Page 18 of Norse Mythology

  Sif: Thor’s wife. She had golden hair.

  Sigyn: Loki’s wife, mother of Vali and Narfi. After Loki’s imprisonment, she stays with him beneath the ground, holding a bowl with which she protects Loki’s face from the venom of the serpent.

  Skadi: A giant, daughter of the giant Thiazi. She marries Njord.

  Skidbladnir: A magical ship, made for Frey by the sons of Ivaldi. It folds up like a scarf.

  Skirnir: A light elf, Frey’s servant.

  Skrymir: “Big fellow.” A particularly big giant, encountered by Loki, Thor, and Thialfi on the way to Utgard.

  Skuld: One of the norns. Her name means “that which is intended,” and her domain is the future.

  Sleipnir: Odin’s horse. The fastest of horses, eight-legged, the offspring of Loki and Svadilfari.

  Snarler: Tanngrisnir, which means tooth-barer or snarler. One of the two goats who pull Thor’s chariot.

  Son: A vat for mead.

  Surtr: A huge fiery giant who wields a flaming sword. Surtr existed before the gods. Guardian of Muspell, the fire region.

  Suttung: A giant, the son of Gilling. He takes vengeance on his parents’ killers.

  Svadilfari: A horse belonging to the master builder who built Asgard’s wall. Father of Sleipnir.

  Thiazi: A giant who disguises himself as an eagle to kidnap Idunn. Father to Skadi.

  Thokk: Old woman, whose name means “gratitude” but is the single living creature who won’t mourn the death of Balder.

  Thor: Odin’s red-bearded son, Aesir god of thunder. The strongest of the gods.

  Thrud: Thor’s daughter, “the powerful.”

  Thrym: Lord of the ogres, who wanted Freya for his bride.

  Tyr: The one-handed god of war, a son of Odin; the stepson of Hymir the giant.

  Ullr: Thor’s stepson. A god who hunts with bow and arrow and who skis.

  Urd: “Fate.” One of the three norns. She determines our past.

  Urd’s well: The well in Asgard tended by the norns.

  Utgard: The “outyard.” A wild region of giants, with a castle at its center, also called Utgard.

  Utgardaloki: The king of the giants of Utgard.

  Valhalla: Odin’s hall, where the noble dead who die bravely in battle feast.

  Vali: There are two gods named Vali. One is a son of Loki and Sigyn, who becomes a wolf and kills his brother, Narfi. The other is a son of Odin and Rind, conceived to avenge Balder’s death.

  Valkyries: “Choosers of the slain.” Odin’s handmaidens, who collect the souls of the dead who die bravely on the battlefield and bring them to Valhalla.

  Vanaheim: The realm of the Vanir.

  Var: Goddess of marriage.

  Ve: Odin’s brother, a son of Bor and Bestla.

  Verdandi: One of the norns. Her name means “becoming,” and she determines our present.

  Vidar: Odin’s son. The silent and reliable god. One of his shoes is made from all the cast-off scrap leather of all the shoes that have been made.

  Vigrid: The plain where the great battle of Ragnarok will take place.

  Vili: Odin’s brother, a son of Bor and Bestla.

  Yggdrasil: The world-tree.

  Ymir: The first being, a giant bigger than worlds, the ancestor of all giants. Ymir was nourished by the first cow, Audhumla.



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  The Graveyard Book

  Anansi Boys


  American Gods



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  The View From the Cheap Seats (nonfiction)

  Trigger Warning

  Fragile Things

  Smoke and Mirrors


  The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains

  illustrated by Eddie Campbell

  The Sleeper and the Spindle illustrated by Chris Riddell

  The Sandman (graphic novel)


  Fortunately, the Milk illustrated by Skottie Young

  Hansel and Gretel illustrated by Lorenzo Mattotti

  Instructions illustrated by Charles Vess

  Crazy Hair illustrated by Dave McKean

  Odd and the Frost Giants illustrated by Brett Helquist

  The Dangerous Alphabet illustrated by Gris Grimly

  Copyright © 2017 by Neil Gaiman

  All rights reserved

  First Edition

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  ISBN: 978-0-393-60909-7

  ISBN: 978-0-393-60910-3 (e-book)

  W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

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  Neil Gaiman, Norse Mythology

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