Page 29 of Heart of the Wolf

Page 29


  “I’m investigating the disappearance of a red wolf from the zoo. ”

  “You think I’d keep a red wolf in my house? Ha! Aren’t they dangerous?”

  “Were you at papagalli’s Dance club tonight, Miss Wilder?”

  Devlyn rubbed Bella’s arm and whispered into her ear, “Breathe, Bella. ”

  “I don’t go to dance clubs,” chrissie told Thompson, her voice firm but still saccharine sweet. “What makes you think I was there?” “can I come in?”

  Bella stepped back. Devlyn leaned down and kissed her cheek. “It’s okay, Bella. ”

  Chrissie said to Thompson, “You haven’t established your identity as a cop yet. I don’t let just any man into my house, despite the fact that you’re a pretty hot number. ”

  Silence. Then Thompson said, “Messages were sent from an email address that belongs to a Bella Wilder, at this residence. If you didn’t send those messages, who did?”

  “Just exactly who are you?”

  “Thompson. I have connections with the Oregon Zoo, and, as I said, I’m investigating the disappearance of a red wolf. ”

  “Got a first name?”

  “Look, the wolf may be in danger. I think you and your friends have some notion that Rosa’s safer in the wild than in the zoo, but, as I explained to your friend, releasing a red wolf into the wild can have dire consequences for the animal. ”

  Chrissie’s voice elevated. “Listen, I don’t like zoos. Let the animals live in their natural habitats. That’s what I say. ”

  Bella shook her head and then took a step forward, in rescue mode. Devlyn gathered her in his arms, keeping her still.

  Thompson cleared his throat when Chrissie didn’t incriminate herself anymore. “That’s just what I figured. So where are your cohorts?”

  “What were they supposed to look like? Do you have their names?”

  “All right, I’ll humor you. The girl’s a petite redhead with amber-colored eyes. No name though. We found her in the zoo, freezing to death — “

  “Naked?” Chrissie asked, the tone of her voice raised in disbelief.

  That would take some explaining.

  Thompson’s voice showed marked enthusiasm. “Yeah, that’s the one. She’s only considered a witness at this point, though. ”

  “And. . . and she disappeared from the hospital, right? I mean, even though cops were watching her, some guy stole her away right out from under their noses. ” Chrissie sounded intrigued.

  “Yep. Now you remember. ”

  “The news was all over the papers. Sure, I remember. With a story like that, who wouldn’t have?”

  “The guy’s tall, about six-foot — “

  “Ah,” Chrissie said, as if she were putting two and two together and coming up with Bella’s old acquaintance.

  “Six-foot-one,” Devlyn said under his breath.

  Bella pinched his arm. “Shhhh. ”

  “Dark brown hair and eyes. Muscular. He tried to free the wolf from the zoo on pretenses he was transferring her to another zoo. Then he arrives at the hospital, frees his partner, and vanishes. ”

  “Wow. ” There was another lengthy pause. “But why would she have been naked at the zoo, of all things?”

  “Little lady wasn’t talking. She ran off before we could extract the truth from her. ”

  “But what has this to do with the dance club?”

  “You signed off as Rosa, but the email said you were a red wolf seeking a fun-loving red wolf male. Rosa was the name I gave to the wolf that was stolen from the zoo. ”

  “Ah, well, I had about sixty people here at a party earlier. Someone must have played some kind of a prank. ”

  “Is that so?” Thompson asked.

  “Yep. ”

  “I want a guest list. ”

  Bella’s whole body tensed. Devlyn massaged her shoulders.

  “You’re not a cop,” Chrissie reminded the zoo man.

  “You’re right, I’m not. But I can ask my friend, the chief of police, to issue a search warrant and — “

  Bella stiffened her back again.

  “Well, maybe, Thompson, we could work up that list over dinner. You’re not married, are you?”

  Again a pregnant pause followed.

  Thompson cleared his throat. “No, well, divorced, but — “

  “Well, me, too. See we have a lot in common. You like animals and I do also. Maybe you can tell me more about this red wolf of yours. I’ll grab my coat, and we can go to that new Chinese restaurant on Main Street. Got paper and a pen? I’ll make that list for you. ”

  Another prolonged silence. Then Thompson gave a nervous little cough. “All right. ”

  He sounded like he’d gotten bamboozled into the dinner date, but maybe he’d find out what he wanted from Chrissie when he wined and dined her. At least that’s what Devlyn would have tried.

