Kim hears the commotion down the road and sneaks past the roadblock on Canal Street. One of the soldiers sees her.

  “Stop! Come back, it isn’t safe down there!” The soldier yells.

  Two SWATbots lose their grips on a parked car. The dark flames on Jaden’s back go as high as three feet over him. The SWATbots are able to lift their heads and fire their guns simultaneously towards Jaden’s black hole of death. They feel no pain as their metal bodies squeeze into liquid metal. All the glass and air conditioners from the surrounding buildings pull from their frames and propel towards his death zone. The sound of breaking glass echoes in a rhythmic fashion. The helicopter, UAV and F-35 struggle to fly away, but slowly come towards the action. The electric car’s wheels skid as the force pulls it forward. The parking tickets on the windshield fly from the windshield wiper. The blue boot on the driver side front wheel makes a clinging sound as it spins and hits the ground. The car goes airborne and joins a tank that is also floating towards the event horizon. The two vehicles make crushing steel sounds. The car crumples like a piece of paper. The same thing happens to the tank. Red tints of light can be seen expanding in all directions. The buildings surrounding Jaden shake and pull towards him. A loud moaning sound comes from the structure in the buildings. Billions of pieces of bricks, millions of tons of concrete, glass, paper and debris pull towards Jaden from all directions. The materials form together and turn around his body like a tornado.

  The steel beams supporting the buildings bend and twist upwards and then downwards like a McDonald’s arch. They look like metal spider legs as they pull from deep inside the foundation of the buildings. The ground trembles. A grinding and ripping metal sound echoes towards Kim jogging down the street. She sees a distorting red glow of light spreading as high as 500 feet into the sky. She sees coordinated lightning coming from the sky. Lightning continues to strike around him from the clouds. The military helicopter and UAV flip backwards out of control, explode and squeeze into a hurricane of molecule spaghetti. The F-35 has its maximum afterburners on as it tries to escape the powerful pulling gravity forces. It continues to fly backwards and lose momentum. It suddenly flips backwards into the death zone, while making crunching metal sounds. Everything around Jaden compresses and sucks into him at a fast rate. The heat from friction around Jaden’s body emits invisible x-ray radiation in all directions. The invisible energy pathway, that only Jaden can see, continues to propel particles into space over him. The pain turns into pleasure as his arms stay up in the air. The orgasmic feeling goes all around his body. He laughs in a muffled evil voice. Jaden feels like a powerful god as he witnesses firsthand the power he possesses.

  Suddenly it is quiet and Jaden lowers his hands. The Enemy of the State Soundtrack, Main theme track 2 begins to play in the background of Jaden’s mind. The music starts with a slow melody. The rain stops falling from the sky and low thunder echoes in the background. It is quiet and peaceful around him. The water in the street is completely gone. Something has taken over him and he has become something he was not. The dark flames around his body go back down to an inch above his shoulders. The buildings in a thousand foot circumference around Jaden have completely vanished. Jaden stands there with an intrigued look on his face and does not know whom he is anymore. He cannot believe the powers he possesses and the feeling of ruling those weaker than him take over his mind.

  ‘Continue to destroy the weak,’ a voice says to him.

  The pleasure of destroying and killing souls excites him now. His subconscious mind somehow sends a chemical message from his memories through to the congested area in the frontal lobe of his brain. Suddenly he has a flash back to when he was six years old and his mother was holding him in her arms while he was crying.

  “Don’t cry Jaden, what happened?” His mother Stacey asked while she rocked him back and forth.

  “I stepped on an army of ants coming out of an ant hole and killed them by mistake. Then I stepped on a grasshopper while running back to the house and now it is dead. The other little grasshopper babies don’t have a mother or father now. It wasn’t moving.”

  The images distort and quickly flashback and change into everyone trying to kill him over the past few days. Then images of him being strapped to the hospital bed and being thrown in jail.

  His anger increases and the feeling of destruction comes back. Kim runs and then stops a few blocks away. She knows it’s him from a distance, lost inside the evil darkness. She looks at Jaden standing on the sidewalk as a D.E.K.. She tries to contact him through Nanodrones, but there is no response. She looks around and sees buildings missing and smoke coming from them. Her female intuition senses Jaden is still Jaden under there. She remembers just jogging past a 99-cent store. She turns around and quickly jogs back towards it. She quickly walks over to half of a destroyed 99-cent discount store. She pulls out a long body mirror from the ground and runs down to Jaden. AI warns her to be careful and not to get to close. She can’t believe a few blocks are completely leveled as if a huge bomb was dropped here.

  “Jaden, it’s me, Kim, your girlfriend,” she yells from thirty feet away.

