Page 37 of Be with Me

  cock sliding over engorged tissue.

  She screamed. He shouted hoarsely and Cam bucked upward, forcing himself deeper into her ass. She convulsed around both cocks, her body wigging out in fourteen directions.

  Gentle hands touched her. Surrounded her. Held her while she came apart.

  She murmured her protest when Hutch slid from her body. Cam remained, tightly lodged. He stilled as though waiting. She stirred faintly, gathering her strength.

  And then Sawyer stood between her legs, his big hands curving up the inside of her thighs. He gently opened her and with great care, he fit his erection to her quivering opening.

  “Can you take me again, Reggie?” he whispered. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you. I can’t touch you without reacting like an adolescent.”

  She moaned and slumped against Cam’s damp chest. Cam’s hands skated up her sides, lovingly, soothing her overwrought nerves.

  Before she could muster a coherent response, Sawyer thrust forward. She took him. All of him. Shock ricocheted up her spine as another orgasm exploded through her pussy.

  No preamble, no work up. Just a sudden and explosive burst.

  “Ah Jesus, Reggie.” Sawyer’s groan filled the room, and he began rocking against her. Hard. There was no gentleness in his possession, and it was definitely a possession.

  He owned her. Oh yeah, he did. Body and soul. He owned her heart.

  He drove her hard into Cam, but Cam cradled her. Sheltered her with his body. Cam’s movements stilled as Sawyer’s became more fierce.

  As suddenly as her own orgasm had flashed, Sawyer stiffened and let out a hoarse yell. He thrust his hips forward, locking them against her. He slumped over her for a long moment, his breathing harsh and erratic.

  “Oh Christ, Reggie. Honey, I’m sorry. That was fast.”

  She managed a weak smile and kissed his shoulder. “Not as fast as I was.”

  He withdrew as Cam smoothed his hands down her arms. Cam kissed the back of her neck, and she shivered. Despite the fact she’d just come again, she couldn’t control the rise of desire. Sweet, warm. Love could do that.

  “Help her,” Cam said.

  Sawyer reached down and picked her up. Cam’s cock slid free of her ass, and she moaned at the sensation. Before she could complain, Cam reclaimed her, taking her from Sawyer’s arms.

  If she thought he would treat her delicately, she was wrong. He dropped her on the bed, turned her over and mounted her swiftly. His cock slid back into her ass in one powerful thrust.

  She fell forward onto the mattress, her hands splaying out to catch herself. Cam came with her, molding her back to his chest as his hips pumped relentlessly.

  All of his earlier restraint was gone. He took her with a frenzy she wasn’t used to from him. Out of control. Wild and delicious. A hidden reserve that had sprung free.

  His mouth brushed over her shoulder. She gasped when his teeth sank into her skin.

  His legs tangled with hers, pushing outward to spread her even further.

  And then she felt fingers twine with hers. On either side. The warm brush of a sensual touch. Comforting. Sawyer and Hutch.

  They gripped her hands and held her as Cam arched over her body again and again. Soft words drifted through the air, but she was beyond hearing them.

  She curled her fingers around theirs and held on as Cam bucked. Faster and faster. He rode her furiously, and then she felt his release. It rolled over his body like a tidal wave. Every muscle rippled and shuddered against her.

  Heated spurts filled her. Hot and exotic. She tried to push her ass up higher, to take more of him, but she was completely and utterly spent. And so she lay there as his hips rocked against her ass.

  Slower now. More gentle. Then he stopped, resting inside her body as though he hated the idea of pulling away. “This better damn well not be good-bye, Reggie. I won’t let you go.”

  Her heart fluttered with hope. Emotion clogged her throat until breathing became hard.

  “Get off her, Cam. Let her breathe.”

  Sawyer’s voice, gentle and unaccusing, ended the silence.

  Cam rolled away, but his hands found her, stroking and petting.

  “Are you all right, love?” he murmured close to her ear.

  She couldn’t speak. Hell, she couldn’t even open her eyes. She was wasted.

  “Reggie, honey, you can’t lay there like you’re dead. Hutch will worry.”

  There was a thread of amusement in Sawyer’s voice that almost made her grin. If she’d had the energy.

  “Oh, I don’t know. She doesn’t have to be conscious for me to fuck her,” Hutch said casually.

  She lifted one hand and curled down all her fingers except her middle one. Even that took more effort than it was worth.

  Three sets of chuckles filled the room, and despite her fatigue, she smiled into the sheets.

  “I suppose we should let her sleep,” Cam said magnanimously.

  “Don’t go,” she mumbled.

  “Not going anywhere, baby,” Hutch said. “We’re going to clean you up and then put you to bed.”

