Chapter Nineteen

  After lunch I head off back to the bar. I am going to put in a shift this afternoon and am looking forward to seeing Drake again. I also have another reason for going and hope that it will go according to plan.

  When I pull up Drake comes out to meet me. Pulling me off the bike he swings me around and kisses me passionately. "I've missed you so much Scarlett."

  I look at his gorgeous face and try to memorise every detail. We don't have much longer as I am due to return home next week so I hug him to me tightly. "I love you Drake. I can't bear it that time is slipping away so fast."

  Drake looks upset. "I try not to think about it. Come on let's go inside. Dylan needs us to take his mind off tomorrow night. He's so wound up and I am worried for him." Taking his hand we head off inside.

  We spend the most part of the afternoon trying to lighten the atmosphere. None of us feel much like joking around but we at least try to.

  When I see them both busy in the bar I slip off to the kitchen. When I get there I see Mac working away. I don't have long and quickly head over to him. He looks up in surprise as I pull him aside.

  "Listen Mac, I don't suppose you could do me a favour could you? It's just that I have no one else to ask." He nods and looks at me with a puzzled expression. I reach into my pocket and pull out an envelope stuffed with $100 dollar bills. His eyes widen and I put my finger to my lips. "Listen Mac I need you to put all of this money on Marius to knock Dylan out with his first punch. The odds should be good so I thought it was worth a risk. There's a $100 there for you to either keep or do the same. Nobody must know it's me as I don't want to upset Drake and Dylan and I'm too young to bet anyway."

  Mac looks worried. "It's a lot of money Scarlett, are you sure you can afford to lose it?"

  I realise that Mac doesn't know about my life and probably thinks this is my life savings. I shake my head. "Look it's not mine, it's for a friend. I just need you to keep this between ourselves ok?" Mac nods and pockets the money. I know that I can trust him and head back to the bar. Now everything is in place. All I need is one word with Dylan and the stage will be set.

  I seize my chance when we are working side by side at the bar. Taking his arm I draw him to one side. "How are you bearing up Dylan? It must be a lot to think about with the fight tomorrow." Dylan tries to smile but I can tell that he's worried. "Oh I'll be fine. You know I'm tougher than I look." He is trying to joke but I know that he doesn't even believe it himself. I lower my voice.

  "Listen Dylan, just a word of advice. When you face Marius in the ring just make sure that you stand with your back to Layla. She is bound to be in the first or second row and you must stand just in front of her."

  Dylan looks surprised. "Why on earth should I do that?" I shrug my shoulders. "Call it intuition or superstition. In fact call it what you want but just do it for me ok?" Dylan laughs and ruffles my hair. "You're a strange girl Scarlett. Nice strange though, I'm going to miss my favourite worker."

  Drake comes over and pulls me against him. "You're not the only one bro. How can we persuade her to stay?" Dylan looks thoughtful. "I'm guessing that we can't persuade Scarlett to do anything. If she can find a way she will, there's no one I'm more sure about than her."

  The day of the big fight dawns and with a heavy heart I make my way downstairs for breakfast. I know that I am expected to be home at a reasonable hour to go there with my family so I have offered to cover Dylan this afternoon at the bar so that he can prepare for the fight.

  The bar will be closed as will be most places in town this evening. This is a big event and it seems that the whole town are turning out to watch.

  Luna is making pancakes and I am surprised to see that it is just us girls in the kitchen. Luna squeals when she sees me. "Scarlett, how nice. Come and have some pancakes. They are my breakfast speciality and you can have them with blueberries or maple syrup."

  Sitting down I grab a plate. "Blueberries please Luna." Ashley and Savannah look at me with their usual disgust and Ashley says, "Not long now Scarlett. We'll be out of here this time next week and I for one can't wait to get home."

  Savannah snorts. "Yes it's been hell for us being stuck here all Summer. Most of our gang are back at home and have been having a great time. Not us though. If I see that damn country club ever again I'm gonna slit my wrists."

  Luna looks upset. "I'm sorry girls haven't you enjoyed yourselves?"

  I look at her sympathetically. "Of course we have Luna. You've been great and I for one am going to miss you terribly. You couldn't have done any more for us than you have and I am sure we all really appreciate your efforts."

  Luna gives me a small smile and Ashley and Savannah raise their eyes.

  "I'm sure that Luna can't wait to get us out of her hair. I know I would count the days off if I was in her shoes." Luna looks upset and I know that she has enjoyed having our company no matter how brief it always is. It must be quite lonely for her living here. My father is always working and Caleb and Marius are hardly likely to sit around chatting to her. In fact I am not sure what she does with her time and I feel bad that I haven't got to know her better.

  She clears the dishes away and I go to help her. Waving me away she sniffs saying, "Leave all this Scarlett, it will give me something to do. You just go and spend some time with that boyfriend of yours."

  Ashley and Savannah look interested and Savannah giggles. "I can't wait to see what type of guy would ask Scarlett out. I bet he's one of those hillbilly types with his brains in his trousers." Ashley laughs, "Either that or blind. I mean Scarlett's hardly much of a woman is she? More like a tomboy riding in on her motorbike. Word of advice Scarlett, if you want a real catch ditch the leathers and dye your hair. Put on some fashionable clothes and practice being a girl for once."

  Savannah laughs and I just glare at them and storm out of the room. In some ways next week can't come soon enough as they will be gone from my life for a few months anyway.