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11. Hebard, 1957, Sacajawea, pp. 188,191, 240–42.

  12. Hebard, 1957, p. 191; see also, Frazier, pp. 171–74; and Clark and Edmonds, pp. 118–20, 145.

  13. A personal letter to A.L.W. from Merrill J. Mattes of the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, March 6, 1968.

  14. On December 8 and 21,1967, Mary K. Dempsey, Librarian of the Montana Historical Society, wrote that “Montanans are inclined to believe that she [Sacajawea] died at Fort Union, December 20,1812.” Actually Fort Union was not built until 1829 and this wholearea is now under the waters impounded by the Garrison Reservoir.

  Mary Dempsey also wrote: “There is a queer story told by the Minnetaree warrior, Bull’s Eye, in open council, where other Indians could hear and correct his story. He claimed to be the grandson of Sacajawea, wife of ‘Sharbonish,’ with whom she went ‘far away somewhere, and she was killed,’ said Bull’s Eye, ‘by hostile Indians near Glasgow, Montana, when I was four years old, in 1869.’”

  15. A personal letter to A.L.W. from Will Robinson, secretary of the South Dakota State Historical Society, January 18,1968.

  16. Clift, p. 194.

  17. Hall, August 15, 1971.

  18. From Sacajawea, by Harold P. Howard. Copyright 1971 by the University of Oklahoma Press.

  At a later time large boulders were set at the head and foot of the grave. A stone marker was erected at the grave in 1909 by H. E. Wadsworth, the Shoshoni agent. This marker was a gift from Timothy F. Burke, of Cheyenne, Wyoming. On the inclined face of the marker was a bronze tablet describing Sacajawea as a guide with the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The tablet also carried the words: “Identified 1908 by Rev. J. Roberts.”

  19. This new marker carries the date 1907 when Reverend J. Roberts identified the grave of Sacajawea.


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