Chapter Eight

  I watch Drake clear a space and set up his guitar. I am looking forward to hearing him sing and realise there is so much that I don't know about him.

  Before long I see Dylan's face light up and I turn to see who has caused it. Instantly I realise that this must be Layla as a truly beautiful young woman sashays into the bar. Drake was right she is pure perfection and as much as I want to instantly dislike her there is an aura that surrounds her that makes you instantly want to be her friend.

  I watch with interest as Dylan approaches her smiling and kisses her on the cheek and I hear him say, "Thanks Layla, you're a godsend."

  She smiles at him and I can see how genuine she is as her face is so open and natural. "No problem Dylan, anytime you know that. Now where do you want me?" The look on Dylan's face is priceless and as I catch Drake's eye we grin at each other and he raises his eyes. I have to turn away before the laughter takes hold.

  Dylan takes her into the back to give her a t shirt and stow her belongings and when they return he brings her over to me. "Scarlett meet Layla, she will be working with us tonight." I smile at her and she looks at me with interest. "I'm pleased to meet you Scarlett. Are you new in town because I don't think that we've met before?"

  Nodding I say, "Sort of. I'm staying with my father for the summer. I don't spend much time with him and usually live in Rivercreek Falls." She smiles brightly. "Well that explains it then. Bad luck on having to work your vacation though." Grinning I look over to Drake and laugh. "Oh I don't know it has its advantages."

  Following my gaze she laughs. "Lucky you, he's gorgeous and you will be the envy of all the other girls in the town. They've been trying to land him for ages; you must be really special." Sighing heavily I say, "I know he is; I don't want the summer to end now."

  She looks concerned. "Of course, you won't want to give that up when you have to that much I do know. Well enjoy it whilst you can, oh and don't pay any attention to his groupies tonight."

  I look at her in surprise. "His groupies, who are they?"

  Dylan laughs. "You know Scarlett; I told you he had a fan club. They wouldn't miss this for the world." My face falls and Layla looks concerned. I shrug my shoulders, "As long as that doesn't include Morgan then I'm fine with it." Layla looks confused and Dylan says, "Don't worry about it Layla, I'll fill you in later."


  Dylan was right the place is soon packed out and we don't have a minute to breathe. Hordes of young girls descend on the place all with one target in mind.

  As well as the regulars there are also lots of young guys hoping to take advantage of the fact that all the talent in the town is in one place for the night.

  I am so busy that I almost forget about Drake until I hear his guitar start playing. Suddenly I am frozen to the spot as he starts to sing. His voice is amazing and the song is beautiful. He is sitting on a stool the guitar resting on his lap and I watch as his fingers caress the strings. I can't tear my eyes away and lean back against the bar as my eyes and ears devour him.

  He finds me and his eyes penetrate mine and it is as if we are alone. I am rooted to the spot and tears come into my eyes. He is so talented and I realise that he is a very accomplished musician. He could go far with his talent and I am not surprised that there is such a turnout.

  Before long though I am back to work. I listen to him as I work; his voice following me around the room. Even the sight of the girls drooling over him doesn't bother me as before. Now I know that he is mine and I feel a warm feeling inside as I remember his kiss.

  The guys are the usual pests. I have now lost count of the many hands that I have removed firmly from my backside. It actually doesn't bother me because I can handle it. One thing that does surprise me though is that absolutely nobody tries anything on with Layla. Given how stunning she is I am amazed.

  When we pass each other I comment on it. "Layla, how do you keep the guys from grabbing you? You must have a technique that I could sure use right now."

  Layla laughs and raises her eyes. "The only technique I have is that they know who my boyfriend is. Nobody wants to have him come after them so they keep their distance. You're new here so are fair game. As soon as they realise who your boyfriend is they'll leave you alone."

  She heads back off to deliver her drinks and I wonder who her boyfriend could be.

  A while later Drake takes a break and I head into the kitchen to see him. As soon as he sees me he grabs hold of me and kisses me deeply. When he pulls away I say softly, "You are amazing Drake. I love to hear you sing, you should do it professionally." He smiles but his eyes look sad. "I wish that I could Scarlett. The trouble is I am needed here. Maybe in the future if things change then it may be a possibility, but not now."

  Before I can reply Dylan pops his head around the door. "Come on guys the bars three deep out here." Pulling away we rush out to help. By the time we have served most of them it is time for Drake to carry on playing.

  As he takes up his position I notice with a sinking feeling that my brothers have arrived. Suddenly the atmosphere changes and becomes tenser. I feel cross and wish that they would just stay away.

  I watch as they move towards the bar and Caleb laughs as he sees me scowling at them. Ignoring them I head off to clear some tables.

