Page 16 of Ignite

  I stepped into the bedroom and came to a stop. A package was sitting on the bed wrapped in plain white paper.

  “I’m heating up some of the lasagna I made last night,” Adaline said from the kitchen.

  As I picked up the package, I said, “Okay, baby. I’ll be right there.”

  There was no note or card anywhere on the package. Ripping it open, I held a box in my hand. Lifting the lid, I pinched my eyebrows together as I reached in and lifted out a picture frame. Smiling, I sat down and looked at the picture of me holding Lola when she was about twelve weeks old.

  “What’s that?” Adaline asked as she walked in and sat down next to me.

  I laughed as I looked at Adaline. “Like you don’t know.”

  As she glanced down at the picture, she smiled and said, “Is that Lola as a puppy? Oh my gosh, she is so cute. Where did you get this picture?”

  I pinched my eyebrows together and asked, “You mean you didn’t give this to me?”

  Adaline wore a confused face and said, “Nope. The only pictures I’ve ever seen is the one on your mantel of you holding Lola in your arms right after you got her and the one in the living room when she was older. I’ve never seen this one.”

  I shrugged as I glanced at the photo. “I wonder who put this here then?”

  Adaline slapped her hands on her legs as she stood up. “Maybe your sister or mom? They were both in here earlier during the race. Wasn’t there a card?”

  I shook my head. “Nope.” Standing, I walked over and placed the picture next to my bed. “It was probably, Mom. She must have found the picture.”

  Adaline smiled bigger. “It sure is cute. Makes you want another puppy.”

  With a laugh, I shook my head and grabbed some sweatpants. “Hell no do I want another puppy.”

  Lola barked as Adaline laughed. “Seems to me like Lola is down for a friend.”

  I pulled Adaline into my arms and quickly gave her a kiss. “The only baby I want in this bus is our baby.”

  Adaline smiled as we made our way to the living room area.

  The rest of the night was spent with Adaline curled up in my arms as Hank finally showed up and we started back for North Carolina. I couldn’t wait to get home and just relax. I kissed Adaline on the forehead and slowly let exhaustion claim me.

  “Two more weeks. Can you believe it darling?”

  My mother was standing at her kitchen island cutting up some fabric that was being used to make bows or something for the wedding reception when Adaline and I got back from our honeymoon. Since we were having a family only wedding, we decided to have a reception for our friends and co-workers once we got back. I quickly learned to smile and nod and pretty much just let the women in my life do whatever they pleased concerning this wedding and reception.

  With a polite smile, I shook my head. “Nope. It’s not going by fast enough. I just want to make Addie mine already.”

  My mother let out a soft laugh as she concentrated on cutting the fabric. “She is not a piece of property to own Emmit Lewis.”

  I took a bite of beef jerky and nodded my head. “Yes ma’am, I’m fully aware of that.”

  My phone beeped as I pulled it out and saw it was an email. The Subject line read, Your Laluna reservation.

  “Looks like the hotel is confirming our reservation.” I said as I opened up the email. My mouth dropped to the floor as I read what it said.

  Dear Mr. Lewis,

  This is to confirm your cancelation of your beach cottage booked from December 23 through January 5.

  I didn’t even finish reading the email and I was calling the resort.

  “Emmit, what’s wrong?” my mother asked as I mumbled every curse word known to man.

  “Hello! Yes, I just got an email confirming that my reservation had been cancelled. Lewis. Emmit Lewis. I never cancelled anything. I’m getting married there for Christ sakes!”

  “I’m so sorry about this. Ms. Morgan called and canceled that just moments ago.”

  My heart was stuck in my throat. I knew Adaline hadn’t called because she was standing in the dining room laughing with my sister about some stupid family tradition. “When did she call exactly?”

  “No more than ten minutes. I just sent the email. I was the one who took the call. She said she was the bride, Ms. Morgan.”

  “That’s impossible because I’m looking at my fiancé and she has not been on her phone at all.”

  “Oh my goodness, Mr. Lewis I’m so very sorry. She stated she was Ms. Morgan.”

