PRINCE RHOLYND—see Rholynd Nyou.

  PRINCE STYVYN—see Styvyn Khettsyn.

  PRINCE TRAHVYS—see Trahvys Baytz.

  PRINCE ZHONAH—see Zhonah Rahdryghyz.

  PRINCESS CONSORT BETHNY—see Bethny Velahsko.

  PRINCESS FELAYZ—see Felayz Baytz.

  PRINCESS IRYS—see Irys Zhorzhet Mhara Daykyn Aplyn-Ahrmahk.

  PRINCESS OHLYVYA—see Ohlyvya Baytz.

  PRINCESS RAHNYLDAH—see Rahnyldah Bahrns.

  PRINCESS STEFYNY—see Stefyny Bahrns.

  PROCTOR, ELIAS, PH.D.—a member of Pei Shan-wei’s staff and a noted cyberneticist, OAR.

  PRUAIT, CAPTAIN TYMYTHY, Imperial Charisian Navy—newly appointed captain of prize ship Sword of God, HFAF.

  PRUAIT, GENERAL FHRANKLYN, Republic of Siddarmark Army—CO, 76th Infantry Regiment, Sylmahn Gap, MT&T; promoted general, CO, 2nd Rifle Division, LAMA.

  PYANGTU, CAPTAIN OF HORSE BAYZHAU, Imperial Harchongese Army—CO, 231st Volunteer Regiment, 115th Volunteer Brigade, Mighty Host of God and the Archangels, LAMA.

  PYGAIN, FATHER AVRY—Chihirite upper-priest of the Order of the Quill; Archbishop Arthyn Zagyrsk’s secretary and aide, MT&T.

  PYMBYRTYN, CAPTAIN LYWELYN, Imperial Charisian Navy—CO, HMS Vindicator, 68, HFQ.

  PYNHALOH, COLONEL SIR SELVYN, Imperial Desnairian Army—CO, Pynhaloh’s Regiment (light cavalry), cavalry wing, Army of Shiloh, LAMA.

  QUEEN CONSORT HAILYN—see Hailyn Rayno.

  QUEEN MAIYL—see Maiyl Nyou.

  QUEEN MATHYLDA—see Mathylda Bahrns.

  QUEEN SHARLEYAN—see Sharleyan Ahrmahk.

  QUEEN YSBELL—an earlier reigning Queen of Chisholm who was deposed (and murdered) in favor of a male ruler, BSRA.

  QWENTYN, BISHOP LYNAIL, Army of God—CO, St. Yura Division, Army of the Sylmahn, HFQ.

  QWENTYN, COMMODORE DONYRT, Royal Corisandian Navy—Baron Tanlyr Keep, one of Duke of Black Water’s squadron commanders, OAR.

  QWENTYN, OWAIN—Tymahn Qwentyn’s grandson, HFAF.

  QWENTYN, TYMAHN—the current head of the House of Qwentyn, which is one of the largest, if not the largest banking and investment cartels in the Republic of Siddarmark. Lord Protector Greyghor holds a seat on the House of Qwentyn’s board of directors, and the cartel operates the royal mint in the city of Siddar, BSRA.

  RAHDGYRZ, FATHER SYNDAIL, Navy of God—CO, NGS Saint Frydhelm, 40, HFQ.

  RAHDGYRZ, GENERAL SIR SHULMYN, Royal Dohlaran Army—Baron Tymplahr; Sir Rainos Ahlverez’ quartermaster, LAMA.

  RAHDGYRZ, SIR HAIMLTAHN—Duke Harless’ seneschal and the CO of the defenses of the city of Geyra, HFQ.

  RAHDRYGHYZ, PRINCE ZHONAH—Prince of Sardahn, ruler of the Princedom of Sardahn in the Border States, HFQ.

  RAHLSTAHN, ADMIRAL GHARTH, Royal Emeraldian Navy—Earl of Mahndyr, CO, Royal Emeraldian Navy, OAR; third-ranking officer Imperial Charisian Navy, BHD.

  RAHLSTYN, COMMODORE ERAYK, Royal Dohlaran Navy—one of Duke Malikai’s squadron commanders, OAR.

  RAHLSTYN, LIEUTENANT MHARTYN, Royal Dohlaran Navy—XO, HMS Chihiro, 50, MT&T.

