Vanessa had not said a word to Jonah as they prepared to leave the apartment, but he could feel her contention just the same. It was the lack of words itself, that made the feeling of anxiety in him stronger. But regardless, he could not turn away from what he now knew. And though he felt the anxiety, he also felt a sense of duty to help Gabrielle and Jericho, and to bring a stop to the atrocities that continued to happen right beneath the noses of the citizens of New Sebastian.
“Jonah!” Called Jericho.
“Yeah.” Jonah replied, as he walked over to where Jericho stood in front of the video wall.
“Why is the wall red?” Jericho asked. Jonah now noticed that the entire wall was red, as a yellow bar severed the middle of the screen. Black letters scrolled past. The words, remain calm, slid across horizontally.
“Sound on.” He said.
“…inside your homes. Do not, we repeat, do not leave your homes for any reason.” A shrill sound echoed from the wall, and then the voice began again. “The Guardian Defense System has been activated. You are in no immediate danger. Please remain calm. Please stay inside your homes. Do not, we repeat, do not leave your homes for any reason.” Again the shrill sound echoed.
“Sound off.” Jonah said, as he rushed to the patio again. Jericho followed and they looked over the balcony into the street below. They watched as a group of Guardians marched up the street. A lone man came out from the building across street. Jonah recognized him as his neighbor from across the way. They watched as he approached the Guardian group, which came to a halt. The man appeared to speak to the Guardian in the front, as his hands made gestures, when suddenly the Guardian brought up its control stick and touched the man. He fell in place, and was silent and still. They Guardians began to march away, and completely ignored the fallen man.
“They’re different.” Jericho said quietly, as he pulled back from the balcony.
“Different how?” Asked Jonah, as he watched them march past below.
“I’m not sure.” He said. “I can just feel it.”
“They look the same.” Said Jonah as he watched them march to the end of the block and turn the corner. He pulled back from the railing. “What’s different about them?” He asked.
“Something.” Jericho answered. “Something inside.” Jonah looked at him for a moment and wondered what it was that he felt, but he knew that he could probably not comprehend the premonition that Jericho felt about the Guardians below. He turned and headed inside.
“We need to leave now.” Jonah called back. Jericho looked over the balcony again at the fallen man, shook his head, and then followed inside. “We’re leaving now.” Jonah repeated to the women, as he headed for the elevator. Gabrielle and Jericho followed.
“I’m staying here.” Vanessa said. Her expression was blank.
“Come on, Nessa. There’s no time for this.” Jonah said to her.
“I’m staying.” She turned away from him. He looked at the others, then back to her.
“Nessa.” He said pleadingly. She shook her head and turned away. “Please.” He said, as he walked over to her.
“Go, if you think you have to go!” She said angrily. “But I am staying.”
“Vanessa. My love. Please come with me.” Jonah pled. “For me.” He added.
“I’m staying.” She said. He reached to touch her shoulder, but she pulled away from him before he could. He looked at her for another moment, and then spoke softly.
“I love you.” He said, and turned and joined the others in the elevator. The door slid shut, and left Vanessa alone in the large room. The video wall was still red behind her, as the words still scrolled across the screen. A sob involuntarily escaped her throat as she fought to maintain control of her emotions. She still could not believe that he had left. He had left her. Alone. She slumped into the chair nearest her, and let the pent up tears flow, as she held her face in her hands. After so many years, how could he just leave her? How could this be so important to him? Wasn’t the life they had lived together worth anything, she thought. She rose up, went to the kitchen, and picked up a mostly empty bottle of sparkle water, and drank the rest. She pulled another from the cabinet, and took a long drink from it. As she stared at the map made from food on the counter, she swung her arm through it in anger. The pieces flew across the room. A part of the cabinet opened, and accepted one piece that flew near, and then closed. The others scattered across the floor. She slumped over the counter and cried silently for a moment, then drew herself up, as she collected her thoughts. She wiped at her tears, picked up her bottle and walked out of the kitchen. She ignored the video wall, as she went out on the patio, and took a deep breath of fresh air.
She walked over to the grouping of chairs, sat down, and lifted her feet up on the matching ottoman. She leaned back and took another drink. She closed her eyes, and tried to calm her nerves. One hundred years, she thought. They had been together for one hundred years, and now, he had just left. What was she to do now? How could she ever go to a ball or party again, without Jonah at her side? How could she ever explain to her friends why he had left? Suddenly she sat up as she thought of what he intended to do. He had said that he would bring a stop to everything. That he would shut down the entire rejuvenation process. She herself was due for rejuvenation this year. Without it, she might only live another ten or twenty years. Possibly a very painful ten or twenty years as the various organs in her body began to shut down. She threw the bottle against the wall in front of her, and it shattered. She looked at the broken mess as it glistened on the floor. How could he do this to her, she thought. How could he? She rose up from the chair and walked to the railing. She peered over the side and saw the man as he lay in the street below.
“Hello!” She called down. The man did not move. “Hey!” She yelled again, with still no response. “Hey there!” She yelled louder, as she became concerned. She rushed across the patio, into the apartment and then to the elevator. The door slid open, and she jumped inside. The door had barely slid shut when it opened again, onto the street level. She ran from the elevator towards the man that lay in the street. She dropped to one knee as she arrived. “Hey.” She said, with still no response from the man. His face was obscured by the awkward position in which he lay. She touched his shoulder, and the man fell over onto his back. His eyes were wide open, yet unfocused and lifeless. The movement had startled her, but she gained her wits, and reached out to touch him again. “Are you okay?” She asked, as she touched his hand. She gasped as she realized that it was cold, and snatched her hand back. She slowly reached out and touched him again, and a cold fear ran down her back. The man was dead.
Chapter 34