Chapter 3

  Hope had hardly slept a wink all night, thoroughly dreading the plan her and Lady Noelle were putting into action the following day. She went through every possible worst case scenario in her head—of her being discovered posing as her mistress and the consequences that would entail. She thought of the possibility of Noelle being abducted by the American she was so enthralled with, thinking that he may very well turn out to be a completely unsavory character. Thought after horrible thought ran through her head all night long, each one more ghastly than the last.

  She had never been so relieved to pull herself out of bed and begin preparing for Noelle’s morning toilette. She hoped with everything in her that after a good night’s sleep her mistress would have come to her senses and realize how foolish her plan was. She walked into Noelle’s room, richly decorated in purple and gold, the decorations as dramatic as the lady who inhabited the room. She carried a tray containing warm chocolate over to where Noelle was propped up against multiple plush pillows in her bed.

  “Good morning milady, how’d you sleep?”

  “Oh I hardly slept at all, I was so excited. I simply cannot wait to put our plan into motion.”

  Inwardly Hope groaned, disappointed to see that Noelle was just as eager today to carry out her foolish plan as she had been yesterday. Hope worked to get Noelle’s clothes ready for the morning. She retrieved a fresh shift and stays along with an ivory muslin morning dress. The whole time she was dressing Noelle and coiffing her hair she couldn’t help but think that she would be preparing herself in the same manner in only a matter of hours. The thought was very unsettling. Noelle however didn’t appear unsettled in the least. She chattered excitedly all morning about anything and everything. Truth be told, Hope hardly paid attention to a word she was saying, so worrisome were her own loud thoughts.

  When the time finally came for both girls to begin their transformations into one another, Hope thought she would be physically ill. Noelle on the other hand couldn’t have been more excited. To her it was all a big adventure and she failed to see the risk in the precarious plan. Noelle insisted that she be made up first and helped Hope her slip into one of her gray high necked gowns. It was plain and drab compared to what Noelle was accustomed to and Hope cringed at her appearance. She hadn’t realized how frumpy her serviceable gowns made her appear until she saw Noelle in one of them and it bothered her immensely to see her mistress appearing so common. Next she pinned her hair up into a braided knot at the back of her head and finished the look off by handing her the pair of spectacles which she slid naturally onto her face completing the ensemble.

  Hope could only stare at her in horror, what had she done to her mistress? Noelle however was having too much fun, as if she was simply playing a childish game of dress up. She went to her closet and grabbed a cerulean day dress and corset then instructed Hope to strip down to her chemise, which she did slowly. Although she was used to seeing Noelle in various forms of undress, she herself never undressed before another living being and she found herself overwhelmingly modest.

  Sensing her discomfort Noelle stood with her hands akimbo, one foot tapping beneath her skirt impatiently, “Hope Hillburn, if you don’t hurry it up we’ll never pull this charade off.” She didn’t realize that what she had meant as a threat was actually the very thing Hope could only wish for.

  Growing impatient, Noelle huffed over and began assisting her in removing her clothing. Once she was standing in only her chemise, Noelle began fastening the corset around her slender frame. Hope’s figure was slightly more slender than Noelle’s, probably due to the lack of rich foods in her diet, but with the aid of the corset they were able to shape her form to appear even more slender in places and voluptuous in others. It was the first time in Hope’s life that she had ever worn a corset and she wasn’t sure she liked its restrictive feel. Next she helped Hope slip into silk stockings, fastening them to the garters she wore before slipping a petticoat over her head. By the time the empire waist day dress was in place Hope felt like a completely different person. She had never been dressed in such finery and was amazed at how much better properly fitted clothing felt on her body.

  Noelle hadn’t a clue as to how to do Hope’s hair since she had never had to bother dressing her own in the whole of her life. Luckily Hope was an expert in how to do her mistress’s hair and was able to quickly pile her own thick hair on top of her head and using the aid of a hot iron she curled a few stray wisps on the sides of her face into loose ringlets. Noelle quickly applied some rouge to her cheeks and then blackened her lashes, finishing the look off with some rose lip salve. By the time Hope was allowed to look in the mirror she couldn’t believe how she had been able to completely be transformed into Lady Noelle. The likeness was uncanny, but even she felt an unfamiliar surge of confidence course through her as she viewed the resemblance with her own eyes. The girls turned to one another and began giggling. Hope didn’t know what was odder, seeing herself dressed up as a fine lady or seeing her mistress dressed down as a common servant.