  RAHMAHDYN, CAPTAIN LYWYS, Army of God—second-in-command, Camp Dynnys guard force, HFQ.

  RAHS, MAJOR KAYVAIRN, Imperial Charisian Army—CO, 1st Battalion, 1st Scout Sniper Regiment, Imperial Charisian Army, LAMA.

  RAHSKAIL, AHNDRYA—Barkah and Rebkah Rahskail’s youngest child, MT&T.

  RAHSKAIL, COLONEL BARKAH, Imperial Charisian Army—Earl of Swayle; a senior supply officer, Imperial Charisian Army, executed for treason, HFAF.

  RAHSKAIL, REBKAH—Dowager Countess of Swayle; widow of Barkah, mother of Wahlys, MT&T.

  RAHSKAIL, SAMYL—Wahlys Rahskail’s younger brother, MT&T.

  RAHSKAIL, WAHLYS—Earl of Swayle, son of Barkah Rahskail and Rebkah Rahskail, MT&T.

  RAHZMAHN, LIEUTENANT DAHNYLD, Imperial Charisian Navy—Sir Gwylym Manthyr’s flag lieutenant, HFAF.

  RAHZWAIL, CAPTAIN AHLDAHS, Imperial Charisian Navy—XO, Bureau of Ordnance; Sir Ahlfryd Hyndryk’s chief assistant following Commander Urvyn Mahndrayn’s death, MT&T.

  RAICE, BYNZHAMYN—Baron Wave Thunder; King Haarahld VII’s spymaster / royal councilor for intelligence and a member of his Privy Council, OAR; same positions for Cayleb Ahrmahk following King Haarahld’s death, BSRA; member Charisian inner circle, BHD.

  RAICE, LEAHYN—Baroness Wave Thunder; wife of Bynzhamyn Raice, HFAF.

  RAIGLY, SYLVYST—Sir Dunkyn Yairley’s valet and steward, HFAF.

  RAIMAHN, BYRK—Claitahn and Sahmantha Raimahn’s grandson; musician and Reformist, HFAF; CO riflemen sent to Glacierheart by Aivah Parsahn, MT&T; CO, 1st Glacierheart Volunteers, Republic of Siddarmark Army, LAMA.

  RAIMAHN, CLAITAHN—wealthy Charisian expatriate and Temple Loyalist living in Siddar City, HFAF.

  RAIMAHN, SAHMANTHA—Claitahn Raimahn’s wife and also a Temple Loyalist, HFAF.

  RAIMAHND, BYNDFYRD—a Chisholmian banker deeply involved in spreading Charisian-style manufactories to Chisholm, LAMA.

  RAIMAIR, LIEUTENANT TOBYS, Royal Corisandian Guard—late Sergeant Raimair of the Royal Corisandian Army, senior noncom of Daivyn Daykyn’s Royal Guard in exile, HFAF; member Royal Corisandian Guard and CO, Prince Daivyn Daykyn’s personal guard detachment, LAMA.

  RAIMYND, SIR LYNDAHR—Prince Hektor of Corisande’s treasurer, BSRA; royal treasurer and member of the Regency Council, HFAF.

  RAINBOW WATERS, EARL OF—see Taychau Daiyang.

  RAISAHNDO, ADMIRAL CAITAHNO, Royal Dohlaran Navy—captain, CO, HMS Rakurai, 46, HFAF; promoted admiral and second-in-command, Western Squadron, HFQ.

  RAISLAIR, BISHOP EXECUTOR MHARTYN—Archbishop Ahdym Taibyr’s executive assistant, Archbishopric of Desnair, HFAF.

  RAISMYN, LIEUTENANT BYRNHAR, Imperial Charisian Marines—a lieutenant attached to Colonel Wyntahn Harys’ Marines in support of Captain Halcom Bahrns’ operation (“Great Canal Raid”), MT&T.

  RAIYZ, FATHER CARLSYN—Queen Sharleyan’s confessor, BSRA; killed in Sharleyan’s attempted assassination at Saint Agtha’s, BHD.

  RAIZYNGYR, BRIGADIER SIR AHDRYN, Imperial Charisian Army—CO, 6th Mounted Brigade, Imperial Charisian Army, LAMA.

