
  A river of calm

  Flowing easily

  Through the scene.

  Never an enemy made

  Or a bill left unpaid

  He was benignly polite

  And wouldn’t dream

  Of being mean,

  Like a shadow hidden,

  In the shade.

  A road devoid

  Of twists and turns,


  With pretty flowers

  And polished urns,

  Running straight

  Into the grave.

  Like most

  I knew him slightly

  At his service

  Attended lightly

  We paid our respects

  With pleasant words,

  Some dirt,

  And a spade.

  At the Border

  We drove down to Mexico

  In a sixteen year old Honda

  And were asked at the border:

  How much cash are you carrying?

  Do you have any guns?

  I thought to myself:

  I guess if I had enough

  Of one or the other

  We wouldn’t be

  Driving down to Mexico

  In a sixteen year old Honda.

  An Observation

  Relatively speaking

  It’s all about relativity:

  Bodies in motion

  And your heart beating

  In time

  To the wings of a hummingbird


  From flower to flower

  In the fading light.

  The moon rises on the horizon

  In an everlasting courtship;

  The seas captivated

  By it’s cold embrace.


  He looks into her eyes and sees

  -Beauty and Pain-

  A little

  Happiness around the edges,

  Dreams and second guessing,

  And the desire

  To be everything

  To everyone.

  The nagging insecurity

  Inherent in that impossibility

  Interfering with

  The only true want

  Of others;

  For her to see herself

  As they see her.

  Someone You Used to Know

  Run far and run fast

  Putting the past

  Behind you don’t

  Need me around

  To remind you

  Of promises broken

  And lies

  That were spoken

  And hope the

  True One will

  Find you

  One day I’ll be

  Just a distant memory

  That wishes you well

  Never an enemy just

  Someone you used to know


  Believe in the dream

  That was even

  When all wasn’t

  What it seemed

  Drive on through the night

  Waiting for the dawn

  That could be false

  Afraid of

  Being a pawn

  And your whole body screams

  This is wrong

  But you wake up

  One day

  To find the light


  Through the blinds

  Illuminating the man

  Lying next to you

  Seeing that time

  Brought back

  The someone you used to know

  Sugar and Spice

  She slithers

  Through the tall grass

  Cocktail glass in hand


  In a little black dress.

  The smile on her face

  By injection

  Any warmth in her eyes

  A reflection-

  Pale moonlight and

  Black ice.

  Dichotomous phrases

  Malicious and sweet

  Flicked off a

  Darting tongue

  In concert with

  Sharp teeth.

  She works the room


  Preying on the small and meek

  Until the end

  When she sheds her skin

  Looking forward

  To her next feast.

  A Circle in Time

  He crawls out of the hole

  A man reborn

  The sun shifting down

  On his face,

  A new day

  A new beginning.

  The streets before him


  His path from here


  He’s been this way


  He leaves behind

  A soul discarded

  No use to him now,

  He’s already selected

  His next adventure-

  The blood still drying

  On his hands.


  Fireflies in a jar

  Purple amber sky

  Not quite night

  The backyard soft

  Under bare feet.

  Sitting on the front porch

  Cut cigar in a pipe

  Smell in the air

  Fresh watermelon

  A slice of Heaven

  From the A&P

  Down the street

  And tales of the coal mine

  Harder times

  Than these.

  Some of my memories

  From five to fifteen.

  Old Photographs

  So where do you think the lad

  Has gone off to then?

  You know I’ve only seen him

  In pictures.

  Not the sepia tones of old,

  Mind you,

  But you can tell

  Those brown eyes

  Have watched the years go by.

  I wonder where he is today

  And what sort of adventures

  He’s had?

  Could I pick him out

  In the street

  From a distance

  Or in just a glimpse

  Of reflective glass?

  Would I recognize

  In his eyes the child,

  I’ve only seen,

  In pictures?

  A Florida Sunrise

  Still waters in the bay

  And a breeze brushes your cheek

  Like a child’s kiss

  Soft and warm

  The sun shines

  From above

  Reflections of memory

  In refracted light

  Shadows of palm trees shimmer

  On the still waters

  Of the bay.

