Page 22 of True

  Jinx rubbed his belly. “That hurt.”

  True advanced, pushing the other male back with his chest. “Don’t flirt with my female again or challenge me in front of her.”

  The feline gaped at him. “You could have hit me when I said that stuff if it pissed you off instead of waiting to retaliate.”

  “It upsets Jeanie to see us fight.” He gave Flirt a dirty look. “You stay away from my female too.”

  Flirt kept his distance. “She made her choice. I respect that.”

  “She doesn’t like violence.” True glared at Jinx. “That’s why I waited until she was gone. I’m trying to prove I can be a good mate by controlling my instincts.”

  “You mean your temper.”

  He shook his head. “Instincts. She’s mine.”

  “Then mate her.”

  “I tried. She won’t do it.” Frustration rode him hard. “That makes me angry.”

  Query took a seat on the tabletop. “Humans need more time to think about making a lifelong commitment. I’ve read they mostly listen to their heads instead of their hearts. They seem to think caution is in order since they don’t trust their instincts.”

  “Maybe the sex was bad,” Jinx muttered.

  True lunged but the other male jumped out of the way, putting a few males between them.

  “It was a joke! Calm down.”

  True snarled, debating whether he should just toss the two males aside and punch the offensive male.

  “Shit. Is that it?” Jinx paled. “I’m sorry. I forgot you weren’t used at Mercile for breeding experiments except for once. I’ve only known you to share sex with a few females since you were released. Is she your first human? I could give you advice if you need some. I’ve shared sex with a lot of them and you mainly just need to be gentler and try to keep silent. Human males don’t get as vocal to show their enjoyment so their females can find it alarming to be growled at.”

  “Shut up, Jinx. You’re certain to start a fight if you keep talking about it.” Query stood and approached True slowly. He stopped a few feet away, his expression grim. “It is a human thing. Don’t take it personal. I’m sure you’ve done everything possible to show her you’d be a good mate. I can see how you feel about her. Just give it a little more time and I’m certain she’ll agree to sign the papers. I also see the way she looks at you and so does Jinx. It’s why he’s being an ass. He’s attracted to her but it’s clear you’re her male.”

  “No need to rub it in.” Jinx moved out from behind the males and sat hard in a chair. He frowned at True. “I just want to make sure she’s protected. It wouldn’t matter if we find the human who used her or not if she were a mate. Species law makes her exempt from being prosecuted. There is a chance that it wasn’t an employee pretending to be that agent. He could have sold the information to someone else or given it to an enemy as revenge if he felt slighted by the NSO.”

  “I tried to explain why she should be my mate and how it would protect her.”

  “What did she say?” Query arched an eyebrow.

  “She didn’t say yes. That’s the bottom line. It’s frustrating.” He held Jinx’s stare. “So is refraining from punching you when you challenge me and preen in front of her, Jinx.”

  “I don’t preen.”

  “You so do.” Flirt threw out his arms and puffed out his chest. “Look at my muscles, female.” One hand lifted and he wiggled his fingers. “The hand works perfectly to touch you with.” He flipped him off. “I know she got the doctors to work on it so it isn’t useless and you had to make sure she noticed that to remind her that she once cared about you. The way you bowed over the table to get in True’s face was just to appear larger than him in an attempt to draw her attention.”

  “I’ll get in your face,” Jinx threatened. “Keep insulting me and we will fight.”

  “Enough!” Query glared at them.

  “At least my name isn’t Flirt,” Jinx spat. “You’re the one who preens enough to earn that title and you actually fought with him in front of Shiver.”

  “I’m just friendly. You’re a klutz! You must be the most uncoordinated Species alive.”

  “I chose my name because it’s bad luck to make me angry. Do you want me to prove that?”

  True cleared his throat. “I need to return to Jeanie.” He glanced around the room, making eye contact with every male. “Jeanie is mine. I won’t hit you in front of her but there will be reprisal if you attempt to challenge me for her interest.” He stared directly at Jinx, then Flirt. “Am I clear?”