  ‘I don’t remember you,’ he says to her telepathically in a deep low voice.

  “Jaden, you have to get that dark energy away from you. It is consuming your mind and making you forget who you are. It is also messing with your memories, you have to fight it.”

  Jaden sees a red glow around her. She takes a few steps closer to him. A few raindrops fall from the clouds.

  ‘Get out of my way peasant female. I have a planet to take over,’ he says to Kim.

  “Look in the mirror to see who you are and what you turned into, please!” She yells while turning it up and down so he can see his reflection. Rain drips down the four-foot long mirror.

  ‘No! Now die!’ He reaches his arm towards her.

  Jaden catches her in a line of matter with his right hand. Kim holds onto the mirror around her arm and her body lifts into the air. Her body slowly comes towards Jaden feet first. She can’t move her body, but she struggles to lift her head to see him. Rain is pouring around her body as if she is in an invisible coffin. She feels a slight squeeze around her body.

  “No! Stop! You’re hurting me! You are hurting AI also! Please stop this. I love you! Please look in the mirror. You aren’t a bad person! You aren’t a killer!” She pleads and yells while the rain continues to hit the ground. Tears roll from her eyes. She cries and groans from the squeezing sensation she feels around her body.

  The words “You aren’t a bad person” echo deep inside of him.

  He stops pulling her in and her body levitates in one place. Her feet reach just six feet from Jaden’s dark energy body. Her shoes fly off her feet and turn to two small worms. Her feet are less than an inch before the event horizon zone.

  “I love you! You aren’t a bad person! You have a good heart!”

  Jaden lifts his left hand and the mirror comes out of Kim’s arms. The mirror sits straight in front of him. Thunder is rumbling in the background. Kim feels the gravity forces tickling near her feet. She tries to pull her legs closer to her body, but she can’t.

  His flashback from when he was younger continues, “It wasn’t moving mommy, I’m a murder and killer mommy,” young Jaden said while he continued to cry.

  His mother Stacey responded and reached for a small hand mirror, “Baby, you aren’t a murder or killer. What you did was an accident. That happens in nature and in life. Sometimes accidents happen and it is out of someone’s control. It doesn’t make you a murderer. Sometimes animals and people die, as long as you didn’t do it intentionally it’s fine baby. Those animals you accidentally killed will be waiting in heaven for you. You can see them later.”

  “But mom!”

  “But mom, nothing, you aren’t a bad person and you aren’t a killer Jaden.”

  She showed Jaden his reflection in the mirror and continued, “ You have a very good heart. I don’t think
you can ever be a bad person. Now your older brother Douglas is another story. You have a good heart and you will always be my sweet little baby. Do you see a bad person in the mirror? Always remember, you choose your path in life. You control your future. But for now, just be careful where you step next time and remember accidents happen. I love you baby.”

  “I love you too mom.”

  “Promise me you will always remember who you are.”

  “I promise mom.”

  “That’s my boy, now go play some Atari Pitfall upstairs with your brother….”

  “You are not a monster! You are Jaden Marino! The man I want to spend the rest of my life with!” Kim yells and pleads while she feels her feet being pulled very hard forward. The force is pulling down on her pants. Her belt buckle snaps and her jeans slowly pull downwards. The top of her white panties shows little by little. Tears run from Jaden’s human eyes. The tears disappear into the darkness around his face. He sees himself and what he has become through the mirror before him. The image of himself does not invert like the rest of his vision. He sees the evil force he has become. Some of his memory of who he is returns. Images of Kim return into his memory and the loving bond comes back. He gently puts Kim on the ground and releases her. She sits on her hands on the ground in shock. She quickly lifts herself up and kicks herself backwards from Jaden. Her body trembles uncontrollably. She wipes the tears from her face and sniffs her nose.

  Jaden yells in pain as the evil forces try to control him by attempting to block his memories of who he is. He hears many voices in his head.

  ‘Coward…Destroy those who oppose you…Release your rage…Kill those weaker than you…She will betray you…’ the voices say at the same time.

  ‘No! No! No!’ Jaden yells.

  The mirror still floating in front of him breaks into hundreds of pieces. The sound of broken glass echoes in different directions. The small pieces stay in the same spot and spin in circles.

  “Jaden fight it! Fight the evil forces! Don’t give in! You are a fighter!” She yells a good distance from him.

  Jaden drops to his knees and the dark energy around him disappears. It dissolves into thin air around him. He cries on the ground while kneeling on the concrete. The badly damaged skin and muscles around his body is slowly regenerating. Rain bounces off his naked body as Kim runs back towards him. She gets on her knees with him and puts her arms around him. She feels the oily clear plastic gloss the Nanodrones are creating around his body. She can see his veins and red blood moving up and down inside his body.

