Chapter 12

  Wesker watched the monitors in growing despair as Lisa showed up suddenly and attacked Barry in the lobby. He never intended for Lisa to get that far. He expected her to roam the lab hallways, but he never thought she was smart enough to get up to the surface. The only reason he let her loose in the first place was because he felt sorry for her, as strange as it sounded. And now she was about to kill off the member of Alpha that Wesker pinned all his hopes on. Things were just not going well tonight.

  But Barry miraculously fought her off and escaped. Wesker collapsed into a chair and let out a big sigh of relief. If Barry was able to survive an encounter with Lisa, he could certainly make it through the rest of the mansion. The hunters might give him some trouble, but they were pretty weak in comparison to Lisa. If Barry shot them in the head at close range, it would definitely kill them, where it barely even slowed Lisa down.

  Jill was missing, maybe dead already. Wesker lost her when she ran into a room with no surveillance camera. She bolted as soon as the dogs showed up, which didn’t really surprise him. Jill was performing to expectations as well.

  And then the real shocker. Wesker almost fell out of the chair when the security system detected gunshots on the second floor and showed him one of the upstairs hallways. Chris was alive, although Wesker couldn’t even fathom how that was possible. He might have killed the first dog that attacked him, but how did he get away from the others and make it to the second floor? There was a small balcony adjoining the northwest lounge with the fenced-off maintenance area directly underneath, so Chris might have climbed the fence to get to the balcony, but that was a stretch. Wesker resisted the urge to clap out loud and applaud Chris’s ability to stay alive.

  That made things a little more interesting. Barry and Chris were alive and separated. Jill was probably still alive, but Wesker didn’t see her doing much. That made three members of the team still alive. Not to mention Enrico, and even Rebecca if she was still wandering around. There were still plenty of people around to fight off the various monsters lurking the mansion grounds.

  This evening might not be a total waste after all.