Chapter 14

  By the time Hope had peeled the sopping dress off of her frame, Esther was pouring steaming buckets of water into the copper tub sitting in front of the fireplace. Hope looked longingly at the bath, grateful for the first time since this charade had started that she was the one that would soon be enjoying the relaxing warmth of the water instead of the one pouring the buckets.

  She quickly got into the tub, letting the warmth of the water distract her from Pierce and the unsettling feelings he roused in her. She felt foolish for giving into the passion that he sparked within her, knowing he gloated in the fact that she went weak under his expert caresses, as she was sure many women had done before her. She laid her head back against the edge of the tub and closed her eyes, resolving within herself to stop falling into the alluring trap of passion that the duke presented.

  Hope hadn’t realized how exhausted she had become, it was all she could do to pull herself from the tub and allow Esther to help her dry off and comb her thick waves until they were nearly dry before the fire. By the time Esther was done, Hope could barely muster enough energy to even think about getting dressed and the thought of spending the evening with Pierce and Caroline drained the last of her reserves. Instead she made her way to her bed and curled up under the thick bed coverings, notifying Esther to inform the duke that she wouldn’t be dining with him tonight before falling into a dreamless sleep.

  The next thing she remembered was being awoken from her deep slumber by an incessant knocking at her door. She scurried out of bed, throwing a Chinese silk wrapper around her body before rushing to see who was at her door. She was surprised to see Pierce standing there looking casual in his tan breeches, white linen shirt and riding boots.

  Pierce drank in the sight of Noelle, all warm and cozy looking from sleep. “Good morning Noelle, I was worried when you didn’t come down for dinner last night that you had either taken ill or were purposely avoiding me. It appears you are well so I must conclude that it was the latter.”

  “Must everything always be about you? I was simply too exhausted after such a tiring day that I retired early.” She explained, pulling her wrapper more securely around her body trying not to let her surprise that it was now morning show. She couldn’t believe she had slept so long.

  Pierce laughed, “Someday you’ll admit that you want me as much as…”

  Hope cut him off, “As what? As much as you want me? Well then your grace, someday is in fact today because I will indeed admit that I want you as much as you want me which is not saying much, we’ve already established that. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like some privacy to get ready for the day.”

  Turning back to her room, Hope let the door shut on its own but before it could fully close, Pierce put one brown hand out and caught it. Much to Hope’s horror, he followed her into the privacy of her bedchamber. Turning on him wildly she exclaimed, “What are you doing? This is highly improper and I demand you leave at once!”

  “It’s my house and I’ll do as I wish. Now calm yourself before your screeching alerts the entire household. I came to inform you that I will be touring part of the estate today and was wondering if you’d like to come along. I’ve asked cook to prepare a picnic for us.”

  “Oh…that would be nice,” she stammered, caught off guard by his suggestion.

  Seeing the relief on her face, Pierce couldn’t help but taunt her, “You didn’t think I had come here solely to ravish you, did you?”

  The blush that crept up her neck and scattered across her high cheekbones gave her away though her words said otherwise, “Nonsense, now kindly leave so I can ready myself. I’ll be down shortly.”

  Hope waited a couple of minutes after Pierce had left before calling for Esther, careful to make sure he wouldn’t return and burst into her room once more. Esther helped her change into one of Noelle’s dark blue riding habits before braiding her hair back and out of her face. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, Pierce was waiting for her. He reached for her hand, placing it in the crook of his elbow before guiding her out towards the stables.

  The day was young but the sun was already making its appearance in the sky, promising to be a nice, warm day. They strode in silence to the stables, both lost in their own thoughts. When a kind looking grey was offered to Hope she reached up and stroked the horse’s nose. Pierce came up behind her, placing both hands on her waist and gently lifted her into the sidesaddle. Hope marveled at the ease with which he hoisted her onto the horse then watched as he effortlessly saddled his own black stallion that looked as imposing as its master.

  Hope purposely trailed a few paces behind Pierce, hoping he wouldn’t notice her slight awkwardness in the saddle, for riding was not something she had gained much experience in during her role as a lady’s maid. They passed many grey stone cottages that were placed sporadically through the countryside before Pierce pulled his reigns back, stopping Tristan and waiting for Hope to catch up.

  When she pulled her own horse up next to his he turned to her, “I spent many hours as a boy riding over every square inch of this estate. I know it like I know the back of my own hand but I never get sick of it.” Hope looked out at the miles of farmland being prepared for planting and harvesting and could understand why. “Whenever I feel weighed down by responsibilities I go for a long ride and remind myself why it is I do what I do.”

  Hope looked at him skeptically, “Oh? This reminds you of why you gamble, drink and womanize? I admit it is inspiring but I had no idea its beauty could provoke such rakish ways.”

