
  Pierce had just been finishing up breaking his fast when the butler came in and announced that he had a visitor waiting in the parlor. Not expecting guests to start arriving until early afternoon, he was curious to see who was there to see him. He gulped the last of his now cold tea before wiping his mouth with his napkin before heading to see who the mystery guest could be.

  He walked into the parlor and saw a girl standing gazing out one window. He didn’t have to see her face to know who it was, he’d recognize that burnished red hair anywhere and his thoughts began racing wildly. There had been a time when he would’ve welcomed the sight of her, hoping and praying she would come to him and explain herself and her actions, apologizing for the hurt she had caused him, but now the sight of her was unwelcome and bordered on making him furious.

  “Lady Norton, to what do I owe this visit?” He purposely called her by her married name as opposed to her Christian name, avoiding any sort of familiarity with her and keeping his voice cool.

  Eliza turned her green eyes on him and the first thing he thought was how dull they looked in comparison to Noelle’s sparkling amber eyes that he could gaze into forever. A slow smile spread across her face, she didn’t look at all as he expected a woman mourning her husband should look. “Pierce, it’s been so long but you look just as splendid as ever.” She stepped close, reaching one hand out to grasp his arm but Pierce just shrugged it off.

  “I appreciate the compliment, but why are you here?”

  “I’m here as an invited guest, your mother issued the invitation. Is this any way to treat a guest,” her voice turned low and sultry, “or former lover?” Her hand was once more on his arm.

  He let out a sardonic laugh, “We were never lovers, thank goodness. I was lucky enough to see the true side of you before I was foolish enough to offer for your hand. You didn’t seem to care about my feelings back then; I can’t imagine you care now.” Her expression looked hurt but Pierce didn’t care. He’d suffered enough hurt at her greedy hands years ago and wasn’t at all sympathetic to her feelings now. When she didn’t say anything he said, “Do you Eliza?”

  “Of course I do, Pierce. Why else would I be here so soon after Phillip died? You loved me once, is it so hard to believe that you could again?”

  Pierce closed his eyes to formulate his response. So this was the real reason she was here now, now that she was a widow she thought to resume what she had started with him when they were young, hoping to catch the biggest title and the most wealth. But he wasn’t the same naive, love struck boy as he was then and he wasn’t as intrigued by her beauty as he had been then either.

  “No, it’s not hard to believe…” he was cut off by Eliza throwing herself into his arms, clinging to him desperately as if he had just offered her the world. They were both startled by the soft thud of the door closing and both looked to see who was there. When it appeared that no one was present, Pierce took the opportunity to force her away from him, holding her out at arm’s length.

  “Like I was saying—no it’s not hard to believe I could love you again, it’s impossible.”

  Her eyes widened in anger, her mouth forming a large O. “What to do you mean? You’re not married are you? Even if you are I wouldn’t mind, there could still be a place for me in your life.”

  Disgusted, Pierce turned and walked away from her, not wanting to look into her face for another second. For what seemed like the millionth time he silently prayed and gave thanks that he had found out her true motives before it was too late. He agitatedly poured himself a measure of brandy, downing it all in one gulp before turning to her once more.

  Eliza was now sitting on the striped wing backed chair, eyeing him curiously. “Don’t tell me you’ve all of a sudden acquired high moral standards and that dallying with me behind your wife’s back would appall you. I’ve heard the rumors about you like everyone else has.”

  “They’re called rumors for a reason, and I wouldn’t dally with you behind my wife’s back because I don’t have a wife, at least not yet. I’m betrothed to Lady Noelle Parrish and we’re announcing our engagement at the ball tomorrow night.”

  “I fail to see how any of this is relevant to you and I.” she artfully arranged her yellow muslin skirts, looking as if she hadn’t a care in the world, “Unless you are in love with the girl, is that it? Are you so in love with your fiancée that the thought of being with me repulses you?”

  Pierce was silent, thinking about her accusations. Was he in love with Noelle? That was absurd, he didn’t believe in love and he hardly even knew the chit, but then why did it feel wrong to tell Eliza that, like some sort of betrayal?

  Instead he said, “This is all like some bad joke. You’d do well to forget this conversation ever took place, heaven knows I’m going to try.” And with that he left, leaving Eliza even more determined than ever to get him back in her grasp.
Ginny Hartman's Novels