Page 38 of Hillbilly Rockstar

  She touched his face, sweeping her knuckles down his razor-stubbled jaw. “You didn’t ask for two separate rooms for us?”

  “Hell no.” Those vibrant blue eyes narrowed. “You didn’t either?”

  “No. But someone changed the reservation.”

  “Why would someone do that?”

  Why indeed? To cause dissension. She and Devin had words yesterday and he’d all but slammed his ready room door in her face. Then they’d stayed on separate sides of the meet and greet room last night. So it wasn’t a stretch for those who knew them to assume they’d had a lovers’ quarrel. But who had contacted the hotel pretending to be Devin and changed their sleeping arrangements?

  “Did Crash mention it was his idea?”

  “Not to me.”

  It left her unsettled.

  “Sweetheart, what’s goin’ on?”

  “I don’t know. First the bus thing; then you discover another one of your guitars was ripped off. Plus someone had tried to jimmy the lock on my gun drawer. Then someone was screwing with our sleeping arrangements. Anything odd happen at the party last night?”

  Devin’s gaze turned thoughtful. “Did you see the blonde with gigantic tits lurking around me?”

  “Which blonde?” she said dryly.

  He bent down and nipped the top of her boob. As soon as she yelped, he kissed the spot. “You deserved that. Anyway, she said she was a gift from one of my roadies.”

  “Did she say which one?”

  “No. She probably made it up. Then she offered to suck my cock like it’d never been sucked.”

  Liberty slammed a lid on her jealousy. “There’s a new line.”

  “Not really. But it’s better than the standard I suck harder than a Hoover.”

  She growled at him. “How long did big tits stick around?”

  “No idea. It happened ten minutes after you left. Why?”

  “It bugs me. Not just because I fucking hate women drooling over your dick.”

  “It’s over. Can we forget about it?” Keeping his eyes on hers, Devin teased her lips with fleeting kisses. “So you can start drooling over my dick?”

  She laughed. “Fine. Bring that bad boy up here and I’ll give him a good-morning kiss.”

  “Damn, woman, I love you.”

  He’d said it in such an offhand manner and right before she stuffed his cock in her mouth that it didn’t count. Right before she kissed the crown, she murmured, “I love you too.”

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  “This is Devin,” he answered distractedly.

  “Hey, Devin. It’s Chelsea Lynn from Country Music Today.”

  He smiled. Although Chelsea was a reporter, she was unlike the others he’d dealt with over the years; she had integrity. They’d clicked on a deeper level at their first formal interview, when she’d broken down and told him how much his song “Won’t Be a Tomorrow” had affected her after the death of her older brother. So in a moment of sharing, he’d told her about Michelle. Afterward he kicked himself, suspecting he’d been played and the rookie reporter would pen an angsty article about Devin’s personal tragedy to scoop the competition and to prove herself. But she’d never broken his confidence and he trusted her—which said a lot.

  “Great to hear from you. Did I forget I had an interview or something?”

  “No. But when you get back to Nashville, I’d love to have lunch and talk about the Heroes and Heartbreakers tour.” She paused. “Rumor has it there have been some unsettling incidents. You’ve got a killer PR team if they’re keeping it out of the press.”

  “I learned my lesson with the China Marquette fiasco on how best to game the system. Don’t quote me on that.”

  She laughed. “I won’t. And I’m asking this as your friend, not a nosy reporter looking for a story, but you’re all right?”

  “I’ll admit it’s been a trying tour. The logistics of it, not the fans or the venues.”

  “I definitely want the details on that. But like I said, that’s not why I called.”

  A bad feeling started to take root. “Now you’ve got me concerned, Chels.”

  “You should be, so I’ll get right to it. I received an anonymous e-mail two days ago that offered me the real inside story on your tour. With pictures.”

  “Pictures? Of what?”

  “Of you and your new girlfriend. And the first picture attached to the e-mail was really provocative.”

  Jesus. Liberty would blow a fucking gasket. “There’s more than one picture?”

  “Uh-huh. I played a bit of a cat-and-mouse game with this person. Acting like I didn’t believe they had more to offer. I said we didn’t pay for innuendo and hearsay.”

  “And how’d that go over?”

  “I received four more pictures. All of them in pretty intimate positions with you and this woman. They’re not porn by any stretch, but the shots were taken by someone who has close access to you, Devin.”

  He closed his eyes against the rage churning inside him. “What’d this person want?”

  “A hundred thousand dollars. With more exclusive photos. Not only of you with her, but the inside story about how this woman has ruined the tour. She turned your bandmates against you; she made ridiculous demands at venues; she’s keeping you from your fans and is manipulating the media. This person said your bus was shot up and broken into and your bus driver beaten—in three separate incidents. And she’s put so much stress on Tay, your keyboard player, that she was rushed to the emergency room for stress-related seizures?”

