Page 34 of Hillbilly Rockstar

  duffel over her shoulder and started down the stairs. She nearly missed the bottom tread when Devin walked in the front door, decked out in full rancher gear: a summer-weight cowboy hat, a long-sleeved white shirt, jeans, boots, spurs and chaps. Chaps. Jesus. The man should always wear fringed leather chaps to showcase his long legs and lean hips. Plus, the cutaway triangle below his belt buckle emphasized what was behind his zipper.

  The spurs jingled as he moved toward her.

  Somehow she managed to tear her gaze away from his groin and look at his face. “Hey. Uh, wow. I wasn’t expecting you. Or to see you in this. Nice, ah . . .” She gestured to his clothing.

  “Fletch dropped me off early. Bran was already saddling up, so I tagged along to help out.”

  “Nice of you. Is that your stuff?”

  “All but the chaps and spurs. Why?”

  “Because you can wear those for me again sometime. Damn, Devin, you look hot all cowboyed up.” Had she really said that out loud? She looked over her shoulder to see if her nosy sister had overheard.

  Then Devin’s fingers were on her jaw, turning her face back toward his. “You tryin’ to get me to haul you up them stairs and bang that headboard?”

  Yes. “No. I just . . . wasn’t thinking.”

  “I don’t like hiding this, either, Liberty. But not for the original reason I wanted it kept under wraps.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “I didn’t want anyone to know you were my personal security because I wanted to save face about needing a bodyguard, let alone a woman bodyguard.” He tenderly stroked her face. “Now I’m protecting us. As far as anyone knows, we met for the first time last night.”

  “Even Fletch?” she asked skeptically. “After I chased you outside and commanded you to get in his truck?”

  Devin smiled. “I told him the Mud Lilies probably sent you to run interference. He’s been around enough times that’s happened to me that he doesn’t question it.”

  “So why does it matter that everyone thinks we met for the first time last night?”

  “Because when this tour is over and we are a couple, we’ll have that story as the unofficial version of how we met and we can keep our real story just for us.”

  But wasn’t that still a cop-out? Was he really protecting their privacy? Or just saving face? Why hadn’t he asked her if she intended to stay with him? He just assumed.

  A noise echoed from the kitchen, reminding her they weren’t alone. She stepped back. “Did you need to talk to Harper?”

  “No. I came inside to clean up before lunch.”

  “You can use the guest bath upstairs since I’m done.”

  Devin inched closer. “It’s been five fucking days, Liberty. Do you really think I can be in a room that smells like you and not go fucking crazy because I can’t have what’s mine?”

  She couldn’t resist poking him when he got all sexy, possessive male on her. “Maybe we should sneak off to the barn. You could bend me over a hay bale—”

  His growl was cut off abruptly when Harper said behind them, “Hey, there you guys are. Lunch is ready.”

  “Devin was just wondering where he should wash up. It’s okay if he uses the guest bathroom?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thanks, Harper.”

  “No problem. Liberty, I could use your help in the kitchen.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  As soon as Harper was out of sight, Devin moved in. His lips brushed her ear. “I could use your help in the bathroom.”

  “Doing what?” she said a little breathlessly.

  His palm skated up her side and cupped her breast. “Jerking off. It’s your fault I’m hard. The next hand that’ll be around my cock will be yours.” He scaled the stairs without looking back.

  Her sister had gone all-out for lunch. French dip sandwiches, homemade sweet potato chips and a veggie tray with dinosaur trees—aka broccoli—that Tate snapped up like candy. She’d have to remember these little tricks when she had kids.

  Since when have you thought kids might be in your future?

  Against her better judgment, her gaze sought out Devin.

  Get that out of your head, Liberty.

  Bran and Devin talked about their morning chores. Tate chimed in and Harper coaxed a sleepy Jake to eat two more bites.

  When Jake started to fuss, Bran plucked him out of his booster seat and held him against his chest.

  Harper sent her husband and son a soft smile.

  “Liberty, would you mind givin’ Devin a ride into Rawlins when you take off?” Bran asked. “Since it’s on your way?”

  She took her time chewing the last bite of her sandwich, because her brain conjured up all sorts of naked scenarios that’d happen once she and Devin were alone. “Sure.”

  “Aw. You’re leavin’ already?” Tate said with a pout.

  “I’ll be back.”