  RAIZYNGYR, COLONEL ARTTU—CO, 2/3rd Marines (2nd Battalion, 3rd Brigade), Charisian Marines, BSRA.

  RAYNAIR, CAPTAIN EKOHLS—CO, privateer schooner Blade, BSRA.

  RAYNO, ARCHBISHOP WYLLYM—Archbishop of Chiang-wu; adjutant of the Order of Schueler, OAR.

  RAYNO, HAILYN—Queen Consort Hailyn, wife of King James II of Delferahk; a cousin of Prince Hektor of Corisande, BSRA.

  RAYNO, KING ZHAMES OLYVYR—King Zhames II of Delferahk; a kinsman by marriage of Hektor Daykyn of Corisande and a distant cousin of Wyllym Rayno, Archbishop of Chiang-wu, BSRA.

  RAZHAIL, FATHER DERAHK—senior healer, Imperial Palace, Cherayth. Upper-priest of the Order of Pasquale, HFAF.

  REJ, MAJOR KRYSTYN, Imperial Charisian Army—CO, 1st Battalion, 12th Mounted Regiment, 6th Mounted Brigade, Imperial Charisian Army, LAMA.

  RHOBAIR, VICAR—see Rhobair Duchairn.

  ROCK COAST, DUKE OF—see Zhasyn Seafarer.

  ROCK POINT, BARON OF—see Sir Domynyk Staynair.

  ROHSAIL, SIR DAHRAND, Royal Dohlaran Navy—captain, CO, HMS Grand Vicar Mahrys, 50, HFAF; admiral, CO, Western Squadron, Royal Dohlaran Navy, based on Claw Island, LAMA.

  ROHZHYR, COLONEL BAHRTOL, Royal Charisian Marines—a senior commissary officer, BSRA.

  ROHZYNKRANZ, BISHOP KLYMYNT, Army of God—CO, 1st Temple Division, HFQ.

  ROPEWALK, COLONEL AHDAM, Charisian Royal Guard—CO, Charisian Royal Guard, OAR.

  ROWYN, CAPTAIN HORAHS—CO, Sir Dustyn Olyvyr’s yacht Ahnyet, OAR.

  ROWZVEL, ARCHBISHOP TRUMAHN—Archbishop of Gorath, a Langhornite, HFAF.

  RUDAHRY, FATHER AIMOHS—a Schuelerite priest and inquisitor selected to oversee the “escort” of Temple Guardsmen detailed to transport Earl Thirsk’s family to Zion, HFQ.

  RUHSAIL, PRIVATE AHNTAHN, Army of God—assigne
d to Camp Chihiro guard force, HFQ.

  RUHSTAHD, FATHER KUHNYMYCHU—a Schuelerite upper-priest assigned to Camp Chihiro, HFQ.

  RUSTMYN, EDYMYND—Baron Stonekeep; King Gorjah III of Tarot’s first councilor and spymaster, OAR.

  RYCHTAIR, NYNIAN—illegitimate daughter of Grand Vicar Chihiro IX, adopted sister of Adorai Dynnys, BSRA; see Ahnzhelyk Phonda, Frahncyn Tahlbaht, Aivah Pahrsahn, and Arbalest. Mother Superior of the Order of Saint Khody and creator and leader of Helm Cleaver, a covert action organization directed against the Group of Four, HFQ.

  RYCHTYR, GENERAL SIR FAHSTYR, Royal Desnairian Army—CO of the vanguard of the Dohlaran Army invading the Republic of Siddarmark, MT&T; CO, Trevyr garrison, LAMA.

  RYDACH, FATHER ZHORDYN—Rebkah Rahskail’s Temple Loyalist confessor; officially an under-priest (actually an upper-priest) of the Order of Chihiro, MT&T.

  RYDMAKYR, KAHLVYN, EARL OF CHESHYR—physically incapacitated Earl of Cheshyr, HFQ.

  RYDMAKYR, KARYL, DOWAGER COUNTESS OF CHESHYR—regent for her son, Kahlvyn Rydmakyr, Earl of Cheshyr, HFQ.

  RYDMAKYR, STYVYN—son and heir of Kahlvyn Rudymakyr, HFQ.

