Page 24 of Divine by Mistake

  “I am unharmed.” He smiled again and tapped the tip of my nose lightly with his finger. “Shape-shifting is difficult.”

  “I should say so!” I touched his chest tentatively. He felt reassuringly warm and solid. “It looked like you were in a lot of pain.”

  He took my hand in his. “Nothing of any value comes without a cost.”

  I thought about his words as I studied his new shape. He had shifted into an incredibly tall man—probably almost a foot taller than my five-seven. His skin was the same burnished copper color, only this time it covered all of his body. His legs were long and muscular. And he was naked. My eyes followed the line of his chest down to his waist, and down farther yet. Very naked.

  He was built in every way like a human man—and he was quite obviously very happy to be here (he certainly had a short recovery time). Rumor has it you can tell the size of a man’s penis by the size of his fingers. May I just say that he must have damn big hands.

  He cleared his throat. I tore my eyes away from The View and brought them back to his face.

  “Do I pass inspection as a human male?” I was glad to hear his voice had returned to its deep, sexy lilt.

  “Absolutely.” Actually, I wanted to yell, Sheeet, yes, boy! But since he wasn’t from Oklahoma I didn’t think it’d be appropriate. Instead, to show my appreciation for his maleness, I stood, wrapped my arms around him, pressed my body against his and gave him a big ol’ Oklahoma hello.

  He lifted me in his arms and sat down on the bed, with me in his lap. Cupping my breast in his hand, he lowered his head to my now bared nipple. Much too soon he lifted his head and looked into my eyes. His voice was husky.

  “Tell me if there is something you would have me do. I have never made love as a man before.”

  I answered him by putting my arms around his neck and pulling him down next to me. I whispered against his mouth, “I have never made love as a man before, either, but something tells me we’ll do just fine.”

  His chuckled reply was muffled by my mouth and replaced by a moan as I guided his hand to the wetness between my legs.

  Oh—I was mistaken about one thing—we did better than just fine.


  “I thought you said shape-shifting left you in a weakened state?” I said a little breathlessly, after the third incident of better than just fine. I was nestled against him, with my head resting on his chest. He blew some of my untamable curls out of his mouth before answering.

  “I feel the effects after I have shifted back to my original form. And I cannot stay in any other form for more than the span of a single night.” He tilted my chin up and studied my face, suddenly serious. “You understand I cannot remain a human?”

  “Of course.” I touched the side of his face, surprised to find no stubble there, and I realized that none of the centaurs had shaved or had facial hair over the days we had traveled together. “You’re not a human, you’re a centaur. I know that.”

  We looked at each other. I was afraid that the intimacy we had shared was going to evaporate. I didn’t really understand what kind of a being he was—the whole shape-shifting thing was too science fiction-ish and totally alien to the world with which I was accustomed. But he wasn’t alien to me.

  “You’re my husband—whether you’re human or centaur.” I gave him a crooked smile. “Or, um, whatever else you might happen to change into.” I just hoped he’d warn me first.

  A look of relief passed over his handsome face and he kissed my forehead gently. “Yes, I am your husband.”

  “I’m glad you are.” I sighed with contentment and snuggled more firmly against him.

  “As am I.”

  I curled my leg over his, and his hand found the back of my thigh. In a long, warm caress he began rubbing from the sensitive spot behind my knee, all the way up to the swell of my buttock and back down again. My eyelids fluttered shut; it felt like that massage was a drug. I struggled to stay awake, though, not wanting to waste any of our nighttime hours.

  “Shh,” he whispered into my hair. “Rest—I will be right here.”

  I nodded my head against him and allowed myself to relax into a deep, contented sleep.

  * * *

  A warm kiss against my cheek brought me slowly awake. The soft, clean light of predawn soaked through my closed eyelids, making me shut them all the more tightly. Another kiss on the cheek made me remember where I was, and, as I stretched and felt the intimate soreness of my body, who I was with. I smiled and yawned, letting my eyes come slowly open.

  First, I noticed the source of the light, and I was surprised to realize it was coming through a nonexistent wall on one side of my room. Squinting, I saw that huge beveled windows looked out on a beautiful, rose-filled garden that lined the far side of the room, which obviously faced the east, because mauve-colored dawn was beginning to creep up over the flowers and into my room.

  Then the shadowed mountain standing at the edge of the bed moved, bending to kiss me once more. I reached my hand sleepily out and it met the silk that covered his foreleg. I ran my fingers lightly over his coat, pulling playfully at some of the fur.

  “Good morning.” My voice was foggy with sleep. “The light surprised me. I thought those big curtain things just covered more wall, not windows and a garden.”

  “What? Rhiannon, how could you not know your own bedchamber?” His question brought me fully awake.

  I realized my voice wasn’t all that had been foggy with sleep. Great, I’d screwed up. I sat abruptly, rubbing my eyes and stalling for time. Through my fingers I could see ClanFintan studying me intently.

  “Oh, gosh, um, I was having the strangest dream. My room had been changed around, and, um, it was so realistic I thought it had really happened…” My voice trailed off.