  “Perfectly,” Query answered. “Go to your female and be patient.”

  True nodded. “Thank you for helping her. We’ll meet with you just after first shift starts.”

  He spun, marched to the double doors and threw them open. He heard Flirt and Jinx exchange another round of insults before one of them snarled and a chair crashed to the floor. He felt satisfaction that they’d suffer the aftermath of being struck repeatedly since he’d been denied that pleasure. Jeanie would notice bloody knuckles if he got into another fight.

  His light mood faded as he exited the elevator on the third floor and made eye contact with the officer in the hallway. He walked by him, not in the mood to have another discussion with the male. He needed to convince Jeanie to be his mate. Her future couldn’t depend on whether they were able to identify the human pretending to be an agent. She meant too much to him. There was a chance she’d return to the out world if she was cleared of all charges and that made his chest hurt. He couldn’t lose Jeanie forever.

  Jeanie sat on the couch when he locked the door behind him. He glanced around as he inhaled. There was no sight or scent of Luna. “She didn’t stay?”

  “I wanted a few minutes alone.”

  He tensed, automatically becoming suspicious and glanced at the wall where a phone should be. There wasn’t one. Flame hadn’t transferred the line yet. The tension drained out of him as he approached her, certain she hadn’t attempted to contact the out world.

  “Are you well?”

  Her smile didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m a little tired.”

  “Did you eat?”

  “No. I’m still stuffed.”

  He crouched, his knees spread to make room for hers between them, and gripped the edge of the couch on both sides of her thighs. “You need sleep.” He glanced down and wished she needed sex instead. His dick hardened in response to her feminine scent and her closeness. “We’ll go to bed.”

  She reached up and her palm hovered near his cheek but she didn’t make contact.

  “Do it,” he urged.

  Her touch was light as she stroked his face. “You’re so good to me.”

  I’d like to be a lot better. Thoughts of stripping her bare ran through his mind until he had to lower his knees to brace them on the floor just to accommodate how tight the front of his pants had become. The crouching position wasn’t comfortable.

  “Why were you sad earlier? I saw that emotion.”

  She looked away, obviously displeased with the subject.

  “Jeanie?” His voice deepened. “Don’t avoid my questions.” He leaned in closer. “I’m not going anywhere or allowing you to move away until you are honest. Don’t bite your lower lip. You do that when you are undecided but there’s no choice. Talk.”

  She met his gaze. “I hate that you always have to defend me and that you’ve gotten shit from other New Species. You even got into a fight with your friend over me. I feel guilty, okay? All I ever wanted for you was to have a happy life but I’m screwing that up.”

  Her heart was soft. He liked that about her. “I am happy and Species males are aggressive. I’ve fought with plenty of them and will again. It’s just our way.”

  Her fingers slid into his hair. “We had to move into a new apartment. Exactly how many times have you had to do that before I came into your life?”

  The sensation of her fingernails lightly scratching his scalp turned him on even more. It was a reminder o
f how they’d felt raking down his backside while he’d fucked her. “Never, but males don’t usually visit me. We meet downstairs or at other locations. He came into my home looking for a fight and he found one.”

  “Have you ever exchanged blows with Flirt before?”

  “Yes. I train with many males.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “We settle disagreements sometimes with physical gestures. It’s in our nature.” A new thought occurred, a possible reason she might refuse to agree to be his mate. “Are you fearful that I’d ever hit you? I wouldn’t.” He glanced down her body, appalled at the notion. There were a lot of ways he wanted to touch Jeanie but it would only be to create pleasure. He stared deeply into her eyes. “I give my word. I could be enraged but I swear I would never cause you pain.”

  She sat up a little, getting close enough that a deep breath from him would press his chest against hers. “I know that, True. You had every reason in the world to strike out at me when we were at Drackwood but you never did. You could have hurt me if you’d wanted to. I always ignored the safety protocols when I came into your cell.”

