Page 1 of Night Star

  Praise for the Immortals Series by Alyson Noël

  “Alyson Noël surpassed all my expectations. Not only is Blue Moon an amazing sequel; it sets the bar for the rest of this series very, very high! When I reached the last page of this one, all I could say was ‘wow!’”

  —Teens Read Too

  “Noël’s novel is absolutely amazing! Fans of her Immortals series will not be disappointed—Ever and Damen’s love is challenged like never before, and the story ends with a big, satisfying twist that will have readers begging for more. This long-awaited installment is incredible.”

  —Romantic Times (Top Pick)

  “It is the mark of a daring writer to defy expectations, and Alyson Noël does that to the power of ten in Blue Moon. I guarantee you will have no idea what’s coming in the second book of the series while Alyson Noël surprises you with a big, fat twist and leaves you wanting more, more, more.”

  —The Book Chick

  “A mesmerizing tale of teenage angst, love, and sacrifice with plenty of crossover appeal…The startling but satisfying ending shows that Noël knows how to keep her audience hooked. Ever’s supernatural struggles are a captivating metaphor for teenage fears about love, relationships, and growing up.”

  —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

  “Blue Moon was incredible. If you thought Evermore was full of suspense and unknowns, just wait until you read Blue Moon…. The plot was insane, and I mean that in a good way. Noël took this novel in a direction I was never expecting, resulting in an emotional roller-coaster ride that I never wanted to end. Fabulous.”

  —The Story Siren

  “The YA paranormal genre has a flawless diamond among the gems with Blue Moon. I was moved to tears by a couple of scenes, especially near the end. Ms. Noël doesn’t back away from emotion; instead she has the ability to reach into your chest and twist your heart.”

  —Night Owl Romance

  “One of the best books I’ve read this year…With immortal lovers, trustworthy friends, betraying fortune tellers, and freaky identical twins, what more could you ask for? Blue Moon has me begging for Shadowland! I can’t wait for the next in the series.”

  —The YA Book Blogger

  “Alyson Noël has many talents to share as a writer, and she proves it again and again with her amazing Immortals series. She writes with an intensity and a passion, her words weaving perfectly together to create an overwhelming experience for the senses and the heart.”

  —Teen Reads

  “Mystery + romance + supernatural + drama = definite appeal to teens.”

  —Orange Coast Magazine

  “The Immortals series is so unique; it’s like a breath of fresh air…. Noël knows how to pull you into her world with beautiful imagery and mesmerizing words. Blue Moon is a page-turner that will keep you reading until the last page. Just when you think you have the plot figured out, Alyson throws in another twist, making it impossible to put this book down.”

  —5 stars! Fantastic Book Reviews

  “Evermore will thrill many teen fantasy-suspense readers, especially fans of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series…. Noël creates a cast of recognizably diverse teens in a realistic high school setting, along with just the right tension to make Ever’s discovery of her own immortality—should she choose it—exciting and credible.”


  “Beautiful main characters, tense budding romance, a dark secret, mysterious immortals—what more could you ask from this modern gothic romance?”

  —Justine Magazine

  “When I got a copy of Evermore, I sat down to read it, intending to only read a chapter or two. Instead, I blazed through the first hundred pages before I knew it…and then I didn’t want to put the book down. Except I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. So I picked it up the next morning and finished it. Now I can’t wait till July for the second book, to see what happens next.”

  —Blog Critics Magazine

  “Get ready for a wild ride that is filled with twisting paths and mystery, love and fantasy…. The writing style, story, and characters are a bit like Meyer’s and Marr’s popular books, but written with a new twist and voice. And after reading the book, you too will probably want your own Damen, even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice.”

  —5/5 stars! The Book Queen

  “Readers who enjoy the works of P. C. Cast and Stephenie Meyer will love this outstanding paranormal teen-lit thriller.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “I found myself unwilling to put the book down, even though I had to at some points, because I wanted to know what was going to happen…. Ever was so real and her emotions were so believable that it was a little creepy. It’s like Alyson Noël is actually a grieving, lovestruck teenager. She got Ever completely perfect. And by perfect, I mean delightfully flawed and deep.”

  —The Frenetic Reader

  “Evermore is a wonderful book that I believe would be a lovely addition to any library…. Definitely a book that fans of Stephenie Meyer and Melissa Marr should add to their collections. Definitely engaging and will catch your attention the minute you open to the first page!”

  —Mind of a Bibliophile

  “Alyson Noël creates a great picture of each and every character in the book. I am a fan of the Twlight series and I recommend this book to those who like the series as well. It is a very quick read, with all the interesting twist and turns.”