  He opened his mouth to question me further. Deciding diversion was my best tactic, I stood on the bed and threw myself into his arms. Automatically he caught me, and I busied myself nuzzling and nipping at the side of his neck.

  “I’m awake now.” I felt his chest rumble with a chuckle and I relaxed.

  I really do have to talk to Alanna about why I can’t let him know who I am.

  Two loud knocks sounded against the door. ClanFintan deposited me on the bed and I wrapped a sheet around my naked body before I called, “Come in!”

  Alanna stepped into the room. She smiled knowingly at us, saying, “My Lord, my Lady, I hope you had an eventful night.”

  ClanFintan snorted (which I suppose meant that we had) and I felt myself blushing like a virgin (which I most thoroughly was not).

  She continued through a big, face-splitting grin. “Rhea, I thought you might like to go to the bathing room and freshen yourself before you bless the people.”

  My cheeks still felt hot as I nodded at her.

  Alanna’s eyes shined with mischief and she addressed ClanFintan. “Perhaps my Lord would like to join us. I am certain between myself and some of the maidens, we could wash and groom him properly, too.” She paused, barely containing her mirth. “Several of the maidens have already said they would be happy to volunteer for the task.”

  ClanFintan’s face lit up in a wolfish grin and I got quickly to my feet, being careful not to trip over my sheet outfit, and whacked him good and hard on his flat stomach.

  I was satisfied to hear a grunt interrupt his laughter. He wrapped his arm around me and held me tightly against his side (probably so I couldn’t hit him again, and, God knows, it certainly wouldn’t do any good for me to stomp on his hoof).

  Without looking down at me, he answered, “I think I will bathe in the warriors’ chambers. I need to check with the night watch before the blessing ceremony. But thank you for your hospitable offer.” He squeezed my shoulder.

  “Huh,” was my answer.

  I pulled away from him and headed toward Alanna and the door. “Let’s go, I need a bath.” I had the distinct impression they were both laughing at me. Walking past the windows I caught a reflection o
f myself, wrapped in a rumpled sheet, hair standing out in all directions and head held high as I attempted a haughty exit.

  The giggle began in my chest and bubbled out of my mouth before I reached Alanna. She put her arm around me and we both laughed. ClanFintan had followed me and I turned to smile up at him.

  “Did they really volunteer to wash him?”

  “Actually, they were arguing over the privilege.”

  We tilted our heads together and pretended to study the centaur as he stood in front of us, hands resting on his waist. His expression said that he was pretty certain we were nuts.

  “Hmm, he is a rather nice-looking centaur. Do you not think so, my Lady?” Alanna said.

  “I guess now that you mention it, he has good, wide withers and I can testify to his…uh…shall we say, stamina,” I said.

  I squealed as the object of our speculations lunged forward and lifted me off the floor and into his arms. Alanna jumped out of his way and opened the door for him. As he carried me through the door he was grumbling something about “Wide at the withers, indeed,” but I couldn’t be sure because of Alanna’s laughter. I peered over his shoulder and saw her holding her side as she hurried after us, trying futilely to control her giggles. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on. I was pretty certain he would take care of keeping the sheet around me.

  Too soon, we came to the door of the bathing chamber. The two guards snapped to attention. I noticed ClanFintan made a point of looking each of them directly in the eye, before he bent his head to mine and gave me a slow, thorough kissing. About that time, Alanna caught up with us and opened the door.

  He set me back on my feet and we released each other reluctantly.

  “You will join me for the blessing ceremony?” I realized I sounded wistful at the thought of being separated from him.

  Damn, I had it bad.

  “I will be by your side—” he glanced up at my guards “—where I belong.” He kissed me once more, quickly. Before he turned to go, he addressed my two warriors. “Guard my Lady with your lives. If anyone touches her, I will kill him.”

  My, my, my, guess he’d heard those ugly rumors about Rhiannon’s attachment to her men.

  They saluted him. He looked satisfied and caressed the side of my face. Then he spun gracefully and headed down the hall, clomping purposefully and looking pleased with himself.

  I floated after Alanna into the wonderful bathing room.

  I used the facilities while Alanna rounded up the correct bottles and brushes, then I dropped my sheet and gingerly lowered my well-used body into the soothing mineral water.

  Alanna plopped down on the ledge next to me and handed me the sponge and a bottle of the soap I liked so much.

  I set to work repairing the damage of last night’s intimacies, smiling secretly to myself as I discovered little bite marks on my inner thigh.

  “It seems last night went well.”

  “Honey, last night was spectacular.”

  We shared a girlfriend grin.

  “So, you watched him perform the Change?” Her voice was filled with curiosity.

  “It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.” I blinked at her in amazement. “You mean you’ve never seen anyone shape-shift?”

  “Oh, no!” She looked shocked for a moment—then she smiled and tugged at one of my damp curls. “I forget you could not know these things. There are very few shape-shifters and the Change is sacred to them. It is something that only other High Shamans, or in your case, mates of High Shamans, ever get to witness. After Changing, a Shaman might perform a ceremony or service for the people in whatever shape he has assumed, but he or she would never Change in view of the public.”

  I thought about that. “Did you know it was painful for them to shape-shift?”