  I glanced at my worried mother as I made my way outside. “Okay listen, someone is obviously trying to play some kind of game. Please tell me our wedding is still set and that nothing has happened with that.”

  More typing. Silence followed by more typing. “No, nothing has been changed with that. I’m putting a note in your file now to alert the entire staff of what has happened. Mr. Lewis let me be the first to apologize. I would have never cancelled it had I thought it was someone playing a cruel joke. She even had your credit card number when she confirmed.”


  “No harm, no foul. But if you would please alert your staff as well as Roslinda, our wedding planner, that if anyone tries to make any changes, she is to call me first.”

  “Yes, sir. I will personally call her right this moment. I’m glad we were able to get this taken care of.”

  I nodded and blew out a breath. “So am I, or I would have had one very upset bride-to-be.”

  After ending the call, I pulled up Robert’s number. I didn’t want to bother Mr. Elliot with this kind of bullshit, so I had been keeping his son Robert in the loop. After I got the picture of Lola and me, then another picture of me with my arm around Stephanie at a benefit dinner that my sister Ashley had taken, I knew something wasn’t right. I immediately told Adaline what was happening and she agreed that it all seemed a little fishy. Now with this happening, all signs were pointing to Stephanie. She had access to everything of mine at one time.

  Fucking bitch.

  “Emmit? Is everything okay?” Adaline asked as she made her way over to me. I quickly decided she didn’t need to know what Stephanie had done. I caught it in time and fixed it. No need to add any stress on my beautiful bride.

  Forcing a smile, I nodded and pulled her into my arms. With a quick kiss to the top of her head, I said, “Everything is perfect, baby. I needed to have Robert take care of something for me.”

  Adaline pulled back and looked into my eyes. “Are you sure?”

  I slipped my hand behind her neck and pulled her lips to mine. Kissing her with as much love and passion as I could, Adaline moaned into my mouth. If my mother and sister hadn’t been in the house I would have taken Adaline right here by the pool.

  When my lips broke contact with hers, Adaline giggled. “Wow. It doesn’t feel so chilly outside now.”

  “That’s just a little taste of what I’m going to do to you after my mother and sister leave.”

  Adaline’s eyes lit up and then her lower lip jetted out into a pout. “I think they’re going to be here for a while. We have a lot to take care of for the reception.”

  My body filled with warmth as I gazed into the eyes of the woman I loved more than life itself. Lifting my hand, I ran my thumb across her lower lip. “I love you, Addie.”

  With her hands placed on my chest, Adaline tilted her head and looked at me like she knew I was bothered by something. My phone rang with my new assistant Todd’s ring tone. I had already had him change numbers from Stephanie’s old number. It was a pain for people to contact me, but I didn’t care.

  Adaline pointed to me and said, “I’m not finished with you Mr. Lewis. We are talking later.”

  With a quick chuckle, I nodded and said, “Yes, ma’am.”

  Adaline took two steps away from me and then turned and headed back into the house as I swiped my phone to answer it.

  “Todd, what’s up?”

  Todd cleared his throat and said, “We ha
ve a slight problem, Emmit.”

  I dragged in a deep breath and braced myself for something else. “Hit me with it.”

  “I got a call from Robert just now. I decided to go ahead and pull up your credit card online, I had a gut feeling if Stephanie had your card number for a cancelation, she might try something else.”

  My hand pushed through my hair as I dropped down onto a chair and stared out over the lake.

  “Fucking hell. What has she done now?”

  There was a slight pause before Todd started talking again. “It appears your new credit cards we had issued after Stephanie was fired, have all been closed.”

  “Why in the hell would she close my accounts?”

  “Why would she call and cancel your villa, sir?”

  I let out a sharp breath of air as I said, “Point taken. How did she get the new numbers?”

  “I’m not sure sir. It was only two cards, not all of them which is kind of strange.”

  I nodded my head as I thought for a moment.

