One morning in August the academy in the Rue du Hasard was invaded by LeChapelier accompanied by a man of remarkable appearance, whoseherculean stature and disfigured countenance seemed vaguely familiarto Andre-Louis. He was a man of little, if anything, over thirty, withsmall bright eyes buried in an enormous face. His cheek-bones wereprominent, his nose awry, as if it had been broken by a blow, and hismouth was rendered almost shapeless by the scars of another injury. (Abull had horned him in the face when he was but a lad.) As if that werenot enough to render his appearance terrible, his cheeks were deeplypock-marked. He was dressed untidily in a long scarlet coat thatdescended almost to his ankles, soiled buckskin breeches and boots withreversed tops. His shirt, none too clean, was open at the throat, thecollar hanging limply over an unknotted cravat, displaying fully themuscular neck that rose like a pillar from his massive shoulders. Heswung a cane that was almost a club in his left hand, and there was acockade in his biscuit-coloured, conical hat. He carried himself with anaggressive, masterful air, that great head of his thrown back as if hewere eternally at defiance.

  Le Chapelier, whose manner was very grave, named him to Andre-Louis.

  "This is M. Danton, a brother-lawyer, President of the Cordeliers, ofwhom you will have heard."

  Of course Andre-Louis had heard of him. Who had not, by then?

  Looking at him now with interest, Andre-Louis wondered how it came thatall, or nearly all the leading innovators, were pock-marked. Mirabeau,the journalist Desmoulins, the philanthropist Marat, Robespierre thelittle lawyer from Arras, this formidable fellow Danton, and severalothers he could call to mind all bore upon them the scars of smallpox.Almost he began to wonder was there any connection between the two.Did an attack of smallpox produce certain moral results which foundexpression in this way?

  He dismissed the idle speculation, or rather it was shattered by thestartling thunder of Danton's voice.

  "This ------ Chapelier has told me of you. He says that you are a patriotic------."

  More than by the tone was Andre-Louis startled by the obscenities withwhich the Colossus did not hesitate to interlard his first speech to atotal stranger. He laughed outright. There was nothing else to do.

  "If he has told you that, he has told you more than the truth! I am apatriot. The rest my modesty compels me to disavow."

  "You're a joker too, it seems," roared the other, but he laughednevertheless, and the volume of it shook the windows. "There's nooffence in me. I am like that."

  "What a pity," said Andre-Louis.

  It disconcerted the king of the markets. "Eh? what's this, Chapelier?Does he give himself airs, your friend here?"

  The spruce Breton, a very petit-maitre in appearance by contrast withhis companion, but nevertheless of a down-right manner quite equal toDanton's in brutality, though dispensing with the emphasis of foulness,shrugged as he answered him:

  "It is merely that he doesn't like your manners, which is not at allsurprising. They are execrable."

  "Ah, bah! You are all like that, you ------ Bretons. Let's come tobusiness. You'll have heard what took place in the Assembly yesterday?You haven't? My God, where do you live? Have you heard that thisscoundrel who calls himself King of France gave passage across Frenchsoil the other day to Austrian troops going to crush those who fight forliberty in Belgium? Have you heard that, by any chance?"

  "Yes," said Andre-Louis coldly, masking his irritation before theother's hectoring manner. "I have heard that."

  "Oh! And what do you think of it?" Arms akimbo, the Colossus toweredabove him.

  Andre-Louis turned aside to Le Chapelier.

  "I don't think I understand. Have you brought this gentleman here toexamine my conscience?"

  "Name of a name! He's prickly as a ------ porcupine!" Danton protested.

  "No, no." Le Chapelier was conciliatory, seeking to provide an antidoteto the irritant administered by his companion. "We require your help,Andre. Danton here thinks that you are the very man for us. Listennow..."

  "That's it. You tell him," Danton agreed. "You both talk the samemincing--sort of French. He'll probably understand you."