  The Next Horizon

  Broken glass on the highway

  Flashes and flickers like

  Shooting stars in the night sky

  Hop in if you’re going my way

  But never let anyone tell you

  There’s such a thing

  As a free ride.

  Miles cost money

  As do places

  To lay your head

  When you sleep

  We live in a land of plenty

  But you have to sow

  In order to reap.

  So stow your gear

  Put your feet up

  And your seat back

  And enjoy the ride

  As we chase the sun

  Over the next horizon-

  I’ll see you

  On the other side.

  A Stroll in the City

  I donned my hat and coat,

  for it was chilly,

  to take a stroll

  through the city

  to see the people:

  I saw

  gulls-fighting for scraps at the market,

  wolves-hunting the weak and the old,

  blackbirds-drunk from too many ripe berries.
  Animals all.


  for the all-too-human

  ice-blue eyes

  of those who have

  and the desperate soft brown ones

  of those who need.

  The Puppet Master’s Prayer

  The world is my oyster

  I shall not want

  My callousness and avarice

  Protect me.

  I lie down on

  Crisp and clean

  Linen sheets

  High above it all

  In my spacious

  And well appointed

  Penthouse suite

  While all you common people

  Fight to survive

  In your pathetic

  Little lives

  scurrying about in the streets

  Amidst all the lies

  About opportunity

  And a better life

  While people like me

  Pull the springs.


  The Patriot

  He looks at those

  Unlike him

  With eyes that

  Stared out a little girl’s window

  Of a certain house

  In Amityville

  At 3:15AM.

  His expression

  That of an

  Epileptic slasher’s rendition

  Of a sneer,

  Carved into a face displaying

  Piggish certitude and

  Bovine delight,

  Running with the hers

  Bellowing platitudes

  Of might and right

  And Welfare Queens

  Sucking on the teat

  Of the Socialist State

  The true patriot

  And his bastardized vision

  Of the American Dream.

  A Game Well Played

  Pick yourself up

  -off the mat

  -off the ground

  -off the court

  -off the ice

  Stitch it up

  Tape it up

  Lace ‘em up

  And get back in there.

  Take the hit

  But don’t forget

  To give it back

  As good as you get.

  Play through the whistle

  Run through the finish line

  Finish your check

  Make them pay

  In front of the net.

  At the end

  Wipe off

  -the mud

  -the blood

  -the sweat

  And shake hands

  Like a man

  For a game

  Well played.

  A Description

  You can’t breathe

  You can’t run

  You can’t fight

  And you can’t make right

  The wrong,

  The damage done,

  The scars run too deep,

  Fury, pain, and what ifs,

  Steal your sleep,

  Dreams are nightmares

  In the dark, and

  No one to say to you,

  It’s alright

  Lying next to you

  The cause, lit weakly,

  In the morning light,

  The dawn of another day


  but still alone.

  He can’t breathe

  He can’t run

  He can’t fight

  He can’t make right

  The wrong,

  He can only try,

  To atone.

  Fun With Words

  He was characteristically

  Without character,

  Deceptively earnest

  And fastidiously unkempt.

  She was honestly

  Without honesty,

  Diabolically emotional

  And casually obsessive

  About the company she kept.

  They led a rigidly chaotic life,


  A fatalistically charming wife,

  And he,

  As pleasurable a sociopath

  As one could hope to find.

  They spoke expansively

  Of narrow things,

  Shiny cars and diamond rings,

  And every day

  Was randomly patterned,

  In blissful strife.

  Opportunity Cost

  The rain is a reminder of tires

  That should be replaced

  But the car is fine

  Really she’s grateful

  That the payment isn’t too bad

  And it gets her to work

  Most days

  And it’s just a blessing to

  Have a job that pays

  Most of the bills on time

  And who needs more than that

  Because a car

  Is just a car

  And a roof over their heads

  Is all someone really needs

  And it’s not like

  They don’t eat well enough

  Like those poor children

  She sees on television

  In some faraway place

  And really

  It’s a sin to want

  More than you have


  We should be thankful

  To live in a country

  Where you can at least

  Get by and to want

  More than that is just wasteful

  Pride cometh before

  The fall and all

  That and gosh

  Look at those people

  With their fast cars

  And flash life

  And really

  That’s just too much

  to ask for and just

  Making it through

  Another day on what you have

  Is enough.