  “Baby, it’s going to be okay. I’m right here for you. Look at me baby,” she says while trying to lift up his face.

  “I can’t, I don’t want you to see me this way. The skin, tissue and some bone is missing around my face.”

  The Amelie Soundtrack, Sur le Fil, track 16 begins to play. He tries to keep his badly damaged face towards the ground. She tries to lift his deformed face with her hand and he resists. She sees parts of his skull, veins and fatty tissue. He looks like a deformed dead body. She can see his skull and some of his brain from over him. She comforts him. The soft piano melody soundtrack helps calm Jaden down.


  “Look at me baby, I’m here for you. I don’t care what you look like.”

  Jaden raises his face from the ground and looks at her without eyelids. His greatly disfigured face looks like a half-dissolved corpse. He has missing teeth, no nose, no ears, and the skull displays his brain in a few spots. Veins can be seen pumping blood around his body and face. Nanodrones hold severed veins together. He has clear seals completely around his face and body keeping the blood from falling out. The muscles and bone in his face are quickly reforming before her eyes. She looks deep into his bloodshot blue eyes. The Nanodrones begin reproducing energy for his weapons system. She looks down and can see his heart beating through his rib cage. The rain stops drizzling from the sky. She helps Jaden stand up to walk with her.

  “Let’s go baby,” Kim says while they stand up together.

  Jaden groans and moans while the bones in his legs crack. She sees the bone and fatty tissue in his legs as he stands up. They slowly walk down the street.

  “Did I do all of this?” Jaden asks.

  “Yes, you did.”

  “Damn! Wow!”

  Jaden can’t believe the steel beams from the buildings are ripped from underground.

  He reaches down and picks up the D.E.K.’s sword on the ground. She has her arm around his shoulders helping him walk.

  “What do you need that sword for?” She asks.

  “I’m keeping it as a souvenir and you never know when you might need it.”

  “Baby, always remember, I’ll always love you, no matter how you look to me,” she says while rubbing his wet face and kissing his lipless bloody teeth.

  “I love you too, Kim. Thanks for saving me back there. I didn’t know what was going on, or who I was. That was very brave of you.”

  “I just didn’t want to lose you. I knew you were still you deep inside,” she says.

  “You remembered what my mother told me when I was six years old right?”

  “Yes, that is why I took a mirror with me. I remember that specific memory of yours. I was going through all your memories when I was jogging down the street towards you. Your daughter Sabrina and James told me what was happening. I had to do something after I heard over the military radio all the commotion.”

  The deepest layers of skin begin to regenerate around his body.

  “Thanks baby. Thanks for helping me at my darkest moment. You saved me and I think you saved Earth. I don’t know what I would have done. I was so angry and destructive. I wanted to kill every living thing in sight. I was having orgasmic feelings every time someone died.”

  “Orgasms? Better than the orgasm I gave you?”

  “Of course not better than the orgasms you gave me, but very close,” Jaden says.

  “Hmmmm. Well you are welcome for me saving you. Not a problem, I’m sure you would have done the same for me. You saved me plenty of times in the past few days. No orgasms without me from now on okay?” She asks.

  “Okay,” he replies.

  “What was it like being a D.E.K.?”

  “Very cold, dark, lonely and eerie. My vision was inverted like a film negative. I felt as if I was able to control the dark energy around me. I heard many voices telling me to kill and destroy. I felt so powerful and unstoppable. The memories of it are broken up and I felt as if I was dreaming. How is AI doing?” Jaden asks.

  “He is still alive, but very weak.”

  “That’s good, at least he is still alive. Tell him to hang in there.”

  “How is your memory? Is it coming back to you?” She asks.

  “The Nanodrones report the chemicals in my mind were being suppressed and blocked. This was affecting my long and short-term memory. Many cells were damaged from an internal unknown energy. But some of my memory is coming back. I have to get to the bottom of this. Do I look worse than the Elephant Man?”

  “Let me put it like this, the Elephant Man can get a modeling job compared to how you looked a minute ago. Now I can see your nose and ears reforming.”

  “Damn. Wow, that’s bad. At least I’m being quickly repaired.”

  Jaden’s abdomen and thighs are transparent. Kim looks down and looks at him with a strange face.

  “What? I’m naked. I don’t want the world to see my stuff and tool, so I’m making it look invisible to everyone.”

  “Now you look like a mentally challenged Hollow Man,” she snaps.


