Page 31 of Hopeless Magic

Page 32


  "So listen, I know that its late," he continued. I felt Avalon start to walk into the living room carrying two cups of hot chocolate but sent him a warning thought to turn around and wait. "I just wanted to get a moment alone with you before the dance. "

  "The dance?" I demanded. "What dance?"

  I suddenly felt sick. This was going to be a repeat of the Fall Equinox Dance all over again. Kiran had sent him, wanting me to go to the dance with him, but he was already obligated to Seraphina. A sudden glimpse into a dismal future with Kiran flashed before me and I wanted to vomit.

  "The Winter Solstice Dance, at the end of semester," Sebastian replied patiently. "This Friday. I know its last minute, and Im sorry for that, but you have been out of town for the past two weeks," he smiled at me with what I was sure was a charming smile, but one that I couldnt process.

  "Im confused," I said plainly, still trying to figure out why Sebastian was standing in my entry way. "Did Kiran send you?"

  "Kiran? No," Something flashed across Sebastians face but I was too flustered to decipher it. "No, its just that, well, after you left for India, I, actually, I havent been able to stop thinking about you," Sebastians cheeks flooded with a deep blush and suddenly I was flustered for a different reason.

  I stood there dumbly, staring after Sebastian and trying not to believe him. This was just too complicated to comprehend. At the same moment, Jericho walked noisily down the stairs, stopping at the bottom step, next to me.

  "Sebastian, that is very sweet of you, but, but, but I already have a date," I grabbed Jerichos arm, clutching to it firmly and pulling him down the last step and next to me. "This is Jericho, my. . . . boyfriend," I smiled forcefully at Jericho and linked my arm with his.

  "Your boyfriend?" Sebastian asked, unbelieving.

  "Yes. My boyfriend," I repeated with more confidence. "Sebastian this is Jericho Bentley, Jer," I cleared my throat, trying to make my nickname for him sound natural, "this is Sebastian Cartier. "

  They reached across what felt like an infinite divide and shook hands, neither boy knowing what to say. After letting go, Jericho put a protective, but awkward arm around me.

  "I absolutely apologize," Sebastian retreated a few steps back, clearly unnerved by the idea of my boyfriend, albeit my fake boyfriend. "Forgive me Eden, I had no idea. "

  "Please, dont feel bad. Jericho and I, um, we just started dating, so we havent been very, um, public about it," I looked up at Jericho trying to gaze into his eyes, but he was enthusiastically agreeing with me by nodding his head; I could barely hold back my laughter.

  "Really, man,” Jericho turned his attention to the embarrassed Sebastian, “don’t feel bad. I get it. I just got lucky and asked her first," he smiled at Sebastian, extending his hand again. I heard the hard edge in Jerichos voice though, it was faint, but I noticed.

  "Again, I am sorry," Sebastian said, shaking Jerichos hand more firmly this time. "I guess Ill be seeing you Friday, then. "

  "Absolutely," Jericho said, walking Sebastian out. "See you Friday. "

  Jericho closed the door behind Sebastian and leaned back against it. A smug smile played at the corner of his lips and he looked me over with a look that said, "I told you so. "

  "Eden," he said sarcastically, "will you go to the high school dance with me?"

  "Shut up! I am so sorry!" I wanted to be mad at him, but I felt too bad for dragging him further into the mess my life was.

  "Avalon!" he yelled, walking past me into the kitchen.

  I followed quickly behind, afraid of the story he would spin to Aunt Syl and Avalon. Roxie and Lilly were just walking in through the garage door carrying several boxes of pizza. Everyone stopped to listen to Jerichos announcement.

  "Your sister just asked me to go out with her," he grinned playfully.

  "I did not!" I defended myself animatedly. "Well, Ok. I kind of did. "

  "Yes. You did," Jericho continued to taunt me. "And," he continued with more drama, "She is making me go to the dance with her this Friday. "

  "Yes!" Avalon laughed. "Lilly, it looks like were going to the dance too!"

  Lilly blushed a deep crimson red, hating the attention and not sure what to make of Avalons declaration. I watched Roxie flinch from jealousy and that was enough for me to get over my embarrassment and laugh with the boys. Maybe this dance wouldnt be as bad as the last one.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I smoothed out the black silk of my evening dress while staring at myself in Aunt Syls full length mirror. My hair had been straightened and styled by a professional hair stylist and my make-up done to perfection by another professional. I hardly recognized myself.

  The dress Aunt Syl and I picked out had been an extravagant price, but as I moved the full mermaid-style skirt, swishing the beautiful fabric about, I knew it was worth it. The gown clung to my body, the halter straps tying around my neck and dipping into a deep V. My back was exposed and I turned around self-consciously making sure the delicate silk covered all of the appropriate areas.

  A knock at the door drew my attention away from myself and I looked over to see Jericho standing in the doorway. I hardly recognized him either. He was dressed to the nines in a tuxedo with tails. His hair had just been trimmed; it made his crooked nose stand out against his angular face. His hazel eyes twinkled greener tonight, while his fingers tugged at his tight collar.