  Economy of Scale

  A thousand yard stare

  And a lockjaw smile,

  The taste of pennies

  And cracked enamel.

  Debits and credits

  Wage war

  On the calendar,

  His suit of armor

  And sense of honor

  Sold on Craigslist

  In the pursuit of dollars.

  The rules on the battlefield

  No longer matter-

  The colors of his flag

  Don’t run,

  But they can unravel.


  Pretty present promises

  Wrapped and tied

  With handcuffs of

  Intricately woven ribbon

  The contents of which

  Are less than you paid for

  But the tithe is just

  The cost of doing business.

  Hail to the creators!

  The risk takers and profit makers!

  The mercantile princes of industry!

  Patriots of the world

  Selling value and morality

  To the lowly masses

  And the classless,

  Equality of opportunity

  A small price to pay,

  A little rent collectively

  Going a long way to,

  Maintain the plutocracy-

  Manufactured diversion

  And faceless enemies-

  Made proudly

  In the US of A.


  Like a warm blanket

  Of long drowsy days

  When it all cost less

  And less was expected

  Old songs on the radio

  And the smell of summer rain

  Pouring through the window

  Driving down roads you’ve known


  But don’t get to often

  The shadows are safely buried

  All that you see

  Is golden filtered sunlight

  A point of view available

  Only in memory.


The road is black asphalt

  Cracked by the sun

  With telephone lines

  Running down the sides

  Heading to nowhere

  I’ve been before

  But like a brother

  To others

  I’ve seen.

  Two lanes into nothing

  It goes

  And two lanes into nothing

  It comes from

  But someone


  Drives it every day

  And calls it home.

  Time and Distance

  In a time of connectedness

  Is it wrong to feel


  Separated by distances

  Covered electronically


  If I’ve been here

  Seven years

  And wonder where my friends

  Have gone


  Is that wrong?

  Years ago

  Before I was born

  We went to the moon

  And yet

  Was that a foreshadowing

  Of years to come

  Dirt running through

  Gloved hands


  But not really

  A reasonable facsimile

  Of life

  In a suit designed

  To allow one to live

  In a place


  Devoid of anything

  That can sustain us.


  I see you when I

  Close my eyes

  In snatches of memory

  As I drive and

  Sitting around with others

  Saying remember when?

  In the smiles and mannerisms

  Of my son or daughter

  Your ship having sailed prior

  The waters in that

  Particular harbor having

  Flowed out with the tide

  Replaced by others

  Taking on the roles

  You played for me

  When I was younger.

  My Religion

  A line in the water at dawn

  And a thermos full of coffee.

  Sunset from a beachfront bar

  Rum runner in hand

  Acoustic guitar notes

  In the fading light.

  Greeting the sunrise

  On the side of the road

  The last vestiges of spring snow

  In the mountains


  The Mojave Desert.

  Football on a Sunday

  Chips and dip, wings,

  And cold beer.

  No stuffy sermon

  In hard pews

  An old man snoring softly

  Beside me.

  My cathedral

  All around me

  Every day.

  The Rite of Parsonage

  He wears the black frock

  Of the Gospel

  And the collar of a scholar

  Of the Truth.

  He leads

  The Lambs of his flock

  To the slaughter,

  The sins of the Father

  Visited on the Sons,

  But never the Daughters.

  Salvation lies

  -In the Body

  And the Blood-

  The Communion of a Liar.

  Death’s Head

  Had they ever held

  A breath of life

  You could mark the contrast

  But alas

  His eyes

  Have always been

  Dead pools

  Devoid of light

  All the colors of the rainbow

  Burned black in the

  Fires of Hell

  And poured into a face

  Lacking any trace

  Of humanity

  Stretched tight

  Across a grinning skull

  Housing a ball

  Of squirming worms

  Electrified by the

  Synapses of psychosis

  Passing for a mind

  In loose control

  Of long strong fingers

  And dirty ragged nails

  Wrapped around

  An old fashioned razor

  Enjoying the lull

  Between the screams.

