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  Javan's three best warriors were Advan the Dwarf, an instructor at Javan's military academy, his best friend, and pound for pound the fiercest and proudest warrior Javan had ever known, Lazarah, a beautiful blond haired twenty year old woman who fought better than most men and wouldn't be caught dead in a dress or make-up, let alone the "girly pink uniforms" of the army, and Jack, son of Brock, though he hated it when anyone called him that. Brock was a dragon slayer and former general in Dargod who had died in battle fifteen years earlier when Jack was four years old. All of his life Jack had heard about his father's heroism and battle prowess and, while he loved and respected his father, he was determined to be known as more than the Son of Brock. Jack and Lazarah were both students at the academy.

  These three stood outside the palace gate waiting for Javan to return.

  "What do you suppose King Orvan the Moron has in mind for us?" Jack asked his companions.

  "Don't call our king that!" warned Advan. "He may be insane, but he still deserves our respect!"

  "He has my respect," Jack replied, "but I do not want to risk my life trying to capture a magic chipmunk or spend my best years writing epic poems about fish stew!"

  Lazarah laughed at that, until a cold glare from the dwarf silenced her.

  "You're right, lad," Advan said. "But he is our king and we are sworn to obey him."

  "There's Javan!" Lazarah said.

  Javan was coming back from the palace. He was not alone. A small figure was walking with him, holding his hand. At first glance they thought that it was a rather small dwarf. Then, based on the way it was walking, they thought that it was a young child. When Javan was close enough to be illuminated by the torches at the gate they saw that his companion was a chimpanzee in a pink and yellow uniform.

  "So?" Advan asked.

  "We have our mission," Javan said, sounding far less than enthused.

  "What is that?" Lazarah asked, pointing to the chimp.

  "This is Mr. Prickles," Javan sighed, "our traveling companion."

  "Our what?" asked Jack.

  "You mean to tell me that we're taking that filthy beast with us?" Advan asked.

  "The king has ordered it," Javan told him.

  "You mean the king's dog has ordered it," Lazarah replied. "Whatever this mission is, how does the king expect us to accomplish it with that ape trailing along?"

  Mr. Prickles, sensing that Lazarah was complaining about him, stuck his tongue out at her.

  "You aren't going to have to worry about that," Javan told his companions. "I have decided not to take the three of you on this mission."

  "What?" Jack asked. "Why not?"

  "The king wants us to bring back an orange rose petal from the throne room of Donovan the Giant King," Javan said. "That mission is suicide. I won't ask you to come with me."

  "But you're planning on doing it?" Advan asked.

  "I am."

  "Alone?" Advan asked.

  "He's not alone," said Jack with a mischievous smile, "he's got the brave Mr. Prickles!"

  "I made a blood oath to Orvan," Javan said. "I promised to obey him no matter what he commanded. If he wants me to bring him an orange rose petal from the Kingdom of the Northern Giants, then I will bring him back the rose petal or die trying."

  "Then I'm going with you," Advan said.

  "As am I," declared Lazarah.

  "Me too," Jack added.

  "No," Javan told them. "You are not. I will not ask you to lay your lives down for this insane quest."

  "But Javan," Advan began, but Javan held up his hand to silence the dwarf. Mr. Prickles held up his own hand in mimicry and grinned.

  "I've made my decision, Advan," he said. "Take these two back to the academy and resume training the soldiers there. If I do not return, the school is yours."

  Advan was about to protest again, but a stern look from Javan silenced him. Javan turned to walk away, still holding the chimpanzee's hand.

  "He's not serious," Jack said as they watched him go.

  "He is always serious, lad," Advan replied.

  The four of them had left their horses tied to a post a few yards away. Javan went and untied his horse, a brown stallion with a large white spot on his left side, and he and Mr. Prickles mounted him and rode away.

  "Well," Lazarah said, "should we head back to the academy?"

  "Soon," said Advan. "But I need a drink first. Let's find ourselves a tavern."

Ardy's Novels