Page 16 of Hopeless Magic

Page 16


  "You will have to face your worst fears and the worst version of yourself. What that looks like inside the cave is different for everyone and I cant prepare you anymore for that, regretfully. I can tell you this, though. The magical process that will happen to you is identical to that of the induction ceremony. Only instead of the magic entering in through your bloodstream, like you saw happen to Lilly, this magic will enter through your oxygen and happen more like an internal cleansing than external," Amory placed his hands in his lap again, and looked at me from under thick, dark eye brows.

  "Oh," was all I could manage. "Well it was nice knowing you," I mumbled sarcastically.

  "My dear, you will survive this, if I have learned anything about you, it is that you and your brother truly are Immortal. Both you and he should have died by now if there was a successful way to kill you. And yet, here you stand. This will be difficult, but you will only be stronger because of it. If anything my biggest concern is what this will reveal to Lucan. "

  "What do you mean, if there was a way to kill me?" I asked, unbelieving.

  "I have always suspected that the twin connection you share with your brother meant something extraordinary. After his attack on you and your friends in the woods during that P. E. camping trip, my suspicions grew stronger. You should have swallowed his magic along with the others that night, but yet he was able to escape. When he returned to the farm, he was weak but already he had reclaimed most of his magic. If I am not mistaken you did not even notice the exchange," wide-eyed, I shook my head, and he continued, "Then again, during the Fall Solstice Dance, you fought, and then fell off a roof top. When Kiran landed he had exerted a tremendous amount of magic and the fall made his recovery process a bit more challenging. You however, hit the ground and already had recovered your magic, not missing a beat. "

  "But Kiran absorbed the blow, Kiran landed first," I protested.

  "Kiran may have landed first, but you were the one who absorbed the blow. The amount of magic Jericho used should have been able to kill Kiran, but you took the brunt of it and stood up and walked away. Finally, there was your battle last night. I spoke with Beckton before I turned him over to Talbott and he was adamant that he drained your magic three separate times, yet you walked away from the fight stronger than ever. "

  "How?" I asked, bringing my knees to my chest, more afraid of this answer than all the previous ones. What did it mean to be unable to die? I had lived with the knowledge of Immortality for several months now, but I had never once tried to grasp the concept of actually living forever, of being unable to die.

  "I believe it is the connection you share with your brother. Your magic is in fact, not your own, but a shared entity. When you are physically drained of your personal magic, you borrow from Avalon to recover, and vice versa. I think this is also the reason you were unable to give Jett, Oscar, Ebanks and Ronan back their magic. If Avalon shares your entire magical entity, then he would also claim all the stolen magic as well. Finally, I believe this is the reason you can survive so long as human. The magic still builds up, but functioning for you is a non-issue because you are still connected to the electricity that keeps you alive. "

  "Well, there you have it," I mumbled, unable to fully comprehend the depth of what Id just been told.

  "Eden, you are more than special, more than unique, you are the future of our race," Amory smiled at me with hope and ease, and I did my best not to vomit all over his crimson carpet.

  "Hooray," I responded dryly.

  "Cheer up, my dear. You can rest in the knowledge that you are not alone. You will always have your brother and whomever you choose as your soul mate," Before I could ask any questions he continued, "How are things with Kiran?"

  "Fine, I guess," I remembered my irritation with him this morning and a new wave of frustration washed over me.

  "Hmmm. . . . " he sighed pensively. “Boy troubles?" I saw mischief behind his onyx eyes and I held back a laugh.

  "Yes, Grampa," the term of endearment came naturally off of my tongue and I watched Amory beam in reply. "I dont understand him; I dont understand why everything has to be so difficult!" I whined exasperatedly.

  "Ah, the trouble with all youth, Im afraid. I trust that you will work it out and if not, there are plenty of boys vying to take his place," his expression was one of pride, as if I was the most beautiful creature alive, and he was personally responsible for my beauty. "Speaking of which, please let Jericho know that he will be on the India team. "

  Choosing to ignore the obvious correlation between Jericho and my grandfathers previous comments, I asked a more important question, "I thought I would be all alone?"

  "No, my dearest, you will never be alone. You may travel alone, but we will be there every step of the way. I would never leave my only granddaughter in the hands of the unknown," he stood up to walk over to me and so I followed suit.

  Amory wrapped me in a strong hug and I realized that no matter how many assassins found me I would always have support. I had nothing to worry about with Amory on my side. Who knew how many people had tried to kill him, yet here he stood. In my grandfathers strong and loving arms, the fears and uncertainty of the future seemed to melt away and I felt only confidence.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Where are you? I sent my brother an impatient thought as I waited by his oversized truck after school. It had been a long day and all I wanted to do was go home and curl up in bed.

  Ill be there in one minute. He was overly kind in his telepathic tone, feeling my irritation as strongly underneath his own skin as I could mine. His calming thoughts helped ease my frustration, but I tapped my toe quickly and crossed my arms defiantly all the same.