  “Todd, we need to go ahead and have all the cards changed out again and no one gets access to them. Let’s also go ahead and do the restraining orders like the lawyer suggested. I didn’t want to do it, but I think we need to.”

  “Got it. I’ll have the new cards to you within twenty-four hours.” Sounds of rustling paper followed a brief silence. “I’ll get it done ASAP.”

  Closing my eyes, I nodded and said, “I owe you.”

  “Just doing my job.”

  After talking about a few more details, I hit End and stared out over the lake. I was not about to let our wedding get ruined by some nutcase.

  Knowing what I had to do, I got up and headed to my office.

  Stephanie was going to wish she’d never heard of me.

  Two Weeks Later

  THE LIMO PULLED UP AND stopped outside of Laluna as a sinking feeling hit my chest.

  Oh, my gosh. In four days I would be Emmit’s wife.

  The door opened as Emmit extended his hand out to me. I placed my hand in his and let him guide me out of the limo and into the hotel.

  “Mr. Lewis, welcome to Laluna! We have your beach cottage and your villa ready and waiting for you and your guests. I’m sure your parents and siblings will enjoy their stay in the villa very much.” Emmit and I had the beach cottage that was more secluded while everyone else was in the five bedroom villa.

  “This is beyond beautiful!” Ashley said as she snapped pictures and posted them on her Instagram. Emmit rolled his eyes and pulled me closer to him as we finished the process of checking in.

  “Ms. Morgan, the wedding planner would like to meet with you to go over a few last minute details if you are free later this evening. Perhaps before you all go to dinner?”

  I nodded to the hotel clerk as I smiled, “Of course. Yes, that shouldn’t be a problem at all.”

  After telling everyone about the property features, Ashley, Candace and my mother all decided they needed to find their zen and headed to the spa. I on the other hand had no intentions of leaving Emmit’s side. It was the first time we were alone in a week. I was taking full advantage of it.

  I turned to Emmit and was about to say something when my father walked up. “All right son, get those clubs out because we are teeing off in an hour.”

  My mouth dropped open as I turned and looked at Emmit. “You’re going to go play golf?”

  With a shrug of his shoulder, he glanced back to my father and said, “Let me get us settled in and I’ll meet you back here in the lobby in forty minutes.”

  My father gave Emmit a slap on the back and started following everyone else up to their villa. Emmit took my hand as we made our way to what would be our home for the next fourteen days.

  “Golf? You’re going to go play golf?”

  Emmit laughed and shook his head. “What was I supposed to do? Your father asked me four days ago about playing golf. They are only here for five days baby, I thought you’d want me spending time with your dad as father and son-in-law and all that shit.”

  My shoulders sank when I knew what he was saying was right. “It’s just, well we haven’t had a moment alone in the last week and I’m starting to get needy.”

  The young bellhop walked through the fabric that was hanging down in the doorway and into an amazing cottage. It was huge and full of color.

  “Oh my goodness, it’s beautiful,” I said as I walked up to the giant king size bed. My fingers moved along the soft Italian fabric as I took everything in. Emmit had been talking to the bellhop as I got lost in our home away from home.

  I made my way over to the shower area and gasped when I saw the views of the Caribbean Sea through the partially open stall.

  Arms wrapped around my waist as a smile spread deeper across my face. “Do you like it?”

  My head dropped back onto Emmit’s chest as I giggled. “Like it? I love it! It’s so romantic.”

  Emmit’s hands moved up and cupped my breasts as I let out a moan. “I’m going to make love to you, Addie.”

  Closing my eyes, I melted into Emmit’s body. “You have golf,” I whispered as Emmit turned my body to face his.

  His smile caused my body to light up instantly. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for this man. “How about I relax you some so you can go enjoy the other ladies in the spa.”

  Pulling my lip into my mouth, I narrowed my eyes together and took a step away from Emmit. With one quick movement, my shirt was over my head and on the floor. I slowly moved my hands to my shorts where I unbuttoned them and every so slowly shimmied out of them. Emmit’s eyes roamed over my body as he let out a deep growl from the back of his throat.

