Page 8 of Mischief

  “Good crazy?” Nico asked.

  “Very good crazy.” Justine’s cheeks still wore a becoming blush. She opened Nico’s shirt and her eyes widened slightly. “Very, very good crazy.”

  Nico kissed her cheek as she pushed the shirt off of him.

  “Everyone having fun?” Nora asked. “Say ‘no’ if you aren’t. Say ‘hell yes’ if you are.”

  “Oh, hell yes,” Justine said.

  Nico said, “Hell yes,” but he did it in French.

  “You’re doing that on purpose now,” Justine said to him. Nico nodded. “Good. It’s working for me.”

  Nora tapped her tennis shoe with the tip of her riding crop.

  “Darlings,” Nora said, “less talking, more kissing.”

  “You heard the woman,” Justine said.

  Nico apparently had. He took Justine’s pretty face in his hands and kissed her long and deep. Nora grinned. They were obedient as two marionettes, and she pulled all their strings. And the best part was, they loved having their strings pulled.

  “Neck,” Nora said. “You, I mean, Justine. You kiss Nico’s neck. He likes that.”

  He did like that. When Justine put her mouth on his neck over his naked collarbone, Nora saw Nico’s eyelashes flutter and his chest heave with a hard breath. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

  “Chest,” Nora said. Justine kissed his chest. “Arms.” Justine kissed his biceps. “Throat,” Nora said. Justine kissed his throat.

  “Hmm...” Nora said. “What to kiss next?”

  “I have a suggestion,” Justine said. It seemed her nervousness had evaporated. Nico’s too. Both of them simply looked happy and aroused and ready to play.

  “I think you’re thinking the same thing I’m thinking,” Nora said.

  “Does it rhyme with Rick?” Justine asked.

  “No, it rhymes with sock. But close enough,” Nora said. “Nico, love, I want you to come over here.” Nora tapped the side of the bed with her riding crop. Nico obeyed and sat where she’d tapped.

  “And you, beautiful,” she said to Justine. “I think you should kneel on this.” She tapped the ottoman. “And I think I should get in a better position to supervise.”

  “And lead the cheers?” Justine said.

  “Exactly,” Nora said. Justine slid the ottoman over to the bed, placing it between Nico’s ankles. Nora tapped the ottoman again. She didn’t have to say anything. Justine knew what to do. Like a dainty maiden, she lifted the skirt of her red dress and knelt primly on the ottoman.

  “I have no other orders for the time being,” Nora said. “Other than, have fun, kids.”

  “Want to have fun?” Justine asked Nico.

  “I already am,” he said.

  Justine bent her head and kissed Nico’s side, his ribcage and stomach. Nora tapped the bed with her hand and Nico rolled back.

  “I cannot believe I’m doing this,” Justine said with an ear-to-ear grin. “I swear I’m usually boring.” She unbuttoned Nico’s trousers. “I need to hang out in cemeteries more often.” Justine glanced down at Nico’s gorgeous erection. “Way more often.”

  Nico inhaled sharply as her blood-red lips surrounded and sucked him. Nora slid onto the bed and sat at his side. She took his hand in hers and kissed his palm as Justine licked his cock from base to tip. Nico’s dark eyes were half-closed in pleasure and arousal, but he kept his gaze locked on Nora’s.

  “I love you, moosh,” she whispered. He blew her a kiss in reply. No words necessary.

  Justine seemed to be having the time of her life with Nico’s cock. She lavished it with all the attention it deserved. Nora gave Justine little hints about what to do, how to make Nico feel the best. Use your hand like this. Use your tongue like that. Stroke harder, softer, longer... Soon Nico was panting hard. His hips lifted off the bed in small hungry undulations. Justine’s red fingernails lightly scoured his stomach, leaving behind pink tracks on his brown skin. Her red tongue massaged every inch of Nico. Nora smiled at the smear of red lipstick on Nico’s stomach. It was sexy enough that Nora would have to take a picture of it just to look at longingly when they were apart again.

  Nora ran her fingers through his hair, kissed his mouth, his shoulder, his forehead. He was so young and lovely and hers, all hers. Even with his cock in another woman’s mouth he was all hers because he was doing this to please her. And it did please her. His trust. His pleasure. His playfulness. She felt so close to him in that moment right before he came when he looked at her with love and adoration and wonder. Then his back arched off the bed, and emptied himself inside Justine with a low grunt.