  Washington, D.C. Pentagon

  Robinson is in a special control room by himself with virtual reality equipment around his body. Robinson is in shock from watching the D.E.K. just displayed before him. He wants to control that weapon. The room he is in was specially made for the President of the United States in case of an emergency for communi
cations with all military forces and access to Motherdrone. He continues to monitor the events in Manhattan by long-range video surveillance. There is a loud bang on his door and a small army of military personnel is outside.

  “I gave an order not to disturb me!” Robinson communicates through a speaker outside the room.

  The banging continues.

  “What are you an idiot? Do not disturb me!” Robinson says.

  A familiar female voice replies, “I gave the order for you to be disturbed. Now get out of my control room!”

  Robinson thinks for a second and can’t believe the voice he is hearing.

  “Didn’t think you would hear my voice again, Kevin Robinson?” Stefanie Paylin asks.

  She is wearing an exoskeleton prototype generation four bionic suit along with Peters. There is no response through the speakers. They are standing on a metal bridge that leads up to the room Robinson is in.

  “Open this door Robinson, that is an order!” She demands.

  General Peters is by her side and pulls out a remote device with a screen. The device projects images midair of what Robinson sees on his virtual screens. She talks into the device.

  “Motherdrone, this is your President Stefanie Paylin. I am ordering you to override Robinson’s security lock on the outside door.”

  Robinson quickly talks to Motherdrone, “Motherdrone, that is a clone of the President. The President has been confirmed dead. That person is a perpetrator outside the room. The military outside the room is against the United States. Send out the rangerbots and enable the halon system.”

  “Sorry President Robinson, I cannot enable the security system without verification from congress.”

  Paylin stands outside the door on two footprints. The mask covering her face opens up. A light scans her eyes and the DNA in her hair.

  “Voice, eye and DNA scan confirmed. President Stefanie Paylin has been confirmed dead at 16:05 hours. A direct order from congress is needed to override President Kevin Robinson. As mentioned in the twenty-fifth amendment, section five,” Motherdrone replies.

  “Robinson is being charged with treason and conspiracy to mass murder. This should automatically override his access. Motherdrone confirm.”

  “Congress needs to confirm this. Override access denied.”


  She turns to her men, “We don’t have time to get an approval from congress. Most of them are walking around like zombies or home in a deep sleep. Take down this door with your men soldier. Tell the others to wait upstairs.”

  “Yes ma’am,” the first officer says.

  Paylin is concern with Jaden Marino’s safety. She has been fully briefed on what he has done and what he has been through with Robinson. She watches on several virtual 3D image screens around her of what Robinson is seeing in Manhattan. Two military men begin to use tools to open the door.

  “Cease and desist! Unauthorized opening of the President’s door will automatically enable the security feature. Armed rangerbots will be dispatched. This is your last warning to cease and desist.”

  “Keep going men,” she says.

  “Security breach. Security breach.”

  Red lights are flashing and all doors lock down.

  “They are going to activate the halon system. Our exoskeleton suits have enough recycled oxygen for fifteen minutes. The other men are getting special oxygen facemasks,” Peters says.


  She sees through the virtual screens the military moving in on Jaden and Kim as they walk down Broadway. Paylin sees Jaden limping and Kim helping him. Jaden’s skin is almost fully healed.

  “Peters, I want communications with the commander in New York City.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he says while touching the virtual screens floating around them.



  Thirty soldiers with assault rifles run in front of Jaden and Kim while blocking off the street. There are green lasers aimed at their head and chest.

  “Freeze!” They yell.

  Robinson gives the order to the military commander for his men to shoot the terrorist down on sight. Jaden and Kim put their hands in the air. Jaden drops his sword.

  “I can’t produce a shield right now. My energy is regenerating,” Jaden says while moving in front of Kim.

  Washington, D.C. Pentagon

  “You will ignore that order Commander Brian Cooper….” Her voice turns to static.

  “Who was that President Robinson? That sounded like President Paylin,” Cooper says.

  Peters changes the communications to talk directly with the soldiers. The soldiers arm their guns with simultaneous clicks.

  “That was an imposter President Paylin. Fire at will,” Robinson says.


  “Madam President, you can communicate directly with the soldiers. This communication can’t be cut off by Robinson or Motherdrone. Hurry, those rangerbots are coming,” Peters says.

  “This is your alive Commander-in-Chief Stefanie Paylin, soldiers. Your commander-in-chief is being attacked now as we speak by prototype rangerbots from Kevin Robinson. He faces treason, conspiracy to commit murder and attempted murder. Do not follow that order from your commander to fire. Stand down and let those innocent citizens go. They have been helping us fight this invasion upon us,” she says over the radio.

  “Soldiers fire your weapons. Those terrorists are a threat and are responsible for the disaster before you,” Cooper says to his men.

