Page 10 of Hopeless Magic

Page 10


  I was tired of being told what to do, or what to say, or what to think. I was sorry that Avalon was so everything they wanted and expected. But I was not Avalon, even if he was in my head, even if he was my twin, even if I’d just stolen his truck. I was my own person and this person did not want to join their freaking Resistance.

  I sped down the gravel road, reminding myself more and more of my twin brother, driving haphazardly at an alarming rate. I took a big breath and allowed the magic to take control. I then opened my palm and willed my cell phone into my fingers.

  I was tired of the Resistance, and I was tired of people trying to protect me. What better way to spite them all then to find the one person that was against everything they stood for, the one person I was utterly in love with? My mind was wholly focused now; I was nothing but determined to be wrapped in Kiran’s arms before I internally imploded from frustration.

  Chapter Eight

  I skidded parallel into a parking spot across from Kiran’s building. On the drive from the farmhouse to downtown Omaha I practically mastered my magical driving ability. There were a few rough patches on the interstate, but no casualties, so I called my drive a success.

  Having gotten even more worked up on the forty-five minute drive from the middle of nowhere to the upscale part of downtown Omaha known as the Old Market, I could not wait to see Kiran.

  I hesitated a few more seconds before leaping from Avalon’s oversized truck. The last of Kiran’s Guard disappeared around the corner and subsequently a light was turned off in Kiran’s loft apartment and replaced with a candle, a sign that the coast was clear.

  I reached for the keys from the ignition and realized too late that I didn’t use any, I had used magic. Bracing myself against the whipping wind and icy rain, I opened the door and dashed across the wet and slippery, brick street. There was no using a shield of magic in the middle of a crowded city.

  Kiran buzzed me in before I even had a chance to push the button and I magically dried myself and clothes on the way to the elevator. I danced around the lobby anxiously, waiting for the elevator to reach the ground floor. Biting my lip and holding back tears of frustration, the only thought I allowed myself to think was of Kiran and Kiran alone.

  The elevator doors opened and to my surprise he was waiting on the other side. I jumped into his arms immediately, not allowing one second of separation between us. My mouth found his instantly and a sense of overwhelming security washed over me. Hot tears finally escaped the tightly closed corners of my eyes, while Kiran’s touch melted away my fears and frustrations.

  Albeit a little surprised, Kiran reciprocated my passion with his own and soon our magic was mingling together in a swirl of frenetic energy. One of his arms gripped me tightly around my waist, pulling my body close to his in inseparable proximity; his other tangled its way through my hair. My lips refused to leave his.

  The elevator came to a stop once again on the top floor and the doors opened into Kirans penthouse apartment. I regretfully relinquished my hold on him and quickly turned around to hide my embarrassing display of emotion. I entered the classy, modern apartment that took up the entire top floor of the apartment complex. The exposed brick and cork floors gave the loft space a warm and inviting feeling despite the sparse furniture and manly touches.

  The space had several rooms and at least two bathrooms to accommodate not only Kiran and Talbott, but a handful of other Titan Guards. If that werent bad enough, Id been informed Sebastian had also joined them until other arrangements could be made. Kiran was close behind me, hands gently on my waist.

  "That was quite the greeting," I could hear the smirk through his crisp, English accent, and my own version of his signature expression crept onto my face. This was what home felt like; being with the one I so wholly loved.

  "Its been so long since weve been alone, what did you expect?" I sighed deeply and contentedly, turning around in the middle of Kirans living room to let him envelope me in his embrace again. I couldnt think of any reason to leave his strong arms, ever.

  "Whats the matter, Love?" Kiran rested his chin on the top of my head and I appreciated his sensitivity but there was no way I could possibly share my issues, it would give way too much away about the Resistance.

  "Im just tired," I faked a yawn before nuzzling myself deeper into his arms. "And hungry," I finished, realizing that was not a lie.

  "How about some crisps?" Kiran left my side, leaving me suddenly cold and insecure. I followed him like a puppy dog into the kitchen and took a seat at the high top table just off to the side of the designer kitchen that I was almost positive was never used.

  "What are crisps?" I asked amused, watching Kiran rummage around in the walk-in pantry. It was obvious he was not used to fetching his own snacks.

  "Oh, right. Um, I think you call them po-ta-to chips," he over-pronounced, as if the words were part of an actual foreign language. Then he turned around with a triumphant smile on his face and arms laden with bags of Doritos.

  "Yes, thats what we call them," I smiled back, a little patronizingly.

  "I heard Seraphina gave you quite the mouthful today. Is that why you skipped out on the rest of classes?" Kiran took the seat next to me, intertwining our knees and opening a bag of crisps to munch on. He put an arm around my shoulder, and rubbed my back soothingly.

  His small gestures were so charming that I was swept away with adoration. I knew that his extra effort made it difficult for him to eat, but I couldnt help feel a little bit smug that Kiran Kendrick couldnt keep his hands off of me. I looked up into his eyes, a deep ocean of aqua blue, gazing at mine intensely and I had to remind myself to breathe.

