Page 19 of Sweet Persuasion

Page 19


  “I could do this all morning,” he murmured as he pulled slightly away. His breath came heavy, and she could see he was affected as she was.

  “Mmmm, me too,” she said as she cuddled back into his arms.

  “Did you get enough to eat?”

  She nodded against him. “You?”

  He stroked his hand down her arm. “Yes, thanks to you. I think I could get used to being a kept man. ”

  She grinned. “You’re too much of a control freak to ever be a kept man. ”

  “You doubt your abilities, Serena mine. A man would have to be crazy to object to a woman such as you taking care of him. I find myself looking forward more than ever to the month ahead. ”

  Her cheeks warmed as she basked in his words. She’d had her share of relationships. Flings and all things in between, but she’d never felt as appreciated as she did in the short time she’d been with Damon. It made absolutely no sense to her that they could have this sort of connection so fast, but she couldn’t doubt its legitimacy.

  He made her want to go that extra mile to make him happy. She wanted his approval, wanted to see his eyes flash in satisfaction.

  “I need to get you dressed,” he announced.

  She leaned back and raised one eyebrow. “What happened to keeping me naked at all times?”

  He laughed. “As appealing a prospect as that is, I can’t take you out in public wearing only the jewelry I gave you. ” His hand slid playfully to her rump, and he gave her a light squeeze. “I’m taking you shopping for appropriate clothing for the next month. ”

  “Hmm, a man who likes to shop. What on earth is this world coming to?”

  “Not only do I like to shop, but I like to spend money on my woman,” he said with a wink.

  “For that I’ll gladly get dressed,” she said as she grinned broadly at him.

  As he started to move her from his lap, she suddenly remembered that she was supposed to call Julie. And knowing Julie, she would indeed have the cops beating on Damon’s door if Serena didn’t check in.

  “Crap,” she muttered. “Damon, I need to use the phone. My friend Julie. You met her at Cattleman’s. She was sorta worried that you were going to kill me last night so unless I call her, she’s going to call the police and have them knock on your door. ”

  Damon threw back his head and laughed. “By all means, call your friend. She sounds like quite the tigress. ”

  Serena smiled. “She means well, and she has a big heart, even if her mouth is bigger. ”

  “I’ll leave you to your phone call then. I’ll go up and get your change of clothes from your bag. ”

  He moved her from his lap and stood. “I’ll take you into my office so you have privacy. ”

  This time she readily threaded her fingers into his as he walked her out of the kitchen and across the living room. He showed her into a smaller room off the living room and gestured toward his desk.

  “Take as much time as you need. I’ll be in the living room, so just come out when you’re done. ”

  He dropped a kiss on her forehead and then turned and strode out of the room, shutting the door behind him.


  Satisfied that her friend was still alive and kicking, Julie hung up the phone. Serena wasn’t giving any details, but she sounded pretty darn cheerful for someone who’d just spent her first night in slavery. Not for the first time, Julie wondered if she’d given the whole submission thing a bum rap.


  She shook her head and eyed the phone with trepidation. Serena had asked if Julie had called Nathan yet, and of course Julie had lied and said yes. She couldn’t have Serena thinking she was a chicken even if she was growing feathers and developing a cluck.

  When had she become such a coward?

  She grabbed her cell phone and punched in the number that Nathan had left as his personal contact when he filled out his card at the salon. She had no idea where the hell she was calling. She only hoped it was private.

  Cursing her nervousness, she put the phone to her ear and listened to it ring. After the third ring, the call connected, and she sucked in her breath.

  “Nathan Tucker. ”

  “Nathan. Uh, hi, this is Julie Stanford from, um, the salon . . . the massage place. ”

  God, could she sound like a bigger moron? To make matters worse, there was a long pause on the line like he was trying to place her.

  “Julie, hi. Hey, I’m sorry I haven’t called to reschedule. I just got busy. ”

  “No,” she said quickly. “I mean that’s not why I’m calling. I, um . . . I wanted to thank you for driving me home the other night. ”

  “Not a problem. I was glad to do it,” he said with easy charm.

  “There’s one other thing,” she hedged.

  “I’m listening. ”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Did anything happen that night? I mean did I act inappropriately?”

  Jesus, Mary and Joseph, she sounded like some sleazy politician apologizing for being caught out with a hooker.

  “I don’t understand,” Nathan said. She could hear the genuine confusion in his voice.

  “Did I jump you? Rape you? Did we have sex?” she asked impatiently.

  “Good lord, no. ”

  Well, he needn’t sound so appalled.

  “Then how . . . why did I end up naked in my bed?” she asked quietly.

  “Goddamn it!” Nathan roared.

  Julie jumped and held the phone away from her ear.

  More muttered cursing ensued, muffled, as he no doubt was holding the phone to his shirt. Then more rattling and he came back on.

  “Sorry, not you. ” Then he broke away and shouted again. “Micah, you motherfucker, I’m going to kick your ass this time. ”

  “Look, I’ve obviously caught you at a bad time,” Julie said loudly, hoping he’d hear.

  “No, I’m sorry. Micah and his friggin’ practical jokes. About the other night . . . Nothing happened, Julie. If I had any idea you’d be worried, I would have called you. You were sort of out of it so I put you to bed. Someone spilt beer on your shirt and so I stripped you down. I didn’t even look at you, I swear. ”

  “Well, why the hell not?” she asked in exasperation. “Am I that ugly?”

  “What? No. Hell, what the hell?” he sputtered.

  It was obvious he didn’t have a clue whether to shit or go blind.

  “I’ll let you go,” she muttered.

  “Wait, Julie, don’t go yet. ”

  She pulled the phone away from her ear and punched the End button. Then, as mortification boiled over her, she powered the phone off, just in case he had any ideas about calling back.