  “Stand down soldiers. This is an order from the President. I was setup by the vice president to fly into a no fly zone without any protection. General Peters helped me and those citizens you are aiming at helped to land my plane, saving my life. Do not fire upon them, that is an order. Do not face murder charges along with Robinson.”

  There is a long pause as the soldiers aim their guns at Jaden and Kim. Sweat runs down Jaden’s face as he keeps his hands up. Some of the soldiers are nervously shaking and sweating. Jaden can hear them breathing heavily.

  “Do you think they are going to shoot?” Kim asks with her hands high in the air.

  “I hope not, just stand behind me. I’ll protect you as much as I can,” Jaden says nervously.

  “You are such a gentleman,” Kim says.

  A minutes passes by and the soldiers slowly lower their guns.

  “They are standing down, ma’am,” Peters says.



  “I guess we can pass, let’s go,” Kim says while lowering her hands.

  Jaden tries to reach down to pick up the sword.

  “Leave it, before they fire at us thinking you drew a weapon. People get killed for things like that these days,” Kim says while they walk by the soldiers smiling.

  Washington, D.C. Pentagon

  The lights go out and it turns completely dark where Peters and Paylin are standing. The halon air removing system begins to emit smoke in the large area.

  The four rangerbots stand by a doorway one hundred feet away from Peters and Paylin. The access bridge is made of steel mesh and is thirty feet above the floor. The rangerbots have human faces and muscular bodies. Motherdone controls them. They are armed with thermobaric bullets, bat bullets and machine guns. The rangerbots have light reflecting bodies. Paylin and Peter’s exoskeleton suits allow them to see in the dark through an enhanced infrared system.

  “Are you good at fighting and shooting, General?” She asks.

  “I was going to ask you the same thing. I’ve had my share of hand-to-hand combat in my day. I’m okay at the shooting range.”

  “Well, us soccer moms know how to kick some ass. I’m a pro at shooting wildlife back home. I have an entire zoo of animal mounts on my living room walls. Let’s see what these million dollar defense funded suits and assault rifles can do,” she says while they stand aiming their guns.

  She flips down her glass face protector. Her eye screen matches up
with the gun’s aim. She fires her gun directly at the face of the first rangerbot. The powerful bullet hits the first rangerbot in its weak point. It falls backwards on the others like dominoes.

  “Good shot President.”

  “Nothing to it, just like shooting Bambi from fifty yards.”

  The two soldiers behind the President continue trying to open the door. Two of the rangerbots swing down under the long bridge and climb under it towards them. The last one fires a machine gun at them. The powerful bullets hit their suits and bounce off. The force of the bullets pushes them back.

  “Oh shit, that stings. It feels like being hit by a paintball gun,” Paylin says while continuing to fire at the steel grate bridge floor.



  Robinson sends an army of UAVs towards Jaden and Kim. A close by, smaller UAV hovering overhead circles around to attack. Sabrina and James run up to Jaden. Sabrina gives Jaden a huge hug.

  “You are okay now daddy? I thought I lost you. What happened to your hair? What happened to your clothes? How can I see right through your belly?” She asks.

  “I’m fine. Just my memory is a little jumbled up. My clothes is a long story and I’m partly invisible because I don’t want you to see me naked. You might report me to ACS,” Jaden says with a smile on his face. She looks at him with a smirk. He continues, “I’m glad to see you’re okay.”

  “Daddy, is your hair growing right in front of me?” She asks with a confused look on her face.

  “You are very observant,” he says while she looks at him. He continues and turns to James, “Where have you been Mr. James White? You look like a futuristic Vanilla Ice in a Total Recall throwback suit. What is this you are wearing?”

  “I’ve been here and there. These clothes stop bullets and small blasts. Where have you been? You are not looking a day over nineteen,” James says.

  Jaden quickly turns to look into the dark sky at a UAV about to fire on them.

  “Everyone run into that building and take cover quickly!” Jaden yells.

  They run while Kim grabs Sabrina’s hand. Jaden focuses on the UAV flying low towards him. The dark energy returns around his hands. The sword on the ground on the other side of the soldiers shakes and floats in the air towards Jaden. A small missile fires towards where Jaden is standing while Kim, Sabrina and James are still running towards the building. Jaden leaps into the air with anti-gravity Nanodrones lighting up around his body. The missile explodes under him. James runs behind the females while holding their shoulders. The Nanodrones quickly go back into Jaden’s body. Kim, Sabrina and James are thrown from the blast and fall towards the ground. They get up and continue running. The sword comes into his hand. The UAV quickly approaches Jaden as they are both twenty-five feet in the air. It tries to pass over him. He swings and cuts the UAV straight down the middle with the dark energy ruffles circling the sword. There is an explosion as the debris heads towards the soldiers a block away. They don’t have time to run and it comes right at them. The men bend down, embrace and cover their faces.