  Glancing at the clock sitting on the mantle, Noelle began spouting off last minute instructions although they had gone over every last detail numerous times. “Now remember to try to keep as inconspicuous as possible. I suggest you go to the library and spend your time reading. Father rarely ventures into the library, especially in the afternoon. I think that’ll afford you the most amount of privacy. Hopefully Devon will just be out riding or doing whatever it is he does.” Hope had failed to consider the possibility of a run in with Noelle’s older brother and sincerely hoped she wouldn’t see him. The act she was playing would run considerably smoother if she didn’t have to encounter anyone. “I will come find you there as soon as I return and we can quickly switch back into our own roles.”

  The only part of the charade Hope had been looking forward to was the part where she got to read in the library. She was an avid reader when she had the time, even harboring a secret habit of writing her own stories for entertainment and having access to the library for her own pleasure was like a dream come true. If only she wouldn’t be fretting the whole time that the entire situation would turn out poorly.

  Noelle leaned in for a final hug and Hope couldn’t resist giving her own last minute advice. “Be sure to exit and return through the servants entrance. If you come to the front door you will raise suspicion.” Noelle nodded her understanding, “And most importantly, be careful. Don’t do anything rash, I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to you.”

  “Oh you worry too much. But I will be careful, I promise.” With that she quickly exited the room.

  Hope watched her retreating figure, wishing she could just stay holed up in the bedroom until she came back but knew that would only draw suspicion, for Noelle rarely stayed in her chambers unless she was sick. And if her father thought she had taken ill he very well might come to check on her. No, it would be safer to go to the library and spend her time fretting there. She quickly headed to the room that she had longed to explore for ages. She had been in the library many times with Noelle and even occasionally read to her from her favorite books but this would be the first time she would be able to browse the shelves for herself, in search of books that would interest her and not just the volumes of poetry that Noelle always insisted she read.

  Hope had been lucky that her mother had insisted that she learn to read and write, a luxury amongst so many of the lower class. Not only had it come in handy when securing her position as lady’s maid but it also proved to be her salvation. She spent many hours, while Noelle was at balls and her chores had been completed, taking her ink and quill and creating fanciful stories from her imagination, stories of fantasy lands and curious adventures—fairies, giants and other whimsical creatures her mind would conjure up dotted her tales. It was her release from the doldrums of everyday life. She had never shared any of her stories with another living soul, not even her mother.

  She walked back and forth along the
broad walls lined from floor to ceiling with shelf after shelf of books, wishing she could find some sort of fantastical tale that would transport her to another world but knowing she wouldn’t find any such thing. The Earl of Brattondale was much too formal and rigid to allow anything so trivial into his library. She finally settled on Lord Byron’s Hours of Idleness though she had read from it numerous times and wasn’t a particular fan of his writing, though Noelle favored him.

  No sooner had she sat down on the settee and had carefully arranged her skirts to cover her feet properly when the door flung open and in walked Devon. She hadn’t had much contact with Noelle’s older brother, Lord Brattondale’s heir, but had always thought he seemed like a likeable enough fellow. He was tall and handsome with thick blonde hair that was multiple shades lighter than hers and Noelle’s. He had brown eyes and a kind face that she knew many servant girls found exceptionally handsome. He startled her by walking over and plopping his lanky frame right next to her on the small settee, making her feel overwhelmed by his nearness.

  He stretched his long breeches clad legs out in front of him before speaking, “Hello sister,” he reached over and grabbed the book she was holding from her hand, inspecting the cover before handing it back. “Byron again? Please tell me you aren’t still harboring a silly fancy for that pompous…”

  “Of course not!” Hope cut him off before he offended her ears with his language. She knew that she was blushing, feeling awkward pretending to be his sister when in truth she felt completely uncomfortable in his presence. She hadn’t any idea how Noelle would react to his presence or what she would even discuss with him. She decided to keep him talking about himself in hopes that he would avoid asking her anything that she might not be able to answer properly.

  “What have you been spending your day doing Devon?” she hoped he wouldn’t notice the strain in her voice and her discomfort at the conversation and the casual way she addressed him. She had never before uttered a single word to him and now she was expected to hold an entire conversation with the man. Heaven help her.

  “Oh the usual, just another boring day in London.”

  “Certainly you don’t find London boring my…” she quickly caught herself before muttering milord and fully arousing his suspicions. “…my dear brother,” she finished lamely.

  He looked at her suspiciously anyway, one blonde eyebrow raised. “Dear brother? You are apparently in a good mood today. And yes, I do find London boring. At least most of the time. I’d much rather be in the country helping run the estate.”

  “Then why don’t you go?” It didn’t make sense to Hope why he would endure the drudgery of another season in London if he preferred the country.

  Devon laughed. “My, my Noelle, you are in a peculiar mood today. You know as well as I do that father wouldn’t permit me to just up and leave in the middle of the season. He has all but threatened me to find a wife and be engaged by the end of the season or else he’ll interfere and arrange a match.”

  “He said that?”