  As I carry my tray to the kitchen I see Layla at the bar. Suddenly Marius moves behind her and in shock I see him wrap his arm around her waist and pull her around to face him. He leans down and kisses her and I look up in shock at Dylan who suddenly looks devastated. It all clicks into place and I realise that Marius is Layla's boyfriend. Poor Dylan, Drake was right, he would stand no chance with her all the time Marius was interested. Even though he is my detested brother even I know that he is perfection. Like most of my family he has dark hair and the blackest eyes. His body is well toned and he obviously works out a lot. Like the rest of my brothers he can also charm any girl that he wants to and from what I hear they all want a lot. There is not a woman in here that hasn't devoured him or any of my brothers come to mention it with their eyes.

  Feeling irritated I look away from the scene in front of me. Layla appears so lovely and it is only a matter of time before he drags her down, probably destroying her in the process. It makes sense now as to why they are here.

  By the end of the night we are all exhausted. There are only a few customers left when Dylan says, "Thanks girls you've worked really hard tonight. We couldn't have managed without you, you've really earned your money tonight."

  He hands us our tips but I notice that Layla waves them away. "I don't need those Dylan, it was a favour remember. Just say hi to your mom for me ok."

  I see Dylan's eyes fill up and she places her hand over his arm. "Stay strong Dylan, it won't be forever, you'll get through this."

  She kisses him on the cheek and then turning to me says, "Great to meet you Scarlett. I hope that everything works out for you, Drake's a great guy."

  To my surprise she hugs me and then I watch as her face lights up as Marius walks back into the bar. She races over to him and he slings his arm around her shoulders and they head off outside. By the time they leave and I turn around Dylan has gone.

  Drake comes over and pulls me towards him. "I've missed you tonight Scarlett."

  Laughing I say, "I haven't been anywhere." Shrugging he stares into my eyes. "All I have wanted to do tonight is this." Then he leans down and kisses me so hard that I feel as if my legs will give way. I savour the feeling of being in his arms; the thought that I will have to leave at the end of the Summer is already filling me with dread. Usually I can't wait to get away but now I'm not so sure.

  We sit down and just cuddle up side by side resting after the busy evening. Tentatively I ask him about his parents. There is something they haven't told me that only came to light when Layla refused her tips and I want to know what it is.

  "Drake, I've never asked you about your parents, tell me about them." I can feel Drak
e tense up and instantly regret asking. I don't like it when people pry into my life and here I am doing it to him. Quickly I say, "Listen don't worry I shouldn't have asked."

  He sighs heavily and takes my hand in his and squeezes it. "No it's fine Scarlett. A while back my father was in a hunting accident. He was shot by mistake and nearly lost his leg."

  I am horrified. "I'm sorry it must have been terrible."

  Drake nods. "It was. Dylan had left school so had to give up College and just started working here in his place. Mom had to care for him as he couldn't do anything for himself. She also used to work here so it meant we were shorthanded. I work when I'm not at school and between us we manage to keep the place going. The trouble is his medical expenses are huge and we don't have enough medical cover, so even though this place takes a lot of money it is just never enough."

  Thinking about their situation I say, "How is he now, I mean will he fully recover?"

  Drake shakes his head miserably. "He is in a wheelchair and will never walk again. That rules him out of coming back here and he is so dependant on my mom that she can't leave him for a second. It takes it toll on us all so all Dylan and I can do is to run things here as best we can and pray for a miracle."

  I lay my head on his shoulder and feel bad for them. Drake kisses the top of my head and then changes his tone to a more light hearted one. "Anyway darlin, you must get off home and get some sleep. You haven't stopped all night and must be tired."

  Despite the fact that I feel exhausted I am reluctant to leave. However I know that he too needs some sleep so with a heavy heart I get up to leave.

  Drake walks me to my bike and then I remember what prompted me to ask the question in the first place. I take the tips money out of my pocket and offer it to Drake. "Here take this. I don't need it and I would like to help even if it's in a small way."

  Drake looks angrily at me. "No Scarlett, you've earned it and we pay our way."

  Sighing I take his hand in mine. "Drake I know that and I love you for it. However I have all the money I want and more besides. Please let me help out in just this very small way. It's not charity just helping out the family of the man I love."

  As I say the words his eyes soften and even in the moonlight I can see the love pouring out of them. He pulls me close to him and I savour the feeling of his body against mine. He leans down and kisses me gently. "I love you too Scarlett. I knew that I did from that first time you scowled at me over the bar. I knew we were destined for each other."

  I can feel my eyes shining and I hug him tightly to me. I feel the same and know that we were always destined to meet and be together. The only trouble is now that I have found him I can only hope that something doesn't go wrong to spoil it.