  Pierce glowered at her, “Your impossibly low opinion of me is flattering. Tell me, is it based solely off of rumor or is that what you’ve deducted for yourself in the short time we’ve been personally acquainted?”

  “Your behavior has left some things to be desired that’s for sure,” she answered honestly but was surprised when a look of pain momentarily flashed in his eyes. In lieu of a response, Pierce kicked Tristan in the flanks and resumed galloping.

  Hope tried to ignore the impression that she may have misjudged him unfairly, instead she tried to focus on her surroundings as she followed closely behind. Hope watched Pierce’s broad shoulders in front of her, sensing the tension in the set of his back. She felt slightly guilty for being so hard on him and vowed to spend the rest of the day not being so defensive. The fresh air felt rejuvenating and she wanted to enjoy the day without anymore fighting or awkwardness between them so she vowed to hold her tongue and try to be pleasant. She could only hope that he’d try to do the same.

  Pierce’s thoughts were in a jumble. It bothered him that his own fiancée had such a low opinion of him. He wasn’t foolish enough to expect to fall in love with the girl but he had at least hoped that they could become friends of a sort but that was proving to be difficult.

  When they pulled to a halt in front of a cluster of small cottages, Pierce was once more by her side helping her down from her horse. “These here are some of my tenants,” he motioned towards the various people out working in the nearby fields, “and I thought since we are here I might introduce you to a few of them. I reckon they’ll be fairly happy and surprised that I have finally decided to take a wife.”

  Looking up Hope saw a middle aged man brushing his hands on his trousers as he walked towards them. His thick hair was like straw, poking out in all directions completely unruly, but his blue eyes were kind and the smile he bestowed on her warmed her heart. He bowed before them before standing and saying, “Your grace, to what do we owe this honor?”

  “Good day Derry, we were just out riding and enjoying this fine day,” then turning to Hope, “I’d like to introduce you to my fiancée, Derry this is Lady Noelle, Lady Noelle, this is Derry Fitzpatrick.”

  Derry stuck out his hand, looking sheepish at the dirt that clung to his skin, “Congratulations milady and your grace, though I must apologize for my soiled hands.”

  Hope thrust her hand into his outstretched one, not bothered in the least by a little dirt,
“It would be silly to expect a farmer to have clean hands while in the midst of working and toiling with the earth, now wouldn’t it?”

  Derry smiled up at the charming lady before planting a gentle kiss to the top of her hand before releasing it, liking the lady immensely. Pierce, for his part, looked nonplussed by her behavior, surprised that she would so expertly put his tenant at ease with her charm and her practicality.

  Before anything more could be said, they were distracted by a small blonde bundle of energy bursting forth from the cottage and coming to stand before Hope, pulling enthusiastically on her skirt, “Miss, miss, are you a real princess?”

  Hope looked down into the angelic face of a girl who could be no older than five years of age. Chuckling she said, “I’m afraid to disappoint you, but no, I’m no princess.”

  The girl made a moue, “But you’re beautiful just like I imagine a princess must be, and your gown is so fancy!”

  Hope bent so she was at eye level with the girl, “What is your name child?”


  “Well Hannah,” she reached out and gently tweaked the girl’s nose, “then surely you must be a princess for you’re the most beautiful child I’ve ever seen.”

  The girl’s eyes lit up, “Really? Do you mean it?”

  “I do.” Hannah reached up and put her chubby arms around Hope’s neck and Hope returned the hug.

  When the hug was complete, Hannah took Hope’s hand in her own, unwilling to part with her imagined princess. “Oh papa, can I show…” she turned wide eyes on Hope, “I don’t know you’re name!”

  “You may call me, uh…Noelle, little one.”

  “Princess Noelle?” she asked.

  “Just plain Noelle will suffice, now what did you want to show me?”

  “I’ve been helping mama tend to the rose bushes on the side of the cottage, would you like to see?” Finding the girl irresistible, Noelle glanced at Pierce long enough to make sure it was okay before being led off by Hannah to view her handiwork.

  Pierce watched the two saunter away, hand in hand and smiled. He really couldn’t blame the child for taking to Noelle, she was as beautiful as any princess he had ever imagined and had a way of putting people at ease. He walked with Derry out into the fields, asking questions about the upcoming crops that were going to be planted, taking his time inspecting and approving of their work. When he returned to the cottage to find Noelle he found her sitting in the grass with Hannah in her lap as she plated the girl’s hair into two long braids that reached halfway down her back. He slowed before approaching the pair, mesmerized by the sight of her with a child in her arms. Something tugged at his heartstrings and he watched Noelle with new eyes. She was so kind and loving, behaving as no ordinary lady would, holding a ragamuffin child in her arms and giving the girl some much desired attention. He watched as she reached up and removed a blue silk ribbon from her own hair to tie the girl’s braids off with. He imagined her holding their child in her arms and giving it the same love as she was bestowing upon Hannah.