  “Are you fucking kiddin’ me?” he shouted. “That’s so far from the truth, it’s . . .” He inhaled a deep breath. “Shit. Sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. But this is just insane, mostly because there is a kernel of truth to some of it.”

  “That’s what I suspected. Because we’re friends, I have to ask if this new woman you’re involved with is some kind of Svengali?”

  Wasn’t it ironic that he’d kept most the important people in his life in the dark about Liberty’s true purpose on this tour and he was about to tell a tabloid reporter? “Chels, I gotta know we’re one hundred percent off the record right now.”

  “We are.”

  “The woman in those photos is my bodyguard. I’ve had some fucked-up stuff happen to me over the last two years. The tour promotion company insisted I have protection twenty-four hours a day. She’s former military, and our cover story is she’s my personal assistant. But if her picture gets out, with all the ‘who is this mysterious woman’ bullshit, it might ruin her career. I won’t let that happen. The woman has saved my ass a couple of times.”

  Chelsea was quiet for a moment. “So who do you think is doing this? Any jealous ex-girlfriends on tour with you?”

  “Jealous ex? No. Odette is my ex, but she’s got no beef with me.” She did have opportunity, but Devin refused to consider that. Odette was his songwriting partner. He trusted her.

  “What about your tour manager? No offense, but he’s a little gruff and kinda shifty.”

  “Only because he doesn’t want me talkin’ to reporters. So Crash would be last on my list of suspects. Besides, he’s the only one on tour with me who knows she’s really my bodyguard.”

  “Oh. From the e-mail, this person isn’t aware of that. Doesn’t sound like that narrows the list of suspects very much.”

  “No. But I will figure out who is involved.” Devin couldn’t come up with a delicate way to word his question, so he just asked it straight out. “I have to ask what you’re doin’ with all of this?”

  “Nothing. I’d never run this story, Devin. And not because it wouldn’t sell magazines, because it would. It’s just . . . I owe you. You gave me the time of day when no one else would during my cub reporter days. You’ve proven yourself to be a good guy time and time again. You don’t deserve this kind of press. That said . . .”

  Devin knew his laugh had a bitter edge. “When this is all said and done, you want a story or an exclusive interview, right???

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Fine. But I need to ask you a favor. If you haven’t offered to pay this person, is there any way you can stall? Make ’em think you’re getting approval for funds and editorial and all that? My gut feeling is this person doesn’t know how tabloid journalism works.”

  “No problem. I already laid the groundwork for that so I could contact you.”

  “Good. What I don’t want to have happen is this person takes it to your competitor and then it’s out of my control. If you hint that the payday could be even bigger if they get more proof, I’m hopin’ I can catch whoever is doin’ this in the act.”

  “I’ll pass that along too. I haven’t responded after the second batch of photos. I’m assuming you’ll make your bodyguard aware of this situation?”

  Hell no. Liberty was already on double alert because of all the shit that’d gone down. He’d handle this one on his own. Maybe bring Crash in on it—if his manager promised not to go running straight to Liberty with the information.

  “I’m sure it’s no surprise the pictures were taken with a cell phone. Where do you want me to e-mail what I’ve got?”

  Devin had one private e-mail account that wasn’t associated with any of his social media. Since he rarely used it, he had to look it up on his phone. He rattled it off and then ended the call.

  He flopped back onto the bed and closed his eyes. Getting more pissed off wouldn’t be productive. There were ten days left on the tour. Maybe this person would be careless since the opportunity to cash in was nearing the end. He tried to look at the situation logically, not emotionally. But Christ. Who worked for him that he’d pissed off to the point they’d look for such extreme payback?

  Two knocks sounded on the door and he said, “Come in.”

  Liberty came in and locked the door. The mattress moved and then she curled into him. “Hey.”

  “Hey, yourself. What’s up?”

  “You’ve been in here an hour longer than you usually are. I came to see if everything was all right.”

  “Just resting my eyes and wishing I could take you to my favorite Italian joint in this town. Great atmosphere. Best pizza outside of New York City.”

  “Sounds like fun. The only good part about us not going is no extra calories for us to work off tomorrow morning.”

  Devin rolled on top of her. “How about we work off some preshow calories now?” He nuzzled her neck. Her scent filled his lungs and blood filled his cock. “Unbutton your blouse, baby. I wanna suck on you.”

  “You know the drill. If my chest is bare, yours is too.”

  Pushing to his knees, he ditched his shirt. Then he thought, What the hell? and got completely naked.

  Liberty’s upper half was bare. Bare and beautiful.

  He dragged a fingertip between her breasts, over her navel, stopping at the waistband of her pants. “You still have your period?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “Will it bother you if we mess around?”

