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  “So, should we? Should I stop taking the pill? Can we do this, Gunner?”

  The next thing I knew, I was lying back down as Gunner kissed me so passionately that I could hardly breathe. I could practically feel his love and happiness pouring into me with every kiss. Just his touch was enough to drive me crazy. I loved him more than life itself. The thought of us trying to start a family just about had me wanting to jump up and run around the room.

  Then, I thought about Ari again and I tensed up.

  Gunner pulled away from me and frowned. “Ellie…. what’s wrong?”

  “Gunner, I have to tell you something, but you have to promise me that you won’t say anything to Jefferson. Will you promise me?”

  Gunner rolled off of me, and we turned to face each other again. As he pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear, I had to smile.

  “Of course, Ells. You know I would never betray your trust. Is everything okay?”

  I shook my head. My heart started to ache as I thought back to Ari in the bathroom, throwing up as tears just poured down her face. I don’t know who was more shocked, Heather or me. I’d never seen Ari so broken. She should have been happy. She should have been excited to run back to tell Jeff. Instead, she’d sat on a cold bathroom floor, scared shitless as she cried her eyes out.

  “No. Tonight, when we went into town to pick up mason jars for Emma well, that’s not why we went into town. ”

  Gunner let out a laugh. “I knew that wasn’t the reason, Ells. ”

  “You did? How? Why didn’t you say anything to me if you knew that wasn’t the reason we were going into town?”

  “Well, I figured if Grams was backing y’all up, then it must have been something important between you girls. I wasn’t about to pry. I figured if you wanted me to know, you’d tell me. ”

  Oh. My. God. I married a fucking saint. My heart was bursting with love for this man. Just when I thought he couldn’t get any better, he proved me wrong.

  “Gunner, I just want you to know that I love you so much. Thank you so much for trusting me and knowing I would never hide anything from you. ”

  “Ellie, I love you so much, baby,” Gunner said before he leaned in to give me a soft, sweet kiss.

  “Plus, I know that Grams has like two hundred mason jars in the cellar. The second I heard her hush gramps after she gave that excuse, I knew y’all were up to something. ”

  Laughing, I pushed Gunner’s shoulder back.

  “Anywho…Gunner something happened tonight with Ari. It’s something big, and I’m not so sure that I can help her with it. ”

  Gunner sat up with a sick look on his face.

  “Jesus, tell me she’s not leaving Jeff. He would be devastated. ”

  “What? No! Oh my gosh, no, she’s not leaving him. ”

  “Thank God. I don’t think Jeff could take another blow right now. He’s really torn up with this whole Rebecca pregnancy thing. I think one more thing just might just push him over the edge. ”

  Oh shit. Now I was starting to feel sick. I’d been so wrapped up in my own happiness that I didn’t even talk to Jeff about everything today. Shit, shit, shit!

  I sat up, pulling the covers over me a bit. Gunner instantly yanked them back down, exposing my breasts. I smiled but quickly frowned as I thought about how Jefferson might being happy about Ari being pregnant.

  “Ellie, what’s wrong? You just went white as a ghost. ”

  I just blurted it out. “Oh, Gunner! Ari found out tonight that she’s pregnant. ”

  Now, Gunner looked like a ghost.

  “What? Holy shit, Ellie. Is she okay? I mean, how did she take it? Is she going to tell Jeff tonight?”

  “Um. . well, I don’t think she’s okay. She had already scheduled a doctor’s appointment for Monday, so she could be tested for the Fragile X gene. So, she’s worried about that, but I think she’s more scared about how Jefferson is going to take it. ”

  “Ellie, you have to know that Jeff is going to be ecstatic about it. He wants nothing more than to have a baby with Ari. ”

  “Well, yeah, I’m sure under normal circumstances he would be overjoyed, but with Rebecca being pregnant, I’m not so sure. Ari said that Jefferson drops everything every time that bitch calls. I think Ari is about at her breaking point. She also thinks that Rebecca is lying. When Jefferson and Rebecca met for lunch on Monday, Ari got a good look at her. She said that Rebecca looks a lot bigger than seven months. ”

  “Shit. This is all so fucked up. I can’t even imagine how Ari is feeling right now. Are you going with her to her appointment oh Monday?”

  Oh Lord. I thought about Ari and her big plan. I just nodded my head and tried to smile.

  “Gunner, no matter what, we have to be there for both Jeff and Ari. She’s not planning on telling him anytime soon. I think she’s making a mistake, but I told her that I would honor her wishes. I just don’t want her to take this on all alone. By the way, Emma knows. As a matter of fact, Emma was the one who told Ari that she was probably pregnant. I swear that your grandmother has magical powers!”

  Gunner threw his head back and laughed. “Yeah, my cousins and I used to say that when we were little. She always seemed to know when we were up to something. We thought it was pretty cool that she was so smart. Now it just seems kind of creepy how she knows something before you even know it. ”

  “Well, I sure wish she could use her powers to help Ari and Jeff figure this shit out. ”

  “I know, baby. We’ll be there for both Jeff and Ari. Don’t worry. Let’s just get Ari through her appointment on Monday, my dad’s arrival Tuesday, Grams and Gramps party on Wednesday. Shit. ”

  I knew Gunner was nervous about his father coming to the ranch. It had been four years since he’s even talked to his dad.