  RYDNAUYR, MAJOR KAHLVYN—CO, 5th Mountaincross Rangers, Temple Loyalist partisans; CO, Chestyrtyn garrison, LAMA.

  RYNDYL, FATHER AHLUN—General Trumyn Stohnar’s chaplain, MT&T.

  SAHBRAHAN, LIEUTENANT YEREK, Imperial Charisian Navy—a naval battery commander serving under Commander Hainz Watyrs in Glacierheart Province, MT&T.

  SAHBRAHAN, PAIAIR—the Earl of Thirsk’s personal valet, HFAF.

  SAHDLYR, LIEUTENANT BYNZHAMYN, Royal Charisian Navy—second lieutenant, galleon HMS Dreadnought, 54, OAR.

  SAHDLYR, MAJOR BORYS, TEMPLE GUARD—a guardsman of the Inquisition assigned to Siddar City as part of the Sword of Schueler, HFAF.

  SAHLAHMN, PETTY OFFICER AHGUSTAHS, Imperial Charisian Navy—Sir Bruhstair Ahbaht’s personal coxswain, HFQ.

  SAHLAVAHN, CAPTAIN TRAI—cousin of Commander Urvyn Mahndrayn; CO, Hairatha Powder Mill, HFAF.

  SAHLMYN, SERGEANT MAJOR HAIN, Royal Charisian Marines—Colonel Zhanstyn’s battalion sergeant major, BHD.

  SAHLTMYN, LIEUTENANT HENRAI, Royal Dohlaran Navy—one of Captain Lywystyn’s battery commanders on Claw Island, LAMA.

  SAHLYS, MAJOR GAHVYN, Republic of Siddarmark Army—CO, 5th Company, 37th Infantry Regiment, Republic of Siddarmark Army, MT&T.

  SAHLYVAHN, LIEUTENANT DAHGLYS, Republic of Siddarmark Army—General Trumyn Stohnar’s aide, MT&T.

  SAHMYRSYT, GENERAL BARTYN, Imperial Charisian Army—CO, Army of Old Province, LAMA; knighted and CO, Army of New Northland, HFQ.

  SAHNDAHL, COLONEL FRAIMAHN, Delferahkan Royal Guard—XO, Delferahkan Royal Guard, HFAF.

  SAHNDFYRD, TAHVYS—a junior partner and representative of Ehdwyrd Howsmyn sent to Chisholm to assist Sharleyan in creating Chisholmian manufactories, LAMA.

  SAHNDHAIM, BISHOP MERKYL—a Schuelerite and Earl Rainbow Waters’ intendant with the Mighty Host of God and the Archangels, HFQ.

  SAHNDHAIM, COLONEL STYWYRT, Army of God—CO, 1st Regiment, Zion Division, Army of Glacierheart, MT&T.

  SAHNDYRS, BISHOP STYWYRT—Reformist Bishop of Solomon, Princedom of Emerald, MT&T.

  SAHNDYRS, GENERAL SIR LAIMYN, Royal Desnairian Army—Sir Rainos Ahlverez’ senior field commander in the main body of the Dohlaran Army invading the Republic of Siddarmark; effectively, Ahlverez’ second-in-command, MT&T.

  SAHNDYRS, LIEUTENANT WAHLTAYR, Imperial Charisian Army—Colonel Hynryk Celahk’s aide, LAMA.

  SAHNDYRS, MAHRAK—Baron Green Mountain; Queen Sharleyan of Chisholm’s first councilor, OAR; first councilor of Chisholm within Charisian Empire, BSRA; wounded and incapacitated by terrorist attack, HFAF. Effectively Sharleyan Aplyn-Ahrmahk’s second father, having served her father, King Sailys, in the same role, HFAF.

  SAHNDYRSYN, LIEUTENANT DAIRYN, Imperial Charisian Navy—CO, Trumpeter Redoubt, Thesmar, LAMA.

  SAHNDYRSYN, MAJOR BRYNTWYRTH, Republic of Siddarmark Army—CO, 4th Company, 63rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Rifle Division, 2nd Corps, Army of New Northland, HFQ.

  SAHNGYRMAIN, COLONEL EDWYN, Army of God—Bishop Gorthyk Nybar’s senior artillerist, Army of Fairkyn, HFQ.

