virtual 3D image of what they wanted, and it looked very realistic. “Good job, Doyle. You’ve done an impressive job. How long did it take you and your staff to come up with that?”

  “Um.… the blueprints were done months ago, but we wanted a complete 3D virtual model to show you, which we finished this morning,”

  “Like I said, I’m impressed. We have all the locations setup and ready for the Camps to be built, so I’m thrilled this step is finally complete. Thank you for all your hard work on this project.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Evans.”

  Michael thought about what had already transpired to have Order 21 come into existence. His lawyer had already come up with a solid loyalty oath for people who would be working in the Camp, so that was done. The loyalty oath stated that the worker was loyal only to Michael Evans and those people he authorized to distribute orders. The oath to work at the Camps was also considered top secret. If someone was hired to work at one of the Camps, they would not be able to tell anyone as it was all Top Secret, and if they did, they would be thrown into the Camp along with all the other miscreants.

  Michael had used Chinese construction crews to dig out the land that would be used for the Camps. He didn’t trust any of the locals in any of the locations to keep such a huge project secret, so he hired outside labor from China. The Chinese government was thrilled when they were asked to take part in the eventual overthrow of the United States, even if it wasn’t done through military means. They
sent over whatever the project needed to get started. Even though nobody was supposed to know what was going on, Michael knew a lot of Americans tended to know a lot, even when they were in the dark. For those who tended to be alert to everything, the huge earth movers would alert them that something major was going on underneath their noses, but they wouldn’t know what. Some, who were so alert to their surroundings that they were paranoid, would spread the decades old rumor about the government and FEMA Camps, while most everyone in their circle, especially everyone under thirty, would dismiss it as paranoia.

  The people who believed everything the government told them, which was now the majority, would have no problem believing these various big digs were related to energy production, such as finding more coal, digging up minerals, or even putting in pipelines for oil distribution. The years spent on indoctrinating the young of America had finally paid off in Michael’s opinion, and with it produced some amazingly compliant citizens. Now, all he had to do was wait for David Collins to become President.
