Page 29 of Be with Me

  the back of the couch. He slid fingers underneath, sliding through her wetness, and God, she was soaked. As soon as he touched her clit, she nearly exploded, but he retreated immediately, leaving her hanging on the edge of an orgasm she already knew was going to be shattering.

  “You’ll come with us, Reggie,” he said silkily. “So I advise you to play nice with Cam. I can last as long as I need to, so really, it’s up to you. Make him come, and we all come.”

  Cam’s hand tightened in her hair just as she tightened her mouth around his cock. He trembled in her mouth, and with a smile, she realized he was close.

  He began to move back and forth with quick, forceful thrusts. She relaxed and opened fully to him, allowing him use her mouth as he wanted.

  Sawyer withdrew, agonizingly slow, scraping his cock across her stretched opening. Then he rammed forward and began fucking her in earnest.

  All that could be heard in the room was the slap of Sawyer’s hips against her ass, the wet sucking sounds of her mouth around Cam’s cock and the groans of the two men.

  Sawyer found her clit again, and he rolled it between his fingers. She shuddered violently and jerked between him and Cam as she lurked so close to her release.

  It frightened her. This wasn’t going to be a nice, warm, fuzzy orgasm. This one threatened to tear her in two. She both dreaded it and craved it.

  “Ah shit,” Cam gasped. “Make her come, Sawyer. I’m almost there. I want her to come while I’m fucking her mouth.”

  His words spurred her forward. Sawyer pinched and manipulated her clit, and he rode her without mercy. Savage.

  She was no longer aware of anything but the two cocks working her body. The rest of the world slipped away into a hazy veil.

  “Yours,” she whispered as Cam’s cock slipped free only to thrust back into her throat.

  “Ours,” Cam agreed. “Only ours, love.”

  And she came apart. Completely and utterly shattered. She screamed as Cam exploded in her mouth. Streaks of throbbing pleasure erupted, pouring over her, tearing through her like a vicious wind.

  She twisted violently, her body writhing helplessly. Sawyer gripped her hips in an attempt to steady her while Cam grabbed her shoulders.

  She couldn’t stay still, couldn’t bear it.

  She swallowed or risked choking as Cam poured himself into her mouth. Behind her, Sawyer thrust in a mad frenzy. He spilled into her, hot and scorching but still he continued to pump.

  Then he yanked himself out of her ass, and she felt his hand bump against her behind as he jerked his cock. Hot splatter hit her skin, slithered inside her wide-open ass and ran down her leg.

  The tip of his cock bumped against her as more liquid hit her back. And then he slid back into her ass, rocking deep and holding there, pressed tight against her behind.

  Cam held her jaw, the other hand still buried in her hair. He slid over her lips, the last of his cum filling her mouth.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  Hutch’s furious voice doused her body in ice.

  Cam slipped free of her mouth, Sawyer retreated from her ass in a warm rush, and she yanked her head up to see Hutch standing in the doorway, his face pale, fury sparking in his eyes.

  He stalked over, doubled his fist and punched Sawyer in the jaw.

  “Hutch, no!” she cried as she struggled to right herself.

  Goddamn hands were still tangled in her panties. All she managed to do was tumble forward on the couch and then finally to the floor at Cam’s feet.

  Cam put his arms around her and pulled her up. He freed her hands and tossed the underwear aside. But she was focused solely on the scene in front of her.

  Sawyer stumbled back, his eyes like ice.

  “You son of a bitch!” Hutch yelled. “How could you do that to her? She’s not one of your whores, Sawyer.” He turned and whipped his gaze over Cam. “And you. I never thought you’d treat Reggie like this.”

  He turned back, ready to hit Sawyer again, and Sawyer just stood there, his eyes dead, waiting for whatever punishment Hutch decided to inflict.

  Hutch punched him again, and Sawyer staggered back, but he made no move to defend himself. She could see it in his eyes. Resignation. Guilt. Standing there like he deserved it.

  When Hutch started for him again, Regina screamed.

  “Hutch! Stop! Goddamn you, stop!”

  Her fingers balled into fists at her sides. Cam touched her arm reassuringly, but she shrugged him off.

  She glanced between Hutch and Sawyer, both furious but for different reasons. There was fear, anger and concern in Hutch’s face. All wrapped up in one giant ball of emotion.

  Sawyer was pissed, but hurt also lurked in his eyes. And rejection.

  And this was it. That moment she’d refused to entertain. The entire reason she had fought against this whole arrangement they wanted. Because it was now they expected her to choose sides. If she went to Sawyer, Hutch would see it as a betrayal, whereas if she went to Hutch to figure out what the fuck his problem was, Sawyer would see it as a rejection of him.