  Laying the phone aside, she closed her eyes and shook her head. Where was a giant hole in the earth when she needed one?

  Serena sat in the backseat of Damon’s car, nestled close to his side as they drove toward the Galleria. She looked—and felt—beautiful.

  Damon had chosen a simple knee-length sleeveless dress and a pair of sandals out of the two outfits she’d brought with her. She’d worn it before, but the dress had never made her feel so utterly feminine.

  The cuffs she wore on her arm and above her ankle looked gorgeous. She felt exotic and vibrant with the gold jewelry decorating her skin. That they were the symbol of a man’s ownership added even more of a secret thrill.

  It didn’t take her long to figure out the type of clothing Damon preferred. And she had to hand it to him, he had an excellent eye for what complemented her figure and coloring.

  He chose silk skirts, casual, almost like a beach cover-up. Simple camisole-type tops. Several dressier gowns and one formal black sheath.

  After choosing appropriate shoes, he took her to a spa where he directed the attendant to give her a complete body pampering package. Even her toenails were painted a feminine pink.

  By the time she was finished, there wasn’t a tens
e muscle in her entire body. She was limp and loose, and what she wanted most was to curl into Damon’s arms and nap.

  He carried the bags with her things in them with his left hand and tucked his right arm around her waist as they left the spa. She leaned into him and marveled at how comfortable they looked and felt together.

  “You realize Julie is going to kill you for taking me somewhere else for my pampering,” Serena said with a smile in Damon’s direction.

  Damon grinned. “It was for you that I didn’t bring you there. I figured she would interrogate you mercilessly and possibly even kidnap you for your own good. ”

  Serena burst out laughing. “Oh my God, you’re probably right. She’s completely overbearing, but her heart is certainly in the right place. ”

  “I would say so,” he agreed. “She’s looking out for your best interests, so I can’t fault her for that. ”

  “So what now?” she asked as he ushered her toward his car.

  He settled in beside her and gave Sam the order to take them home. Then he turned to look at her. “Now, I take you home and take those clothes off your body. I have a little work to do, but I look forward to having your company while I take care of a few things. ”

  “Are you sure you can concentrate on work when I’m naked?” she asked innocently.

  Amusement glittered brightly in his eyes. “If I must work at all, I’d much prefer you to sit at my feet naked rather than fully clothed. ”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a caveman beneath all that polish and sophistication. ”

  “And you are my cave girl? Bound to submit to my every desire?”

  “Yes, I suppose I am,” she murmured.

  “That’s good to know,” he said. “Undo my pants. ”

  She blinked in surprise and cast her gaze down at the bulge in his crotch.

  “Get on your knees in front of me and use your mouth to pleasure me,” he ordered.

  Bubbles of excitement swelled and burst in her pelvis. Her clit was doing a little spasm dance between her legs, pulsing with unquenched need.

  “Shall I be crude?” he murmured. “Suck me, Serena mine. See to my pleasure, and when you are through, lick every bit of cum from my dick. ”

  Slowly she crawled over his knees and wedged herself between the seats. Her knees scraped the floorboard as he spread his legs to give her easier access. Nervously, she glanced over her shoulder to look at Sam, but the driver’s gaze was focused out the windshield.

  “He heard me, you know,” Damon said with a slight smile. “He knows precisely what you’re going to do. ”

  She frowned up at him. “Why taunt me? You know I’m not comfortable having another person see or hear us. ”

  He cupped her chin. “I’m not taunting you, Serena. I’m acclimating you. I’m teaching you that the only person you need to concern yourself with is me. It doesn’t matter what Sam sees or hears. It’s my needs you’ll see to and me you’ll concentrate on. You must learn to block out everything else. Now, unfasten my pants and pleasure me. ”

  She blinked at the power in his voice, at the thread of authority woven into his every word. With shaking hands, she reached for his fly and undid his pants.

  His cock shoved impatiently at his boxers, and she pulled down the band. His erection sprang free, bobbing and straining upward toward his tight belly. Her fingers trailed through the crisp hairs surrounding the base as she circled the shaft with her fingers.

  Her hair fell forward as she leaned down to take him in her mouth. His fingers tangled at her scalp as he shoved the heavy strands away from her face. Knowing he wanted to watch, she angled her head so that he could see his cock disappearing into her mouth.

  She loved his taste. She wasn’t new to going down on a guy, but admittedly, it had never been a favorite sexual favor of hers. To be honest, she’d done it out of a sense of obligation, a reciprocal deal, when she’d received oral sex from one of her lovers.

  But with Damon she enjoyed it, savored it and even looked forward to it. Swallowing? Um, never. Not with any of her previous lovers. Somehow, with Damon, it seemed a rejection she wasn’t prepared to hand him. Even if he hadn’t asked it of her, she would have willingly taken all he had to give.

  She wet her lips again as she slid her mouth down his length. Inhaling through her nose, she stifled her urge to gag and held him in the back of her throat before finally releasing him and raising her head until just the tip of his penis rested on her tongue.

  His sac lay heavy and swollen at the juncture of his legs. Dotted with short, dark hairs, it posed a contrast to the smooth length of his erection. She caressed his balls, loving the slight roughness, and then gripped the velvety sheath covering his penis.

  Up and down she worked her hand, moving in conjunction with her mouth. She followed the motion of her fingers with her lips, chasing them downward and then sliding back up.

  Both of his hands now gripped her head. He fisted handfuls of her hair, holding her tight as she sucked and lavished attention on his cock.

  His back bowed off the seat, his thighs digging into her waist. His sac bulged and tightened, and his penis hardened until it was a rigid piece of steel in her hand.