Chapter Seventeen

  When we get to the bar I am surprised to see an older lady behind the bar. Drake smiles broadly and races over to her and gives her a huge hug. "Hi mom, I didn't expect to see you here." His mom laughs and I can tell that she is as easy going as her sons. Her eyes twinkling she smiles warmly at us both. "Hi Drake, aren't you going to introduce me to your new girlfriend?" She looks at me and smiles.

  Drake grabs hold of my hand and says, "Mom this is Scarlett, Scarlett meet my mom." I hold out my hand and shake hers warmly. To my surprise she pulls me in for a hug and laughs. "Punching above your weight a bit here aren't you son. How did you get so lucky?" We all laugh as Dylan comes into the room and says cheerily, "What did I miss?"

  I watch as he goes over to her and puts his arm around her shoulders. They all look so happy and obviously care for each other deeply. How I wish my parents were like theirs. My father doesn't believe in any shows of affection, in fact Luna is the only one that I have seen him hold and look at lovingly. My mother is no better than him. She is so self obsessed and has never been the sort of Apple Pie mom that you see in the films. Come to think of it Luna has been more like a mother to me in the few weeks that I have been here than my mom has been in my lifetime.

  Drake's mom smiles at me. "Call me Katharine dear, or Kitty if you prefer. I hope that you don't all mind but your Aunt Jackie is watching your father today so that I can come and help out during Drake's appearance later. I thought that I'd make a day of it and spend some time with my boys, oh and my new friend Scarlett. Is that ok?"

  We all nod and smile at her. I am actually looking forward to spending some time with Kitty; maybe she can tell me more about them as a family.

  We all set to work and I help Kitty with the cleaning. By the time the first customers arrive I have told her more about my life than I have ever told anyone before. She is easy to talk to and has managed to get me to really open up about myself.

  We are soon busy and don't get much time to chat. After the lunches are over I find myself out the back with Kitty having something to eat. Drake and Dylan are covering in the bar and we sit there eating just enjoying the rest.

  Kitty looks at me happily. "I am glad that Drake has found you Scarlett. He works very hard and is so good to us. I worry that he is not enjoying himself as much as someone his age should."

  I smile at her. "He is a credit to you Kitty. In fact they both are. They have made me feel so welcome and despite everything they are always so upbeat."

  Kitty smiles sadly. "It's been a tough time for us all. Their father was the life and soul of this place. He spent all his time here and made it what it is today. The accident has changed all our lives and has certainly tested us as a family. Without my two sons I don't know where we'd be."

  I can see her eyes mist over and reach out and give her hand a squeeze. "Is there any hope that he can recover and maybe come back to work?" Shaking her head sadly she looks at me with tears in her eyes. "No, he will not walk again, in fact there isn't a job that he can do given his disability. He hopes that Dylan will take this on but I know that his heart isn't in it. This is Bob's dream not Dylans."

  My heart aches for them all. "What is Dylan's dream if it's ok to ask?"

  Kitty smiles. "He would like to go to college and study law. He has always been the brains of the family and has a huge interest in it. The trouble is we had to sink both their college funds into this place so that is all it is, a dream. Drake has his music but I am not sure how far he can go with that. We've had offers from various people to buy this place but they just aren't enough to dig us out of the hole we've dug."

  I look at her with a thoughtful expression. "What about Drakes grandparents house. Can't you sell that to raise some money?" Kitty looks horrified. "Oh no that isn't an option. We all love the place; it would be like selling our soul."

  I smile at her gently. "It's a special place alright. You know I admire you all. You are finding things tough but you still keep upbeat and don't give up. That says a lot about you as a family. You will find a way you know, things may be bad now but I have always found that things have a habit of working themselves out."

  Kitty smiles and stands up. "You're a sweet girl Scarlett. I am just sorry that you will be leaving soon. I haven't seen Drake this happy in months." She heads back to the bar and tears fill my eyes as I think about what she has said. I want for everything to work out for them and for them to be happy again but more than anything I don't want to leave Drake. I have made myself not think about my inevitable departure but hearing her voice it out loud brings home the reality to me. The trouble is now that I have let love into my life I don't want to ever let it go.

  The place soon fills up and I watch as Drake gets ready to sing. I love watching him perform. He is in his element when he is singing and playing his guitar.

  I laugh as I see his usual fan club arriving. They don't worry me anymore. Drake makes me feel secure and loved and I know that they mean nothing to him.

  Once again we are rushed off our feet. Listening to him sing distracts me from the noise of the bar. It is as though he is all that I can hear and his voice fills my soul.

  Taking a minute I lean against the wall and watch him play. He gets that far away look in his eye as if he is transported to another world. Every so often he finds me and stares at me with so much love that it brings a lump to my throat. How can I leave him? My heart will break I just know it.

  Suddenly I am aware that someone is standing next to me also watching him. Looking across I groan inwardly as I see that it's Taylor. She fixes me with a cold stare. "Better make the most of it Scarlett. The clock is ticking and soon the next semester will start. It's just a shame that long distance romances are doomed to failure. It's a long time to be apart from your summer love, soon the winter will set in and Drake may well decide to move on with someone else, shall we say a little closer to home."

  Willing myself not to rise to her obvious desire to start something with me I just smile sweetly at her. "That may be Taylor, but you see I may decide to stay after all. You see I have that choice. Either way it will be fine, you see when you find true love nothing gets in the way of it, not even a jealous old flame that has long burned out. Anyway I've enjoyed our little chat but I have work to do. If you'll excuse me."

  I move quickly away but not before I see the alarm on her face.


  Once again it's been a good night and the takings are up. Dylan takes his mother home and leaves Drake and I to lock up. Pulling me towards him Drake kisses me deeply. Pulling away he says huskily, "Come to the house with me Scarlett. I want to spend every minute with you that we have left. The thought that you will be gone in a few weeks is killing me inside."

  I can feel his despair and I share it.

  "Come on Drake. Let's go to the house. You're right we need to make the most of the time we do have."

  Hand in hand we walk to his grandparent's house. I fully intend on spending the night with him tonight and I don't care what my father thinks.