  Le Chapelier went on without heeding the interruption. "This violationby the King of the obvious rights of a country engaged in framing aconstitution that shall make it free has shattered every philanthropicillusion we still cherished. There are those who go so far as toproclaim the King the vowed enemy of France. But that, of course, isexcessive."

  "Who says so?" blazed Danton, and swore horribly by way of conveying histotal disagreement.

  Le Chapelier waved him into silence, and proceeded.

  "Anyhow, the matter has been more than enough, added to all the rest,to set us by the ears again in the Assembly. It is open war between theThird Estate and the Privileged."

  "Was it ever anything else?"

  "Perhaps not; but it has assumed a new character. You'll have heard ofthe duel between Lameth and the Duc de Castries?"

  "A trifling affair."

  "In its results. But it might have been far other. Mirabeau ischallenged and insulted now at every sitting. But he goes his way,cold-bloodedly wise. Others are not so circumspect; they meet insultwith insult, blow with blow, and blood is being shed in private duels.The thing is reduced by these swordsmen of the nobility to a system."

  Andre-Louis nodded. He was thinking of Philippe de Vilmorin. "Yes," hesaid, "it is an old trick of theirs. It is so simple and direct--likethemselves. I wonder only that they didn't hit upon this system sooner.In the early days of the States General, at Versailles, it might havehad a better effect. Now, it comes a little late."

  "But they mean to make up for lost time--sacred name!" cried Danton."Challenges are flying right and left between these bully-swordsmen,these spadassinicides, and poor devils of the robe who have never learntto fence with anything but a quill. It's just ------ murder. Yet if I wereto go amongst messieurs les nobles and crunch an addled head or two withthis stick of mine, snap a few aristocratic necks between these fingerswhich the good God has given me for the purpose, the law would sendme to atone upon the gallows. This in a land that is striving afterliberty. Why, Dieu me damne! I am not even allowed to keep my hat on inthe theatre. But they ------ these ------s!"

  "He is right," said Le Chapelier. "The thing has become unendurable,insufferable. Two days ago M. d'Ambly threatened Mirabeau with hiscane before the whole Assembly. Yesterday M. de Faussigny leapt up andharangued his order by inviting murder. 'Why don't we fall on thesescoundrels, sword in hand?' he asked. Those were his very words: 'Whydon't we fall on these scoundrels, sword in hand.'"

  "It is so much simpler than lawmaking," said Andre-Louis.

  "Lagron, the deputy from Ancenis in the Loire, said something thatwe did not hear in answer. As he was leaving the Manege one of thesebullies grossly insulted him. Lagron no more than used his elbow to pushpast when the fellow cried out that he had been struck, and issued hischallenge. They fought this morning early in the Champs Elysees, andLagron was killed, run through the stomach deliberately by a man whofought like a fencing-master, and poor Lagron did not even own a sword.He had to borrow one to go to the assignation."

  Andre-Louis--his mind ever on Vilmorin, whose case was here repeated,even to the details--was swept by a gust of passion. He clenched hishands, and his jaws set. Danton's little eyes observed him keenly.

  "Well? And what do you think of that? Noblesse oblige, eh? The thing iswe must oblige them too, these -------s. We must pay them back in thesame coin; meet them with the same weapons. Abolish them; tumble theseassassinateurs into the abyss of nothingness by the same means."

  "But how?"

  "How? Name of God! Haven't I said it?"

  "That is where we require your help," Le Chapelier put in. "There mustbe men of patriotic feeling among the more advanced of your pupils.M. Danton's idea is that a little band of these--say a half-dozen, withyourself at their head--might read these bullies a sharp lesson."

/>   Andre-Louis frowned.

  "And how, precisely, had M. Danton thought that this might be done?"

  M. Danton spoke for himself, vehemently.

  "Why, thus: We post you in the Manege, at the hour when the Assembly isrising. We point out the six leading phlebotomists, and let you loose toinsult them before they have time to insult any of the representatives.Then to-morrow morning, six ------ phlebotomists themselves phlebotomizedsecundum artem. That will give the others something to think about. Itwill give them a great deal to think about, by ----! If necessary the dosemay be repeated to ensure a cure. If you kill the -------s, so much thebetter."