  Though Nora told her she didn’t have to swallow, Justine did so eagerly. Nora slipped off the bed and handed Justine a cup of water, which she drank quickly before passing it back to Nora.

  “Was that fun, sweetheart?” Nora asked, running her hand over Justine’s cider-colored hair. Justine leaned against Nora’s stomach. Nora held her close and kissed the top of her head.

  “Please move here,” Justine said, hugging Nora to her tightly.

  “Nico?” Nora asked, still stroking Justine’s hair. “What do you think? Want to quit the whole France thing and move to the States?”

  Tiredly, happily, Nico began to whistle a few bars of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Nora rewarded Justine for a job well done by pulling out her magic wand—not the sort of wand for doing tricks, unless one counted giving Justine two orgasms a trick. Nora personally classified those as treats.

  By the time they’d emptied their glasses, it was two in the morning. They invited Justine to stay the night, but she said she had to get home. There was no way she could tell Grandma, “Sorry, can’t come get you your breakfast. I was out all night having a threesome with a French vintner and a dominatrix.”

  So Nora hugged her and gave her a long kiss goodnight and goodbye. Nico, gallant that he was, walked Justine out to her car.

  Nora was half asleep already by the time Nico returned to their room. She heard him undressing but was too tired to open her eyes to watch. Nico crawled into bed with her, lifted her cheerleader skirt and slid his hand into her little black cheerleader panties.

  “Can’t you see I’m sleeping?” Nora said.

  “Keep sleeping,” he said. “I don’t mind.”

  “You’re wicked,” she said as he teased her clitoris with his fingertips.

  “Not wicked. Mischievous,” he said. It was a gorgeous word to hear in a French accent, especially when whispered into her ear and followed by a kiss on her earlobe.

  Nora was too tired to argue with him and, honestly, she didn’t care either way. As long as he kept doing that to her with his fingers.

  “I need to make love,” Nico said.

  Nora nodded. Sleepy or not, she wasn’t about to tell him no when he needed it. He slid her panties down her legs. If she’d been more awake she would have told him to let her get under the covers so they could avoid staining the Amish quilt again. Ah, too late. He slid one finger along her slit, and Nora forgot all about the Amish.

  “You’re wet,” he said as he nipped at her neck.

  “I watched a beautiful woman suck your cock. I told you I liked that sort of thing. Did you?”

  “I did,” he said, touching her inside with long strokes of his fingers. He massaged her g-spot and Nora started panting. “But only this one time, I think.”

  “Only once?”

  “You’re enough for me,” he said softly. “Even if you don’t think you are, you are. More than enough sometimes.”

  “Am I a handful?” she asked. He cupped her between the thighs and laughed.

  “And a mouthful.”

  He kissed a path down her body and nestled between her thighs. He started to lick her and Nora raised her head, suddenly wide awake.

  “You took out the fangs, right?” she asked.

  “Of course,” he said.

  “Whew. Good, carry on.” Interview with a vampire was f
ine. Intercourse with a vampire was harrowing.

  Nico, defanged, opened her wide with his fingers and began licking her.

  “Candy is dandy,” Nora said with a sigh of pleasure. “But to lick her is quicker.”

  As he continued licking her, he murmured erotic compliments in both English and French. He loved the way she tasted. He loved the way she moved. He loved her pussy, her wetness, the way her clitoris throbbed against his tongue… She came hard, clenching all around his three fingers buried inside of her. It was an intense orgasm and all Nora wanted to do after was sleep. Nico had other ideas.

  He moved on top of her and undid his pants. Nora opened her legs even wider for him, and he entered her with a stroke. Her tired eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him braced over her and met his eyes. They didn’t say anything. They rarely did on their last night together before they had to part. She liked the silence. She could hear his breathing and her own, hear him moving in her, her own wetness around him, the slight creaking of the bed and the tree branches tapping at the window in the cold autumn wind.

  Beautiful boy. Beautiful lovely boy. When they met she’d thought the universe was playing a trick on her and instead it had only a treat for her up its sleeves.