  SAHRKHO, FATHER MOHRYS—Empress Sharleyan’s confessor, HFAF.

  SAIGAHN, CAPTAIN MAHRDAI, Royal Charisian Navy—CO, HMS Guardsman, 44, HFAF.

  SAIGYL, CAPTAIN ZEBDYAH, Imperial Charisian Navy—CO, HMS Vortex, 30, HFQ.

  SAIGYL, COMMANDER TOMPSYN, Imperial Charisian Navy—one of Sir Ahlfryd Hyndryk’s senior assistants; Bureau of Ordnance’s chief liaison with Sir Dustyn Olyvyr, MT&T; CO, Bureau of Ships, LAMA.

  SAIKOR, BISHOP EXECUTOR BAIKYR—Archbishop Praidwyn Laicharn’s bishop executor; a Pasqualate, HFAF.

  SAINT HOWAN, EARL OF—see Sir Dynzayl Hyntyn.

  SAIRAH HAHLMYN—Queen Sharleyan’s personal maid, BSRA.

  SAITHWYK, ARCHBISHOP FAIRMYN—Reformist Archbishop of Emerald for the Church of Charis, HFAF.

  SALTAIR, HAIRYET—Crown Princess Alahnah’s second nanny, HFAF.

  SALTHAR, DUKE OF—see Shain Hauwyl.

  SANDKARAN, LIEUTENANT ERAYK, Royal Dohlaran Army—CO, 4th Platoon, 5th Company, Sheldyn’s Regiment, Army of the Seridahn, HFQ.

  SARFORTH, COMMANDER QWENTYN, Imperial Charisian Navy—senior officer in command, Brankyr Bay, Kingdom of Tarot, MT&T.

  SARMAC, JENNIFER—an Eve who escaped the destruction of the Alexandria Enclave and fled to Tellesberg, BSRA.

  SARMAC, KAYLEB—an Adam who escaped the destruction of the Alexandria Enclave and fled to Tellesberg, BSRA.

  SARMOUTH, BARON OF—see Sir Dunkyn Yairley.

  SATYRFYLD, MAJOR LAREK, Republic of Siddarmark Militia—CO, 2nd Company, 1st Glacierheart Volunteers, LAMA.

  SAWAL, FATHER RAHSS—an under-priest of the Order of Chihiro, the skipper of one of the Temple’s courier boats, BSRA.

  SAWYAIR, SISTER FRAHNCYS—senior nun of the Order of Pasquale, Convent of the Blessed Hand, Cherayth, HFAF.

  SAYLKYRK, MIDSHIPMAN TRAHVYS, Imperial Charisian Navy—senior midshipman, HMS Destiny, 54, HFAF; fourth lieutenant, HMS Destiny, 54, MT&T.

  SAYRANOH, CORPORAL BRUNOHN, Imperial Charisian Army—squad leader, 1st Squad, Company B, 1st Battalion, 1st Scout Sniper Regiment, Imperial Charisian Army, LAMA.

  SCHAHL, FATHER DAHNYVYN—upper-priest of the Order of Schueler working directly for Bishop Mytchail Zhessop; attached to Colonel Aiphraim Tahlyvyr’s dragoon regiment, HFAF.

  SCHMYD, PRIVATE MAHKZWAIL, Royal Dohlaran Army—2nd Section, 3rd Platoon, 1st Company, Ahzbyrn’s Regiment (cavalry), Dohlaran component, Army of Shiloh, LAMA.

  SCHYLLYR, FATHER AHMBROHS—a Schuelerite priest; intendant, Fyrgyrsyn Division, Army of Glacierheart, LAMA.

  SCOVAYL, BISHOP TYMAHN, Army of God—CO, Fyrgyrsyn Division, Army of Glacierheart, LAMA.

  SEABLANKET, RHOBAIR—the Earl of Coris’ valet, HFAF.

  SEACATCHER, BRIGADIER SIR LAIMYN, Imperial Charisian Army—elder son of the Baron of Mandolin; CO, 5th Mounted Brigade, Imperial Charisian Army, LAMA.

  SEACATCHER, SIR RAHNYLD—Baron Mandolin; a member of Cayleb Ahrmahk’s Royal Council, BSRA.

  SEAFARER, ZHASYN—Duke of Rock Coast, MT&T.