  "So how much trouble did you get in?" Sebastian approached me with a sly grin from across the student parking lot. I suddenly regretted my self-absorption and stubborn refusal to wait inside Avalons truck.

  "Tons," I responded dryly. I realized the lie was necessary, but I also couldnt make myself care enough to make it sound believable. What did it matter? I was invincible, right?

  "They were really that upset about some windows?" Sebastian surprisingly took my side, but I felt like he was trying to trap me.

  "Well, destruction of private property, vandalism and all that," thats probably what it should have been anyway.

  "Yikes," Sebastian stood only inches apart from me, his legs wide apart and his hands deep in his pockets. His broad shoulders towered over me, I should have felt intimidated or insecure or something, but I was finally past the point of caring.

  "Yep," I over-pronunciated the "p" sound, looking bored and self-important. Maybe it ran in the family, or maybe it was a cultural thing that I didnt understand, but both Kiran and Sebastian had a terrible time taking a hint.

  "Are you upset with me?" Sebastian asked, taking a step closer.

  "What?" I shrieked, surprised. I finally turned my full attention on him and I saw a flicker in his eyes, but I couldnt define it.

  "Im sorry; I mean I should have apologized first thing this morning," when I didnt respond he continued, "I should have apologized for last night, I feel responsible. If anything I should have walked you to your car. It was very ungentleman-like, and for that I apologize. " Several seconds went by and when I still didnt say anything he continued again, "I have to say, Beckton was part of my Guard. But I assure you, Eden, I had no knowledge of his defection or that he had any intentions to harm anyone. Please, accept my apology and let me know that we can still be friends. I just cant continue living knowing you blame me. " Sebastian finished dramatically, reaching out to take my hand. I kept it firmly tucked underneath my arm, not softened at all by his attempts to charm me.

  "Sebastian, of course I dont blame you," I masked my venom with a sarcastically sweet tone. "Of course its not your fault I was attacked and nearly killed. Im sure you had absolutely nothing to do with any of it," I flashed him a smile and batted my eye lashes. He blinked, unsur
e of what to make of me.

  "Sebastian, please tell me youre not serious," Seraphina flanked Sebastian with Evangeline and Adelaide on either side. They stared me down, eyeing me with utter distaste.

  "What do you want?" I snapped at Seraphina. I was too tired for this.

  "You know, its pathetic really," Seraphina addressed her friends as if I hadnt spoken at all. "Eden will do almost anything for attention. " After she received the proper amount of laughter she continued, "I heard you had another temper tantrum today, Eden. You really should learn to keep that temper of yours under control. As hard as youre trying to trap a Prince, you might try a little class. Anymore outbursts like that and they wont let you anywhere near a palace," she shook her finger at me like I was a small child and her tone was patronizing to say the least.

  Everyone around me broke into laughter, as if on cue, including Sebastian. I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying something I would regret. Seraphina might be a complete bitch, but I was the one cheating with her fiancé. As much as I would like to rub that in her face, it would only end badly for me and she would get what she wanted anyway.

  "Whats all this?" Confused with concern in his eyes, Kiran joined our circle, or rather my public stoning.

  "Nothing," Seraphina spat and the hate I felt was evident in her voice. At least our feelings were mutual. "Lets go K. You promised to take me for coffee," she tugged on his arm and rested her bright blonde head on his shoulder. My stomach turned and I swallowed the vomit rising from repulsion.

  "Ade, Eva? Are you birds coming?" Kiran called out, while being dragged away by Seraphina. When they turned and followed he called out to his cousin, "Bastian?"

  "Im coming," Sebastian called back.

  "Brilliant," I heard Kiran say happily, but his eyes were still on me and they were etched deeply with worry.

  "Well, enjoy your coffee," I mimicked Seraphinas voice, hoping Sebastian would finally leave.

  "Were all right though? Arent we Eden?" he pressed, clearly not giving up.

  "Yes, yes, yes," I said in a rush, wanting to physically push him away. "We are fine," I forced the words out.

  "Good," Sebastian looked visibly relieved. "Then do you mind if I ask you a question?" when I shook my head, he continued, "How is it, that you a girl, who has only known she has magical powers for a few months, was able to defeat a member of my personal Guard?"

  And there it was. At least he was finally being up front about it.

  "Do you really want to know?" I actually had this answer planned since last night. I assumed this question would be asked of me at some point and so I decided from the beginning I would tell the truth.

  "Yes, of course," Sebastian narrowed his eyes, but I could see the light behind them; he could barely contain his excitement.

  "The truth is, all guys are the same, Immortal, human or animal. You are all the same. Even a human girl can figure this much out," I was standing close to Sebastian, so when I told him the truth, it took no effort at all. I thrusted my knee upwards as quickly and forcefully as I could, using only human strength, but hit my target with success. I watched Sebastian drop to the ground, grab his groin and grasp for breath.