  Nico came inside her, releasing a long low groan as he filled her. After Nora couldn’t keep her eyes open another second. She let Nico undress her and put her under the covers. She was seconds from sleep when he came back to bed after his shower and pressed his warm naked body against hers.

  “Did we forget anything?” Nora asked as Nico kissed her goodnight.

  “We never saw a ghost,” he said.

  “Ah,” she said. “Next year.”

  And then she was asleep. She dreamed of pretty dancing witches with hair the color of apple cider and woke up smiling.

  The smile didn’t last long when she saw Nico. He was dressed and standing by the window with his phone in his hand. His posture was tense, his face a closed book.

  Nora immediately sat up and pulled the covers to her chest.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked him.

  “I tried to text Justine to make sure she got home safe last night. And, you know, to see she was okay. I got this back.”

  He held out his phone to Nora. She was worried she’d see a message from Justine asking they never contact her again, or saying something about how she wished she’d never met them. She didn’t expect an error message that read the number was no longer in service.

  “That can’t be right,” Nora said, staring at the generic error text he’d received. “We were texting her all day yesterday.”

  “You try,” Nico said.

  Nora tried. She got the same message back instantly.

  She and Nico met eyes. “This is weird,” Nora said. “What’s the name of that place she works?”

  “Two Keys,” Nico said.

  “That’s it. Let’s run over there and ask them if she’s okay.”

  Nora dressed in a hurry and they headed out on foot. It was ten in the morning. They had about an hour before they had to leave town.

  “Maybe her phone was stolen,” Nora said. “Or maybe it got hacked?”

  “Maybe,” Nico said.

  Two Keys was around the corner from the cemetery. The tavern was open for the brunch crowd, and a line stretched out the door. Nico told her to wait out front while he checked inside.

  Nico came out a minute later, a confused and worried look on his face. He shook his head, but didn’t meet her eyes.

  “What?” Nora asked.

  “Something’s wrong,” he said.

  “They said…they said they never heard of her.”

  “Never heard of her? How is that possible? She said she was walking home from work. This is the place.” She pointed at the tavern. “And the cemetery is right there.” She pointed down the block.

  “The hostess hadn’t heard of her,” Nico said. “The bartender says he’s worked here five years. Doesn’t know any girl with that name.”

  “Did you describe her?”

  He nodded.

  Nora had a sinking feeling Justine was giving them the ice-cold shoulder, and had tasked her co-workers with shooing them away. She took a long breath through her nose. Steam rose everywhere. It was cold, bitterly so, and they needed to get Nico to the airport.

  “It happens sometimes,” Nora said as they turned back toward the B&B. “People think they’re ready to be kinky, and they go out and have a wild night. The next morning they wake up wallowing in regret.”

  “I walked her out to her car,” Nico said, bewildered. “She had fun.”

  “You just never know,” Nora said. She could have sworn Justine was cool. She seemed so cool and nice and sexy and fun and funny. She seemed like a perfect date.

  Nico stopped at the cemetery’s iron gates, shrugged, and walked through.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. “The girl ditched us. She—”

  “I’m taking the shortcut,” he said. “And we saw her here first. You never know…”

  A thousand questions ran through her head as they entered St. Patrick’s and started down the main path. The worst part was that this was all Nora’s fault. She’d dragged Nico into it. Nico was so quiet now that it made Nora nervous. She hated when he shut down like that. Was he blaming himself? Did he think they’d pushed their new friend too far? Did he blame Nora?

  They made it all the way through the small cemetery without seeing another soul. They walked out the gate and Nico came to a dead stop in the middle of the sidewalk.

  “What’s—” Nora stopped when she saw what he saw. It was a missing poster, torn and faded and water-stained, stapled to a telephone pole. In thick marker at the top it read, HAVE YOU SEEN THIS WOMAN? LAST SEEN OCTOBER 22, 2004. REWARD. PLEASE BRING OUR DAUGHTER HOME.

  The grainy black and white photograph was unmistakably Justine. Same eyes. Same hair style. Same wide, bright smile. Either she hadn’t aged in the past decade, or…

  “That’s not possible,” Nora said, her blood turning to ice.

  Nico had his hand over his mouth. His eyes were wide. He seemed incapable of speech.

  “No way,” Nora said. “Not