  SEAFARMER, SIR RHYZHARD—Baron Wave Thunder’s senior investigator, OAR.

  SEAHAMPER, SERGEANT EDWYRD, Charisian Imperial Guards—Sharleyan Ahrmahk’s personal armsman since age ten, member Charisian inner circle, BSRA.

  SEAMOUNT, BARON OF—see Sir Ahlfryd Hyndryk.

  SEAROSE, FATHER GREYGHOR, Navy of God—CO, NGS Saint Styvyn, 52. Senior surviving officer of Kornylys Harpahr’s fleet. A Chihirite of the Order of the Sword, HFAF.

  SEASMOKE, LIEUTENANT YAIRMAN, Imperial Charisian Navy—XO, HMS Dancer, 56, HFAF.

  SEATOWN, CAPTAIN WAHLTAYR—CO of merchant ship Fraynceen, acting as a courier for Prince Hektor’s spies in Charis, OAR. See also Lieutenant Fraizher Maythis, OAR.

  SEEGAIRS, FATHER AHNDAIR—a Schuelerite upper-priest; te
chnically Ernyst Abernethy’s senior assistant as the intendant of the Army of the Sylmahn but actually Zhaspahr Clyntahn’s senior agent inquisitor in the Army of the Sylmahn’s hierarchy, HFQ.

  SEEGAIRS, FATHER HAHSKYLL—a Schuelerite upper-priest and inquisitor; a senior member of Inquisitor General Wylbyr Edwyrds’ staff, LAMA.

  SEEVYRS, LIEUTENANT ALYK, Royal Dohlaran Navy—first lieutenant, screw-galley HMS Lance, HFQ.

  SEIDYNG, LORD OF HORSE ZHOWKU, EARL OF SILKEN HILLS, Imperial Harchongese Army—CO, Southern Mighty Host of God and the Archangels (the forces being detached to shore up the Church’s position following the destruction of the Army of Glacierheart), HFQ.

  SELKYR, BRYAHN—Earl of Deep Hollow; a member of the Northern Conspiracy in Corisande, executed for treason, HFAF.

  SELKYR, PETTY OFFICER AHNTAHN, Imperial Charisian Navy—a boatswain’s mate, HMS Destiny, 54, HFAF.

  SELLYRS, MAJOR ZHORJ, Royal Dohlaran Army—CO, 3rd Company, Ahzbyrn’s Regiment (cavalry), Dohlaran component, LAMA.

  SELLYRS, PAITYR—Baron White Church; Keeper of the Seal of the Kingdom of Charis; a member of Cayleb Ahrmahk’s Royal Council, BSRA.

  SEVYRS, TRYNT, Imperial Charisian Navy—ironclad HMS Delthak, 22; Halcom Bahrns’ steward, LAMA.

  SHAIKYR, LARYS—CO, privateer galleon Raptor, BSRA.

  SHAILTYN, CAPTAIN DAIVYN, Imperial Charisian Navy—CO, HMS Thunderbolt, 58, HFAF; “frocked” to commodore to command the squadron escorting the Charisian Expeditionary Force to the Republic of Siddarmark, MT&T.

  SHAIMUS, DAHNVYRS, LIEUTENANT, Imperial Charisian Army—CO, 1st Platoon, 1st Company, 19th Mounted Regiment, 10th Mounted Brigade, 1st Corps, Army of New Northland, HFQ.

  SHAIN, PAYTER, Imperial Charisian Navy—captain, CO, HMS Dreadful, 48. Admiral Nylz’ flag captain, BSRA; admiral, flag officer commanding ICN squadron based on Thol Bay, Kingdom of Tarot, HFAF; CO, Inshore Squadron, Gulf of Jahras, LAMA.

  SHAIOW, ADMIRAL OF THE BROAD OCEANS CHYNTAI, Imperial Harchongese Navy—Duke of Sun Rising; senior officer afloat, Imperial Harchongese Navy, HFAF.

  SHAIRN, DUKE OF—see Sir Slohkym Dahrnail.

  SHAIRNCROSS, LADY—see Zhain Parkair.

  SHAIRNCROSS, LORD—see Weslai Parkair.

  SHANDYR, HAHL—Baron of Shandyr, Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald’s spymaster, OAR.