  “That must be why they don’t like people to see them Change.” I remembered the look on ClanFintan’s face as his body shifted form. “They don’t want people to know how painful it is.”

  Alanna took my soapy hand in hers. “Was it that hard on him?”

  I nodded. “But he said nothing worth anything comes without a price.”

  “Do you think the night was worth the price of temporary pain?” Her voice was wise and I squeezed her hand in gratitude.

  “He sure acted like it was.”

  “Then I would believe him and not let it shadow your pleasure.”

  Until we had spoken about it I hadn’t realized just how much it had been bothering me.

  “I guess he knows what he’s doing.”

  “It would appear so.”

  I sighed wistfully as I lathered myself with the sweet-scented soap. “Alanna, he really was wonderful.”

  “And he is devoted to you.”

  I paddled out to the deep part of the bath to rinse and considered what Alanna had just said. Devoted…but was he devoted enough to love the real me?

  “Alanna,” I blurted out, “what if he’s not devoted to me? What if he’s only devoted to Rhiannon, and if he finds out who I really am, he’ll change his mind about me.”

  Alanna’s smile was kind. “It is you he loves.”

  I chewed my bottom lip.

  “Perhaps you should tell him.”

  “What?” I squeaked. “But you said that I had to keep my identity a secret.”

  “That was before he loved you.”

  “I don’t know, Alanna. What’s happened between us is too new.”

  “You are afraid to tell him the truth,” Alanna said.

  “I’m afraid to lose what I’ve just gained with him.”

  “I think you underestimate the High Shaman, but I believe time will change that. When a man is truly devoted to a woman, he keeps her secrets.”

  I thought I detected a sad note to her voice and I started to question her further, when she chimed in with a perky “Rhea, you must get out. You need to bless the people shortly after the sun is high enough over the eastern horizon for it to shimmer off the river.”

  I climbed reluctantly out of the warm water and wrapped myself in the thick towel Alanna offered.

  “How long do I have?”

  “About as long as it will take for you to don your ceremonial robes—if we hurry.” And she led me purposefully to the vanity.

  “Why don’t you summon a couple of the nymph-maidens to help us if we’re so rushed for time?” My rumpled reflection was making me think a quick repair job would take more than two people.

  Alanna was working some kind of hair-oil stuff through my wild curls. It smelled good, but I was doubtful it would have much effect on my incorrigible redheadedness.

  “Last night, after I left your chambers, Tarah came to me and reported that several of your handmaidens are complaining of feeling ill.” She smiled wryly at my reflection. “I think they are probably just worn out from attending to the needs of so many families. I put your maids in charge of keeping watch over the young children. I suppose you should make a point of rebuking them for their laziness.”

  “No way—I always hated babysitting. Let them sleep.”

  “They will be with you this morning during the ceremony. Perhaps a morning away from their young charges will refresh them and they will find they feel suddenly recovered.”

  I smiled but felt the definite stirrings of nervousness.

  “What the heck am I supposed to do?” I began powdering my face as Alanna tugged at my hair.

  “Near the bank of the river—”

  “Named Geal, right?”

  “Yes, it means bright. The western branch of the river that joins at the Temple of the Muse is called…” She paused.


  “Calman, meaning dove. Together they make the Bright Dove River, which you would understand if you could see how they look as they join. The rapids look like glistening, swooping birds.”

  “Cool—go ahead. Sorry I interrupted.”

  “You will ride Epona—” my face broke into a pleased
grin “—to the sacred Tor, or hill, next to the river. There, while still astride the mare, you will bless the people as the sun blesses the river.”

  “Is there something in particular I am expected to say? Some ritual blessing I have to perform?” I was hoping Alanna would give me the lines.

  “No, Rhiannon always authored her own prayers of blessing.” She looked worried. “You did well on your wedding day, I assumed you would not have a problem evoking another prayer.”

  “No!” She gave me a shocked look. “I mean, yes, I can come up with a blessing.”

  She smiled her relief.

  Good thing one of us knew what she was doing. And I didn’t mean me.

  “Honey, how long does this have to last?”

  “Oh, not long—the morning blessing is a brief service Epana’s Chosen performs once each fortnight designed to remind the people of Epona’s love for them as they begin their day. It is on the first night of a full moon that you must perform the ritual dance and sacrifice.”

  Oh, goodie. I’ll look forward to it.

  “So, should I not mention anything about the Fomorian problem this morning? I assumed that was part of the reason I was going to speak to the people.”

  “Rhea, I think it should be mentioned that we are arming ourselves, and you should ask for Epona’s protection specifically against their evil, but, well…” She drifted off, looking very uncomfortable.

  “What? Really, Alanna, I don’t just want your advice, I need it. Please tell me, as my friend, the truth. Always.” I was sitting there, butt naked with my makeup only partially applied. I mean, how much more honest could I get?

  Her expression showed she had come to a decision, and she met my eyes in the mirror. “I do not think you should discuss any aspects of the war with the people. Take this opportunity to announce ClanFintan as your appointed Chieftain of Warriors. He is wise in the ways of battle and men.” She looked a little sheepishly at me. “I may be mistaken, but I do not believe you have been trained to lead men into battle.”