  Kim turns around and stops before a door to see if Jaden is okay. She sees him in the air levitating like a superhero over the fire beneath him. James pulls her into the apartment building and closes the door. The dark energy fully forms back around Jaden’s body. He catches all the explosion and debris in a line of matter pathway. The fire and debris travels back towards his body. It circles his body and disappears into his dark abyss. Jaden floats back down towards the ground with his sword still in his hand. The fire below him goes into his body as well. The dark energy disappears from around his body and he drops his sword. Jaden feels as if he has better control of this mysterious dark energy weapon.

  Jaden jogs towards his friends and family inside the building. Kim is standing by the door looking at Jaden coming towards her.

  “Are you guys okay?” Jaden asks his friends and daughter while walking over to them.

  “That was amazing Jaden,” she says while staring at him.

  “Yes, just a little thrown off from the blast, but we are fine,” James says.

  “I’m okay dad. Are you okay?” Sabrina asks.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired of being naked.”

  “Jaden, how were you able to control the dark energy like that? Where did it come from so fast?” Kim asks.

  “I feel as if I can control it better now. It’s just an instant feeling I feel now as if it is a part of me. There are concentrated amounts of dark energy floating above me right now as if it is on standby. There is also dark energy and matter all around and passing through everyone at this very moment. It all comes towards my body like a swarm of bees. I feel more in control now and I don’t need to be angry or feel pain for it to attack my body,” Jaden explains as they walk outside together.

  Suddenly the clouds light up brightly and they look up towards the sky. A huge projectile is fired from space into the ocean south of Manhattan. The entire Manhattan island shakes and Kim and Sabrina lose their balance. Jaden dispatches a nanoscanner from his body. He sees another unidentified nanoscanner just floating over them watching them. His nanoscanner quickly heads south of Manhattan to find out what is happening.

  “Kim, is AI controlling a nanoscanner from the Gravhawk or something?”

  “He said no,” she replies.

  “Shit, there is a 200 foot high tsunami heading towards Manhattan, it just took out the Statue of Liberty. We have to get out of here!” Jaden yells.

  The ground shakes violently as the wall of water stops right before hitting land. Jaden helps Kim and Sabrina up. The water slams into an invisible barrier and splashes a thousand feet into the air. The water recedes back into the rivers. Jaden stands up and continues to look through the nanoscanner. He sees a strong force field stopping the water from hitting land south of the Manhattan Island. Staten Island, Brooklyn, and New Jersey all connect with the same invisible barrier.

  “What happened Jaden?” Kim asks while holding him from behind.

  “I don’t know. The water stopped in midair.”

  Jaden’s nanoscanner returns back towards him and he sees several other more advanced looking Nanoscanners looking at them.

  “Do you hear that low sounding fax machine sound Jaden?” Kim asks.

  ‘Hey buddy, this is your Andromedian friend Marco. Myself, Bomani and Bellona are here to help you out. Did we come at a good time?’ Marco asks.

  A smile comes across Kim and Jaden’s face at the same time. They can both hear Marco’s communications through the Nanoscanners. Jaden and Kim kiss each other in celebration. The water falls back into the rivers in a huge splash. Bellona’s more advanced looking nanoscanner stares at Kim and Jaden kissing each other.

  “What is going on?” James and Sabrina ask at the same time.

  “Jaden’s alien friends are here to help us,” Kim explains.

  ‘How? How is that possible? How did your bodies clear the galactic bulge’s black hole?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Well, it was Bellona’s idea. She really wanted to make sure you were okay. She was worried that you might need help. So we went back to Planet 455, broke back inside the area they were keeping you and took your cloned bodies. We are in your cloned bodies now. We don’t have our biomechanical bodies body with us. So we can’t leave our ships for any reason. We are using the new nanosincoids as brains. As a security measure, our ships require a body on board or special permission is needed from our government.’

  “I can’t keep up with what they are saying, they are talking too fast for me,” Kim says while holding his hand.

  ‘Hello Bellona,’ Jaden says.

  There isn’t a response. Jaden finds that a little strange.