  “You swore,” she said in an unsteady voice. “You swore it would never come down to this, to me choosing, and goddamn you it has. I won’t do it. I won’t.”

  She yanked herself from Cam’s grip, tears burning her eyes. She stumbled away, ignoring Cam’s worried call.

  No. Never. This wasn’t going to happen. She wasn’t going down this road.

  She ran past Sawyer, into the kitchen to collect her clothes, minus her underwear.

  In the distance, she heard a door slam with such force it shook the house. Sawyer.

  She closed her eyes to hold back the tears of frustration and pain.

  She finished yanking on her clothes, grabbed her keys and bolted out the back door, no clear idea of where she was going other than away.


  Cam drove through town keeping a sharp eye out for Reggie’s new RAV4. His hands curled tighter around the steering wheel as he fought the rising tide of panic.

  Things had gone to hell fast, and this time . . . this time he wasn’t sure the rift could be mended. Hutch had gone all postal on Sawyer. Sawyer and Reggie had both left the house, and Hutch was barricaded in his room.

  And he was out searching for Reggie. Hoping like hell she hadn’t run far. Her house was out. It was still in shambles. He’d swung by Birdie’s place, but she was still staying with Virginia. A stop by her house hadn’t netted him any results.

  He drove by Jeremy Miller’s house but didn’t see Reggie’s car. He hit her other haunts, but again, nothing.

  “Where are you, Reggie?” he murmured as he drove back toward Birdie’s place. There was only one other spot he could think of, and it was a bitch to get to.

  He pulled behind Birdie’s house and set out across the pasture that led to the back boundary of the Fallon spread. When he topped the next hill, his lights caught the back reflectors of Reggie’s RAV4.

  Relief made him shaky. But on the heels of his relief came fear of the impending confrontation with Reggie.

  It had happened. What she’d feared. What he’d feared. They had all feared. Meltdown.

  Cam had no idea what had caused Hutch to wig out. It didn’t really matter now since the damage had been done. Maybe they’d all been fooling themselves. Maybe this hadn’t ever had a snowball’s chance in hell of working.

  He parked beside Reggie’s truck and prepared to make the trek down to the creek bed. But when he got out and glanced over at the RAV4, he saw Reggie curled up in the front seat.

  He opened the passenger door and blinked when the overhead light came on. She didn’t move or acknowledge him as he slid in and shut the door again.

  His heart clutched as he looked down at her slight form. She looked vulnerable. Lost. He swallowed the knot lodged in his throat and struggled with what to say. How to say it.

  Finally he opted to say nothing at all. He reached down, hooked his hands underneath her arms and g
ently tugged her upward until he could pull her into his arms and against his chest.

  Her body shook as a sob escaped her.

  He hugged her tightly and buried his face in her curls.

  “I’m sorry, love,” he whispered.

  For the longest time, she huddled against him and didn’t say anything. The longer she took to speak, the more worried he became.

  “I knew this would happen,” she finally whispered. “It’s not fair, Cam. I can’t choose sides. How could I?”

  “No one wants you to choose sides, Reggie darling.” God, he hoped he hadn’t just lied out his ass. He would have never thought Hutch would pull the stunt he had, and now he was stuck here speaking for both Hutch and Sawyer.

  “Not in so many words.”

  Her voice was muffled by his chest, and he adjusted her position, sliding her head back so he could hear her better.

  “What was I supposed to do, Cam?”

  The ache in her voice made him ache. She sounded small. Tired. Utterly defeated, as though she’d spent the last several hours beating herself up for something she couldn’t control.

  “It’s not up to you to fix this,” he said softly. “This is Hutch’s problem. He crossed the line. He has to make things right with you and with Sawyer.”

  She sighed and wilted further into his arms. “I was fooling myself. This couldn’t ever work,” she said sadly.

  He halted the protest, the denial that wanted to burst out of his mouth, his heart. Instead he drew in a steadying breath and prepared to try and fight.

  “It will work, Reggie.”

  She pushed away to stare at him in the dark. “I shouldn’t even be talking to you. It’s not fair to run to you when I have problems with Hutch or Sawyer. It wouldn’t be fair to go to them if I had a problem with you.”

  He reached out to touch her face. He needed to touch her. To make that connection. His fingers were trembling so bad that he curled them into his palm and simply rested his knuckles against her cheek.

  “Why? Reggie, you’re being too hard on yourself. It’s not up to you to be all things to us. How can you expect to be the rock with no one to ever confide in? Talking to me about a problem you have with Hutch or Sawyer isn’t a betrayal.”

  “It’s not fair,” she said stubbornly.

