And I'm reminded of a passage from the Qur'an, "And you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say: "We are Christians." That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud. " (The Qur’an, sūrat l-māidah 5:82)

  Why it says to love Christians, how does that sound?

  “I encourage you to take a minute to support House Bill 623/ HB4105...This bill supports marriage consisting of one man and woman in the state of Texas. Help by sending an email to Rep. … I encourage you to let your concern be heard.”

  But Sir is this appropriate? Whatever happened to separation of Church and State?

  Ah, I forgot, it’s an activity in which the Church doesn’t participate.

  See They feel Christianity and the Government should be hand in hand,

  But only Christianity, no other religion gets to walk with Uncle Sam.

  So Christianity is able to do as they please with no consequences, able to fly free as a bird,

  Just ignore everyone else when they say it’s a double standard.

  "If you take the Lord's supper with sin you’ll die, it says that in the Bible, 1 Corinthians look it up."

  Really Sir? I'm having trouble finding that verse,

  It's not in the Bible, nor is it a curse,

  Just another inaccuracy,

  Sounds like your career needs a hearse.

  Jesus said to love and, care for others regardless of race or beliefs, on this do not budge;

  But no that's not for our Church, our pastor doubles as a judge.

  At his hands God's word is full of misinformation and false teachings,

  Perhaps Hell's road is not paved with good intentions; but instead false preaching.

  And so Sir I bid you adieu,

  Knowing indeed one of Death's Eternal Kingdoms waits for you


  And so dear Reader our journey must come to an end,

  But it's simply a chance to begin again.

  Although this collection may send me to Hell first class,

  I shall never relent, for matters need to be addressed, and questions asked.

  I applaud and admire you for reading this far,

  And I encourage you to keep asking questions, only then can we reach the next bar.

  We must strive to explore and investigate everything; and in this we must be brave,

  Only in knowledge and enlightenment can we hope to save the ignorant dwelling in a cave.

  But all that we do must be through peace and love,

  For it may be the only tie we have with He who dwells above.

  I encourage you Reader to begin a new journey if I may,

  Religious or not make a change today.

  Speak out against tyranny, injustice, hypocrisy and hate,

  Never forget the value of a life, and on this never hesitate,

  Fight for a better tomorrow,

  And know that we can do our part to remove this world’s sorrow,

  Accept others for who they are, no matter the race or religion,

  For only then can we begin to dream of some Utopian vision,

  Never judge another on your beliefs,

  For they may be incorrect providing none with any relief,

  To experience, enjoy, love and cherish others please endeavor.

  Forever and ever



  About the Author

  Adriel Vigo is an aspiring young writer and activist. Currently in college, Adriel is majoring in philosophy hoping to teach one day. This being the first of many poetry collections Adriel hopes to publish, expect a new collection coming very soon! When Adriel is not writing, he is either studying or helping run the Austin Free Project founded by Adriel and some friends. Austin Free Project is an anti human-trafficking organization dedicated to bringing awareness to the growing issue of human trafficking. To read Adriel’s previous writing, “A Manifestation of A Manifesto” please visit

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