  I got up on my knees, letting the sheet fall completely off my body. Leaning over, I captured Gunner’s mouth with mine as I ran my hands through his beautiful messy hair. I tried to kiss him with as much passion and love as I could. The moan he let out just about gave me an orgasm right there on the spot.

  “Drew, make love to me, please. ”

  Gunner gently laid me down, barely putting any weight on me, while he returned my kiss with just as much passion and love.

  “Shall we practice making that baby?” Gunner said as he smiled against my lips.

  Letting out a giggle, I wrapped my legs around him. The moment he pushed himself inside of me it felt like heaven.

  “Yes…and I think we’re gonna need a lot of practice. ”



  I watched as Jeff pulled up and parked. When he got out of his truck he glanced over at Jeff. He looked around as he walked up to Garrett and Emma’s house, and then went inside. I was sure that he was looking for me.

  I’d gotten up earlier and taken one of the horses out for a ride. God, I wish I could just ride away from all of this shit.

  I put my hand down on my stomach while I imagined telling Jeff about the baby. He would be so happy. He would take me in his arms and tell me how much he was going to love both of us, no matter what.

  I closed my eyes and pictured a little one running around the ranch. I would teach her how to ride a horse for the first time, play chase all over the country-side, and swim in the river.

  My eyes flew open the moment I thought of Matthew. My sweet, sweet baby brother. I loved him so much. He made our lives so incredibly special. But am I as strong as my mother? Would I be able to handle a child with Fragile X?

  I heard the screen door open. I pulled Big Roy back behind the tree while I watched Gunner and Jeff talking. I wondered if Ellie had told Gunner about me being pregnant. I knew that Gunner would honor my wishes and never tell Jeff.

  I saw Gunner and Jeff shake hands, and then Gunner slapped Jeff while he walked back out to his truck. Running his hand through his hair, he looked so damn sad as he looked around again.

st then, my cell phone rang, spooking both Big Roy and me. Grabbing it quickly, I answered it without looking to see who was calling.

  “Ari! I love you!”

  I let out a laugh. “Hey, little buddy! I love you, too, Matthew. What are you doing today, sweets?”

  “Can we go to lunch today, Ari? Please? Jeff too. I want to see Jeff, Ari. Where is he today?”

  My heart broke.

  “Um… well, I can have lunch with you today, buddy, but Jeff can’t. He has other plans with someone else. Give me a couple of hours to get home, okay Matt? Can I talk to Mommy?”

  “Okay! Here is Mommy. I love you, Ari. ”

  “I love you, too, Matt. ”

  I heard Matt running up to my mother to hand her the phone.

  “Ari, sweetheart, how are you doing?”

  Oh, fuck a duck. The moment I heard her voice the tears started.

  “Um…” I sniffled.

  “Ari! Are you crying? What did he do to you, Ari? Your father will kill him. ”

  I had to let out a laugh. God how I love my parents.

  “Mom, I’m fine. I’m just a bit…emotional. Jeff didn’t really do anything other than drop everything this week whenever the bitch called him. ”

  My mother let out a sigh. “Talk to me, Ari. Are you outside? It sounds like wind is blowing into your cell phone. ”

  “Yep, I took Gunner’s horse out for a ride this morning. I needed some fresh air and a strong man between my legs to clear my head. ”

  My mother let out a giggle and said something about raising me right.

  “Ari, I hear it in your voice. Something’s not right, sweetheart. Please talk to me. ”

  There was no way I was telling her about the baby.

  “I have a doctor’s appointment on Monday mom, I’m getting tested. I guess I’m just scared. ”

  That wasn’t a lie. I was scared shitless.

  “Do you want me to go with you? Is Jeff going?” she asked.

  I sighed as the conversation from last night came rushing back to me full force. I thought about Jeff standing on the porch, talking to Rebecca.

  “No, Jeff isn’t going. Ellie and Heather are going with me. There’s no need to worry Jeff with anymore shit. I’ll be fine, Mom. I’ll have my girls with me. ”

  “Are you sure, Arianna? I really don’t mind going with you. I’m sure you’ll have a lot of questions, but Dr. Wyatt is so good. You’re in good hands, honey. ”

  “Yeah, Mom I know. Don’t worry about me. I’m a strong bitch. What is that Katharine says, Mom? ‘Drive on. Well sweep up the blood later!” That’s me. ”

  My mother laughed.

  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Now I’m quoting Katharine Hepburn. Fuck. If this was what being pregnant wass all about, then I was in for a long damn ride.

  “So, Matthew wants you to take him to lunch today, honey, but I wasn’t sure if you were coming into town or not. ”

  “I would love to have lunch with him. Give me a few hours to get there. I need to put Big Roy up and get him taken care of. I’ll grab a quick shower, and then I’ll head in. Oh, I didn’t tell you! Gunner and Ellie are back early from their honeymoon. Gunner’s father had a heart attack. He’s okay, but Gunner’s mom and dad are coming to stay at the ranch for a few weeks. ”