Page 31 of Saved

Page 31


  “Something happened to me in that moment, Drew. I panicked. When I was growing up, I had wanted nothing more than to be just like my father. I wanted to walk in his footsteps and to take over the ranch someday. Jim couldn’t have cared less about the ranch. He’d always wanted the big fancy house in the city. I’d wanted the country life. I’d wanted to marry me a girl in the same exact spot you said you did when you were only five years old. ”

  I was so confused that I had to shake my head. “Wait…you always said how much you hated it here. If I ever even talked about the ranch, you used to get pissed at me. I always ended in a fight, and then you’d threaten me with military school. If you wanted to run the ranch, why did you leave?”

  My dad stood up, walked over to the edge of the porch, and leaned against the post.

  “Drew, I left because I was afraid. I was afraid that I’d never be able to walk in the footprints of my own father. I almost killed your grandfather once. During my senior year of high school, I was helping him bring in the cattle for vaccinations. Dad was yelling at me to do it a certain way, but I thought my way was better. Long story short, his horse reared up, and he fell off. He almost got trampled to death, and it was all my fault. He never once said it, but I knew that it was. I was a stubborn asshole who had to prove that I could do it better than him. ”

  Holy shit. I’d never heard this story before in my life. My dad turned to look at me, and I could see the tears glistening in his eyes.

  “I knew at that very moment, I had to leave. I’d only ever wanted to be a rancher, so college was out of the question for me. I went into town the next day and joined the Army. This was my easy out. So, that day, when you were five and you declared your dream to me, I panicked again. I thought the only way to keep you from making the same mistake as me was to keep you from following that dream. ”

  He shook his head and walked over to me. He slapped me on the back and then sat back down.

  “The only thing is…you’re a Mathews. It’s in your goddamn blood, just like it’s still in mine. When I sit here, I smell the country air and hear the noises of this ranch, and it takes every part of me not to go saddle up a damn horse and rope me calf. ” He laughed again.

  “Dad…I don’t even know what to say. I’m stunned. I never knew that the story of you and Gramps or how you really felt about the ranch. Why didn’t you just tell me?”

  “Oh shit, Drew. Someday when you and Ellie have kids, you’ll see the stupid shit you do, thinking you’re doing the right thing for them. I thought I was doing what was best for you, but in my heart, I knew all along that I was keeping you from your dream. I was just too full of pride to admit that I was wrong. ”

  “All those years, Dad…they were just wasted. ”

  He nodded his head. “When Garrett told me where you were getting married… well, I think that was the beginning of my heart attack,” He said with a gruff laugh.

  “What?” I asked, completely confused.

  He turned and looked at me, I saw a tear rolling down his cheek.

  “Drew, you got married under the same tree that you and I had sat under when you were five. I was that same tree where you’d declared to me you were gonna become a rancher and then marry you a girl in that very spot. ”

  I felt a chill run up and down my spine. No fucking way.

  “When I was growing up, I used to ride my horse out to that big ol’ oak tree I’d just there for hours. It was my place to think. I knew you also went there a lot when you were growing up. Your Gramps told me plenty of times when he saw you sitting under that tree. ”

  “Dad…I don’t even…” I couldn’t even finish my thought.

  He stood up.

  “I’m so damn proud of you, son. I know that I’ve never once led you to believe that I was proud of you, but I truly am. You knew what you wanted. You knew what your dreams were, and you went for it, even when your stubborn, stupid old man tried to hold you back from it. And Ellie…you lucky son of a bitch…you sure did take after me in that area. You sure as shit know how to pick the right woman, son. I just had to look at the two of you to know how perfect you are for each other. I’m sorry that I wasn’t here for your wedding, but, if you’ll have me, I loved to be here for you to help with the ranch and to someday…. ” As his voice cracked, he paused to clear his throat.

  “Someday, I’d like nothing more than to sit under that same tree with my grandson and granddaughter say how proud I am of their daddy and the man he has become. ”

  I stood up, and grabbed my father, and hugged him. I had never in my life felt as complete as I did in this very moment.

  It almost felt like a huge weight had just been lifted off my shoulders.

  “Dad, please don’t ever push me away again. ”

  “Never again, Gunner. . . never again. ”

  It wasn’t lost on me that my father just called me Gunner.



  Grace and I started to head out to the front porch. I had seen Jack come out here and knew Gunner was outside. I wondered if they had a chance to talk yet.

  I was following Grace out the screen door when I slammed right into her. Before I knew it, her hand was covering my mouth.

  What the hell is she doing? I looked at her and then followed her gaze. Gunner and Jack were standing there…hugging?!

  Fuck a duck.

  Oh. My. God. My eyes grew bigger as I glanced back at Grace, who was smiling at me. She motioned her head, silently tell me to go back inside, so I slowly started to back up as she removed her hand from my mouth.