  "Oh, no, Avalon and I were on our way out already," I explained, realizing too late I should have used the excuse Kiran so perfectly set up for me. I watched his eyes flinch with jealousy and his smirk turn instantly into a frown.

  "Why?" he grunted, trying to cover his own reaction.

  "Well, I mean, we were on our way to the gas station. I really wanted, um, I really wanted licorice," I fumbled through a ridiculous lie. "I really wanted some junk food, and then yeah, I guess after Seraphina verbally and emotionally abused me; I didnt really feel like returning to be tortured some more. I mean its complete hell watching her claim you all day!" My voice turned into a whine and although I was using a little bit of misdirection to take the heat off of me, there was complete truth behind my complaint. "Shes all, Oh, Kiran, I love you, and touching you and, and I just hate it," I finished gruffly, crossing my arms and looking away from his piercing gaze.

  "Come here," he whispered sweetly, and I obeyed without any hesitation. He pulled me into his arms and I inhaled his sweet, herbal scent. "I hate it too. I cant stand pretending this way. And I honestly hate leading Seraphina on like this as well. The poor bird still thinks shell be Queen one day," he kissed my forehead and an emotion stirred deep inside of me, something like foreboding.

  "Wont she?" I asked out of insecurity.

  "Absolutely not. Why? Is that what youre worried about? That Ill choose her over you?" Kiran pulled away so that he could look directly in my eyes again.

  I nodded, but was unable to give him a verbal response. Hot tears stung my eyes again and I blinked rapidly to stop them from overflowing down to my cheeks. I bit my bottom lip harder, refusing to give in to such a human emotion.

  "Eden, must I remind you that I love you?" I nodded again and a sweeter version of his smirk rose to his lips. "I do love you Eden, with all that I am. I dont believe there has been a more perfect love to ever exist in all of eternity, in fact. And I plan on sharing the rest of that eternity with only you," he leaned in to give me a warm, passionate kiss on the lips. When he sat back again, my fears were somehow lessened. "Right now, might not be the best time to introduce you to the parents, but I will soon, I promise. I will tell my father that Ive chosen you and that Seraphina will have to use some other royal family member to get he
rself a crown. I just think the best thing to do right now is to put some more distance between your scene at the Festival and my change of plans for the Kingdom. "

  I smiled at him, but it felt weak and unassured. He wiped away a tear that had slipped unforgivably down my cheek. The warmth of his magic left my skin hot underneath his delicate touch. I smiled more sincerely, despite myself and was reminded of why I loved him.

  "So you will introduce me to your family?" I asked tentatively. It may have been an impractical request, especially because when Kirans father, Lucan, discovered my true identity he would either straight up kill me, or use me as bait to kill my parents. But the truth was, I was longing for his parents approval. . . . How very normal, yet irritating of me.

  "When more time has passed, yes, I would like nothing more than to introduce you to my family as my girlfriend," his smile widened and I lost myself in the perfection of his happy expression.

  "Good," I mimicked his smile. "Oh, Ive been meaning to ask you. . . . " I paused, realizing the probable outcome of the question I was about to ask, "Ive been meaning to ask you what your plans are for Thanksgiving?"

  "Thanksgiving? I dont have any plans for Thanksgiving. I dont celebrate Thanksgiving. " He said plainly, with a touch of amusement in his voice.

  "Oh right, sometimes I forget youre not American," I smiled, embarrassed.

  "Eden, obviously thats true. But thats not the reason I dont celebrate it. On my last count, no Immortal celebrates the holiday. Our history with America goes much further back than that bloody Columbus; we dont need to celebrate Thanksgiving, we have more important holidays," Kiran waggled his eyebrows, a smile played at the corner of his lips.

  "Oh right," I sighed with exasperation. "Like Fall Equinox and Halloween and whats next, the um, the Winter Solstice? Those arent real holidays. "

  I stood up from the table and walked over to the stainless-steel refrigerator. Pulling extra hard on the door handle, I closed my eyes and let the cool air wash over me. The refrigerator was exactly what I expected it to be, empty, save for several different beverage options. I grabbed a Dr. Pepper and tossed another one to Kirans open hands.

  "Eden, Love, you have it all backwards," he laughed loudly at me. I returned his wit with a smile, but a small wave of irritation washed over me. I knew that my annoyance wasnt directed entirely at Kiran, but at the whole species of Immortals. "Our holidays came first, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Mothers Day- they are all rubbish. Sometimes you are still so human. "

  "I thought you celebrated Halloween?" I leaned against the charcoal granite counter top. I opened my soda, swallowing more irritation before taking a sip of the ice-cold soda.

  "We celebrate All Saints Day; Halloween is like a watered-down version of a five-thousand-year-old tradition. Just ask Amory," Kiran stood to join me in the kitchen. Although I was not quite ready to give up my frustration, I realized he was not insulted in the least and couldnt help himself but to close the separation between us. The gesture alone began to melt my stubborn heart.