  He was paused in the doorway just looking at me, and I at him. I was more nervous for this dance than I should be. Without any threat of attack, since the Resistance would actually be attending the dance this time, there would come a point in the evening when I would have to dance. My stomach did a flip. I looked at Jericho frantically.

  "Its too much, isnt it?" I whispered and when he didnt answer I continued, "The dress, I mean. I cant pull it off. " I looked back to the mirror trying to find myself in it.

  Jericho cleared his throat and I feared that he would confirm my doubts, "No, Eden," he paused again and I looked back over to him, the panic nearly drowning me. "That dress was made specifically for you," his eyes swept over me in obvious appreciation and I could breathe again.

  I walked carefully over to him, in my tall silver stilettos and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you," I whispered, "I couldnt do this without you. "

  "Are you ready then?" Jericho cleared his throat again before extending his elbow. "Theyre waiting for us. "

  I nodded my head and we walked down the stairs and into the living room where Avalon was, very nervously, talking with Lilly. Roxie sat on the fireplace, playing idly with the brick. She looked very defeated and I felt sorry for her for a second. For an unexplainable moment I wanted to explain to her that Avalons feelings for Lilly didnt run that deep. He was more attracted to her beauty than the idea of a relationship and he would probably never pursue her. Although after seeing her in that dress, he might change her mind.

  Lilly was dressed in a striking emerald gown that covered her feet despite the gold heels that were probably six inches off the ground. I couldnt see them now; she had shown them to me earlier, worried that she wouldnt be able to reach Avalons arms while they danced, without them. The gown was a full skirt starting at her hips and the bodice tight against her tiny frame. Gold beading made straight lines of flickering light, extending from the boat neck top to the very bottom of the impossible amounts of fabric in her skirt. She looked up at me and the green from her dress set off the green in her eyes in a flash of color that betrayed her timid personality.

  Avalon too was dressed in a tux with tails, his hair pulled back tightly in the little messy bun at the nape of his neck that usually only girls wore. He was too confident however for the pony tail to be effeminate and it somehow created more of a masculine impression than diminishing one. He tore his eyes from Lilly a little reluctantly when we entered and the look that crossed his face was anything but flattering.

  "You cant wear that," he demanded of me.

"Calm down," I said quietly, feeling embarrassed and suddenly inappropriate.

  "Oh stop, Avalon," Aunt Syl swept into the room and this time Avalon conceded to her authority. "Eden looks ravishing. Now, get together for a picture. " She held up her camera and we all obeyed.

  I was almost too nervous to smile but somehow we all managed the appropriate poses and faces Aunt Syl was hoping for. When she was satisfied with the photo shoot, I gave her a kiss and we headed to the dance in Jerichos Jeep, after stuffing both Lilly’s and my dress into the backseat, careful not to harm either by shutting them in the door.

  Jericho pulled up to the valet after a long line of limousines; I had to laugh at both boys sense of entitlement and the feeling of pride they carried at being the only non-luxury vehicle in the lot.

  I walked arm in arm with Jericho into the gym. I inhaled a sharp breath; they had somehow out done even the Fall Equinox Dance. Everything was white and sparkling. The chandeliers that hung from the ceiling were crystal and lighted the expansive room in a soft, warm glow. The table cloths were white, with low bouquets of white roses tumbling across the tables and down the sides to the floor, leaving only room for place settings. The dance floor, too, had been made into pure white with millions of white rose petals covering every inch, so when the people would dance, the petals would float up and around them. Tall silver stands were placed around the room with the same style of bouquets flowing down their elegant sides and onto the floor in pools of delicate flowers, painting the room with purity.

  I looked up at Jericho with pure delight. I had no idea something this fanciful could exist. I truly felt like a princess at a ball.

  "Its just so beautiful," I sighed, losing my anxiety and feeling swept up by the very night.

  Jericho smiled down at me, his eyes intense. I could tell he wanted to say something but he didnt. He just looked at me until the moment passed and he was tugging at my elbow, "Shall we find our seats?"

  "Yes," I agreed and my eyes floated over the room again searching out Avalon and Lilly who had been ahead of us.

  In a moment, the sick feeling was back and the room began to swim. My eyes fell on Kirans table, and there he sat in all of his handsome glory, Seraphina at his side, having a fabulous time. He was surrounded by the usual group and they sat in an elite circle, laughing and carrying on. I was nearly swallowed whole by jealousy. For the first time that Kiran and I had been secretly together, I felt foolish and naive.

  There he was, with the right woman. The woman his father had handpicked for him. The woman he would marry. I was the girl that no one could know about. The secret mistress. The girl who would always love him and never get to be with him. And as he enjoyed his public life with those people a Prince should surround himself with, I had come with a pretend boyfriend and was not even allowed to speak to the love of my life.

  "Are you all right?" Jericho whispered in my ear, tensing his grip on my elbow.

  "Yes, no, Im sorry, Im fine," I felt the color drain from my face and I thought for sure I would vomit. Kiran momentarily glanced our way and I had to escape before I was sick all over Jericho. "Excuse me," I said over my shoulder, nearly running in the direction of the bathroom.