  “No, just as long as you don’t shove your hand down my pants.” She reached for his cock and smirked. “Why don’t you let me take care of that for you. You want my hand or my mouth?”

  Devin crawled up her body and kissed her. The second their lips touched, his hunger for her was all consuming.

  As she arched into him, her hand worked his cock exactly the way he liked it.

  He broke the kiss and followed her jawline to her ear. “I don’t want your hands or your mouth.” He traced her earlobe with his tongue and tugged with his teeth. “I want to fuck your tits.”

  “I wondered when you’d get around to that, self-admitted tit-loving man that you are.”

  God, he loved her. She was always up for anything. Even after almost four months together, he found it a total fucking turn-on to be with a woman who embraced her sexuality without apology.

  Devin scooted down, dislodging her hand from his cock. “What about me usin’ your vibrator on you? Buzzing that sweet little clit right through your pants?”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “I want to.” He nuzzled the top of her left breast. “I love getting you off. So where’s your vibrator?”

  “In the drawer where I left it last time we used it. Next to the lube.”

  “That’ll come in handy.” After he found what he needed, he said, “Touch yourself. Get your nipples nice and hard.”

  Liberty trailed her fingers up her belly and over her slim torso. She pushed the globes of flesh together. Squeezing and caressing as she worked her fingers ever closer to her nipples.

  Devin stroked his cock as he watched her.

  She rubbed the tips with the palms of her hands before sweeping her thumbs around the aureolae until her nipples constricted. Then she pinched the rigid points with such force that she cried out.

  He was right there, enclosing the abused tip in the wet, suctioning heat of his mouth. He sucked until she writhed. Then he kissed her other breast, teasing it with soft caresses. Scraping his stubbled chin across the wetness he created. Using his hands and his mouth to nip and soothe. Burying his face in her softness like he planned to bury his cock.


  “Say my name like that again,” he demanded as he palmed the battery-operated wand.

  “Devin, baby.”

  “I love that husky sex-voice of yours.” He turned the vibrator on and set it at the top of her pubic bone, while he kept his mouth moving between her nipples.

  “Slide it down,” she panted.


  “No. More to the . . .”

  Taking her hand, he curled it around the vibrator. “You do it and I’ll watch.”

  Liberty pushed the flared tip of the vibrator right where she wanted it and held it there.

  He fisted his cock, keeping a tight grip as he stroked. Knowing by the soft sounds she made that her orgasm was close.

  “Yes.” She canted her hips up and arched her neck, beautiful in her abandonment. Half a minute later, she sank into the mattress and opened her eyes. “That never takes long.”

  “Still fun to watch.”

  She tossed the vibrator aside and licked her lips. “I want you in my mouth before you fuck these.” She pushed her tits together.

  Devin straddled her, tucking his knees beside her ribs. Holding on to the headboard, he lowered his hips until they were level with her face. He painted her lips with the fat cockhead, knowing she wouldn’t taste him until he gave her the go-ahead. Her rapid exhalations on the wet tip were such sweet torture. He ran his knuckles down the side of her face and murmured, “Lick me.”

  She swirled her tongue around and around the rim. Stopping to rub the sweet spot beneath the head with the stiffened tip of her tongue.

  “Open these pretty lips and relax your jaw.” He eased in a little at a time, his breath hissing out as the wet heat of her mouth engulfed almost every inch of his shaft. He pushed in the last two inches until he felt her teeth digging into the base of his cock. Stroking the hollows of her cheeks, he gritted out, “Swallow.”

  Her throat muscles shifted, giving the head of his cock an intimate kiss.

  “Jesus, that’s good. One more time.” After her throat muscles contracted again, he withdrew slowly, enjoying every second of the extra suction as he pulled out. His grip tightened on the headboard and he rested the rim of his cock on her lower lip. He watched those beautiful pale eyes, glittering with lust, as she opened her mouth for him again. “So tempting just to fuck this greedy mouth and forget those luscious tits.” Then he was balls deep in her mouth and he groaned. “Especially when it feels like this. Swallow. Harder. Fuck. Yes. Like that.”

  Liberty hummed, and the vibration traveled straight up his dick and electrified his balls.

  “Jesus, woman. That’s like . . .”

  Hard for her to smile with her face stuffed full of cock, but she managed. And she hummed again.

  Devin groaned. “You’re killin’ me.” He held her jaw as he wi
thdrew. Then he reached for the lube, squirting a thick line between her breasts and another on the top side of his cock. Watching her eyes, he pressed the soft flesh together. “Too much?”

  “No. You can go more.”

  His palms pushed the abundant softness with more force, creating a smaller, tighter space. He canted his pelvis, sliding his cock across her sternum and entering the channel. Not as tight as her cunt or her ass, but warm and soft.

  “I need your hands on me,” he panted.