  Jeanie had the ability to melt away all the coldness inside him that had built up in his lifetime. “Why did you trust me if you were aware of the danger?”

  “I just wanted to be closer to you.” Her voice softened as she lifted her other hand to place it over his heart. “I couldn’t resist.”

  He couldn’t either as he closed the distance between them and took possession of her mouth. Her soft lips parted in welcome as he kissed her. He wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her firmly against his body. The urge to carry her to his bed was strong but he resisted, trying to take it slow.

  True slid his thumb into the back of her pants, hooked them, and lifted her off the couch with his other arm. She gasped against his tongue but didn’t protest. He shifted his hold and began to tear them down her legs to free her of the material. He had to move away from the couch to do it but achieved his goal of getting her bare when she helped by wiggling and kicking them free.

  He refused to stop kissing her as he lowered her to the soft cushions. Kissing her was incredible but he needed more as he broke away and gasped in air. He studied her flushed features. Her beautiful eyes opened and she stared up at him.

  “Lean back,” he demanded.

  She did it, to his joy. His gaze lowered and he hated the loose T-shirt covering her lap. Her pale thighs were exposed but he wanted to see every inch of her remarkable body. He hoped she didn’t notice that his touch wasn’t as gentle as it should be when he gripped the cotton and tugged. Her arms rose to help him get her out of it. He just tossed the discarded top next to him and gripped her thighs.

  Jeanie gasped when he lifted, manipulating her body easily by sliding her ass to the edge of the seat. He spread her legs wide, exposing her sex to his view. She wasn’t wet enough to take him yet but she would be soon. He planted his face right where he wanted to be most.

  Her surprised sound should have slowed him down but he was too intent on her scent. She was everything good to him as his mouth opened and he fastened his lips around her clit. He sucked, licked, and growled in pleasure when her hands tangled in his hair. He didn’t care if he’d shocked her or even if she attempted to tug him away. He had to have Jeanie.

  Soft moans filled his ears and she caressed him instead of trying to fight him off. He nuzzled in tighter, her inner thighs squeezing a little against his cheeks. It amused him if she believed they were strong enough to distract him. He growled again, louder, knowing what it would do to that sensitive bundle of nerves he played with. Females loved vibrations and Jeanie responded by rubbing her pussy against his mouth.

  “True,” she panted. “Oh yes. God. Don’t stop.”

  He wasn’t about to. Nothing would get him away from her. Her taste drove him wild, his dick was rock hard, and the urge to mount her grew stronger with each passing second. Her fingers knotted in his hair and she sucked in a loud breath. Her clit was stiff, swollen, and he knew she was about to come. He applied more pressure with his tongue, rubbing furiously against the spot he knew she liked best. He had to grab her hips instead of her thighs when she began to buck, almost escaping from his ministrations.

  He pressed down, pinning her under him as he lashed her with the tip of his tongue. Jeanie came with a shout of his name and True enjoyed every quiver of her body as he slowed his licks, savoring the way she jerked as pleasure tore through her body. He’d given her that and now it was his turn.

  He pulled away and lifted up just enough to see her face. Her lips were parted, her eyes closed and sweat beaded her upper lip and forehead. She was so appealing to him, the most sensual sight he’d ever gazed upon. He let go of her hips to grab the front of his pants. It was a wonder he didn’t tear them to get his cock free. It sprang out as soon as he lowered them, feeling heavy and achy.

  Females needed a little time to recover but he just couldn’t give her any. The need to be inside her was too strong. He grabbed one of her ankles and lifted it, resting her leg against his chest. It spread her enough for him to position his hips just right. The broad tip of his dick brushed against the seam of her slick, wet pussy and he pushed, breaching her.