  He paused, his sallow face flushed with the enthusiasm of his idea.Andre-Louis stared at him inscrutably.

  "Well, what do you say to that?"

  "That it is most ingenious." And Andre-Louis turned aside to look out ofthe window.

  "And is that all you think of it?"

  "I will not tell you what else I think of it because you probably wouldnot understand. For you, M. Danton, there is at least this excuse thatyou did not know me. But you, Isaac--to bring this gentleman here withsuch a proposal!"

  Le Chapelier was overwhelmed in confusion. "I confess I hesitated,"he apologized. "But M. Danton would not take my word for it that theproposal might not be to your taste."

  "I would not!" Danton broke in, bellowing. He swung upon Le Chapelier,brandishing his great arms. "You told me monsieur was a patriot.Patriotism knows no scruples. You call this mincing dancing-master apatriot?"

  "Would you, monsieur, out of patriotism consent to become an assassin?"

  "Of course I would. Haven't I told you so? Haven't I told you thatI would gladly go among them with my club, and crack them like somany--fleas?"

  "Why not, then?"

  "Why not? Because I should get myself hanged. Haven't I said so?"

  "But what of that ------ being a patriot? Why not, like another Curtius,jump into the gulf, since you believe that your country would benefit byyour death?"

  M. Danton showed signs of exasperation. "Because my country will benefitmore by my life."

  "Permit me, monsieur, to suffer from a similar vanity."

  "You? But where would be the danger to you? You would do your work underthe cloak of duelling--as they do."

  "Have you reflected, monsieur, that the law will hardly regard afencing-master who kills his opponent as an ordinary combatant,particularly if it can be shown that the fencing-master himself provokedthe attack?"

  "So! Name of a name!" M. Danton blew out his cheeks and deliveredhimself with withering scorn. "It comes to this, then: you are afraid!"

  "You may think so if you choose--that I am afraid to do slyly andtreacherously that which a thrasonical patriot like yourself is afraidof doing frankly and openly. I have other reasons. But that one shouldsuffice you."

  Danton gasped. Then he swore more amazingly and variedly than ever.

  "By ----! you are right," he admitted, to Andre-Louis' amazement. "Youare right, and I am wrong. I am as bad a patriot as you are, and I ama coward as well." And he invoked the whole Pantheon to witness hisself-denunciation. "Only, you see, I count for something: and if theytake me and hang me, why, there it is! Monsieur, we must find some otherway. Forgive the intrusion. Adieu!" He held out his enormous hand..

  Le Chapelier stood hesitating, crestfallen.

  "You understand, Andre? I am sorry that..."

  "Say no more, please. Come and see me soon again. I would press you toremain, but it is striking nine, and the first of my pupils is about toarrive."

  "Nor would I permit it," said Danton. "Between us we must resolve theriddle of how to extinguish M. de La Tour d'Azyr and his friends."


  Sharp as a pistol-shot came that question, as Danton was turning away.The tone of it brought him up short. He turned again, Le Chapelier withhim.

  "I said M. de La Tour d'Azyr."

  "What has he to do with the proposal you were making me?"

  "He? Why, he is the phlebotomist in chief."

  And Le Chapelier added. "It is he who killed Lagron."

  "Not a friend of yours, is he?" wondered Danton.

  "And it is La Tour d'Azyr you desire me to kill?" asked Andre-Louis veryslowly, after the manner of one whose thoughts are meanwhile ponderingthe subject.

  "That's it," said Danton. "And not a job for a prentice hand, I canassure you."

  "Ah, but this alters things," said Andre-Louis, thinking aloud. "Itoffers a great temptation."

  "Why, then...?" The Colossus took a step towards him again.

  "Wait!" He put up his hand. Then with chin sunk on his breast, he pacedaway to the window, musing.