  The Play

  Do you know your role

  Have you memorized your lines?

  When the curtains rise

  Will it be worth the price

  And all the sacrifice?

  If life is a play

  Do you play a part

  Center stage

  In the wings

  In a seat

  Or out in the street

  Looking in?

  And when the curtains fall

  Will anyone


  Remember it

  At all?

  Little Arguments

  We yell shrilly

  About small things

  Cutting budgets

  And clipping our wings

  We’ve lost sight

  Of the promise of

  Eternal Spring

  And the enhancement

  That taking chances



  The Blackwater is deep

  Full of tentacles and teeth

  Unseen by you and me

  Flowing beneath our streets.

  The cream rises to the top

  Sustenance fed to us by drops

  Until one day the charade stops

  Information courtesy of PsyOps.

  Are we the Pilot or the Son

  The colors of this flag don’t run

  Crosses high in the setting sun

  Righteousness by the gun.

  Some await His return

  Yearning for the sinners to burn

  The rack tightens turn by turn

  Of course, none of your concern.

  Would He find a home today

  Or just get turned away

  After all, Big Money holds sway

  What would Jesus say?

  The Houses We Build

  Dust dances in the shafts

  Of sunlight

  Filtering into the room

  Pictures adorn the walls

  Old and new

  In no particular order.

  Mementos clutter the shelves

  And desktop;

  Words on papers

  Scattered about

  About what?

  Endless hallways connect

  Other rooms

  Other doorways

  Some locked

  Some deservedly so.

  There are places

  Where the floorboards creak

  And spaces

  Of cold air

  That shouldn’t be there,

  But the foundation is solid;

  The walls straight

  And true.

  Shelter from the elements

  And a light in the darkness

  And really

  What more could you ask for

  In a mind built

  Just for you?

  Miss Direction

  Words on a page a blank sheet

  Sun shafts pierce the clouds

  Warming an empty street

  Sounds all around

  Canceling each other out

  Like having connections

  But not the clout

  A bat smacks the ball

  And no one there to cheer

  Trees falling in the forest

  Can anybody hear the song

  Whispering through the static

  Of the snow filled screen

  Above in the attic

  Trunks and boxes

  Filled with yesterday

  Warped and twisted

  The contents rotting away

  Tattered memories

  Dissolving in
to dreams

  Nothing ever

  Is quite as it seems.


  I wanna burn the wood

  Lying there in the dust and dirt

  On the side of the road

  Dried out and bleached

  By the sun

  Destruction and creation

  Wrapped in one

  Can you imagine the heat

  And the light

  Shining for miles

  In a starless desert night

  Coyote red eyes

  And bats

  Dancing in the thermals

  In flight

  As we worship the almighty fire

  Wrapped in pyro-manic


  A Promise of Rain

  Black clouds gather

  On the horizon

  Bringing the promise of rain

  But rarely delivering.

  And when it does come

  It’s either a bratty child

  That doesn’t want to share

  Or a billion Chinese

  Swarming over your base camp

  In the bitter cold

  Of a Korean dawn.

  It’s so close I can smell,

  Like lust and rust,

  The thought of what I could do

  With a cup full

  Would make me drool

  If I had any saliva left,

  The sun burning that away

  Almost as fast as

  My sanity.

  Just another day

  On the dusty trail.

  Defending the Line

  I’ve got my boots on

  And keep talking like that, son,


  Guns will be drawn

  At dawn we ride

  Out of this town

  Hat pulled down

  The sun

  Just a promise

  Over the horizon.

  In front of us

  Darkness fades

  Into shadows of light

  As we leave behind

  Those too slow

  Defending the line.

  History Lesson

  I think about the roads I’ve driven

  And wonder where I’ve been

  Are all the miles behind me

  Or are there still some within?

  I think of all the words I’ve written

  And all the words I’ve read

  All the words I’ve heard

  And everything I’ve said

  Did they ever make a difference-

  Or only in my head?

  A hundred years from now

  Long after I am