  He went to her then, “Well my lovely princesses, I regret to inform you that it’s time we head out,” he reached down and took Hannah’s hand and pulled her to standing, “Thank you for taking care of my princess while I took care of business with your father, that’s a very important job you know?”

  She looked at Pierce with a serious face, “Yes, your grace.”

  “Now run along and be a good little girl and mind your mother and father.” Hannah ran over and gave Hope one final hug before running off in the direction of the cottage.

  Pierce reached down and helped Noelle stand, watching as her own braid came undone, spilling over her shoulders and back. He couldn’t resist and reached one hand up and ran it through the thick waves. He couldn’t believe how silky it was.

  Hope stared into his black eyes, “What a delightful girl.”

  “Yes,” he murmured, never taking his own eyes away from hers. Hope had the feeling he wasn’t referring to Hannah and she took a step back, breaking their contact.

  “Should we go have that picnic? I find I’m suddenly famished.” she admitted.

  “Of course, I have the perfect spot in mind.” And with that he helped her onto her horse before mounting his own and galloping off in the direction which they had come.

  Hope was surprised when they arrived back at the stables and waited patiently while Pierce gave the stable boy instructions before reaching into his saddle bag and retrieving a bag, presumably their picnic luncheon. Pierce took her arm in his and started leading her back towards the main house.

  “Are we to picnic at the house then?” Hope finally inquired, confused by his odd behavior.

  “Not quite, I’m taking you somewhere I haven’t been in years.” Hope figured she’d just have to be patient and see for herself as it became clear that Pierce wasn’t going to say anything more.

  She was stunned to see him leading her off past the maze of hedges before continuing on towards the cluster of trees that had been her solace the night before. When they reached the trees he dropped her hand to reach up and pull back the branches, indicating for her to enter before he followed shortly behind.

  Once inside, Pierce stretched to his full height and looked around, “Goodness, I haven’t been here in ages, I forgot how magical it is.”

  Hope looked up into his face, “That’s exactly what I thought when I stumbled upon it yesterday.”

  He looked at her incredulously, “You’ve been here?”

  “Yes, I found it quite by accident while I was wandering the grounds yesterday. It started to rain while I was doing a little discovering and I tried to wait out the storm in the shelter of the trees before I decided if I did that I might be here forever. I had just come from here when you ran into me completely drenched.”

  He smiled at her, “Have you seen all of it then?”

  “All of it? I think so…” she looked around once more wondering what she could’ve missed the first time.

  He surprised her by grabbing her hand and leading her towards the back of the clearing, “Come, I have something I want to show you.” By the time they got to the back wall of trees she was beginning to think him daft, certainly there was nothing more to see. Pierce turned to her and handed her the bag containing their picnic, “Hold this please,” then he squatted down and began poking and prodding amongst the branches as if he was looking for something specific. He must’ve found it because he looked up just then and smiled at her triumphantly and she couldn’t help but smile in return at his boyish enthusiasm.

  Clearing a layer of branches that had been cleverly placed as a disguise then holding back the few remaining attached branches he turned to her and said, “I’ll take the picnic and you’ll have to bend over a bit to get in, do you think you can manage?”

  “I’ll certainly try,” she exclaimed excitedly, pleasantly surprised by the prospect of an adventure. A few strands of her hair caught on the branches as she entered the hidden dwelling but once she was successfully in she looked around and gasped. She was standing in a perfectly circular room, made entirely of thick tree trunks, but unlike the space they just left, there was no tree branches blocking the sky, allowing the sun to beat down unfiltered. She looked around and noticed a rigged fort of some sort off to the side with a wooden top and what appeared to be a telescope sitting next to it, dirty and faded from being exposed to the elements for who knew how many years.

  She heard Pierce enter with a low grunt and turned towards him, “Was this your secret hideout as a child?”

  “It was. Somehow I remembered it being much larger.” His large frame filled the space, almost making it feel uncomfortably tight but she tried to ignore his nearness.

  “Well I’d venture to guess that you were much smaller then you are now so it probably did indeed seem much larger.”

  “I used to spend hours here going on adventures in my imagination,” he gestured to the shoddy fort. “I built that with fal
len branches I would collect…obviously I’m not much of a builder.” He smiled at the memories. “My only regret is that I never had anyone to share it with. I used to be so jealous of my friends who had siblings for in my mind it was the ideal solution to always have a built in friend. Being an only child could be quite lonely at times.”