  “You don’t have to leave, Grace,” Jack said with a laugh. We both stopped dead in our tracks as Grace smiled at me.

  As we walked out, I saw Gunner quickly wiping his eyes. As soon as Grace went up to Jack, he picked her up and kissed her so passionately that I had to look away. I looked over at Gunner. He was watching his parents with the biggest smile on his face. He reached out, grabbing me, as he pulled me to him.

  He whispered into my ear, “Let’s go home, and try to make a baby. ”


  “Sounds like a wonderful idea. ”


  We said good night to everyone and made our way back to the cabin. Gunner told me all about his talk with his father, and my heart was overfilled with love and happiness. I’d never seen Gunner so happy in my life.

  When we got back to the cabin, he flew out of the truck, running over to my side. I opened the door, he reached in, picked me up and carried me into the cabin.

  My heart was beating a mile a minute. I wondered if we would always be this way, filled with so much passion.

  After we made our way over to the bed, Gunner slowly put me back down on the ground. As he started to kiss me, I reached up and ran my hands through his hair. He let out a moan that I swore caused a flood in my panties.

  He slowly walked me back to the bed. He never broke our kiss, except to take off my T-shirt. As soon as it was over my head, he captured my lips again and kissed me with so much love that I felt like I was going to explode at any moment.

  “Ellie, sweetheart, I’m going to make sweet love to you now. ”

  Oh. My. God. My heart was beating like it was my first time all over again.

  He slowly unbutton my jean shorts and then slid the zipper down. The moment his hand slipped inside my panties, I let out a gasp.

  “So ready for me, Ells. You’re always so ready, baby. ”

  “Gunner…” I could hardly think to even compose any words. I pushed my hips into his hand to help ease the ache. God, I want him so much.

  Then, he started to take off my shorts in that oh-so-slow way of his. After my panties came off, I was left standing there, wearing only my bra, while his hungry eyes traveled up and down my body. He placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me around. The next thing I knew, my bra was off, and he was kissing my neck.

  My whole
body started to shake.

  “I love what my touch does to you, Ellie. ”

  Oh god, me, too.

  “Lie down, Ellie. ”

  I crawled onto the bed and turned over to lay my back. Gunner slowly placed gentle kisses starting on my feet and then moved his lips up my legs, to my stomach to, my chest… oh my god.

  By the time his sweet, soft lips landed on my mine, I was about ready to beg him to be inside me. He slowly eased himself into me, and with each kiss, he went just a little farther.

  After he was all the way inside me, he slowly started to move while he continued to kiss me all over my face, neck, and chest.

  “Oh god, Gunner. ”

  “I know, baby. You feel so good. ”

  Before I knew it, I was having one of the most intense orgasms of my life. I swore that it was never going to end. I didn’t even remember moving, but the next thing I knew, I was on top. I smiled down at the love on my life as he gave me that crooked smile of his.

  I loved him so much that it almost hurt.

  As I started to move slowly his hands were on my waist, gripping me harder, while he was trying his best to hold off.

  “Ellie, you’re so beautiful, sweetheart. ”

  “I love you, Drew, so much. ”

  Leaning up, he put his head on my chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I’d never felt so secure in my life.

  I knew the moment I let go, he was going to come with me. This was one of our most amazing moments together. It was then that I knew this man would always make me feel so loved and wanted.

  I collapsed on top of him and tried my best to catch my breath.

  Gunner let out a laugh and pulled my body closer to him.

  “Sweetheart, you need to start running with me. ”

  Sitting up, I laughed and hit him on the chest. Bastard! I made a mental note to myself that when Gunner went out for the morning feedings, I would start running. Maybe I could see if Ari wanted to start hiking around the ranch more often. I knew she missed the gym, and now, with her being pregnant, she’d have to make sure she was getting exercise to stay healthy.

  I wondered if Gunner and I just made a baby. I stopped taking my pills the moment he asked me to. Could it happen that fast? It did for Ari, so why couldn’t it for us?

  I rolled over, lying next to Gunner, and I put my hands on my stomach. Rolling over onto his side to face me, he placed his hand on mine and smiled at me.

  “It’ll happen sweetheart, when it’s meant to happen. Don’t stress about it, okay?”

  I tried to smile at him, but I had the strangest feeling come over me. Why do I think this is not going to be as easy as we both thought it would be?

  “I love you, Drew. I love you so much. ”

  Gunner leaned down and gently kissed me on the nose and then on my lips.

  “I love you too Baby, more than you’ll ever know. ”

  I didn’t think it was possible so soon, but before I knew it, he moved on top of me, and I was lost again in his sweet love making.



  Josh had insisted on coming out with me to make the food rounds this morning. I knew it was only because he didn’t want to be at the house with Ari and Heather. I tried to get him to talk, but I ended up just letting him sulk for about thirty minutes.