  Footsteps headed in their direction. Bella backed away from the door, but Devlyn prepared to tackle Thompson if he tried to enter the room. But it was Chrissie. She pushed the door open wider and grinned.

  “Got a coat?” she whispered.

  “What about your children?” Bella asked, her voice hushed and concerned.

  “At their dad’s the rest of the week. ”

  “What about this list — “

  “Don’t worry. Your name will be at the top. Bella Wilder. ” chrissie grinned again. “After I have a lovely dinner with Thompson, and maybe take in a movie, I’ll try to make him forget he was after the two of you. ”

  “How did you know about Thompson coming here to see me and — “

  “My neighbor called and said Thompson had come to her house to see if Bella Wilder had a wolf in the yard or a strange man visiting or living with her. She knew you and I are best of friends and thought I could warn you. He came to my door next, but I sneaked around the back way to your place. I figured you might need my help. ” She winked at Devlyn. “You know it’s awfully important to renew old acquaintances without a lot of interruptions. ” Her gaze shifted down Devlyn’s bare torso.

  Interrupting chrissie’s gawking, Bella handed her a dressy raincoat. “Thanks, chrissie, for being such a good friend. ”

  “Like sisters,” chrissie said, her chin tilted down. “I owe you for lots of times. What a wonderful night this is going to be. ” She exited the room with a definite spring to her step and strode down the hall.

  Bella whispered to Devlyn, “Thompson is never going to know what hit him. ”

  “Husband candidate number two, don’t you think?”

  Bella nodded. “poor man. Wait until he finds out she’s got a couple of elementary school-age kids. ”

  When chrissie reached the front door, she said to Thompson, “Maybe you can explain to me why the animals are so much better off in a zoo. Never know. You might even convince me to change my mind. ”

  “Yeah, well, Miss Wilder — “

  “Call me Chrissie. That’s what everyone calls me. Here, can you help me with my coat?”

  “Sure. ”

  “Hmm, such a big man with large capable hands, but with a tender touch. I bet you keep all those wild animals in line, don’t you, but with finesse?”

  The front door slammed shut.

  If Bella hadn’t been trembling so hard, Devlyn would have laughed out loud at Chrissie’s actions. Instead, he held Bella close and hugged the breath from her chest. Kissing her head, he said, “What do you want to do now?”

  “My heart tells me to run. . . to hide. I don’t want to go to jail or back to a zoo cage. I don’t want to expose our people for what they are. ”

  “What about the red lupus garou killer?”

  “We have to stop him no matter what. ” She ran her hands over Devlyn’s arms. “I hope Chrissie won’t be hurt. ”

  “What do you imagine she thinks about us?”

  Bella looked up at Devlyn. “Th
at you’re some kind of wild guy. She’s always thought of me as very tame-natured. Quiet lifestyle — no dating, carousing, partying. Just nature retreats from time to time. But since you arrived — “

  Devlyn chuckled.

  “I’m sure she thinks you’re a bad influence. ”

  “What do you think?”

  “I’d have to agree. . . happily. ”

  Kissing her cheek, he slipped his hands inside her dress. She shook her head.

  “Ah, Bella. ”

  “We have work to do. Play later. You know as well as I do — “ “We have to find the killer. ”

  “And we won’t find him — “

  Devlyn smiled. “In your bed. ”

  “You always could finish my sentences when we were young. ” She changed out of her dress and into black denims and a turtleneck.

  “I always knew what you were thinking, lovely Bella. ”

  “Not always. ” She pulled her hiking boots out of the closet.

  “Oh? Tell me a for instance. ” He pulled his shirt on.

  “The time I caught you kissing Vernetta. ”

  “You wished it was you and not her. ” He buttoned the last of his buttons.

  Bella growled. “I did not! I wanted to. . . to — “

  “You wanted me to kiss you. Admit it, Bella. ” The scene played back in his mind like it was only yesterday. She’d just turned sixteen, he nineteen. Vernetta was twenty, but meaner than a bull on steroids. If it hadn’t been for Volan keeping an eye on Bella, the rufus lupus would have been the one Devlyn would have shared his kisses with.

  Bella growled again and yanked one of her shoes on, tied the leather laces, and then the other.

  He smiled to see her cheeks on fire, now as red as her hair. “I only kissed her on a dare. ”

  “Right,” she snapped.

  “Really. Three of my older cousins had tried to kiss her. She’d bitten each in return. They bet me that she would bite me, too. ”