Mr. Prickles had reached the peak of his intelligence when he rescued Advan from the dog and was able to speak. Now, he would begin to regress to his former nature, losing most of what the Mad Forester had given him. He knew this on a basic level and almost regretted the loss, but he had more important things to worry about. He was riding the horse towards a door that he knew led out to a courtyard. Tabby's dog was racing behind him barking excitedly.

  He saw the door in the distance and pressed his feet into the horse's side. There was a large crack in the bottom of the door which was just large enough for him and the horse, but too small for the dog. He went through this door and emerged into the courtyard which would have easily held an entire village or two. He could hear the dog barking at him from the other side. Then he heard a giant's voice.

  "'Ey, now," he said, "what's the matter with ya'? Wanna go outside, do ya'? Okay then, but you'll be out there all night!"

  The giant door swung open and the dog burst into the courtyard after the chimp. As the door swung shut again, Mr. Prickles went through it, between two giant legs, and went back into the palace. The giant did not notice the animals and closed the door completely. Mr. Prickles could hear the dog barking outside the door and grinned in glee as he rode the horse back down the hallway.

  He knew where the humans were going and he knew that they needed him. He was not sure what he could do for them, but even as he felt his temporary intelligence fading away, he knew that something else was growing inside of him. The feeling was very strange, but somehow important and he knew that if he did not get to the humans in time, all would be lost.

  He headed towards the throne room. As he reached the massive doors he sniffed the air and was alarmed to find that there was the scent of humans and horses, but none of them were his companions. Someone else was in there waiting for them.
Ardy's Novels