  —Flamingnet Book Reviews

  “I loved this book. It really keeps your attention thoughout the story, because the puzzle gets pieced together bit by bit, but you don’t know exactly what happened until the end. The only thing that disappoints me is that the second book won’t be published for a while. I would definitely recommend this to my friends.”

  —Portsmouth Teen Book Review

  “This is the first installment of the Immortals series. Ms. Noël pens a well-detailed story that makes it easy for the reader to visualize both the characters and the world around them. Evermore has a familiar theme that attracts readers, but inside this book you’ll find that the author has added some unique details that sets it apart.”

  —Darque Reviews

  “Evermore’s suspense, eerie mystery, and strange magic were interestingly entertaining…. I found Ever to be a character I could really respect…. Recommended.”

  —The Bookworm

  “Evermore was a great way to lighten my reading load this winter and provided me with a creative, magical story that I really enjoyed. This is the first in a series for Noël and I think she may have a hit on her hands…. Evermore has good and evil, likable characters, vivid descriptions, and a good story.”

  —Planet Books

  “I fell into it easily, and loved the world Noël created…. The fact that Ever had psychic powers was truly interesting. They flowed neatly through the book and I felt Ever’s pain. Trust me, this book was really good. I couldn’t put it down. Alyson Noël created an amazing new world, and after this book I am so curious to see where it heads because honestly, I have no idea.”

  —Reading Keeps You Sane

  “Ever is an easy character to like. I really felt for her because of all she lost and what she struggled with daily…. Evermore was a really fast, engaging read with some great characters. It is the first in a series, so I’m eager to see if we will learn more about Ever, Damen, and friends in the next one…it’s sure to be a great read.”

  —Ninja Reviews

  “The writing here is clear, the story well-defined, and narrator Ever has an engaging voice that teens should enjoy.”

  —January Magazine

  “Evermore is a fresh and original work that…branches out and explores new ground. Definitely recommended.”

  —Cool Moms Rule!

/>   “I totally LOVE Alyson Noël’s Evermore.…Noël has delivered a deliciously fresh new series that will be the next new thing that has every teen and even adults everywhere hooked and waiting for more…. This is a keeper and a book that you have to go out and buy right now because if you don’t you will be missing out. People will be asking if you have been living under a rock if you don’t give Evermore a try, and that is just not acceptable.”

  —Talk About My Favorite Authors

  For Bill Contardi—

  Best. Agent. Ever.

  When it is darkest, men see the stars.

  —Ralph Waldo Emerson


  Chapter one

  Chapter two

  Chapter three

  Chapter four

  Chapter five

  Chapter six

  Chapter seven

  Chapter eight

  Chapter nine

  Chapter ten

  Chapter eleven

  Chapter twelve

  Chapter thirteen

  Chapter fourteen

  Chapter fifteen

  Chapter sixteen

  Chapter seventeen

  Chapter eighteen

  Chapter nineteen

  Chapter twenty

  Chapter twenty-one

  Chapter twenty-two

  Chapter twenty-three

  Chapter twenty-four

  Chapter twenty-five

  Chapter twenty-six

  Chapter twenty-seven

  Chapter twenty-eight

  Chapter twenty-nine

  Chapter thirty

  Chapter thirty-one

  Chapter thirty-two

  Chapter thirty-three

  Chapter thirty-four

  Chapter thirty-five

  Chapter thirty-six

  Chapter thirty-seven

  Chapter thirty-eight

  Chapter thirty-nine

  Chapter forty

  Chapter forty-one



  “You’ll never beat me. You’ll never win this one, Ever. It’s impossible. You can’t do it. So why waste your time?”

  I narrow my gaze and peer into her face—taking in her small, pale features, her dark cloud of hair, the absence of light in her hate-filled gaze.

  My teeth clenched tightly, voice low and measured, I say, “Don’t be so sure. You’re running a serious risk of overestimating yourself. In fact, you are overestimating yourself. I’m one hundred percent sure of it.”

  She scoffs. Loudly, derisively, the sound of it echoing throughout the large empty room, bouncing off the plank wood floors to the bare white walls, meant to scare, or at the very least intimidate and throw me off my game.

  But it won’t work.

  Can’t work.

  I’m too focused for that.

  All of my energy concentrated down to one single point, until everything else fades away and it’s just me, my readied fist, and Haven’s third chakra—also known as the solar plexus chakra—the home of anger, fear, hate, and the tendency toward putting too much emphasis on power, recognition, and revenge.

  My gaze narrowed on its location like a bull’s-eye, right smack dab in the center of her leather-clad torso.

