
  “Oh Hope, I can’t believe this is goodbye forever,” Noelle exclaimed as she pulled Hope into a fierce embrace. The sun was still hours from rising but Noelle had to escape the premises before a soul woke up and could discover her, though she was disguised as Hope just to be safe.

  Hope felt herself getting teary at the goodbye. She had been with Noelle for nearly four years and in many ways she had become a good friend to her, despite this latest scheme that still made her uncomfortable. She tried to push away her feelings of anxiousness and unease knowing that despite Noelle’s excitement to marry Soren, there were many things she was sacrificing as well. She had to consider herself lucky that she at least had had the opportunity to give her mother a proper farewell. Noelle spent her last three days in London with her family pretending that everything was as it appeared and had no opportunity to tell Devon or her father goodbye, for her secret depended on their ignorance. If everything went according to plan, they’d never know she had left their lives.

  Hope handed Noelle her reticule, “Are you sure I can’t wait to inform your father of my supposed absence till later this afternoon? I mean, what if something happens and you don’t go away with Soren? Surely you’ll want to come back and resume your proper identity and then nothing will have had to change, I’d still be here waiting for you.” She tried to voice her worries delicately, but she was worried Noelle saw right through her.

  “You’re not implying that Soren may not have meant what he said, are you? He’s a man of honor and he’ll keep his word, of this I am sure.”

  Hope wished she could be as confident. “I’m not trying to discredit his honor in any way, I’m just trying to think of all the possible outcomes.”

  Noelle softened slightly, “No, it has to be this way. Father would wonder what took you so long to come to him if you waited. Trust me, I’ll be sailing to America long before then, rest assured.”

  She began walking towards the door and as she had one hand on the handle ready to pull it open Hope called softly, “Be safe…and be happy.”

  Noelle turned and smiled over her shoulder, “I will. I owe all my future happiness to you, for that I will be eternally grateful. Try to be happy yourself.” And with that Hope watched her silently slip out of the door and out of her life forever.

  Hope stood staring at the door for what felt like an eternity, part of her anticipating the moment when Noelle would return and exclaim the whole thing had been a grand joke and that there was no way she could leave her privileged existence behind. She didn’t know how long she sat and stared until she realized that Noelle wasn’t coming back. She walked over to the big bed and wished she could cuddle up under the thick covers and fall asleep but she knew that sleep would only elude her. Instead she decided to go back to her own room one final time. She still had to collect her writings and make a few adjustments in the room to make it appear as if she had packed up and left with no thoughts of returning. She also had to grab the note she had written explaining her hasty departure to show the earl.

  Walking into her room she became nostalgic. She never thought she’d miss the plain quarters but they had been home to her for the past four years, the one place in the world she could go to have privacy and to just be herself. It saddened her to think that in a short time there would be another lady’s maid sleeping on the lumpy mattress, enjoying the view of Mayfair that the small window afforded, enjoying long hours of rest and relaxation while she herself would be out at one society event or another, uncomfortable and out of place and living a lie.

  She quickly grabbed her stuff and made her way back to her new room, shutting the door forever on her past. She still had a few hours until the earl would rise and start his day. She knew that it would appear odd if she went to seek out Lord Brattondale too early in the morning so she had to bide her time until an acceptable hour. She thought the time would drag but much to her chagrin it sped by quickly, too quickly. Before she knew it, it was time to put the remainder of their plan into motion—it was time to officially and permanently become Lady Noelle.

  Part Two

Ginny Hartman's Novels