  She was tight, hot, and he clenched his teeth to hold back a howl as he sank into her welcoming depths. It would have felt good to just pound in and out of her but he took her with care, sinking in an inch at a time until he completely filled her. He stayed there a moment, the muscles inside her still quivering, and enjoyed the soft noises she made.

  “Look at me.”

  Her eyes opened and she stared at him with the look of a female still in the throes of passion. He withdrew his dick a little, loving how her pussy seemed to clutch at him, almost resisted releasing him. He withdrew until just the head of his cock was still inside her and suddenly thrust forward in a rapid motion. Her lips parted and she moaned.

  He withdrew slowly, thrust forward fast, and kept that steady pace until her breathing grew choppy. He knew she was about to come again when her muscles surrounding his shaft squeezed him almost painfully tight. Her hips ground against him faster, urging him to join her.

  He reached down and flattened his hand on her lower belly and pressed his thumb pad over her clit. She cried out his name as he rubbed her there, too, knowing the added stimulation would make her climax harder. Her fingernails dug in to his forearm where she clutched at him.

  “True,” she pleaded. “Oh shit. God. I’m going to…”

  He knew exactly how she felt and what she meant. He wanted to explode, fill her with his seed, and experience heaven. Jeanie was that to him. His heaven on Earth was contained within the small female body he rode as he slammed his hips against the cradle of her thighs, sharing his passion with everything he had.

  She stopped breathing, holding it in her lungs, and her eyes closed as she threw back her head. He watched her face as she came, felt her from the inside, and totally lost himself in her as his own pleasure took hold. He rode it out until he’d emptied everything he had inside her.

  “Mate me,” he panted. “Say yes.” Jeanie didn’t respond. It took him a few seconds to realize that and he growled in frustration. “Jeanie? Say you’ll be my mate.”

  “That’s not fair,” she finally got out. Her eyes opened and she frowned. “Don’t ask me that after you blow my mind.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  True paced back and forth between the kitchen and the bedroom door, more than aware that Jeanie watched his every move. Her refusal to agree to be his mate frustrated and angered him. He couldn’t understand why she kept saying no. He paused, catching her gaze.

  “I could make you happy.”

  “I know you could. I’m more worried about the reverse.”

  Her answer stunned him. “You already make me happy.”

  She shielded her body with his shirt, covering her breasts and lap. “There’s so much more to a happy, long-term relationship, Tru
e. We shouldn’t make that kind of commitment yet.”

  Query had warned him that she would need more time and that humans had to think too much instead of relying on their instincts. He was certain he wanted Jeanie as his mate but she obviously had doubts. Patience was needed but he lacked that ability when it came to her. He resumed pacing. It helped calm his temper.

  “You’re going to wear out the carpet,” she warned.

  He didn’t know if that was possible but didn’t care.

  “You’re upset. Talk to me. Please?”

  He halted. “Do you realize the human who read your email or got your message might not be the one who pretended to work for the NSO? Tim and his teams aren’t going to drop this. He wants to send you to prison over something I know you didn’t do. You wouldn’t survive long there, Jeanie. It’s a harsh place. The sex we share is very good and all you have to do is sign papers to become my mate. It will make you an official New Species with the same rights and protections I have.”

  Jeanie wished she could say yes but was wiser than True about relationships. He’d known suffering and hardship in ways she couldn’t imagine but he’d had little to no dating experience. Great sex wasn’t the best foundation to base a lifelong commitment on. She loved him but he wasn’t in love with her. Gratitude for saving his life just wasn’t enough, nor was the strong physical attraction they shared. Only time would tell if he could fall in love with her.

  “I can’t become your mate just because you want to protect me. I really do appreciate the offer, True. Mating is forever so it’s not a choice to make until we’re both absolutely certain it’s for the right reasons. You’re a wonderful man to offer to do this but I can’t allow you to make that sacrifice.”

  He growled, breathing hard. “So you’ll only accept my sharing sex with you? That’s all you want from me?”

  “You make it sound dirty.” Her temper flared. “As though it’s just about sex.”