  Knowing that one quick, well-directed jab is all it’ll take to reduce her to nothing more than a sad bit of history.

  A cautionary tale of power gone wrong.


  In an instant.

  Leaving nothing behind but a pair of black stiletto boots and a small pile of dust—the only real reminder that she was ever here.

  Even though I never wanted it to get to this point, even though I tried to work it out, tried to reason with her, to convince her to come to her senses so we could move toward some kind of understanding—cut some kind of deal—in the end, she refused to give up.

  Refused to give in.

  Refused to let go of her misguided quest for revenge.

  Leaving me with no choice but to kill or be killed.

  Leaving me with no doubt of how this one ends.

  “You’re too weak.” She circles. Moving slowly, carefully, her gaze never once leaving mine. The stiletto heels of her boots assaulting the floor as she says, “You’re no match for me. Never were, never will be.” She stops and places her hands on her hips, head cocked to the side, allowing a stream of glossy dark waves to fall over her shoulder and hang well past her waist. “You could’ve let me die months ago. You already had your chance. But you chose to give me the elixir instead. And now you regret it? Because you don’t approve of what I’ve become?” She pauses long enough to roll her eyes. “Well too bad. You have only yourself to blame. You’re the one who made me this way. I mean, what kind of creator kills her own creation, anyway?”

  “I may have made you an immortal, but you took it from there,” I say, the words firm, deliberate, ground out between clenched teeth, despite Damen having coached me to stay quiet, stay focused, to make it swift and clean, and not unnecessarily engage her in any way.

  Save your regrets for later, he said.

  But the fact that we’ve found ourselves here means there is no later where Haven’s concerned. And despite what it’s come to, I’m still determined to get to her, to reach her, before it’s too late.

  “We don’t have to do this.” My gaze locks on hers, hoping to convince. “We can stop right here, right now. This doesn’t have to go any further than it already has.”

  “Ha, you wish!” she sings, gleefully mocking. “I can see it in your eyes. You can’t do it. No matter how much you think I deserve it, no matter how much you try to convince yourself of that, you’re too soft. So what makes you think it’ll be any different this time around?”

  Because now you’re dangerous—and not just to yourself, but to everyone else as well. This time is different, entirely different. As you’re about to see…

  Curling my fingers so tightly my knuckles instantly blanch, I steal a second to center myself, find my balance, and replenish my light—just as Ava taught me to do—while keeping my hand low and steady, my gaze fixed on hers, my mind cleared of all extraneous thoughts, face cleared of all extraneous feelings—as Damen recently coached.

  The key is to give nothing away, he claimed, to move quickly, with purpose. To get the deed done before she has the chance to ever see it coming—won’t even realize what hit her ’til it’s way past too late.

  Until her body has disintegrated and her soul’s moved on to that bleak, dreary place.

  Refusing her even the slightest opportunity to make a move or fight back.

  A lesson learned on a long-ago battlefield that I never thought would apply to my life.

  But even though Damen warned me against it, I can’t keep from apologizing. Can’t stop the words forgive me from coursing from my mind to hers. Seeing her respond in the flash of pity that tempers her gaze before it’s quickly diminished by the usual mix of hate and disdain.

  Her fist rising—aiming for me—but it’s too late. Mine’s already in motion, moving forward, in full swing. Slamming right into her solar plexus, sending her reeling—spinning—shattering—headed straight into the infinite abyss.

  The Shadowland.

  The eternal home for lost souls.

  Aware of my own sudden intake of breath as I watch how quickly she disintegrates. Fragmenting so easily it’s hard to imagine she was ever once solid form.

  My gut churning, heart crashing, mouth so dry and parched no words will come. My body reacting as though what just happened before me—the act I just committed—wasn’t just a game of make-believe, but the horrifying real deal.

  “You did well. You were right on target, right on your mark,” Damen says, crossing the room in a fraction of an instant, his warm, strong arms sliding around me as he pulls me close to his chest. His voice lilting softly in my ear as he adds, “Though you seriously might want to lose the forgive me part until after she’s gone. Trust me, I know you feel bad, Ever, and I ca
n’t say I blame you, but it’s like we’ve discussed, in a case like this, it’s either you or her. Only one can survive. And if you don’t mind, I prefer it to be you.” He runs the tip of his finger down the length of my cheek, tucking a stray chunk of long blond hair behind my ear, before he adds, “You can’t afford to give her any sign of what’s to come. So please, save the apology for after, okay?”

  I nod and pull away, still fighting to steady my breath. Glancing over my shoulder at the pile of black leather and lace on the floor. All that remains of the Haven I manifested, before I blink it away and erase every trace.