  “I promise.” Liberty looked at Harper. “The road runs both ways. You guys could take a weekend and come see me in Denver. I hope to have a bigger place soon.”

  “How much time you got left with the j-e-r-k that demanded you change how you look and dress for this assignment?”

  Shit. “Three weeks or so.”

  “As happy as I was to help you find your style, I’d like to throttle the guy. Who says something like that? Especially to your face? Like you’re some kind of robot who doesn’t have any feelings? Entitled j-e-r-k-s, that’s who.”

  Don’t look at Devin. Don’t look at Devin.

  “What happened?” he asked, as if he didn’t already know.

  “Liberty’s client said a bunch of mean things about her appearance before he hired her, and he demanded she—”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Liberty interjected. “It’s part of my job to be a chameleon. Can we drop it, please?”

  “Fine. But I still think it was rude. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re a beautiful, strong woman who doesn’t need to change for any man.” Harper got a little choked up on the last part.

  Liberty’s eyes started to water. Her little sister had such a tender heart and she was so fierce in protecting those she loved.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Devin said softly.

  She finally looked at him. In his eyes, she saw regret and embarrassment. The part of her that he’d hurt with those words said Good. The part of her that had fallen in love with him wanted to soothe him because now she understood where those words had come from—his pride and sense of self-preservation.

  Bran handed Harper a napkin.

  She dabbed her eyes. “Goodness. I don’t know why I’m so teary-eyed today.”

  “Princess, you know exactly why you’re actin’ all emotional. Maybe you oughta share our news with your sister?”

  “Bran, we agreed to wait. It’s so early.”

  “Tate, buddy, you wanna grab me a book to read for naptime?” Bran said.

  Tate hopped down and tore out of the dining room. Jake perked up and followed.

  Liberty grinned and let her gaze drop to Harper’s flat belly. “Another one?”

  “Yes. We weren’t trying, but, yeah . . . it happened.”

  Bran smirked. “We weren’t not tryin’ at every opportunity either, sweet wife.”

  “See what I mean? I’m surrounded by testosterone. I’m surprised we don’t have more kids.”

  Devin high-fived Bran. “Nice goin’.”

  Harper rolled her eyes.

  “Come on, guitar slinger.” Liberty stood. “Let’s hit the road.”

  After they said their good-byes, Devin said, “Where’s your car?”

  “In the garage.”

  She backed out and pulled up to the house. She popped the trunk. Before she could get out, Devin loaded their bags and climbed in.

  “So I get to ride in your baby?”

  “Only if you swear the bottom of your boots are cow shit free.”

  Devin laugh
ed. “I changed shoes, and I promise they’re clean.”

  Liberty putted down the long driveway.

  “Why’re you goin’ so slow? I wanna see you rip it up.”

  “On gravel? Are you crazy? Do you know what that’ll do to the paint job?”

  She did open it up when they hit the blacktop. Fuck, she loved this car.

  Devin didn’t whoop and holler and compliment her race-car driving skills. He was strangely quiet. Then he said, “Take the next left.”

  “That’s not how you get to Rawlins.”

  “I know. The turn’s about a quarter mile ahead.”


  “Liberty, it’s been five days. I’m not waitin’ until we get to Rawlins to touch you. Hell, I thought I was doin’ good waitin’ five minutes. Take the next left.”

  She slowed and turned onto a gravel road, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. He’d balled his hands into fists, like he didn’t trust himself not to maul her.

  Her stomach cartwheeled. Everything about him was so controlled, yet she knew he’d overwhelm her, own her, when he finally let loose.

  “There’s a place to pull over just on the other side of those trees.”

  She focused on driving. Not on the heat of his gaze skating across her body. Not on his rapid breathing. Not on how fast her blood flowed, making her nipples hard and her sex throb. She wanted—no, she needed—him in a way she never had before. It scared her.

  The next turn was little more than a glorified goat path. She parked on a grassy area beneath a stand of cottonwood trees and shut the car off.

  A cool breeze drifted through the open windows, carrying the scent of water. Bugs buzzed in the grass and the trees.



  “Baby, let go of the steering wheel and look at me.”

  She shook her head.

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s been five fucking days. Because I’m afraid I’ll attack you. Rip your clothes and possibly tear the leather seat to shreds.”

  His warm, dry hand curled over hers on the steering wheel. “We’ll go slow.”


  He gently pried her fingers free, one at a time. “Breathe, sweetheart.”