  She nodded, although she had no desire to move.

  Sawyer leaned over to brush his lips across her ear. “But when you wake up, we’re going to talk.”


  Regina woke to warm bodies surrounding her. Or maybe she was surrounding them. She was sprawled across Hutch’s chest, her arm and leg locked possessively over him. His left hand rested on her shoulder, and she angled her head to see the raw wounds around his wrists. She frowned at the reminder of how close she came to losing him.

  She turned her face so that she could kiss the red skin.

  A stubbly jaw pressed to the center of her back and a hairy leg was laid over the back of hers. Cam.

  Which meant Sawyer was probably gone. Disappointment edged her contentment for the moment, but when she looked down, she saw him propped up on his elbow, at the end of the bed, watching her.

  Without a word, she pushed herself off of Hutch and crawled down to the end, reversing her position on the bed.

  Sawyer opened his arms to her and she settled her head on his chest and stretched out her legs between Cam and Hutch.

  “Are you okay?” Sawyer murmured against her hair.

  Oh yeah, she was more than okay. Life didn’t get any better than this. When she looked up, Hutch and Cam both stared back at her. Cam cupped his hand over her leg and rubbed up and down in a gentle motion.

  “We weren’t too hard on you?” Cam asked.

  Heat bloomed in her cheeks. “You gave me exactly what I wanted,” she whispered.

  Sawyer ran his hand through her hair, and then kissed the top of her head. She turned so that she could see him as well.

  “You didn’t hurt me, Sawyer. I don’t know what you’re thinking right now, but I swear if you pull away from me again, I won’t be responsible for the injuries you incur.”

  He chuckled and dropped another kiss on her forehead. His lips lingered for a long moment, and he stroked a finger lightly over her cheek.

  “Whose job is it to feed me today?” she asked. “I need to talk to all of you, but I’m not going to do it naked or with you naked, because you distract me.”

  Hutch grinned. “I’ll feed you, baby.”

  She quickly shook her head. “No. I’ll cook. I don’t want you hurting your wrists.”

  She could swear that Cam paled. Hutch placed his hand on her knee. “No offense, baby, but you and cooking don’t exactly get along. Plus, I’m fine. Just a little raw, but it doesn’t affect my fingers.”

  She gazed doubtfully at him.

  “I’ll go down and help him, Reggie,” Cam offered. “Anything to keep you out of the kitchen.”

  She glared at him and nudged him in the chest with her foot. He grinned and captured her foot, pressing a kiss to her toes.

  “Guess that means you get a shower with me,” Sawyer said. “There are advantages to not being able to
cook worth a shit.”

  Cam rolled his eyes and then crawled off the bed.

  Despite the lightness of their moods, Regina could still sense the strain, their hesitancy. They were worried. Even after last night.

  Suddenly she couldn’t wait to talk to them, to tell them how much she loved them. Food could wait. This couldn’t.

  “I don’t want breakfast, after all,” she said.

  Hutch lifted one brow in shock. Sawyer’s hand froze on her shoulder, and Cam stopped on his way to pick up his clothing.

  “Ah hell, I knew she had a head injury,” Hutch muttered. “I never should have let her talk us out of taking her to the hospital.”

  She laughed and planted her foot in his chest. She pushed out of Sawyer’s arms and rolled to the edge of the bed.

  “You’ve got ten minutes to get dressed and meet me downstairs. Living room.”

  Without waiting for their reaction, she darted for the bathroom to take a quick shower. When she stepped out a few minutes later, the room was empty.

  Nervous excitement ran circles through her chest as she pulled on her clothes. This was huge. This was the rest of her life.

  A year ago, she would have never imagined that she’d be taking a step like this, but she felt completely at peace with her decision.

  She loved Cam, Sawyer and Hutch. Always had. They’d been hers since they were children. Their friendship, their bond, had only strengthened over the years and had taken the next logical step from simple friendship to physical intimacy and deep love.

  She all but flew down the steps, her muscles quivering with anticipation. When she rounded the stairs into the living room, all three men were there.

  Cam was at the window, staring out the front, his hands shoved into his pockets. His posture was stiff, uneasy. Sawyer was sprawled on the couch, leaning back, his stance seemingly at ease, but his brow was creased in concentration. Hutch sat forward in the chair catty-corner to Sawyer. His elbows dug into his knees, and his expression was solemn.

  Now that she was here, she had no idea how to go about telling them everything that was in her heart. How could she possibly put into words the depth of her love? There weren’t enough words in the English language to get across just how much they meant to her.

  “I love you,” she blurted out.