  ‘Isn’t that against your laws? Using another body?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Yes, it is. Well, we broke a few laws by coming here without permission. That is why we can’t stay long. Listen, our ships can’t be detected by the Da
rclonian mother ship. Our ships are a few miles off the shore underwater now. If they find out we are here, they will attack us and send out a S.O.S. for more mother ships to attack Earth. We don’t fully understand their intent for humans yet, but we have to stay hidden. Our help to you will be limited, but we can give you helpful advice though. There are wraithstalkers flying on the other side of your planet, infecting large quantities of humans with the bioparasites. We can take those ships out, but the mother ship needs to be taken down first. They get most of their energy from the mother ship. You need to get a few soldiers together and have them beamed aboard the mother ship. Pick up spots are usually on top of tall buildings. The soldiers can act as if their minds are in positive mode then plant explosions around the mother ship. Then use a return beam back down to Earth through the cloud portals. Once the mother ship is destroyed we can easily destroy the wraithstalker ships on Earth… Nanoscanners are detecting thirty-one heavily armed UAVs coming this direction. Checking their circuits, you and your friends are the main targets,’ Marco says very quickly.


  ‘Can you take them out for me? My energy is very low and still recharging,’ Jaden says.

  ‘I have a better idea. Have you used the artificial intelligence black torpedo yet?’ Marco asks.

  ‘Yes, we did.’

  ‘Well we have something called an AI techno-manipulator torpedo, one hundred times more advanced,’ Marco says while two Nanoscanners follow the communications pathways the UAVs are using back to Motherdrone.

  Washington, D.C. Pentagon

  Meanwhile, back at the lower level of the Pentagon, Peters is laying unconscious thirty feet down under the bridge in complete darkness. He has damage all around his exoskeleton suit from bullet dents to scrapes and scratches. Paylin is laying on the metal bridge on her back while two rangerbots are over her. One of the rangerbots over her is missing an arm. The rangerbots sustained severe damage around their bodies, but are still operational. Paylin’s exoskeleton suit has damage all around it. The two officers that were trying to open Robinson’s door are shot dead with oxygen masks over their faces. Two rangerbots are over Paylin trying to choke her through the suit with their arms. One of the bots breaks her recycling oxygen tube inside the back of her neck. She begins to hold her breath. The third rangerbot is firing a gun from under the bridge and into her back. She groans in an attempt to overpower the rangerbots. The bullets are felt through the suit and in her back. She continues to groan and sweat from everything that is happening to her. The bullets in her back feel like little knives stabbing her. She tries with all her might to push the rangerbots off her. She hears beeping noises and messages on her helmet screen. Her body can’t take any more abuse. Her nervous system is sending countless chemical messages of pain and muscle straining to her brain. She is having the fight of her life. The prototype bionic suit is at its maximum 6,000 pounds of pressure. She feels she is at the end, she can’t hold her breath any longer.


  Jaden, Sabrina, Kim and James are running down the street, towards a subway station. The UAVs fire a missile each towards Jaden. Sixteen Hellfire 7000 lbs missiles and sixteen thermobaric 5000 lbs missiles are coming towards him. His shield systems are still offline.

  He looks up and does not see the dark energy spiraling over him.

  ‘Shit! Guys, a little help. Where is that god torpedo?’ Jaden asks his alien friends.

  He suddenly sees the AI techno torpedo through their nanoscanner. The AI techno torpedo is quickly traveling across the ocean towards Manhattan at high speeds. It reaches Manhattan and breaks down into trillions of microscopic nanobots. They quickly accelerate and change direction upwards. They follow the UAVs microwave transmissions at half the speed of light to an airship blimp sitting 70,000 feet above the city.


  Washington, D.C. Pentagon

  Paylin begins to black out, but she continues to push with all her might. The torpedo fragments travel into space to a satellite, then back down towards the Pentagon. The invisible torpedo hits the Pentagon in less than a second. It penetrates thousands of firewalls in milliseconds and quickly compromises Motherdrone’s supercomputer system.

  Paylin suddenly pushes the two non-responsive rangerbots into ceiling. She quickly opens the bulletproof facemask and gasps for air. Sweat is all over her face and her heart is beating a mile a minute. Their bodies fall downstairs under the bridge, making a loud banging sound on impact.

  The first few missiles fired towards Jaden get within 200 feet and explode instantly. Windows on nearby buildings explode and debris falls towards the street. The other missiles change direction and head towards the UAVs.


  President Paylin is still gasping for air with her eyes close. She takes off her helmet to breathe more fresh air. The air conditioning quickly circulates air in the area. Robinson’s door quietly opens up and he stands there in his full military uniform. Robinson comes out of the room and sees rangerbots lying beneath him under the bridge. He steps over the dead officers by the door. He walks over to Paylin laying on the metal walkway, slowly breathing while lying on her back. Robinson pulls out a handgun and stands over her. Paylin opens her eyes and sees Robinson standing over her pointing a gun at her head.

  “Goodbye you annoying can’t stay dead bitch,” he says while pointing the gun down.