  “You know he did. He’s getting impatient with the two of us. I suppose we better start taking the marriage mart more seriously or we’ll find ourselves in marriages we won’t desire. Can you imagine the type of partner father would choose for us?” He shuddered at the thought. Hope laughed nervously, not sure how to respond. Luckily Devon didn’t seem to mind which was good because there was nothing Hope could do or say in that regards.

  After a few moments of silence between the two Devon turned himself slightly so he could look directly into her face while he spoke, “Tell me Noelle, do you believe in love?”

  Hope thought a moment before answering. Of course she hadn’t given it much thought. She knew that a working girl like her would most likely never have the opportunity to fall in love and if she ever did marry it would be more for convenience and companionship then for some magical emotion. Knowing that her life would never amount to a fairytale she had quickly decided to never give love a second thought. But of course, Devon wasn’t asking her what Hope Hillburn’s philosophies on love were, no he was simply asking his sister. She tried to think about how Noelle might respond.

  Finally she spoke, “Of course I do, I mean why else do you suppose I’m still searching for a mate? If I didn’t believe in love I would’ve married the first gentleman who had offered for me.”

  To her surprise he guffawed long and loud, “Oh what a thought that is! You’d be married to Lord Trimble, do you remember the man? Of course you do, how could one forget his bulbous nose? You almost couldn’t see the man’s face beyond that monstrosity. And don’t forget the way he spit when he spoke, and his laugh, that maniacal laugh that could make even the deaf squirm in their seats. Yes, seems your fate could be much worse than being a spinster.”

  Hope couldn’t resist his infectious laughter. She had no idea who Lord Trimble was but her mind conjured up a ghastly image thanks to Devon’s descriptions and she momentarily understood Noelle’s desire to remain unattached if all the gentleman who had offered for her were similar to the unfortunate Lord Trimble.

  “I suppose I have just been dragging my feet this entire time, certain that I could find somebody to fall in love with, to make a match based more on true emotion then advancement in society. But maybe I’ve been chasing after an elusive dream all this time, maybe we both have.” He turned his pensive brown eyes on her and she just shrugged so he continued, “I guess that’s enough philosophizing for one afternoon. Maybe we’ll both get lucky and happen upon our true loves at the Weatherston ball this evening.”

  “If only we could be so lucky,” she smiled at him coyly and he returned her grin before they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Startled, they both looked up to see Noelle standing in the doorway.

  “It looks as if it’s time for you to start readying yourself for said ball, run along Noelle.” Hope quickly rose, her heart beating a riotous cadence in her chest. For a brief moment she had panicked, thinking that Devon would surely recognize his sister standing in the library entry way despite her shabby clothing but fortunately for both of them, he hadn’t seemed to sense anything was amiss. Hope briskly exited the library, Noelle trailing closely behind as they made their way back to Noelle’s chambers.

  The minute the door was shut behind them, Hope let out a slow, shaky breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding. “That was a close call. Why didn’t you just wait for me in here like we had planned?”

  “Oh nonsense, he didn’t suspect a thing. I came back here when I first returned and when I found the room empty I couldn’t resist coming to find you. Wasn’t that the most thrilling thing you have ever done? Devon was completely fooled. And I passed another servant on my way to the library and she just nodded politely, not even flinching. I told you my plan was genius.” Noelle was smiling like the cat that had gotten the canary.

  Hope agreed that her plan had been many things, but genius had not been one of them. She was just relieved to see her mistress had returned safely and told her as much, “Oh milady, I’m so glad you’re back and that you are unharmed. I hope this little visit sated your appetite for adventure and we can put this nonsense behind us. Now help me get out of this gown so we can get you ready for tonight.”

  She turned her back to Noelle so she could undo the hooks on her dress. After a few minutes of standing there with nothing happening she turned around to see Noelle laying on her back in the middle of her large bed, “Oh Hope, I think I’m in love.”

  “In love?” she sputtered, “Surely you jest. How could you possibly be in love after only being in the man’s presence for less than an hour?”

  Noelle sat up, pulling her legs beneath her. “Oh Hope, if you could’ve been there you’d understand. Not only is Soren the most handsome man I’ve ever seen but he’s charming, witty, and intelligent.”

  Hope thought about things for a minute before calmly saying, “Well I’m glad for you milady. Now let’s get you ready for the ball an
d maybe tonight you’ll be lucky enough to fall in love with a suitable gentleman, one whom you could actually marry.”

  Noelle huffed and pouted the rest of the entire evening, upset with Hope for deflating her excitement and bringing her crashing back to reality. Hope was just relieved to be back to her duties, quietly taking care of her mistress and pondering how grateful she was to have life return to its normal routine, hoping that all this talk of the handsome American would be put to rest once and for all.

Ginny Hartman's Novels