  Three heads turned in her direction. Warmth spread through their faces. Cam relaxed his stance, but still he waited, not moving. Her knees shook, and her hands were clammy. She’d never been so afraid in her life. But she forged ahead, determined to make them understand.

  “I love you,” she said again. “All of you. So much.”

  “We love you,” Cam said simply.

  She moved closer, into the living room, not comfortable sitting. She remained at a distance, needing it in order to keep her composure.

  “I want to stay. If you’ll still have me.”

  The three men tensed. Hutch’s hands curled into fists.

  “If we’ll have you?” Hutch said in disbelief. “Baby, I’m not sure you’re going to get a choice in the matter. I’ve even researched the penalty for kidnapping a police officer and tying her to a bed.”

  A grin twitched the corners of her mouth. Her legs were trembling, and so she slid onto the couch at the opposite end to where Sawyer sat.

  “I’ve been unfair,” she said in a low voice. When they would have protested, she held a hand up. “Let me finish please. I have so much to say. So much to apologize for.”

  She looked at all three as tears swam in her vision. “I don’t know why you haven’t given up on me. I’ve spent the last year running from you, from your love. I lied to you, to myself, pushed you away, and yet you still never gave up. Why?” she asked as she forced her gaze to them once more.

  “Because we love you,” Cam said. “I can’t offer you a more complicated answer. It’s just that simple.”

  Her chest swelled with emotion. It was all she could do to remain sitting, when she wanted to launch herself into his arms. Never let go of him.

  “I know you think I only stayed because of the danger to all of you,” she said in a low voice.

  Three expressions suddenly became brooding.

  “Why did you stay, Reggie?” Sawyer asked in a soft voice. Dangerously soft. Deceptive because of the steel thread lining his words.

  She looked down at her hands. “At the time I told myself that I was staying to protect you, so I could keep an eye on you. I said all sorts of things to justify my reasons for wanting to be with you. I was afraid.”

  “Afraid of what, baby?” Hutch asked.

  “Of it not working, and destroying me when it didn’t,” she said.

  “And what about now?” Sawyer prompted.

  She returned his gaze. “I realized that I didn’t trust you.” She flinched when he winced. “That didn’t come out right. I do trust you. I’ve always trusted you. But when it came to believing that this could work between us, I just didn’t trust that you could all deal with . . . sharing . . . me. I was so worked up over having to make sure each of you was satisfied. I was freaking out over the idea of being all things to all three of you, and it left me wondering if there would be anything left, if I would lose myself trying to be something I wasn’t.”

  “Oh, baby,” Hutch said, his breath forcefully exhaling in a rush. “We never meant for you to feel that way.”

  Cam crossed the room and knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his and squeezing gently.

  “We only wanted you to be yourself, Reggie darling. We love you. Not your idea of perfection. You’re stubborn, impossibly stubborn. Pigheaded, obstinate, can’t cook worth a damn, but we wouldn’t change a thing about you.”

  Her mouth crooked upward in a smile. “You know, you should really try to control yourself when listing my many attributes. All that praise could go to a girl’s head.”

  Cam chuckled and cupped her face in his hand. “See? That’s why we love you so damn much. You’re an irreverent hoyden, and when you’re old and gray, we still won’t be able to keep up with you.”

  She softened all over and sagged into his hand. The idea of growing old and gray with them touched on every dream she’d ever imagined.

  “I want to stay,” she said. “I love you all so much, and I want this to work between us.”

  “We love you too,” Cam said. He tugged her closer and touched his lips to hers in a sweet kiss.

  She pulled away and glanced up at Hutch and Sawyer, who wore similar expressions of contentment. Then she stood, moving past Cam to pace the confines of the living room.

  “I don’t want to quit my job. I know you all hate it and that you worry. I spoke to my chief . . . about us. I was up-front in that if I ever had to choose between you and my job, that I’d choose you hands down.”

  Shock shone in the guys’ expressions as they stared back at her.

  “I’ll be careful. I’m always careful, but my job is a big part of who I am, and I don’t want that to change. I don’t want to stay home and for you to take care of me. I don’t like feeling helpless. I’d much rather come home after a long shift and have you take care of me,” she added with a grin.

  “And you have to promise to be patient with me.” She quickly went on before they could respond. She twisted her hands in front of her then wiped them down her jeans. “I’m not used to unconditional love. It sort of freaks me out. I’m sure I’ll piss you off on a regular basis, but know that I love you more than anything, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make this work.”

  Her speech was over. Three men descended on her at once, their expressions ranging from fierce to loving and all parts in between.

  “We don’t want to change a damn thing about you,” Sawyer said first, as he dragged her into his arms. Hutch and Cam hovered nearby, their warmth enfolding her in its embrace.