Page 9 of Ellingsonian

Monday 26

  Well, I don't find them, the hospital is too big, and he changed a lot since I had spine surgery. I am drinking a coffee at the cafeteria. They offer the Wi-Fi! That's enough for me, but, with that, they even have a sunny terrace. I just said have a nice day to a female ambulance driver and to the man on a wheel chair who was talking with her at the next table.

  I just say hello to the most sold writer in the world: Marc Levy! He's signing his newest book on national street. He saw an Angel. He's going to follow me. Just the way I said these few words, he knows I friendly don't ask for money. We have an appointment. Paris here I come! Oh God, I much I can't wait. This is going to be so awesome. Paris, Tokyo, New-York. Los Angeles! Spanglish! Lauren Sivan... wow, just thinking about her makes my heart beat.

  And what about Sydney and the Queen of Australia: Kylie Minogue? Heavens. I've got to listen to her new LP. I'd like to visit Australia. I just know that my life is going to suddenly change, in good. May the Sky be with us. I want to settle down, that's for sure, and keep on fighting for womenkind. For the kids and the men too, of course, but, well, how to say? I just wanna love, and to be loved too. Faithfully. Who doesn't try to deserve that?

  While passing in front of the tobacconist of the plaza of the Victory, I say to stop drinking to that fellow Tourangeau that I know by sight since many years. Then, 10 minutes later, passing in front of that establishment on my way back home, he was still there, but there was a truck belonging to the fire fighters, right there, since in France, they are often called instead of an ambulance, and 3 of them, standing in front of him. He was now on the phone, talking to his doctor apparently, panicked by how weak he suddenly was. They called them because he just had a malaise. He almost fainted. That's what he said, and that with the fire fighters they didn't knew what to do, where to take him, what was going on. So, I waited a bit with them for the end of that phone call, a bit like a fourth crew member, and when he hanged up, I intervened by putting one of my Hollywood chewing gums on the table, and I told him, in front everybody in that circle who was now also including a woman at the door, to take it, and that chewing gum makes people solid, like I tweeted yesterday. Exactly what he needed! The Sky then did the Miracle. He's going to say hat I healed him. The fire fighters too. They are very surprised by the David Santamaria effect. It's he pretend to be sick. He can't anymore. He's solid now.