  As I stood before my future husband wearing nothing but white lace panties and bra, I put my finger in my mouth and bit down. I was trying like hell to seduce him and by the look on his face, I’d say it was working.

  Emmit pulled out his phone and hit a number.

  “Todd? Let Waldo and Chris know I’m going to have to skip golf today. Jet lag.”

  I smiled so big I could practically feel my face muscles cramping.

  Emmit dropped his phone on the floor and quickly picked me up and brought me to the bed.

  As he gently laid me down, he spoke against my lips. “My love, my life, my forever.”

  The cool morning breeze blew strands of my hair against my face as I inhaled a deep breath. Never in a million years would I ever have dreamed I’d be doing yoga. Let alone, yoga the day before my wedding.

  My mind started to drift before being pulled back by the yoga instructor’s voice. “Draw your attention inward. Big inhale through your nose, and long exhale through your mouth.”

  I tried to completely clear my mind of everything as I followed the instructions. The last few days had been a blast, and Emmit did an amazing job keeping me busy with family and not stressed about the wedding.

  “One more deep breath as you let everything release from your body.”

  As I inhaled through my nose, my body perked up.


  Smiling, I peeked my eyes open and saw Emmit standing off to the side, closer to the water’s edge. My body quickly came alive.

  Sweet baby, Jesus. Why is he so good looking? Emmit’s dark brown hair blew gently in the wind as he stood there looking handsome as hell. His light-blue T-shirt clung in just the right way to his perfectly toned chest. Licking my lips, I continued to stare at him. I could see his gray eyes lighting up even from this distance away.

  The yoga instructor stood and smiled as she said, “That’s it ladies. I had an amazing time with you this morning. Let’s see you back tomorrow!”

  I slowly lifted my body and stood. I quickly realized how out of shape I truly was when we started taking adventures all over the place. Keeping up with Emmit was a task in of itself.

  The girls behind me giggled and began talking. “My goodness. Kathy, hot guy alert near the water. Holy shit. What I wouldn’t do to have five minutes of alone time with that

  With a smile, I reached down and grabbed my beach towel. I knew they were talking about Emmit and I didn’t care. Maybe a few months ago it might have bothered me, knowing how many women lust after my future husband. I knew he was mine though and that was all that mattered.

  “Let’s go talk to him.”

  I tilted my head as I watched both girls walk by me and head straight over to Emmit.

  “Let’s see how this plays out,” I said as I pursed my lips together to keep from smiling.

  As both women approached him, Emmit smiled that smile that would melt the panties off of any women, any age. I slowly made my way over toward him as I let the scene play out.

  “Hello there handsome,” the blonde said as she pushed her chest out a little bit more.

  The brunette went right in for the kill. “How about you come on back to our cottage for a little bit of, post yoga stretching.”

  Oh, gag me.

  Emmit chuckled and looked directly into my eyes. “Sorry ladies, I only have eyes for the most beautiful woman on the beach. My fiancé.”

  Excitement bubbled up in my chest as Emmit gave me the most adoring smile. Both girls turned and looked at me as they rolled their eyes. Walking up to him, I simply said, “Hey,” as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

  When he finally pulled back, he gently spoke. “Hey, pumpkin.”

  Both women quickly turned and walked off. As I let out a laugh, I shook my head. “I can’t bring you anywhere can I?”

  Emmit pinched his eyebrows and said, “I was more than happy staying in our cottage all day today. You were the one who wanted out.”

  With a smile, I nodded. “This is true. So, what’s on the agenda today? Do we need to do anything for the wedding?”

  Emmit wrapped his arm around my waist and led me back toward the cottage. “Nope. I checked everything just a few minutes ago, and all is set for one romantic sunset wedding tomorrow.”

  My heart skipped a beat as I thought about the wedding. “I’m nervous,” I said as I chewed on my lip.

  “Nonsense, why be nervous?”

  Taking a peek up at him, I said, “What if something goes wrong? I trip on my dress and fall on the cake? I forget my vows! Oh my God, what if I forget my vows?”