Chapter Twelve

  To my surprise he is waiting for me in the garage. I see him watching me as I put the bike away and I set my face into its usual blank expression. He almost looks amused and then he raises his eyes.

  "I haven't seen you since I gave you that bike, maybe I should take it away again, at least then I would have some sort of control over you."

  I feel afraid as I hear him speak. The last thing I want is to lose my freedom that the bike gives me so I shrug indifferently. "Well I'm here now."

  He looks at me intently and I feel uncomfortable under his scrutiny. After what seems like ages he says curtly, "Follow me." I lag behind him a bit and shoot daggers into his back with my eyes.

  Suddenly he laughs and turns around and I can see his eyes are as dark as the night. "Your stare could kill a man stone dead Scarlett, I like that, it impresses me."

  Scowling even more he once again laughs and I realise that he thrives on my anger. Pasting a sickly smile on my face I turn towards him saying sweetly, "And how was your day father dear." My sarcasm isn't lost on him and his eyes flash dangerously.

  "Cut the quick remarks Scarlett. I told you before that you need to spend more time with your family when you are here. When I got you that job it wasn't for you to spend every waking hour there. Now why would you want to I wonder?" Now I know what this is about. He has worked out or found out about Drake and I wonder where there is all going.

  As we walk inside he says, "You know that I placed you there for a reason don't you Scarlett?" I nod feeling nervous. I am sure that I won't like what I am about to hear.

  He arches his eyebrows and stares at me intently. "I have offered to buy the bar from the Bennigan family. I have offered them a good price but they still won't sell. I know that they are struggling so it doesn't make sense to me. Do you know why they won't sell?"

  Swallowing hard my mind races as I think of what I can tell him. He is watching me with a hard expression and I know that I won't get away with lying.

  In a small voice I tell him what he wants to know. "Because it is not enough for them to pay off their debts and pay for their father's medical bills as well as Drake's college fees. Dylan thinks that if he can just hold on something will come up and he can save the family."

  My father's eyes flash and he laughs a hollow laugh. "And that something is the prize money that he hopes to win by beating Marius is it? Not much of a plan don't you think?"

  I can't help it and look daggers at him. He laughs and then grabs hold of my arm. I can feel his power flowing through my body as he searches me entirely looking for anything that I haven't told him. I try to fight the feeling but he is too strong. He pulls away and a smile flashes across his lips.

  "Good girl Scarlett. I can tell that you know his plan is doomed. You do know that I always get what I want in the end. They may fight it but it will be inevitable."

  I look down so that he can't see my expression. I follow him inside and before we reach the kitchen he stops and turns to face me saying softly, "Keep on working there Scarlett. I can tell that it makes you happy, however don't fall too deeply always keep something back because that is what you will call upon when you need it most. Remember at this stage of your life nothing lasts forever despite what you think you want. Just remember to keep on watching and listening, you never know when what you have learned will help you."

  He turns away and as I follow him into the kitchen my heart sinks as I see that we have a full house tonight.

  Luna cries out in delight when she sees me and I notice the sullen faces of my brothers and sisters who look as though they would rather be anywhere than here.

  Grabbing a drink from the fridge I set myself apart from the others and grab a chair in the corner of the room where I can see everything but they can't see me. It annoys me when I catch my father watching me looking amused.

  He moves over and stands behind Luna and I watch in disgust as he runs his hands around her waist and pulls her back against him. She giggles and her eyes shine as she looks around at us all.

  Suddenly she claps her hands and we all look up in surprise. "Can I have your attention everyone?" I notice the smirks on the twin's faces and the surprised expression on my brothers and want to laugh.

  Luna beams around the room and says excitedly. "Now that you're all here I can tell you all together. Scarlett and I were talking this morning and decided that it would be great if we all had a family fun day." She smiles over at me and I shrink back into my seat with horror as I feel the effects of the hostility from my siblings.

  My father looks as if he is finding it all hilarious and his eyes sparkle as he looks around at us all. Luna carries on. "Well I have spoken to your father and he agreed that it was a great idea, so here's the plan. Despite the fact that I fancied a family picnic with games and everything he decided that it would be better if we all went to watch Marius fight as a family to show our support. Maybe we can grab a meal out beforehand and just enjoy being one big happy family."

  Caleb snorts and then after a withering look from my father looks down to the ground. There is a stunned silence and Luna takes it to mean that we are happy about it. Looking up at my father she smiles lovingly at him. "See honey, I told you they'd love the idea."

  Ashley rolls her eyes. "If I wanted to watch Marius fight I'd just follow him around one evening, I mean where's the fun in this?"

  Luna's eyes widen. "Oh no Ashley, Marius just trains a lot. This would be the result of all his hard training and we must support him and encourage him." Under her breath Savannah says, "Well he sure trains a lot." Ashley nudges her and they stifle their grins.

  Marius looks angry though. "I don't want my family coming, it will put me off."

  My father looks at him sternly. "Nonsense I won't hear another word about it. It's about time we showed a united front to the town and this is the perfect opportunity. I won't hear anything more about it. We will all get behind Marius and support him end of story."

  Luna smiles happily around at everyone and my father takes her hand. "Come on Luna, let's leave the kids alone now and give them their space."

  She follows him out and we can hear her saying, "You're such a good father Dev baby, they are so lucky to have you."

  As soon as they're gone Caleb laughs hollowly. "Yes how lucky are we. Shall we put him forward for father of the year?" He starts mimicking saying, "Oh yes Judge I learned everything I know about violence, intimidation, cruelty oh and how to get what I want by hurting everyone around me. Such a great guy."

  Ashley laughs. "You've learned it all so well brother, what a star pupil you have been. I'm just surprised it's not you fighting in the ring."

  Caleb grins wickedly. "I'm more a lover than a fighter; I leave the show boating to Marius."

  Savannah giggles. "Yeah well not much of a lover from what I've heard." Then she holds up her little finger and wiggles it in his face. We all freeze as we see the look on Caleb's face. He moves right in front of her his expression threatening. Ashley moves beside her sister and they create a stony wall facing him. He says in a sinister voice, "Your High school humour may work on those idiots you call friends and those that you bully and intimidate but it doesn't work on me."

  He laughs evilly. "What you have yet to realise little sis is that you need more than a sharp tongue and sarcastic remarks to survive in this family. Enjoy your freedom whilst you can because as soon as your education is finished you will be put to work and let me tell you it aint gonna be pleasant. Your smart words and pathetic attempt at humour won't save you from what your future holds, so enjoy it whilst it lasts and I will look forward to the day when all of this comes back and bites you."

  He then pushes her roughly and storms out closely followed by Ash and Marius. The twins look at each other and raise their eyes. I almost think that they have forgotten that I'm here until they turn to look at me. Ashley says irritably, "Well done Scarlett. This is all your fault. If you hadn't
pandered to Luna's daft idea we wouldn't be in this mess. The last thing we want is to spend cosy family bonding time with this family of losers. Think before you open your mouth next time you stupid bitch."

  I push myself out of my seat. Walking slowly over towards them both I fix them with my deadliest stare and sneer. "It takes one to know one sister and I learned everything I know about being a first class bitch from watching you over the years, so coming from you it's praise indeed."

  Turning on my heels I stalk out of the room leaving them both staring after me angrily.