  Without thinking, Hope replied, “Tell me about it, I think that’s why I cultivated such an imagination.”

  Pierce looked at her strangely, one dark eyebrow raised, “But what about Devon? Surely having an older brother provided some sort of company when you were children.”

  Realizing her error, she made to recover quickly, “Oh you know how older brothers can be. To Devon I was mostly a bother and with our different interests and pursuits we hardly had time to spend with one another so I did spend quite a bit of time alone. I was just thinking that I could sort of relate,” she trailed off hoping that he would buy her explanation.

  “I suppose that could be the case with siblings, not that I have any experience with which to compare.”

  Eager to change the subject, Hope gestured towards the bag he held and said, “Shall we eat? I know it’s not very ladylike of me to admit it, but I’m famished.” Just as she finished speaking, and much to her embarrassment, her stomach growled loudly causing her cheeks to burn and Pierce to laugh.

  Thrusting the bag at her Pierce said, “By all means, do help yourself while I spread the…” running a hand nervously through his hair he continued, “seems in my haste I forgot to grab the blanket,” giving her a nervous smile he rushed on, “I suppose if you don’t mind waiting I could run back to the stables and grab the quilt I had packed.”

  “Oh don’t be ridiculous, the ground will be perfectly fine. Besides, I’m not sure my stomach could handle the wait.” Pierce watched in surprise as she gracefully lowered herself to the dirty ground, careful to make sure her skirts were appropriately covering her as she sat. Having no other choice, he sat down next to her.

  “Well, why don’t we see what cook packed and put your poor stomach to rest. I forget you didn’t come to dinner last night so you truly must be starving and with the way I rushed you out of the house this morning I doubt you got a bite to eat earlier either.” He suddenly felt guilty for being the cause of her missing not only one but two meals in less than a day, knowing that he was most likely the reason she had missed dinner the night before.

  He reached into the sack and pulled out cold chicken wrapped in a cloth, a small dish of salmagundi, two bright red apples, and biscuits. The fare, though simple, looked divine to Hope and she gladly took the proffered food thinking that cold chicken had never tasted so good. They sat eating silently for a time before Pierce reached in the bag and pulled out a bottle of wine but as he rummaged further he realized that cook had forgotten to pack glasses.

  Opening the bottle he handed it to Hope saying, “Apparently there are no glasses so we’ll have to drink straight from the bottle. You can go first.”

  Hope eyed the bottle speculatively before deciding to throw caution to the wind—she was eating cold chicken while sitting on the dirt floor of a hidden childhood fort and suddenly drinking from a bottle of wine seemed like a perfectly acceptable thing to do. Grabbing the bottle from Pierce’s hand, she tried to ignore the tingle she felt at the slight brushing of their hands before she tilted her head back and drank deeply from the bottle.

  Pierce watched her lips press to the bottle as she drank and momentarily felt jealous realizing he wanted those lips pressed to his. Trying to distract himself he said, “You surprise me Noelle.”

  She looked at him sheepishly, “I apologize, I’m not quite sure what overcame me.”

  He was looking at her with the same look he gave her right before he kissed her. His voice was low and husky, “Don’t ever apologize, I find you quite refreshing.”

  Hope felt herself being drawn into him, watching his chiseled lips and hanging onto every word that escaped them. When she looked up into his dark eyes she noticed he was looking at her lips as well. She nervously licked them before shaking her head, trying to dispel the cloud of desire that was enshrouding her, determined not to give into him this time.

  It took every ounce of willpower that she possessed to pull back and look away, biting into her apple to dispel the mood. Though she was still chewing her bite of apple, she nervously said, “Thanks for today. It was nice, and thanks for sharing your fort with me.”

  Though Noelle was clearly trying to distract him from his desire to kiss her, he found that her methods were no less distracting. Watching her lick her lips and bite into the luscious red peel of the apple about did him in, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her mouth. Though she did it all with a perfect innocence, it was almost more temptation than he could take. What he really wanted to do was to lay her back on the hard ground and kiss that perfectly plump mouth senseless but she had made it clear that she wouldn’t appreciate the overture.

  Instead he forced himself to listen to her talking and by some miracle he was able to respond, “I’ve never brought anyone here before, ever.”

  She looked at him in surprise, her large amber eyes holding what he interpreted as and desperately hoped was delight, “Really? Then I am honored and will cherish this day forever.”

  He smiled, knowing he would too, for it had been the first time in ages where he felt completely comfortable with a member of the fairer sex and instead of grasping for excuses to get away from her, he was hesitant for the day to end, scared that the lonesomeness that had plagued him so much of late would return full force, realizing for the first time how much Noelle’s presence in his life had almost cured him completely of that loneliness. Odd that.

Ginny Hartman's Novels