  She quickly grabs his right hand pushing it away and the gun fires missing her face by inches. The gun falls on the steel bridge. She reaches towards his crotch area and lifts him up into the air by his groin. Soldiers and secret service flood the area from all directions. He squeals and moans in pain while she stands up. She looks him directly in the eyes while he tries to grab his own groin area.

  “It is President super bitch to you, traitor. Trying to assassinate me Robinson?”

  Robinson tries to release her tight bionic grip.

  “That isn’t hurting anymore….” Robinson moans.

  “You like torture for terrorists and enemies of America right former vice president?”

  Robinson shakes his head back and forth. Soldiers check downstairs on Peters. She drops him onto the bridge. The wind is knocked out of him as he attempts to catch his breath. He moans in pain and grabs between his legs.

  “On my flight back to Alaska earlier today I read the top-secret documents of you torturing prisoners and terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. I know it was many years ago, but I’m sure you are familiar with it. America is better than that and I’m better than that,” she says looking at him with a red face and moaning.

  Robinson wheezes and moans. He clears his throat and attempts to talk. An armed soldier walks by Paylin and takes the gun on the floor near Robinson. The soldier stands behind and over Robinson ready to arrest him.

  “I love my country President. I did everything to protect it. That Jaden Marino fella is a terrorist and a threat, I did my job to protect this country! President MacAuthor told me to keep this country strong before he died. Ever since you became President, other counties have looked at us as if we were weaklings and sissies. They laughed at us behind our back. Russia, China and nations in the UN mocked us. They called us the breast-feeding sissy country that has grown too weak. China thinks they own us now, since we owe them trillions and then a female President takes over as President. We were losing our stronghold on the world. Terrorists are more prone to take advantage of us. I promised him not to let this happen. I did my job to defend this great nation,” Robinson says while sitting up on the floor. She walks closer to him.

  “Who’s side are you on? The Darclonian aliens trying to take over this planet? The real terrorists? You had good intel and you ignored it because you had an ego to go after someone who was here to help us. Your judgment was completely off. You wasted countless soldiers’ lives in an attempt to kill Mr. Marino. You committed a conspiracy to have the President of the United States killed. Mutiny in Washington, D.C.? Having secret service rangerbot
s attacking me and I had to fight for my life just now? I almost died fighting off two rangerbots that were created to protect me. You put millions of American citizens’ lives at risk today. You put this entire planet at risk because of your ignorant, egotistic, macho man bullshit. Just because I’m not run by corporate America and I don’t agree with invading smaller countries in an attempt to put them in debt to America, doesn’t make me weak. You starting your own war by destroying billions of dollars in federal highways in my country? That is not protecting America! You are the terrorist!” She yells. “I think you need a psychic evaluation in federal prison. Take this old delusional man to the brig.”

  Robinson continues to breathe heavily and leans over in an attempt to get up. The soldier has handcuffs in his hand and attempts to lift Robinson from behind. Robinson bends over towards his ankle and quickly reaches for a small gun.

  “Keep this on your conscious when you sleep at night madam President!” He yells.

  Robinson clicks the safety off.

  “No!” Paylin yells while quickly stepping towards him to grab the gun.

  The soldier releases his grip from behind Robinson and quickly steps back. Her facemask goes down automatically.

  A single shot is fired under Robinson’s chin and brain fragments splatter behind him. Blood is sprayed on the soldier and on Paylin’s facemask and suit. His body quickly drops to the floor and the gun falls over the side of the bridge. The soldiers standing on the bridge run in closer and around Paylin. She turns her back and looks away.


  A few minutes go by. A soldier is wiping the blood and skull fragments from Paylin’s bionic suit. The huge Motherdrone screen displays: FatherJaden online, operating at 10,000 petaflaps a second.

  “President Paylin, you are looking good in that black exoskeleton bionic suit. You look like a bionic cat woman,” Jaden says through the Motherdrone speakers.

  Paylin walks over to the President’s command room and talks towards the screen.

  “It is nice to finally being able to talk to the man I’ve been hearing so much about today.”

  “Same here. Is Robinson in handcuffs where he belongs?” Jaden asks.

  “Robinson took the coward’s way out. I guess he wanted to save the taxpayers a long lengthy trial. Anyway, how are you able to see what is going on here and how are you talking through the Motherdrone system?” She asks.

  “That is a top alien secret. Let’s just say I gave Motherdrone a thousand year processing upgrade and I have temporary control of her systems. I have a plan for this silent attack we are experiencing, but we have to work fast, if we are going to save this planet....”


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  Chapter 24: Astrotheological Literary Hybrid