  “Why isn’t it? We talk about you. We’re a unit. A fucked-up, twisted kind of unit, but we’re a unit nonetheless.”

  “What the hell do you say about me?” she demanded.

  He smiled in the darkness at the irritation in her voice.

  “Oh, just about how stubborn you are. How infuriating you can be. That we worry about you. And that we miss you.”

  She leaned back into his arms. “I don’t know what happened tonight, Cam. I thought I’d finally gotten through to Sawyer.”

  She broke off and went silent.

  “And?” he prompted.

  “I shouldn’t discuss him with you.”

  Cam sighed. “See? Stubborn. That characteristic weighs heavily in our conversations about you, Reggie darling.”

  She huffed against him.

  He rubbed his hand up and down her shoulder. “What did you mean about getting through to Sawyer?”

  She lay there for a long time, and he could feel the battle raging inside her. Loyalty was strong in her, and she’d always been loyal to him, Hutch and Sawyer. In her mind, confiding in him about one of the other two was a betrayal. It was choosing him over them.

  They had been right in realizing that she’d never choose between them and that their only chance of a life with her was convincing her to belong to all of them. Only now Hutch was doing his best to fuck everything up.

  Despite his best effort, anger swelled within Cam. It was irrational. It didn’t serve anything, but it still pissed him off that with one fit of temper, Hutch had risked everything. Not only his relationship with Reggie but Cam’s and Sawyer’s as well.

  “He held back,” she finally said. “A year ago he held back, and then when we made love again the other night, he wouldn’t . . .”

  She seemed to struggle with the right words, and Cam thought back to those encounters to try and see what she was seeing. In both instances, Hutch and Cam had been the only ones to actually take her. He frowned. Both times Sawyer had used her mouth and nothing more. Until today.

  “He didn’t penetrate you . . . vaginally,” Cam offered, stumbling over the damn word like a moron.

  “He’s afraid of hurting me,” she said quietly. “Sawyer’s rough around the edges. No secret there. And I think he feels guilty because he’s had frequent sexual encounters with other women.”

  Cam frowned again. It made sense in a twisted Sawyer kind of way. To be honest, he’d never evaluated Sawyer’s performance during sex. Just wasn’t high on his list of priorities, but now that Reggie had brought it up, he could see her point.

  “So you threatened to rape him this morning?” Cam asked with only a thread of amusement.

  “Something like that,” she mumbled. “I sorta jumped him in the kitchen and made it very clear what I wanted from him.”

  “Hell, I think I’m jealous,” Cam murmured.

  She dug her fist into his gut, and he grinned.

  “Things were going great. Well, except his need to tie me up,” she said darkly. “And the whole spanking thing.”

  Cam chuckled. “You loved it.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s not the point. But then Hutch flipped out. I mean what the fuck was he thinking? Does he really think you or Sawyer would ever hurt me? If he doesn’t trust you and Sawyer, how on earth does he think this could ever work? I mean I guess I can understand his protective streak when it comes to other people or dangers I might face, but protecting me against you and Sawyer?”

  Cam didn’t have an answer to that, because it was something he wanted to know as well.

  “Did you see the look in Sawyer’s eyes, Cam?”

  Emotion squeezed her voice, and she sounded near tears.

  “He just stood there while Hutch hit him like he deserved it, like he deserved all the accusations Hutch hurled at him. And I couldn’t even go to him because then it would look like I was taking his side against Hutch.”

  She leaned away again and stared up at Cam.

  “What was I supposed to do, Cam?”

  “What did you want to do?” he asked gently.

  Her shoulders sagged. “I wanted to knock Hutch on his ass, and then I wanted to wrap my arms around Sawyer and tell him that I love him, that I know he’d never hurt me.”

  “Then that’s what you should have done.”

  “You make it sound so simple,” she grumbled. “How is me doing that not choosing between you?”

  “Because Hutch was being a horse’s ass, and if it had been over anything else you would have immediately called him on it and set him straight.”

  “There is that.”

  He shifted and adjusted his long legs to get the cramp out of one of them. Then he picked her up and moved her to his other knee before curling her back into his arms.

  “You need to cut yourself some slack, love. You cannot be all things to everyone. Moreover, we don’t expect you to. If one of us is being a dickhead, we don’t expect you to suck it up and take it because it might look like you’re picking one over the other.”

  “But what if . . . what if this can’t be fixed, Cam? What then?”

  The fear in her voice echoed his own fears. But damn it, fights in a relationship were inevitable. Granted they usually occurred between the man and the woman and not two other men. What a fucking mess.

  “You’re not a damn piece of meat to fight over,” he said, allowing the first shard of anger to bleed through in his words.