  She nodded.

  Then he was brushing her hair from her face, and his rough knuckles stroked her cheek. Steady. Gentle yet insistent.

  Liberty turned her head, and before she could say a word, his mouth was on hers in a sweet kiss. A searching kiss. A kiss that soothed. A kiss that inflamed.

  Then she was on his lap, one of his hands gripping the hair on the back of her head, the other pressed against her chest. He kissed her like he owned her, like he’d never get enough of her, like just kissing her alone would be enough to sustain him.

  But she got a crick in her neck and pulled back. “Ow.”

  “What?” he panted against her throat.

  “I have to move.”

  A buzzing noise sounded as Devin lowered the seat and slid it back. He shifted her until she was flat against him and his mouth overtook hers again.

  The man made her head spin.

  He slipped his hands beneath the hem of her shorts and palmed her ass cheeks.

  She rolled her pelvis, grinding against his hard cock. Just a little higher. Yes. Right there. She arched back and moaned.

  “As much as I love to see you come, you will come either against my mouth or around my cock—your choice, but not from dry humping like horny teens.”

  Liberty pushed up and looked down at him. With his tousled curls, lazy smile and that big body taking up every inch of available space, he defined male hotness. “I’ve never had sex in this car.”

  Devin’s eyes heated. “Then let’s pop this cherry.” He tugged her shirt up. She took the hint and whipped it into the driver’s seat. “I’m happy to see you’re not wearin’ one of them squish-your-tits bras.”

  “If I were, you could kiss them better.”

  “Oh, I’m gonna do that anyway. Take it off.”

  It was difficult, within the confines of the car, to reach around and unhook the clasp.

  “Let me,” Devin murmured huskily. He had her bra unhooked and his face buried in her cleavage almost before she blinked.

  She reached down and popped the snaps on his pearl-button shirt, baring his chest to her greedy hands.

  While his mouth latched onto her nipple, his hands moved down her sides, stopping at the waistband of her shorts. He made quick work of the button and zipper, then dragged openmouthed kisses from one nipple to the other. “Need to fuck you.”

  She shivered from the way his commanding tone reverberated against her skin.

  “Since it’s your car, I’ll let you be on top.”

  “Do I need to open the door so we can move around and actually get naked?”

  “Stretch across me and get into a push-up position.” He slipped her shorts and underwear down her legs and she kicked them to the floor. “Stay like that.” Devin captured her lips as he hiked his hips up. The stiff denim rubbed against her bare thighs as he ditched his jeans.

  Liberty’s arms started to shake from holding her body weight at such a weird angle. Then Devin’s hands were on her hips, urging her down, and he placed her palms on his chest. He kept their mouths fused as he maneuvered her onto his cock.

  Yes. Even when she was revved up, ready to slam all his hardness into her pussy over and over, just being joined with Devin like this, she finally felt complete.

  She must’ve sighed, because he broke the kiss when he smiled at her.

  “I know, baby. I feel it too.” He lightly slapped her ass. “Now move. Bring those perfect tits to my mouth so I can suck on you while you fuck me.”

  “I thought you needed to fuck me.”

  “You’re on top.” She hissed when his teeth nipped the top of her breast.

  Spreading her knees as wide as the space allowed, Liberty pushed against his chest as she raised her hips. She stopped when only the head of his cock remained inside her; then she dropped down until his cock was buried to the root.

  “You feel good.”

  “So do you.” She canted her hips, grinding against him. Given their tight quarters, she couldn’t move as fast and hard as they both liked. She struggled not to smack her head into the top of the car or to push his ass into the seat and end up pinching his balls.

  But dammit, she wanted that throbbing rush of pleasure that only he gave her. So she ramped up the pace.


  She glanced up, surprised by his sweet tone.

  He framed her face in his hands. “Let’s slow it down a bit.”

  “Why? Am I doing something wrong?”

  “No.” His thumbs made an arc across her cheekbones. “You’re doin’ everything right. Let’s take our time. I wanna enjoy this, enjoy you, lose myself in finally getting what I’ve wanted for five very long days.” He brought his lips to hers. Not only could the man convey such raw emotion with his words, but he poured every bit of what he was feeling into the kiss.

  Devin, I love you. I love you so much, and it’ll kill me to walk away from you when this tour ends.

  But it was inevitable. So she wouldn’t dread their parting of ways, but relish every moment they had left together.