  Le Chapelier and Danton exchanged glances, then watched him, waiting,what time he considered.

  At first he almost wondered why he should not of his own accord havedecided upon some such course as this to settle that long-standingaccount of M. de La Tour d'Azyr. What was the use of this great skill infence that he had come to acquire, unless he could turn it to accountto avenge Vilmorin, and to make Aline safe from the lure of her ownambition? It would be an easy thing to seek out La Tour d'Azyr, put amortal affront upon him, and thus bring him to the point. To-day thiswould be murder, murder as treacherous as that which La Tour d'Azyrhad done upon Philippe de Vilmorin; for to-day the old positions werereversed, and it was Andre-Louis who might go to such an assignationwithout a doubt of the issue. It was a moral obstacle of which he madeshort work. But there remained the legal obstacle he had expounded toDanton. There was still a law in France; the same law which he hadfound it impossible to move against La Tour d'Azyr, but which would movebriskly enough against himself in like case. And then, suddenly, as ifby inspiration, he saw the way--a way which if adopted would probablybring La Tour d'Azyr to a poetic justice, bring him, insolent,confident, to thrust himself upon Andre-Louis' sword, with all the odiumof provocation on his own side.

  He turned to them again, and they saw that he was very pale, that hisgreat dark eyes glowed oddly.

  "There will probably be some difficulty in finding a suppleant for thispoor Lagron," he said. "Our fellow-countrymen will be none so eager tooffer themselves to the swords of Privilege."

  "True enough," said Le Chapelier gloomily; and then, as if suddenlyleaping to the thing in Andre-Louis' mind: "Andre!" he cried. "Wouldyou..."

  "It is what I was considering. It would give me a legitimate place inthe Assembly. If your Tour d'Azyrs choose to seek me out then, why,their blood be upon their own heads. I shall certainly do nothing todiscourage them." He smiled curiously. "I am just a rascal who tries tobe honest--Scaramouche always, in fact; a creature of sophistries. Do youthink that Ancenis would have me for its representative?"

  "Will it have Omnes Omnibus for its representative?" Le Chapelier waslaughing, his countenance eager. "Ancenis will be convulsed with pride.It is not Rennes or Nantes, as it might have been had you wished it. Butit gives you a voice for Brittany."

  "I should have to go to Ancenis..."

  "No need at all. A letter from me to the Municipality, and theMunicipality will confirm you at once. No need to move from here. In afortnight at most the thing can be accomplished. It is settled, then?"

  Andre-Louis considered yet a moment. There was his academy. But he couldmake arrangements with Le Duc and Galoche to carry it on for himwhilst himself directing and advising. Le Duc, after all, was become athoroughly efficient master, and he was a trustworthy fellow. At need athird assistant could be engaged.

  "Be it so," he said at last.

  Le Chapelier clasped hands with him and became congratulatorily voluble,until interrupted by the red-coated giant at the door.

  "What exactly does it mean to our business, anyway?" he asked. "Does itmean that when you are a representative you will not scruple to skewerM. le Marquis?"

  "If M. le Marquis should offer himself to be skewered, as he no doubtwill."

  "I perceive the distinction," said M. Danton, and sne
ered. "You've aningenious mind." He turned to Le Chapelier. "What did you say he was tobegin with--a lawyer, wasn't it?"

  "Yes, I was a lawyer, and afterwards a mountebank."

  "And this is the result!"

  "As you say. And do you know that we are after all not so dissimilar,you and I?"


  "Once like you I went about inciting other people to go and kill the manI wanted dead. You'll say I was a coward, of course."

  Le Chapelier prepared to slip between them as the clouds gathered onthe giant's brow. Then these were dispelled again, and the great laughvibrated through the long room.

  "You've touched me for the second time, and in the same place. Oh,you can fence, my lad. We should be friends. Rue des Cordeliers is myaddress. Any--scoundrel will tell you where Danton lodges. Desmoulinslives underneath. Come and visit us one evening. There's always a bottlefor a friend."